Valkyrie Storm

Chapter 2085 Lost

Chapter 2085 Lost
"Something is coming, it's in the sea ahead."

In the middle of the night and early in the morning, the murderous whispers awakened Tang Yan and Niya.

She lurks in the deep sea, detects the special aura in advance, and returns decisively.

"How much?" Tang Yan stood up.

"I don't know."

Tang Yan immediately jumped onto the [-]-meter arrow tower in front of him, his left eye shone brightly, Sen Luo's eye opened, and his vision stretched infinitely, penetrating the night and extending into the depths of the vast ocean.

Wow!More than ten miles away, a giant manta ray rushed out of the sea, splashing water, like an eagle spreading its wings, with a graceful posture, more masculine power, and very brave.It rushed out from the bottom of the sea, went straight to the thousand-meter cloud layer, and then dashed in a straight line, plunged into the bottom of the sea. After a while, it jumped out of the sea again, going round and round, moving forward at full speed in the distant sea area.

On the broad back of the manta ray, there seemed to be three or five figures standing vaguely, the exact number was unclear, looming in the mist.

Judging from their body shape and height, they all seem to be normal human beings, but... they can't detect breath, or there is no breath at all.

If it wasn't for Tang Yan's attention with Sen Luo's eyes, it would be difficult to find their existence in terms of breath alone.

Due to the effect of the ocean fog, the detection and perception in the mind are seriously affected, and the distance between them exceeds the range that can be detected with the mind at the moment. Only Tang Yan's Sen Luoyan can break through the shackles to a certain extent. Can observe the distance without scruples.

However...the other party seemed to be aware of it. At the moment when the manta ray rushed to the clouds, the leader turned towards Tang Yan, and he could see the bright eyes of the other party from a long distance away.

"Who are you?" Tang Yan said to himself, secretly surprised.

The man stared at this place all the time, his eyes became brighter and brighter, like stars in a dark night, until the manta ray completely submerged into the sea, and then... never came out again.

"Are you coming?" Tang Yan lurks and waits on the watchtower.

But time passed by, and the scene of the manta ray rushing out of the sea was not found again, nor did the mysterious team appear and attack.

The master of the murderous world dived into the deep sea, but also searched without a trace.

They seem to just disappear.

"Have you noticed? The sea beasts in the sea area are gone." Niya said.This sea area is too quiet. There are some common creatures on the bottom of other sea areas, but they are very few, but in this sea area where they live, almost no one is seen, even small fish, shrimps and crabs. It is a dead sea.

Looking at the ocean, Tang Yan felt no longer the vastness, but the mystery and crisis: "We can't wait any longer, we should take some action. The situation in the entire West Sea is very strange now, and the fog covering the sea makes us lose our sense of direction. The mysterious form Let us be on high alert, the enemy's purpose may be to let us interlopers wander around, get lost in each other, and kill each other."

"But we don't have a goal, where are we going? Where are we going?" Niya also had a headache. It was really impossible to start this kind of action without a clear mission.Although it is said that they are here to investigate in the West Sea, but... what are they investigating?The whole thing is weird and weird, nothing can be found at all.It's been accidents mixed with surprises, even disorientation.

Tang Yan took a serious test for a while: "Let's think about it from another angle. In fact, why the entire West Sea operation is clearly divided into two aspects, one is the attack of the demons, and the other is the defense of the West Sea. In this way, the actions of the mysterious forces in the West Sea , can also be divided into two aspects, one is to protect one's own secret territory, and the other is to prevent the invasion of demons.

Therefore, the calmer the sea, the more insignificant it is.The more dangerous the place, the more likely it is to approach the target area.We will follow the weird sea area, kill all the way, and sooner or later we will reach our destination. "

Niya nodded hesitantly, and agreed with Tang Yan's analysis, but felt helpless, Tang Yan's adventurous temper began to make trouble again.

"How is it? Do you agree?" Tang Yan was gearing up, ready to kill all the way.

"Agreed." The Lord of the Fiends affirmed.She has no life emotion, only analyzes pros and cons and right and wrong, so she naturally agrees with Tang Yan's speculation.

"Wait for a while." Niya walked into the air, reached out her hand, and summoned the scattered monsters with abilities, twisted them into a spiritual liquid again, and then swiped a pen, splashing 'ink' indulgently, condensing a huge amount of energy, slowly And meticulously painted a huge monster of more than 50 meters, lifelike, from the body to the scales, from the mucus to the eyes, it is like a real sea beast.

Niya's drawing is very careful, and the energy is gathered very carefully. After a long time, a huge "Zanghai python shark" took shape impressively. It is much longer than ordinary sharks, and it is more ferocious and huge than pythons. This is a real deep-sea overlord. Under the holy realm, it definitely belongs to the master, just like Luo Hu's control over the star battlefield back then.

