Valkyrie Storm

Chapter 2128 Unexpected

Chapter 2128 Unexpected (1)

"I didn't hear clearly, who were you calling just now?" The witch's smile was still intoxicating, fascinating, but the coldness in her eyes no longer concealed, and she pierced Tang Yan like a needle.

Tang Yan absolutely believed that at this moment, the witch must have murderous intentions in her heart: "Fengdu ghost master—Ren Tianzhu! The fierce sea girl, the mermaid you caught! Need me to explain more clearly?"

The demon girl looked at Tang Yan for a long time, and just looked at him so firmly, with her usual smile on her mouth, but her eyes were depressed and quiet, as if she suddenly changed herself.

Tang Yan calmly met the demon girl's eyes, her eyes were deep, and there was no wave in the ancient well.It was the first time he saw this kind of performance from the witch, and it was also the first time he felt so strange, so unlike a...human... "You seem to have touched her taboo, be careful." Vanessa's lips and teeth Lightly open, sound transmission Tang Yan.

She could clearly foresee the girl's change, which was subtle but earth-shattering.This demon girl is very deep in the city, shrewd like a demon, she will never reveal her true emotions easily, her playful attitude stems from her absolute self-confidence, and she can easily control everything.But this time, it seems that the demon girl... has other touches... The demon woman was silent for a long time, the corners of her mouth curled up again, and she chuckled lightly: "Young master Tang, do you think it will be good for you to annoy me?"

"It's just a deal, it's just a battle of wits. I'll fight back when you make a gauntlet. I only blame you for not controlling yourself well. I blame you for losing this game. You really have no reason to blame me."

"Hmm, that seems to make sense."

"Niya and Tang Chen are both my most important people. I admit that you think so too. I leave my most important people in your hands. Shouldn't you be more at ease? Since we cooperate, we We should be honest with each other, and returning the two irrelevant people is also my concession."

"It's not bad, but I want to thank Mr. Tang for his humility?" The demon girl nodded her head with a bright smile.

"It's too polite, as it should be between allies."

"You can't return it!" Golden Thunder Eel sternly reminded them, how could they let them go so easily after finally catching them with deceit and attack?
The witch responded softly: "Why don't you return it? There is a saying in the human world, keep your word."

"What's wrong with you? We don't play this game anymore! Just kill them directly!!" Golden Thunder Eel had a bad feeling, was this tone of vindictiveness?What you are facing now is the powerhouses of the three clans, you need to be absolutely calm, and you must not mess up your own sense of proportion.

"How to kill, let them fight each other in twos? Do you think it is possible? Both Xue Ming and Ankang Flax have reasons and conditions to attack Tang Yan, so there will be a life-and-death struggle before. If other parties get mixed up Together, without extreme triggering conditions, they will fight each other to the death?"

"Our five old guys can take shots and hit one by one."

"That's even more unacceptable! Didn't the battle between Xue Ming and Tang Yan affect you? These freaks are stronger than each other. You have realm and strength but no combat experience, so you are easy to be hurt. How could I allow you?" Get hurt before the Dark Demons break out of the seal. Don't worry, I can handle it."


"Shh, watch me play."

Tang Yan asked from the air: "How are you thinking? There are so many people watching. Since you agreed, you have to fulfill your promise. We don't have such a little trust between us?"

The witch stopped the Golden Thunder Eel's last persuasion, and waved unconsciously, suppressing the questioning from the depths of the sea.She smiled at Tang Yan, softly and coquettishly: "Mr. Tang has really decided?"

"It's decided, just the two of them."

"Wait a minute!" The witch gestured towards the sea area, and soon after, a giant silhouette slowly rose from the sea ten miles away, without seeing the real appearance, there was a low growl, and the monster spewed out two huge stone cages between its mouths, Across the sky, it slammed heavily towards the island where Tang Yan was.

The surface of the boulder cage is covered with specific energy, endowing them with the ability to resist the invasion of sea power.

"Puff!" The boulder cage shattered, and Ren Tianzhu and the Lord of the Fiends staggered and fell out.

They were scarred and covered with blood all over their bodies, and the many rough wounds were shocking, revealing the pale bones inside, as if they had suffered terrible attacks and abuse.

Tang Yan put his hands together: "Who hurt you like this?!"

"There are four terrifying monsters on the bottom of the sea, and their strength should be no worse than the Golden Thunder Eel." Ren Tianzhu gasped weakly.

"Very strong, I am not an opponent." Rarely did the master of the murderous world get so badly injured.

"The five spirits of the cherry blossoms in ancient times are still alive?" Tang Yan was basically sure now.

"The other ghost masters were all swallowed by the nine-headed monster snake, and a ghost master was swallowed by one head. I can feel their breath, and they should still be alive."

"Go back to recuperate first, hurry up, I may ask you to come out to help again." Tang Yan took them into the ghost gate and placed them in their own territory.

The demon girl glanced at the ghost gate that was closed again, and said with a smile: "I fulfilled my promise, should Mr. Tang also fulfill his promise?"

"Of course. Who will come first?"

"Of course we will go together. We still have a lot of things to deal with below, don't waste time here, just solve it at once. I believe Mr. Tang can have this strength."

