Valkyrie Storm

Chapter 2116 In the name of hell

Chapter 2116 In the name of hell (2)

Soon after, the island where Xue Ming was located first collided with Tang Yan's island.

On the edge of the beach, Xue Ming was already standing still, his bloody eyes were very piercing, focusing on the highest peak on the island in front, and on the man standing with a knife—Tang Yan.

"Are you abandoned by the Dark Demons? Or is it a dirty trick played together?"

Xue Ming walked towards Tang Yan's island without fear.

Kill Tang Yan?my will.

Duotianhuo?I do not mind.

Accounting for ancient spirits?None other than me!

Xue Ming has 1 reasons to set foot on the island, even if it is difficult and dangerous, even if it is really a trap.

Not long after, more than [-] islands converged one after another, but they all stopped two kilometers away. Compared to the area of ​​the islands, the two kilometers are actually very close, almost touching each other.But it is this short distance that has become an insurmountable gap for all parties. Whether it is the human race, the monster race, or the demon race, they have tried to leave the island before, but they all stopped.

Niya, Tang Chen, Sha Lan, and other strong men all stood on the edge of the beach, with weird eyes focused on the front, some were strange, some were vigilant, some were gloating, some were worried, some were nervous, and some were eager to try.

Some strong men paid more attention to the giant ghost gate and the mysterious man standing in front of the gate.

Niya was worried, but she couldn't cross the two-kilometer sea. She had tried many times before and passed out many times. She wanted to cross it, but there was nothing she could do.

Tang Chen and the others were also in a hurry, but they couldn't cross the seemingly ordinary two kilometers.

Tang Yan quietly signaled the judge to be a good assistant, looked around the audience, and raised his arms and raised his knife: "I, Tang Yan, are here today to invite you to fight, step on the ring, and fight to the end, non-stop. You don't need to worry about traps, today's The matter is very simple, if the Black Demons want to kill me, they will also kill you, in exchange for killing each other in exchange for mutual harm."

He wouldn't expect the three races of humans, monsters and demons to cooperate, let alone hope that he would arouse the vigilance of all parties by shouting out his voice, and jointly hate the Black Demons. each other.That being the case, let's go to war, solve it by fighting, and look for opportunities in the battle.

He only hoped that all parties would get rid of their concerns, and that more strong players would come to his 'arena'.

"Whether you are a real conspiracy or a fake disguise, today your life belongs to me, and your blood soul tree will also belong to me." Xue Ming walked into the air and confronted Tang Yan: "Invite the whole audience? You deserve to say Saying this sentence, up to ten rounds, will definitely kill you."

"You have to be clear that this is an arena, but it's not a game to watch. It's a life-and-death duel. To live is to win, and you don't care about the method." Tang Yan waited for Xue Ming's arrival. The blood soul tree on the left shoulder and the blood soul tree on the right shoulder, the three-color energy intertwined and surging In dark space.The left eye is dead silent, and the right eye is golden, mysterious and heroic, looking down on the audience.

With one's own strength, he invites the powers of the three clans to fight, no matter what the purpose is, his courage at this moment is enough to make the whole audience look sideways.

"Two together? So what if two more." Xue Ming's strength has not fully recovered, but about [-]% of it is still there, and the peak magic path combined with the strongest blood demon power is even stronger.

He is confident that he can absolutely crush Tang Yan without any suspense.

Not only was he confident, but the strong men watching the battle all around were also eager to try after careful observation, ready to go up to snatch the treasure.

They are basically not optimistic about Tang Yan. Although Xue Ming has spent a lot of money fighting all the way, Tang Yan will lose both when he faces Oss. The injuries and consumption are even greater than Xue Ming.

What's more, Xue Ming is several times stronger than Tang Yan.

Tang Yan's courage is commendable, but this is not a level battle at all.

Even the mysterious powerhouse that is matched is not enough to turn the situation around.

Tang Yan is now obviously a strong outsider and a middle-ranking man. He has all the treasures in his body, and whoever strikes first will win more.

"Huh, it's cheaper." Akang Yama and the others looked unhappy. They really wanted to go up and fight, but the sea was limited and they couldn't cross the gap.

"Tang Yan, ten strokes will kill you, can you believe it? The first stroke, then." Xue Ming shouted, and shot into the sky like a thunderbolt, trying to kill Tang Yan at the lowest cost.

The pair of sabers vibrated violently, the blood glowed everywhere, boiling the sky, and the blood energy was like a tide, eroding the dead energy of hell.

In the first battle, blood stained the sky.

The sudden burst of power was extremely terrifying, and it made the surrounding islands tremble. This kind of power was too powerful, and it didn't look like it erupted from a seriously injured body.

It seems that Xue Ming really wants to make a quick decision, directly bursting out with all his strength, and does not want to procrastinate and is unwilling to fight for a long time.

"How can Tang Yan resist?"

"Xue Ming is definitely not easy to deal with. Tang Yan is seriously injured, and he should not recover much. Even if it is two-on-one, Xue Ming has an absolute advantage."

"Tang Yan should have a secret technique, otherwise he wouldn't dare to fight head-on, but...Xue Ming is too strong..."

Many people whispered, nervously watching this battle.

