Valkyrie Storm

Chapter 2129 Unexpected

Chapter 2129 Unexpected (2)

Shalan and Dias were not fools, they were slightly surprised, and stared deeply at Tang Yan, but they were not so sure.

Tian Tu, Jing Jing Bao Shen Zhu, etc., and even Pei Sa and others, also received Tang Yan's eyes, which seemed to be intentional or unintentional, and seemed to have inexplicable meanings.

"From stepping into the West Sea to now, we have already made many mistakes, and we cannot continue to make mistakes. Our strength is actually very strong, but we have ended up in the current field. You all know the reason. Today's battle, if we really fight, brake Lan will die, dying in this vast western sea, Dias will die, and become the best of the Dark Demon Clan to open the seal. After contacting the four great demons, what will happen to the remaining human race and monster race?
The weakening of the overall strength means that the witch can play with you better.

As for me, it didn't end well in the end.

The situation has developed beyond everyone's expectations. I don't want to be enslaved anymore. I've had enough. How about you? "

Tang Yan slowly spread his hands, dissipating the green fire and the strength of his whole body.

"Huh?" The witch's complexion suddenly changed.

The four big demons including Dias and Shalan also raised their eyebrows instantly.

"Tacit understanding! Opportunity! Life and death! Dignity?" Tang Yan skipped four words in a row, very lightly, but every word was stern. "I'm here, waiting for you."

"Bang!" Shalan, Dias, the lieutenant general, the old slave, and even the spirit race in the distance, suddenly burst into a collective explosion, and as the ground under their feet cracked, they all rushed towards Tang Yan.

In this instant, they reached an unprecedented tacit understanding, and even the reflection of the body exceeded the decision of the consciousness.

"Boom." The billowing energy converged, and several figures gathered from all directions, all scattered around Tang Yan.

This scene not only stunned the golden thunder eel, but also surprised Tang Yan secretly. It really... came true.

"Only this time, the next time is not an example."

"Unite! Confined to the eternal death pit!"

"Advance and retreat together, civil strife is strictly prohibited!"

The Spirit Clan, Sky Demon Clan, and Evil Ghost Clan roared one after another, responding to their own reflections, and also ordering each other's team that suddenly assembled.

"Stabilize the underground rock formation." Adolf growled, motivating all the powerful players to use all their energy, pouring the ground under their feet through their feet, solidifying the island within a range of nearly ten miles with all their strength, and controlling this landing place.

"We! And us!" The Five Devils almost jumped up and rushed into their circle like lightning.

"Ah?!" The strong men on the surrounding islands stared collectively, and some strong men almost jumped up and rushed there.It was too sudden, too tacit, and unbelievable, but the islands were separated by miles of sea, and they couldn't rush across.

"Tang Yan!" The demon girl's eyes turned cold, her charm and laziness disappeared.

This scene, this counterattack, was harsh and fierce, and a slap was slapped on her face.

"You had a great time, but it's over." Tang Yan stepped up, his right eye suddenly focused.

Hum, the golden light flickered slightly, Sen Luo's avatar suddenly appeared behind the demon girl, and only in an instant, the round knife slashed towards the demon woman's neck.

He is a light and shadow, but also a Dao seal, appearing abruptly and without sound or energy fluctuations, moving like a lonely soul.

In the blink of an eye, neither the witch nor the golden thunder eel had noticed his existence, but in the depths of the wild sea, a roar suddenly burst out: "Be careful behind you!!"

Boom, boom, the vast and huge waves boiled up, and the tide of water in the sky set off a shocking trend, and it was even more destructive. It wanted to rush to the island and destroy Sen Luo's clone.

However... "Wang Yang Zhize, I am the master, be determined." The water candle demon suddenly burst into the air, and a terrifying ripple exploded in an instant, like ripples and waves, sweeping across the sky and filling the sky and sea.The rampant sea area and the huge energy waves stopped abruptly within a few breaths, and the scene was huge and shocking.

"What?" The demon girl and the golden thunder eel turned their heads in shock, and the heavy saber of Sen Luo's avatar slashed down at the sound of the sound, and it was aimed at the demon girl.

"Om." The golden thunder eel was horrified, and the golden light surged in an instant: "Get out!"

However... "Crack!" The golden thunder exploded, and Tang Yan crossed the air with the thunder seal, forcing his way into the golden tide, and the ball of 'dragon's breath' stuck in his throat was sprayed towards the witch like a cannonball: "Demon girl, die!" .”

Dragon's breath is the essence of sky fire, a 'liquid' formed by compressing the energy of sky fire to the extreme, and the power of devouring and melting contained in it can be imagined.

