Valkyrie Storm

Chapter 2090 Blood Phantom VS Oss

Chapter 2090 Blood Phantom VS Oss
The flames surround the island, the islands surround, and the magma connects.The craters continued to show their power, like dozens of hundreds of ancient monsters, roaring in a low voice, spewing magma and dense dust.The magma wriggled and sprayed in all directions, and the flames here were raging, burning the space, turning the vast and vast island of flames into a world of flames.

At this special moment, the entire roundabout is trembling, large rock formations are cracking, and they are lifted into the sky in the raging wind. Countless small islands are broken and smashed, and they sink into the bottom of the sea with a bang. Some undersea stone pillars are broken, triggering undersea volcanoes The turmoil and eruption of the world, the rolling magma frenziedly erupted, burned the sea water, and cholera the tide.

A cholera scene.

Aussie fought against Xue Ming angrily and took the initiative to attack.Even though he was seriously injured, he still fought fiercely and fought crazily.The magic power is mighty, annihilating the flames and dense dust, shaking the sky and clouds.

It is more like a giant monster from purgatory, venting its anger and strength.

Xue Ming's blood was surging, and he fought back brazenly. He resisted easily with ease.He is too powerful, the scene is almost like a falcon fighting a lion, roaring the battle situation, and fully controlling the field.

"Blood demon beast type, the first beast." Xue Ming rushed into the sky, raised his head to the sky and howled furiously, moving the audience.The blood-colored fighting spirit bloomed violently, and a blood eagle roared. After getting up, it quickly formed in the depths of the blood energy, reaching a size of hundreds of feet. It was not a pure phantom, but more like a real existence.Its whole body was like fire, its hostility was soul-stirring, its roar was boiling, it covered the sky and the sun, and it swooped down on Oss.Between the heaven and the earth, the blood energy skyrocketed.

This is the true might and power of the Blood Demon Clan, and it is also the power of the bloodline that the blood and the dark can penetrate.He is not only condensed into a blood shadow outline like the blood dove. This blood eagle not only reproduces the majestic appearance of his life, but also possesses the power of the blood's imperial veins.

It is also the blood beast with the strongest condensed blood.

Although Oss is crazy, he dare not be careless. The blood demon Xueming must not be underestimated. When it moves its hands, the stellar energy is intertwined, as if it is filled with thousands of miniature whirlwinds, and countless amethyst stubbles are mixed in the whirlwind. With a roar, everyone The hurricane gathered in an instant, and all the amethyst stubbles were melted into it, soaring a kilometer into the sky, soaring into the sky, rumbling and roaring, no less than the resurrection of the ancient wind beast, crushing the blood eagle.

The large whirlwind formed by the hurricane contains the power of killing. The strong wind is like a wave of blades, and the amethyst stubble inside is peeled off from Oss. It can be called the toughest stone in the world. Under the force of the strong wind, The speed reaches the extreme, how terrifying is the impact and killing power?
The wind and the amethyst perfectly merged, twisted and rioted at high altitude, it was huge, shattered the clouds of the sky, shattered, hit the blood eagle with terrifying momentum, collided with each other, the scene was astonishing, no less than the entanglement and killing of two giant beasts.

"Don't look at the sky, look at me! This blow will kill you!" Xue Ming continued to attack, and before the high-altitude battle circle was over, he raised his breath and killed Oss.His eyes were icy, with murderous intent soaring into the sky, and the blood energy in his whole body continued to surge, and one after another blood-colored creatures appeared from the depths of the blood mist. They were real and fierce, and the blood energy was surging, and they jointly surrounded the blood ghost in the center.

It used its great power, and all the blood beasts gathered together, joined hands to attack and move forward, and fought together.And the knife wheel in its hand is even more radiant, sharp and piercing through the air, as if it can cut everything.

The space seemed to be solidified, more like distorted, and even Tianhai felt the strength from it.

The power of the blood ghost is enough to shock the world and alarm the Demon Realm.Its performance at this moment is really astonishing. In a trance, an invisible imperial force circulates in the world. This guy's breath is very weak, but it is so sharp and so strong.

The appearance of countless blood shadows, showing their real power, dancing behind them, showing their power behind them, is like a killer general, reflecting it in it, no less than a round of bloody scorching sun enveloping it, the horror is boundless, killing and cruel monstrous.

The blood energy seems to be hot and hot, and the space is distorting.

The fierce collision at high altitude evaporated, and countless gravels were wiped out.

Xue Ming rushed forward, showing his peerless power.

" are already on the verge of the peak? want to..." Oss finally changed his face. He worked hard and worked hard, but he was still firmly stuck in the peak of the Great Demon Realm, unable to sprint to the Great Perfection.The strength keeps getting stronger, but the realm remains motionless. However... Xue Ming's sudden outburst at this moment obviously showed some signs of loosening.

"On the trip to the West Sea, I will slaughter the five supreme demon clans, step on your blood, devour your blood, and help me Xueming... I will complete my step..." Xueming roared, overwhelming the Austrian world with the power of destruction. s.