"The first battle!" Xue Ming's attack was like a tide, and the full moon scimitar slashed like a storm, drowning Tang Yan at an extreme speed.

"It's your ability to kill me." Tang Yan didn't dodge or evade, and stood still.

Puff, Tang Yan was torn apart by the bloody saber glow, and Tang Yan was submerged in a flood of blood all over the sky. This wild scene caused the audience to cry out in shock, and even made Niya and the others' complexions change drastically, almost petrified.

However... Puchi, the blade was submerged, but there was no blood splashing everywhere, no flesh and blood flying everywhere, Tang Yan was chopped into hundreds of pieces, but they were all blue fire balls.

what happened?Many people were dumbfounded. It was obvious that Tang Yan was locked in the breath, with flesh and blood and breath, how could it be possible to turn into a ball of fire in an instant?
Xue Ming was in a bad mood, turned around and retreated in an instant.

"Don't underestimate Tianhuo, please." Tang Yan appeared behind him with a sneering snort, and Tang Yan gathered quickly, punching out with a punch as fierce as thunder, as fast as lightning, and extremely powerful.

"Sleight of hand, sneak attack? You deserve it too." Xue Ming flipped over at an astonishingly fast speed.At such a moment of drastic change, it is really unimaginable to counterattack like clouds and flowing water.

In a hurry, he was powerless to turn the saber, but he punched it hard with his elbow. The blood curse proliferated on his elbow, and quickly formed a sharp armor thrust. The lethality was absolutely astonishing.

Everyone watching this scene was terrified and admired Xue Ming.

Tang Yan's right fist was green and fiery, roaring like a beast's head. The moment it hit, it suddenly opened wide, spread out its five fingers, and a red candle appeared in the palm of its hand.

Snapped! !Palm and elbow communication, sonorous and deafening.

With the power of the blood and the power of the peak, the elbow definitely had the upper hand, and Tang Yan was thrown away on the spot without any suspense.

But Xue Ming suddenly screamed, struggled fiercely, and tumbling heavily towards the island.

This result stunned the audience.

what happened?what happened?
Xueming defeated Tang Yan obviously, but Xueming was seriously injured instead.

Tang Yan stabilized at high altitude, a sneer curled up on the corner of his mouth.At the moment of the impact, the red candle spread out in his palm was the natal candle from the ghost master Banruo. Although Banruo disappeared, the candle remained in hell. It exists by burning blood energy and refining blood.So Tang Yan used the eroding power of the sky fire to push the hell fire candle into Xue Ming's body.

It was like a candle blooming in his body...burning...continuously burning blood, burning his original blood.

"I'm not as strong as you, but I've restrained you everywhere. That blow just now was called Hell Fire Candle. How does it feel?" Tang Yan yelled, and charged back with force. Surging waves, endless.

"What the hell? Ahhh." Xue Ming was in pain, struggling crazily, but when the red candle touched the blood, it was like a leech entering his body, firmly rooted in his body, and frantically devouring his blood energy.

Rumbling, the sea of ​​flames collided, fully invading Xueming.


Dozens of chains were suddenly shot out from the rear of the ghost gate, which were forcibly wound and torn apart.

Xue Ming struggled in pain, and by accident, he was entangled in chains for an explanation, and was suddenly pulled towards the gate of hell.

On the other side of the gate of hell, in the connected hell world, the evil ancestor was ready to go. The moment the blood ghost descended, it triggered the hell fire, overwhelming him, burning his blood crazily.

"Life and death, the judge decides." The judge faced the gate of hell, and unleashed layers of death power to attack the battlefield of hell and invade the blood of hell.

Blood Qi is the life of Xue Ming, blood Qi is the energy of Xue Ming, how can it withstand such repeated shocks?
However... Xue Ming was too strong, and under the madness, he broke out again, broke free from the chains of hell, broke free from the prison of hell, broke out of the gate of hell, and returned to the world.

"Kill me? You are still far away." Xue Ming was ferocious, roaring like a ghost.

The strong man in the distance stared wide-eyed, completely unaware of what happened, just for a moment, they completely lost the feeling of Xue Ming.

"One more blow! Send you back to Huangquan!"

Tang Yan came head-on, with palm shadows all over the sky, and with a ball of fire all over the sky, he attacked Xue Ming mightily.

"Absolute strength, absolute suppression, you want to defeat me? Dreaming!" Xue Minglun moved the blood-colored full-moon knife, cutting out a sharp knife net, densely packed, intertwined in pieces, protecting himself, and clearing the way stronger.

"Hell, death knell!! In the name of hell, funeral!!" Tang Yan attacked head-on without fear, a small bell in his hand suddenly enlarged, reaching 30 meters, and instantly lay across in front of each other, blasting towards the sky full of sword nets.

boom! !Thousands of knife nets invaded the black bell, and immediately erupted with terrifying roars, shaking the heavens and the earth, and even more rolling waves of sound swept across the world, but an invisible sound burst into a wave of darkness, filling the island, and even more sweeping in all directions, covering all sides Other powerhouses on the island.

"Wow!" All the powerhouses screamed, including the water candle demon. The two half-sages froze on the spot. Their bodies were intact, but their souls were shattered. Those who died could not die again.

(End of this chapter)

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