Zang Hai's python shark moved its lower limbs a little, revived in an instant, raised its head and roared ferociously, and the sound moved the sea of ​​fog. There were a large number of runes and spells inlaid inside its body, blooming with dark water vapor, and surging with vast energy. You Niya Personally endow it with the super power of being infinitely close to the holy land.

Niya discovered this species on the Battlefield of Millions. She was very impressed with it at the time, and she also deliberately let it control it to participate in several battles, but in the end she was killed by the big demon of the blood demon clan, sucked up the blood, and died tragically on the battlefield.Now, she uses her unique secret method to reproduce the fierce appearance of the Zanghai python shark with the Taizu pen that outlines the creatures.

"We hide in its stomach, use it as a cover, and avoid unnecessary troubles on the way."

"Can it completely cover up your aura?" The Lord of the Fiends was skeptical.

"I can cover many runes inside it to cover up our aura, but it is difficult to completely cover up the aura of the Holy Land, so I can only say my best."

"You guys stay inside, I'm outside. I release my breath to act as a cover to attract attention. When others saw it, it was a demon saint riding a Zanghai python shark, ignoring your existence." Jijian The Lord volunteered.

Tang Yan and Niya sneaked into the belly of the Zanghai python shark, and Niya moved her body, forming a closed space inside to isolate the outside world from detection, and to cover up the breath of the two of them as much as possible.

The master of the fierce world 'controls' the Zanghai python shark, soars into the sky, and plunges headlong into the deep and cold sea.

In the early morning of the next day, the Zanghai python shark finally rushed out of the quiet sea area and suffered the first accident.

A dark shadow formed in the sea area ahead. The black shadow was so huge that it spread out from the sea surface, slowly wriggling, and changing subtly, like a dark door to a different dimension, which opened invisibly in the deep sea .

But when I walked in, I realized that it wasn't a black hole at all, but... an ironheaded fish.

A black fish about half a meter long, round and chubby, but not cute at all. It has a steel-like head and jagged fangs. It has an extremely violent crit and hits it head-on , Ordinary sea beasts will definitely hit each other and tear them to pieces.

It was a group of ironhead carp, not hundreds, not tens of thousands, but a huge group of nearly [-].It seems that thousands of troops gather there, the momentum is huge, dark and dangerous.

They were floating feebly like dead fish, drifting with the current.

It looks very quiet.

But hundreds of thousands of fish about half a meter long, what a scene?
Their impact and destructive power are absolutely unrivaled.

Once more than tens of thousands of iron-headed carp attack, it will definitely be a scene of bombardment, let alone a hundred thousand?
But... Tang Yan and the three of them have no fear at all, because there are fierce masters sitting in the guard, they are not afraid of their harm, but they are afraid that they will piss themselves off.

With a whisper, Zang Hai's python shark rushed over leisurely.

After a while, the entire sea area boiled.

Hundreds of thousands of iron-headed fish disturbed dozens of miles of sea area. They hit Zanghai python sharks at an astonishing speed, forming a dense tide, advancing one after another, bombing in all directions. Flooding all around, the moment all the iron-headed fish hit the field, they retreated extremely quickly, as if they were bombarded by a hammer, and flew away with a clang.

The group of ironhead carp was very confused, more furious, chaotic culling, savage impact, repeated, retreating again and again, the scene was called a berserk, that was called a chaos, no less than the tragic collision at the scene of a car accident, it was terrible.

Because of the huge fish tide, the scene was even bigger, so that cholera caused cholera on the bottom of the sea, which also caused the tide to surge on the sea surface.

The Zanghai python shark moved forward leisurely, and had been moving forward for tens of miles. The furious iron-headed carp suddenly became quiet, stopped mightily in the depths of the tide, and fell into a deep sleep again.

But as he walked, he encountered an accident again, which was a death poison composed of giant jellyfish.Even the sea water has turned blue, and the toxicity can be imagined.

Tang Yan controlled the field with green fire, burning and pushing forward.

I was lucky to pass by, but Tang Yan suddenly thought of a word at this time: "Defense line?"

"Defense line?" Niya mumbled silently several times, and said, "It seems that our guess is correct. The enemy has set up different traps in different areas, which is equivalent to the defense line, limiting the depth of our exploration team."

"I suddenly remembered something, just wait a moment." Tang Yan sat cross-legged suddenly, his consciousness sank into hell, and he found Zang Hai's singer again: "Where is the eternal death pit? Are the Black Demons really in the eternal death pit!"

'Y' raised his head slowly, met Tang Yan's gaze, and after a long time, smiled enchantingly: "My father, the Demon Lord of the Desolate Sea, once explored the eternal death pit, returned with serious injuries, and died in less than three years. Let me out, and I will do it for you." You lead the way."

(End of this chapter)

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