Valkyrie Storm

Chapter 2131 Cherry Blossom God Tree

Chapter 2131 Cherry Blossom God Tree
"They have finally appeared." All the powerhouses of the three clans were on guard. They had already felt the powerful aura on the bottom of the sea, but now it seems that they are stronger than expected, at least not much worse than the golden thunder eel.One golden thunder eel is enough to cause headaches, and now there are four more, and they are in the opponent's territory. Today's battle... will be very difficult.

"There is a legend circulating in the West Sea. In ancient times, a sacred cherry tree gave birth to wisdom. It was as huge as the land and as pure as the Holy Spirit. It provided a pure land for the vast sea, protected the turbulent West Sea, and guarded the wandering creatures for thousands of years. , almost in the emperor.

Under the old cherry trees, there is a pure sea area, which is the clean land of the West Sea.There are five sea beasts living in it, crocodiles, eels, turtles, snakes, and toads. Xihai collectively calls them the Five Spirits of Sakura.

In the late ancient times, the sacred cherry tree withered and the five spirits of the cherry blossoms disappeared. The once pure land in the sea area turned into a huge and ancient deep pit. "

Tang Yan introduced it softly, but his eyes were fixed on the giant toad.It's so similar, it's exactly the same, it seems to be an enlarged version of Zhao Zimo's war pet - the three-legged toad.When Xuanwu, the holy emperor of the East China Sea, personally captured a three-legged toad, could it be the offspring of this cherry blossom spirit beast?Will you know something again?
"This is the origin of the eternal death pit? How do you know this?" All the strong looked at Tang Yan in surprise.

The most different is the water candle demon!
The Sakura Five Spirits should belong to the highest secret of the West Sea, and it is also a secret that belongs to the self-storage of the Lost Battle Realm. It is a secret that Holy Emperor Xuanwu got by chance.I was ordered to come here to investigate the truth, but Tang Yan knew it in advance?
"I said that I am wise and knowledgeable, but you may not believe me." Tang Yan didn't need to tell these guys in too much detail.

Pei Sa glanced at Tang Yan for a while: "If this is the case, the whole Xihai incident will be clear. The initial birth of the Black Demons should have benefited from the revival of the Sakura God Tree, and they were even puppets created after the Sakura God Tree awakened. Instead of its activities in the world, the Black Demons were seriously injured and defeated, and they voluntarily sealed up in the eternal death pit. In fact, they returned to the root of their original birth.

Now, the sacred tree of cherry blossoms has grown and matured, the five spirits of cherry blossoms have all returned to their peaks, and the black demons have also fully recovered in the eternal death pit. They... want to come out.

Not only the Black Demons will come out, but also the sacred tree of cherry blossoms will reappear in the world, together with the Black Demons to rule the West Sea. "

"The sacred tree of cherry blossoms? The master of the Dark Demons?" The demons from all sides inhaled secretly, with extremely serious expressions.

No wonder that incomparable genius, the Dark Demon Emperor, suddenly appeared back then, and he killed all the way until he became emperor. It turned out that it was not only because of the essence produced by the continuous hybridization of sea creatures, but also because of the energy source provided by the ancient sacred tree.

No wonder the West Sea is completely controlled now. It turns out that the cherry tree has been reborn and matured after reincarnation. Only such a powerful ancient power can control millions of creatures.

"What should we do now? We are limited by the power of the sea area, so we can't fight with all our strength. I'm afraid we have little hope of defeating the five spirits of Sakura." Tiantu and others woke up slowly, still suffering from chest pain and suffocation.

"Sakura Sacred Tree has been active in the world for many years. I have dealt with him before." Tang Yan looked serious.

"What?" The three clans were surprised.

"Master Tang, Lingmei has not finished talking, I will continue." A slightly hoarse voice appeared on the back of the giant tortoise, and a handsome young man walked into everyone's sight. It was the cherry blossom that Tang Yan met at the beginning. juvenile.

Now that the matter has come to this point, the identity of the other party is probably already obvious, and it is the remodeling of the ancient sacred tree in this world.

"That's him?" Many strong men stood on guard.

"It's this person, be careful, he can make you fall into a dream without knowing it, and you can't control your self-awareness." Tang Yan solemnly reminded everyone.I have experienced the horror of the other party more than once. Today, when I come to the birthplace of his ancestral land, his strength must be even more terrifying.

The cherry blossom boy walked to the top of the spike on the back of the giant turtle and looked at everyone: "First of all, welcome to the eternal death pit. The sea area under your feet belongs to the eternal death pit, and it is also the pure land bay in ancient times. .