"You think highly of me. Dias has an old slave who is close to him, and the Heavenly Demons also have a guardian general besides Shalan. I can't handle such a lineup."

"Mr. Tang has three or five assistants in hell, and the succubi are following Mr. Tang. Your lineup is stronger than them. Besides, wouldn't it be more interesting to fight with variables? Otherwise, seven or eight of you besieged others one by one. Two, talking about it will also affect Mr. Tang's reputation."

"Can I protest?" Tang Yan intentionally or unintentionally looked at the Spirit Race team that had remained on the island, with fear and resistance in his eyes.

"Hee hee, the protest is invalid." The witch laughed, noticed Tang Yan's eyes, and felt happier. She deliberately wanted to keep the spirits from leaving, pretending to forget them, and deliberately let Tang Yan have headaches and worries.When necessary, she will also create opportunities for the Lingzu to surprise Tang Yan.

She slowly hooked her hands towards the three islands, and Shalan, the lieutenant general of the Demon Race, Dias and Lao Nu, a total of four strongest demons set foot on the island one after another.

A new battle for hegemony is about to kick off, but at this moment, the mood of the audience is no longer expectant, but has turned dull, and all parties have their own thoughts.In the beginning, Xueming fought against Tang Yan, and in the later stage, when Akang Yama fought against Tang Yan, everyone was in the mood of watching a good show, wishing to fight to the death, but now, the battle has risen to a group of more than ten strong groups, and it will be a lose-lose The situation will be the scene of the fall of the Heavenly Demons and Evil Ghosts.

The team of the Tri-Clan Alliance is rapidly decreasing. When Sha Lan and the others fall, who will be next?How much is left in the league?
"Huh." Tiantu took a deep breath, and also noticed the expressions of the other teams, all of which were gloomy in calm and worried in Lengmo.Waiting for Shalan to die in battle, waiting for the evil ghosts to fall, is tantamount to declaring that all the demons are 'killed', what kind of fate will be waiting for themselves?
The atmosphere changed invisibly.

"Damn it, I, Dias, will also have a day of despair?" Dias hated in his heart.Stepping on the ruined island is like stepping on the road of death, and it feels bad.

The old slave followed closely, but couldn't think of a good way.The matter has come to this point, beyond everyone's expectations, including Tang Yan, I am afraid that the three strong men, monsters and demons are like some fish on a chopping board, taking whatever they want, and being bullied by the witch at will.

He could not break the situation by himself, so he could only secretly make up his mind to defend His Highness to the death.

"General!" The lieutenant general of the Heavenly Demon Clan came quickly to Sha Lan, with a serious expression on his face: "Are we really going to fight like this? Tang Yan's lineup is too strong, and we have little hope of winning. Even if we win, the Black Demon Clan They won't let us go."

"What else? Have you ever imagined that the Eternal Death Pit will be like this?" Sha Lan continued to move forward, still brave.But there was no anxiety and resentment in his heart. The dignified number one general of the Heavenly Demon Clan was forced to fight to the death at the mercy of others.

Things have come to this, so what?

In the sea of ​​mist, where is the way to break the situation?

The development of the situation in the West Sea is not what I expected, and I am afraid it will not be what the emperor expected.

I can only bite the bullet and fight on, and I can only hope for accidents to happen.

Dias and Shalan stood at the left and right ends, hundreds of meters apart, exchanging glances with each other, forming an alliance tacitly and helplessly, which is the only thing that can be done.

Tang Yan secretly clenched his fists, took a deep breath, and gradually descended from the high altitude.

Adolf and Vanessa followed closely.

Things have come to this point, it seems that there is nothing to say.

The atmosphere suddenly became tense, and the battle was imminent.

"Hee hee, it's a good show." The witch smiled brilliantly.

Tang Yan first looked at the demon girl, who responded with a gentle nod, indicating that it was time to start.

"Your Highness, the battle of life and death is about to begin. How do you feel?" Tang Yan clenched his hands, green flames blazing in both fists.

"It's too early to talk about life and death." Sha Lan clenched the soldiers tightly, killing intent secretly.

"Don't be arrogant too early. Even if you beat us today, you won't win the entire West Sea operation. You just live a few days longer than us." Dias was upset and couldn't calm down.

"Have you ever thought that you will be down to where you are today?"

"Stop talking nonsense, fight if you want!"

Tang Yan looked at the strong men on every island in the distance, at the teams of the human race and the monster race, and then at Sha Lan and Dias on the left and right: "Actually, I didn't expect to be reduced to the present, and let me be a mermaid." It's not a good feeling. Sometimes, in the face of survival, dignity can be put down a little bit."

"You want us to beg for mercy? Delusion!" Dias gritted his teeth in hatred.

"I really hope you beg for mercy, but I hope more..."

"We know ourselves?"

"I hope you can have a tacit understanding, and there can be a common tacit understanding between our three clans." Tang Yan's gaze stayed on the eyes of Shalan and Dias for a while, conveying some kind of opinion, Once again, he turned his attention to the human and monster races in the distance.

(End of this chapter)

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