Valkyrie Storm

Chapter 2117 In the name of hell

Chapter 2117 In the name of hell (3)

Deathstroke!Broken soul buried!
Hell thing! !Pluto treasure! !
Tang Yan borrowed it for the first time to fight against the blood sword curtain.

The death knell is extremely tough, and its power is even weirder.The stronger the force of the attack and the stronger the energy injected, the more terrifying the power of the counterattack. With Xue Ming's sudden madness at this moment, the counterattack force erupted, and the power of the death knell counterattack inspired was no less than Xue Ming's own counterattack.


Xue Ming's mouth and nose were congested, his eyes were about to burst, and he was writhing on his back, as if being swept by a strong wind, he was writhing back the same way in a state of embarrassment.

The power of death attacked by the death knell filled the whole body, intertwined and fused with the flames of hell, and erupted with terrible destructive power.

Xue Ming was hit hard again, his blood was out of control, and he was in chaos.

However, the raid did not end there.

"Judge's pen, book of life and death, let's talk about life and death." The judge struck powerfully, swift as lightning, and passed by him in an instant, leaving behind endless power of death, fully attacking Xueming, and once again cooperating with the death of the death knell Power.

At the other end of the ghost gate, in the endless darkness, Xie Zu sneered ferociously, and slammed his scalp drum wildly.

With heavy roars, across the space, through the gate of hell, it hit the falling Xueming.

hum! !The cruel power of the scalp drum seriously invaded Xue Ming's consciousness.

The power of sound is irresistible.

Xue Ming happened to be irritable at the moment, and the power of the scalp drum lies in 'irritability', which naturally magnified this resentment infinitely, this madness, this irritable mood.

Physical pain combined with mental torture.

Inside and out, a double whammy.

Xue Ming muran screamed, on the verge of losing control.

"Third strike! Who abused whom?" Tang Yan took a turn and descended. He wielded the Fierce Demon Saber with his Bengtian combat skill, descending from the sky, splitting the sky, and bombarding Xueming's chest in various ways. There was a "cracking" sound, and the blade's power was terrifying. The armor was broken on the spot, several bones were shattered, and it was almost split in half.

Blood spewed out, Xueming let out a loud cry, and smashed into hell.

Crashing, the chains of hell were fired again, and the endless fire of the underworld gushed out, trying to completely injure the blood underworld.

But at the close of the blow, Xue Ming's whole body was full of blood, and his blood was boiling like burning, forcibly suppressing the invasion of all the strange forces, guarding him forcibly breaking free, flying away, and getting rid of the destructive blow.

He finally escaped and rushed a thousand meters away, holding the double knives upside down, staggering, a bloody wound appeared on his chest, and several broken bones fell with the blood, which was shocking.The scarlet armor all over his body was shattered, and the armor on his chest completely disappeared.

The sea area fell into a depressive silence, everyone was sluggish, and the speed of the reversal of the situation was jaw-dropping.

They thought that Xue Ming would surely win, and Tang Yan would fight in embarrassment, but they were dazzled, they didn't understand what happened, Xue Ming was already seriously injured and fled, and it seemed that he was almost tortured to death.

what happened?
Tang Yan is so fierce?

That's not right, when I fought against Oss, I didn't see it so scary.

"Xue Ming, the arena is not so easy to fight. I said something to your brother Xuejiu. I, Tang Yan, are the natural enemy of your blood demon clan. Xuejiu doesn't believe it. He is dead. If you don't believe it, what you look like now It's not very pretty."

Tang Yan's strength is far inferior to that of Xue Ming, but with the help of countless treasures in hell, it is enough to completely abuse Xue Ming.

Xue Ming's face was painful, and he tried his best to suppress the burning 'red candle' in his body, but he couldn't refine it despite his own blood power.He couldn't accept the scene in front of him even more. He almost lost his life with his full attack?

What were those things just now?
arms?A weapon is a weapon after all, how could it affect the peak magic way?
"Impossible! Impossible!" Xue Ming roared like a wounded beast.

He couldn't accept this scene at all, completely!

"In this arena, everything is for survival. It seems that His Royal Highness Xueming is not ready yet, and has no awareness of death." Tang Yan slowly raised his hand, pointed at Xueming, and controlled the hell torch from the air: "I I have always believed in one sentence, before killing, be prepared to be killed."

"Wow!" Xue Ming screamed in pain.The blood energy in his whole body soared, he suppressed it desperately, and tried to refine it desperately, trying to control the monster in his body, but the **** blood candle was burning weakly but firmly, cruelly swallowing the blood energy in his body.

It's like a huge worm, devouring the flesh and blood in the body, the pain is unspeakable.

Tang Yan seldom used these innate treasures himself, but it didn't mean he was powerless to control them. On the contrary, the power he exerted was more terrifying than the ghost master of hell.

After all, these hell innate treasures were conceived in his own body.

This is also another terrifying place of Ghost Green Fire, the more it grows, the stronger it becomes, the more it defies the sky.

Similarly, the evil ancestor can also control the treasure of hell. He is not only the previous master, but also the incarnation of hell fire.