In the depths of the frantic blood tide, in the core of the disaster, the space is distorted, and dense cracks are cracked. The troll Os is like a boat in a raging sea, facing the difficulty of overturning.At the moment of life and death, he stopped drinking, his whole body cracked and twisted, he squatted suddenly, and curled up into a ball. "The essence of the Stone Demon Clan's inheritance of profound meaning is that it is so simple! We don't have fancy moves, but only the most simple killing and defense, the ultimate display."

"Crack, click." Oss curled up hard, thick spikes appeared from all parts of his body, and the spikes gave birth to branches, which expanded rapidly, like giant trees growing. It grew and spread to the whole body. In a blink of an eye, Oss was surrounded by countless stone trees and turned into a giant thorn group, curled up there tightly, wrapping himself layer by layer.

"Ah! Destroy!" Xue Ming broke through the sky, and the blood was surging, filling the sky and sea.It seemed to be living in a round of bright blood-colored scorching sun, and it arrived at a very fast speed, bursting out with a powerful force, and the void was shaking.


The violent impact sound exploded, no less than a stone-shattering shock.

The terrifying ripples exploded with the wind and energy in an instant, sweeping across the entire island, the ground cracked in pieces, and all craters collectively erupted magma and dense fog.

Most of the Flaming Ring Island was destroyed by violent shaking, sank into the bottom of the sea, and then replaced by the magma gushing from the bottom of the sea.

The scene was no less than that of Tiande Huandao.

The vast sea of ​​fog trembled, and the terrifying energy triggered countless tsunamis, wreaking havoc in the endless sea.

Strong winds, dust, rocks, huge waves, and magma formed a chaotic storm that filled the sky and sea, and the power of destruction shook people's hearts.

It was in the depths of this turmoil that Xue Ming stood proudly high in the sky, as firm as a peak, his whole body was boiling with blood, and more than ten blood shadows danced around, silently guarding Xue Ming, resisting the terrible disaster between heaven and earth.His eyes were cold, staring at the source of the impact below.

Xue Ming is confident in the power of his blow, but it shouldn't destroy Aos.He wanted to see how much he could destroy Oss, so as to judge how much Oss had grown over the years.

"Xue Ming, you have touched the bottleneck of Dzogchen, I can congratulate you. But..." Oss's hoarse voice came from deep in the dust and magma: "The gap between the peak and Dzogchen is comparable to Heaven and earth, if you can touch the bottleneck, it does not mean that you have entered the Great Perfection, nor does it mean that you will be able to break through smoothly in the future, or that you will be successful. Your idea of ​​defeating all the demons in the West Sea is very good, but... It's unrealistic... At least I'm here, you can't make it through."

The dense fog gradually dissipated, and gravel scattered all over the sky.

When the core area is blasted, the magma surges and the flames are raging.A dilapidated giant 'stone nest' is gradually disintegrating, pieces of broken stones are scattered and fall into the magma, each stone stubble is full of cracks, and has suffered the blow of destruction, but... when all the stone stubbles are scattered, it appears Oss's true physique was...unscathed..."No matter how weak I am, Oss, it is impossible for me to be killed by your blood. You call me the number one fierce general of the demons for nothing?! "Oss moved his limbs vigorously, roaring and roaring, venting the mania of rebirth.It really didn't suffer any damage, and Xeon Defense saved a life.But... the magic power consumption is huge, the surface is safe and sound, but the internal consumption is huge.

They stone demons have never had any excessively fancy martial arts and secret techniques, what they pursue is the limit of physical fitness, and what they pursue is the full use of their bodies.Because of this, their fighting power is extremely strong, and the occasional counterattacks and attacks they show are so powerful and shocking.A punch, an elbow, a jump, all contain endless mysteries and destructive power, and the strength of defense is even more tenacious.When the right arm was destroyed in the first place, it was careless, and the second was that the magic power injected by the five supreme demons had an effect on the power of the black hole.

"It didn't kill you?" Tang Yan opened his Sen Luo eyes on the far seabed, and tried his best to explore the battlefield on the sea.The power of Xue Ming's blow not only made the islands on the sea tremble, but also caused the abnormal flow of the tide. He could naturally feel the energy inside, but Oss showed up safe and sound?
It seems that I was careless. The Great Demon Realm is already strong and powerful. It is conceivable that there is only one ancient golden clan like the Corpse Emperor.In the eyes of normal creatures, the peak holy realm and the peak demon can actually be understood as being infinitely close to the emperor, but they are actually so easy to destroy, especially this freak of the stone demon clan who has been tempered and tried.

"What should I do? Do I still need to wait?" Tang Yan silently paid attention and calculated silently.

Xuejiu has been injured, was forcibly dragged into hell, and is being ravaged by the evil ancestors. It is estimated that it will not last long, and Niya's side should be almost completed.He originally planned to wait for Xue Ming and Oss to fight to the death, and both sides would suffer, and then... unleash all the power of hell, and carry out a comprehensive encirclement and suppression.

But now it seems that Xue Ming played very steadily, and Oss also showed terrifying strength.It is impossible for them to lose both sides, only one side withdraws first, and the war ends.When the time comes, you may not be able to take them down with all your strength.

(End of this chapter)

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