Valkyrie Storm

Chapter 2091 Crisis

Chapter 2091 Crisis
At this time, Xue Ming and Oss fought together again on the island. The strength of Xue Ming and Oss' tenacity opened Tang Yan's eyes. The gap between yourself and them.

He had to admit that if he really confronted a certain person head-on, he might really only have to die in battle.

The peak holy realm is too strong and too strong.The word "Peak" already represented everything.I can kill some holy places with my skills and strength, but it is far from enough to challenge the peak holy places.I didn't believe it before, but today I saw it with my own eyes and had to accept it.

Tang Yan waited silently, was intoxicated by it, and paid attention to it with ecstasy.

The battle of the pinnacle, the battle of the emperor's veins, and the battle of the great devil, such a grand scene, is rare in a thousand years.The extreme interpretation in it made Tang Yan, a combat fanatic, so mesmerized that he almost forgot his real purpose.

The battle on the island also continued to be hot and escalated.

I have to admit that Oss's attack and defense power are really terrifying. No wonder the corpse royal family has been defensively passive all year round, and has never actively attacked the stone demons.Because of his serious injuries, he was always in chaos, but he also always resisted tenaciously, never showing decadence, never showing retreat, but always fierce and hot.

Xue Ming fought fiercely, constantly showing off his killer moves, failed to destroy Oss, but destroyed the entire Flame Ring Island in the continuous offensive.

Tang Yan can conclude that Xue Ming's enough to surpass Ma Yan Wang, Ke Zunshan, and also stronger than Tigris.

Half an hour later, Niya and the Lord of the Fiends came from the sea area at the other end. The two women looked a little embarrassed, especially Niya's face was slightly pale, but fortunately there was no major injury, and the deserted sea followed behind. Diva imprisoned Lammerle, who was half-dead in a coma.

This guardian demon is different from the blood dove. He is stronger and has more combat experience. He has killed countless demon spirit warriors over the years, and he deserves his name to be able to protect the blood.The master of the murderous world and Niya cooperated with the singer of the wild sea, and exerted all their strength to control him somehow.

"Is the injury serious?" Tang Yan cared about Niya, and handed her two half-Holy Spirit Source Liquid.By the way, put Lammerle in hell and hand it over to the Ren family.

"It's nothing, it's too much consumption." Niya took the spiritual source liquid and swallowed it silently.

Tang Yan also handed two pills and two bottles of spiritual source liquid to the master of the murderous room and the singer of the wild sea respectively.

"What is this?" The singers of the wild sea wondered, not daring to try it lightly.

"The source of energy, the ghost green fire can melt any life into the purest source of energy. Take it, and it can become a part of your body without too much refining." Tang Yan briefly introduced.

"Oh? The product of Skyfire?" The singer of the wild sea still didn't dare to try it. After seeing that Niya and the Lord of the Evil had taken it all, she tried it carefully one by one.

"There hasn't been a clear trend of winning or losing?" Niya wanted to pay attention to the battlefield on the sea surface, but the magma on the seabed was boiling, the tide was surging, and it was full of poison and blisters. She couldn't see the situation on the sea surface clearly, and she didn't dare to use her thoughts too much Scan inside to avoid disturbing the battlefield.

"Xue Ming consumes a lot, and Aussie's injury is also getting worse, but..."

"But what?"

"Oss didn't show any signs of despair. It was like this the whole time. It gave me the feeling that... um... he still has reservations. It's not that he has a tough character, but he really has reservations. It seems that the two of them want to separate It may be very difficult to win or lose." Tang Yan always pays attention to the battlefield and knows the situation there best.

"Shall we wait?"

Tang Yan thought over and over again: "There is no need to wait."

"What do you mean, do it now?"

"You don't need to make a move. Let's leave here and let the two of them continue to fight until the end. If Xueming can't wait for Xuejiu to come, he will stop himself. This battle can tell the winner, but it can't be life or death. We Let's go, don't show up again, leave them a suspense, let them tangle themselves."

"Give up the opportunity just like that?" The 'Yi' of the singers of the deserted sea felt very regretful. They were bloody and murderous in their bones, and they were by no means as glamorous as they appeared on the surface.They have no animosity with the Blood Demons and Stone Demons, and they have nothing to do with each other, but if they have the opportunity to kill the prince of the Supreme Demons, they will never be soft-hearted. Such an exciting thing makes me excited even thinking about it.