"What happened?" The powerhouses on the surrounding islands still haven't understood what's going on.

Such a weird scene made Zhong Qiang feel cold, and even more silently fearful.

How could a powerful man at the pinnacle of the Demon Dao be in such a mess?

Tang Yan stretched out his hand and made him scream in pain?
"In order to pursue martial arts, Xue Ming has a huge amount of blood in his body, and the source of magic power also exists in the form of blood. Now 60.00% of his body is covered with blood, and he will indeed suffer a disadvantage against Tang Yan, who also incarnates as a fire body. Although Xue Ming has the blood of the Demon Emperor , but Tang Yan is 100% pure emperor body, not a class. But Tang Yan's own strength level is much worse after all, even if he restrains Xue Ming, this situation is impossible."

All parties are wondering, and it is still unacceptable.

Even Tang Chen and Niya didn't expect such a scene to happen.

"Papa papa." There was a burst of applause, and the witch rode a golden thunder eel and rushed out of the sea: "Mr. Tang is really powerful, I really underestimated you, and I admire you."

"She can't hold it back anymore." The judge whispered, and Tang Yan said through voice transmission: "She hopes to use our power to severely injure Xueming, but she never wants us to capture him. She will definitely attack at a critical moment."

"A sure blow! Order hell, get ready." Tang Yan echoed.The witch was confident before, and would see a situation where both sides would suffer, and then easily take away Xue Ming, but now that he has suppressed Xue Ming, the witch can only show up, and arrange golden thunder eels to spy on her, and take away Xue Ming forcibly when necessary .

"Young Master Tang, His Royal Highness Xueming, you go ahead, don't worry about me, I'll just take a look." The demon girl chuckled lightly, with a smile on her face: "Your Highness Xueming, you have to do your best, the powerhouses of the three clans are watching, don't you For the sake of the Blood Soul Tree, but also for your face, for the face of your blood demon royal family, think more."

"You don't need to remind me." The blood rages, the blood river spreads, a monstrous magic power erupts, and the blood tide surges, just like the revival of ancient giant beasts, surging in the depths of the blood river, and the blood gas surges layer by layer, sweeping the vast fairy island.

Xue Ming finally went all out to show the supreme taboo of the blood demon royal family.

"You are strong, but your injuries are too serious. I am not as good as you, but I am not alone." Tang Yan still stood firmly in the sky, with flames billowing all over his body, and the fire elves bloomed again, his eyes were like torches, staring at the blood river in front of him.

Xue Ming swooped forward, surging blood energy and gathering blood water, and turned into a terrifying blood-colored beast. The space he stepped on trembled, shaking the sky and sea with horror, and the majestic blood evil spirit filled the four directions, forcing the powerhouses of the three races to keep retreating.

"Blood Soul Tree! Restore the original body! Huo Ling'er, merge!" Tang Yan murmured.

The Blood Soul Tree stepped upwards, exploded as a whole, and turned into a giant blood-colored tree standing high in the sky. It continued to swell and expand, and a bloody tree crashed to the ground, reaching a height of a thousand meters.

The blood tree is entwined with endless white mist, which is the entanglement of the soul.

Huo Ling'er fully merged with Tang Yan, one person and one spirit, perfectly blended, and transformed into the strongest fire elf, which is the embryonic form of the immortal celestial body.

Xue Ming came in angrily and completely drowned Tang Yan. He turned into a terrifying blood beast, tearing and devouring Tang Yan.

Tang Yan accepted it completely, neither dodging nor dodging, and was torn to pieces in a blink of an eye.

But this time the fragments were not scattered, but all stuck to the surface of Xueming, like a sharp sword sprinting, inserted into Xueming's body.

Although Xue Ming is at the peak state and has the strongest defense, Tang Yan's sky fire can just melt him.

"Enter my body and seek death."

Xue Ming was not afraid, but grinned grimly.

The river of blood gathered in the sky at an extremely fast speed, and all the blood energy returned to his body. He wanted to practice Tang Yan alive.

"Xue Ming, you should know that there is a thousand-year-old hall in Beast Mountain, and the owner of the thousand-year-old hall is Tigris."

Tang Yan sank into the depths of the blood beast transformed by Xueming, regrouped into the body, and controlled the hell torch. The sound was like a bell, clanging and deafening, echoing inside Xueming's body for a long time.

"Tigris is just a homeless dog! First kill you Tang Yan, take your blood soul tree, my blood demon clan will return to the top of the demon clan, roar." Xue Ming turned into a blood beast, roaring loudly, ignoring Tang Yan Provocative, surging blood, tumbling in the sky, huge blood beast roaring in the blood river.

The scene was shocking, and the terrifying killing power shocked Tianhai.

The bloody giant beast, the blood tide boiling in the sky, and the trembling space made the sky change color, the sea tide surged, and the entire fairy island trembled, and the gravel fell.

He wants to refine Tang Yan, use the power of taboo, the power of the blood demon, and the power of the royal family to show the true strength of the blood demon clan.

(End of this chapter)

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