"Hiss?" Shalan and the others were all moved. They never expected that Tang Yan would kill him directly at such a critical moment. A huge wave of energy erupted from all of them, like ten thousand swords firing together, blasting towards the front densely.

At this moment, the energy of the entire island boiled.

Too suddenly, but more violently.

"Boom." A violent explosion boiled in the sky, drowning the Golden Thunder Eel and the Demoness.

Tang Yan was forcibly pushed back by the chaotic energy storm. The blasting energy was so terrifying that it gathered the full strength of many powerful people to attack.

"Roar." The golden thunder eel roared, the golden light was like a tide, annihilated the energy, and forcibly killed it, its strength was extremely terrifying.

But at this moment, the golden scales all over its body were broken into large pieces, dripping with blood, and a big hole was melted in the tail by the dragon's breath, the size of a fist.

On its back, the witch's face was as cold as ice, and there was a deep scar on its neck, which was bleeding blood.Sen Luo's clone was cut crookedly, but it still managed to land on her body. It wasn't a big wound, but it was unprecedented damage.

"Damn it! Damn it!!" The demon girl went into a rage, and the golden thunder eel was about to explode as well.At the same time, the furious sea tide in the rear forcibly broke free from the imprisonment of the water candle demon, boiling into the sky, boundless, and four terrifying monsters were rising rapidly from the bottom of the sea, and there was a terrifying roar: "Unforgivable."

However... the moment of great change, the reappearance of great change.

"Brother Tang Yan, you did a great job. It should have been like this a long time ago." A sinister sneer suddenly sounded, just above the demon girl and Thunder Eel.

There, a chubby little pig appeared at some point, wagging its tail and smiling, but full of cold and murderous intent.Its right front hoof actually stepped on the witch's head, and the front hoof was blooming with pale energy, as if it could crush her head at any time.

"Mirroring mirror pig?" All parties were astonished, and all looked at the island where the mirror mirror pig was originally located, wondering why such a scene happened.

The God of Treasure Pig is still there, with a half-smile, staring at the same God of Treasure Pig behind the demon girl, is gradually fading away, turning into a golden light dissipating in the sky, and the God of Treasure walking behind the demon girl The pig is more and more real until it is fully formed.

Mirrored Zhigao Profound Truth, copy yourself!

Like a mirror, it replicates the same self in different spaces and under different lights, and then, the transfer of body and illusion breaks free from the shackles of time and space.

The audience was startled, shocked by the terrifying strength of the mirror image Treasure Pig.

Few people have heard of it, but have never really seen it, especially in such an environment.If you don't move, you will use it, and if you move, you will determine the universe.

"Don't move around." Mirror Image Treasure Pig smiled all over his face, threatening the witch and the golden thunder eel, as well as the terrifying monsters emerging from the bottom of the sea.

"It's now! What are you waiting for?" In the moment of silence, Tiantu and other powerhouses roared collectively, without exception, rushing towards the island where Tang Yan was located with the strongest speed and the strongest impact force.

The sea for several miles cannot be crossed, and it is still a shackle.But they all went all out, instead of being ravaged by fish and meat in place, it would be better to fight desperately.Their fate should no longer be in the hands of others. Between life and death, under stimulation, they made the craziest moves.

"Ahhhhhhhhhh." Countless strong men screamed collectively, their hearts ached a few hundred meters away from the island, and they fainted from the pain, but although their consciousness was 'extinguished', the momentum of full-speed impact was still there. The stones thrown out hit Tang Yan one by one.

"Don't even think about it!" the seabed roared.

Papapapa, at the critical moment, a large amount of tide surged on the sea surface, and it was necessary to intercept it.

However... "I'm here." The water candle demon whispered, once again blooming the power of Wang Yang's control, forcibly suppressing those water tides, and breaking itself, turning into dozens of clear water columns, rushing to different directions, After catching the unconscious Tiantu and other strong men, they turned to gather at Tang Yan, and then formed a real body from the intersection of water jets.

As smooth as flowing clouds and flowing water, as swift as lightning and flint.

An unexpected call, a sudden tacit understanding, after a long period of depression and depression, under this extreme stimulation and call, all parties formed a full-fledged union at the moment.

An incredible situation is formed in this incredible.

Tang Yan stood proudly in mid-air, pointing at the demon girl with a knife, and the powerful men of the three races of humans, monsters and demons surrounded the surrounding area, and collectively locked the demon girl.The energy surged and the breath was vast, causing the energy of Tianhai to boil.

The situation has suddenly changed to this point.

(End of this chapter)

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