The rest of the sisters were equally moved. They didn't know how strong Tang Yan was and what secret treasures he had, but including their sisters, they were no less than the lineup of the Four Great Sacred Realms, so they could at least give it a try.

"It's not that I gave up the opportunity, it's that it's not yet time." Tang Yan had underestimated the prince of the Blood Demon Clan before, but now he had to face it squarely.The next war also needs to be dealt with more comprehensively. It is best not to fight directly with those princes and princesses of the demon race.Therefore, he still needs Oss's son-in-law as a disguise, and he needs to have a good relationship with Oss.

Let Osto live for a few days first, and then take its head in the future.

The master of the evil room suddenly whispered: "Don't go, there is a very weak force below."

Everyone was slightly surprised, but without exception, they maintained the status quo.They are all blood-licking people with rich experience, so they won't miss their feet just because of a single sentence.

"Sea beast, or..."

"It's not a sea beast. The power is very subtle, and they are using the power of the ocean to disguise. They are in the depths of the volcanic magma."

"What else can we find?"

"The temperature of the magma is very high there, distorting the space and forming a self-defense system. They are lurking inside, at least... more than three auras." The master of the evil room is the 'son of the sea', who has a strong sense of control over the ocean Nature is also excellent, so she can catch the faintest anomalies.

"The mantis catches the cicada and the oriole is behind. There is even a slingshot behind the oriole." Tang Yan said to himself, it seemed that someone was going to take advantage of it.

"Do you want to fight?" Huanghai Diva's murderous intent sprouted. In their world, this kind of spying behavior was equivalent to attack, and attack was equivalent to a deadly enemy.Because after spying, the next step is to attack, if the defense is not good, you will die.So, 'intent' and 'purpose' are... equivalent in their world... Does anyone dare to spy on them?Simple, kill!

"If they have been lurking here, they should have seen my previous battle, that is to say, they guessed my identity?" Tang Yan frowned.

Niya said: "The West Sea is dangerous. I don't know the identity of the enemy. Don't act rashly, otherwise you will only ask for trouble. We can leave and lurk in the dark. The enemies below should focus on the battle of Oss, Waiting for the opportunity to hurt both sides, and then attack and destroy. At that time, the three-way melee will inevitably be a situation of mutual damage. Let's go back and reap the benefits."

"Withdraw." Tang Yan agreed with the proposal. The advantage of his own side is that the enemy does not know that they have been discovered.

Regardless of whether the enemy is a human race or a demon race, between the 'prosperous team' and the 'devil royal family that is about to lose both', they will definitely choose the latter, unless...they have other plans.

Tang Yan and the others quickly evacuated and left the submarine volcano group.

Above the flame circle, the battle became more and more fierce.

Islands are constantly being destroyed, and magma is constantly mixed with cold water to form rock formations and become new islands.So although this is a sea area, it still can't limit the play of Stone Demon Oss.It crazily absorbs the energy of the rock, exerting its super strength.

Below the submarine volcano group, deep in the thick magma, there is continuous silence and constant boiling.The terrible magma roared and churned, scalding the sea water under his eyes, shining on the dark seabed.

Although Tang Yan's team is far away, the power of the Lord of the Fiends is still here, and Niya also left a lot of runes to help explore the abnormal situation.

After a long wait, the battle on the island showed no signs of stopping, but there was an abnormal tremor in the middle of the volcano group, and an extremely violent magma gushed out, and the billowing magma burst into endless brilliance, illuminating the vast seabed.


The deep roar of the beast echoed the tide, and a giant manta ray rushed out of the seabed with hot magma. Its perfect outline and pitch-black body quickly dispelled the magma from its whole body, flying on the bottom of the sea, raising its height.

However, it didn't rush to the surface of the sea, but... left... The manta ray's whole body surged with sea tides, forming dense and fine whirls, surrounding the whole body, forming a terrifying defensive light curtain, covering its own aura and covering its body. breath on the back.It was so fast that it rushed towards the direction Tang Yan and the others were evacuating.

(End of this chapter)

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