When the sacred tree withered back then, it was a premonition that a catastrophe was coming, self-sealed, self-sleeping, embarked on the road of reincarnation, and reborn from nirvana after endless years.

The power of the ancients is covered in dust here, and with my return, the power of the past is rejuvenated.

Here, unless you are an emperor, you will all be severely affected. This is the power of heaven and earth, the power of ancient times, stronger than me, and you are powerless to resist. "

Everyone looked dignified, secretly guarded, and listened carefully.Ancient power?The power of heaven and earth?God's feedback on emotion and experience?No wonder, so cruel, so terrifying, they were trapped here abruptly.

"The strength of this kind of power varies from person to person, and varies from person to person. It is not easy for you all the way, and it is not easy for you to grow to where you are now. The ups and downs at the beginning were all taken by you. You may be proud of the trials and tribulations on the road to growth, but...experiences are always experiences, which cannot be erased, and will never be simply reduced to memories. They will leave a mark on you.

And the role of this sea area is to give back to you in a concentrated way the experiences you have had and the intense emotions you have generated.Let you feel all the emotional fluctuations in decades or even thousands of years in a short period of time.

The more cruel and complicated the journey you have experienced, the stronger the suppression you will suffer here, and the richer your emotions are, the stronger the suppression you will endure here.For example, a newborn baby can travel here without hindrance, and a life body without emotions can also travel here without hindrance.

For example, the water candle demon can leave the island at a distance of a thousand meters, and can move within one mile outside the island. For example, all of you present can move hundreds of steps away.As for Tang Yan Tang Palace Master, your movement is only 25 steps.In other words, you have the strength of a warrior, but retain the emotions of a mortal. In this sea, you are the most vulnerable life, which comes from the richness of your emotional world. "

Everyone looked at each other and glanced at Tang Yan more or less.

Martial artist strength, mortal emotion?

How could such a freak exist.

Tang Yan is now a martial sage. After many transformations, he has been promoted from a warrior to a martial sage. He should also have experienced heart-breaking choices. Didn't he ever give up the slightest emotion?

In this way, how can he become emperor?
The emperor is cruel, and he abandons the supremacy of normal life emotions. It is absolutely impossible to mix mortal emotions. Otherwise, he will not be able to calm down, control emotions, anger, sorrow, and joy. ethnic group?
While they were surprised, they also kept this kind of thing in mind. After all, this should belong to Tang Yan's weakness. What if it is used someday?

The cherry blossom boy was always staring into Tang Yan's eyes. "Part of you may use a specific secret technique to break free from the confinement of this force temporarily, but you will not be able to escape this sea after all, it is wider than you imagined.

As long as we are within this sea area, we are the masters, and no one can deny this.

So, first, please, Your Excellency the God of Treasure Pig, move away from my sister, and then please spread out your energy, we might as well have a peaceful talk. "

"Where did you come from? Brother Pig, I feel very comfortable here, and you want me to leave? Unless this beautiful girl sends me out in person, there is no need to talk about it." The introduction from a distance, naturally does not know the real identity of this person.

Tang Yan confronted each other head-on: "There is ancient power in this sea area, but not on this island. You are very powerful and can control people's emotions, but you can't control all of us, otherwise you wouldn't have created random chaos for us from the beginning until now. Cannibalism.

If you want to open the eternal death pit, you need the blood of the six supreme demon races. This is my bargaining chip, and it is also the bargaining chip you have to face up to.If you want to negotiate, you can, leave this sea area, we are really negotiating fairly. "

"Master Tang, don't deceive yourself. You know it well and I know it too. You are determined not to sacrifice the blood of the six major demon races. My compromise and concession will only become your capital to make progress, and you will get nothing in the end. I Unlike my sister, who likes to play around, I'm more realistic."

The cherry blossom boy raised his hand to signal, and several islands imprisoned in the distance returned one after another, carrying Niya, Tang Chen, Tang Cang, Tang Shou, Tang Zang, Tang Juan, and the singer of the wild sea on them.

Tang Yan's complexion changed slightly, and he felt a little uneasy.

"Hold on, hold on tight. The temporary alliance is convened by you. You must not lose your sense of propriety, and you must try your best to take into account the emotions of the strong, otherwise the alliance will collapse immediately." Vanessa whispered to remind Tang Yan that this alliance Unprecedented, but also extremely fragile.

She had a premonition that the cherry blossom boy was more ruthless and stable than the girl, and realized the weakness of the alliance - Tang Yan.

(End of this chapter)

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