Valkyrie Storm

Chapter 2132

Chapter 2132
Soon after, the seven islands returned from the seas of all parties, and gradually approached this confrontation land.

"Huh? That's..." Niya, Tang Chen, Tang Shou and others were all surprised, looking at the island in front of them strangely, where all kinds of strong energies were surging, like countless flames burning, but due to Too much gathering, so that the space is distorted.

Many strong men stand proudly, such as Shalan, Dias and other powerful trolls.

Some powerhouses are gradually struggling to stand up, such as Tiantu, Brahma and other human race powerhouses.

These powerful men from the three clans who were supposed to be hostile and hostile actually stayed together at this moment, and surrounded Tang Yan inside and out.

Is this really okay?How... have you formed an alliance in such a short period of time?
Tang Yan invited the audience to lead the audience with his focus, pointing to the sea beasts in all directions.The witch's gorgeous robe was soaked with blood, she looked a little embarrassed, and her face was angry, no longer the enchantment before.

Niya and the others stood on the edge of the island, staring into the distance.The first thing that came to my mind was that Tang Yan made another amazing move, deterred the demon girl, and reached a certain exchange, allowing himself and others to return to Tang Yan's side.

At this moment, their mood is relaxed and full of emotion.

"They are here." The cherry blossom boy confronted Tang Yan calmly, his eyes as clear as the sea water: "You pretended to be clever and exchanged for Ren Tianzhu and Haizhinv, now is the time to reap the fruits of your own. You pretended to be brave and issued a call Ling, you think that you have completed the integration, and you have the capital to confront us. You think you are lofty and you think you can control the situation. I will pay you back one by one, please accept."

The voice fell, click, click, and the violent collapse sounded one after another, coming from the island of Niya and the others.

The fairyland island quickly disintegrated in the eyes of the powerful, scattered in pieces, the ground was trampled, the mountain fell, the forests were broken, and the dust and mist were overwhelming, like a volcano erupting.

"What's going on?" Niya and the others stood up in shock.

Rumbling, the tides in all directions surged, and the island was quickly submerged and swallowed.

"Guard the rocks under your feet." Tang Yan roared hysterically, but...Niya and other subconscious actions were all to fly up into the air to avoid being attacked by the tide.

As a result... Xiandao was submerged in the blink of an eye, and the speed was overwhelming, while they were drifting alone in the sky.

At first glance, they were safe and sound, but after a while, everyone's complexions became ugly, tense, and flustered. An expression of pain climbed onto their faces, and a feeling of resentment and sorrow spread throughout their bodies.

Their chests are tight, and their sense of suffocation is getting stronger and stronger.

"What's going on?" Tang Cang and the others were in agony, but they couldn't escape standing high in the sky, because the nearest land was several kilometers away from them.

"They will soon fall into the sea, and they will be swallowed by pain soon. You have to be clear that coma does not mean liberation. The ancient power will not let them go so easily. Even if they are comatose, they will continue to be tortured until they die. You may not believe it, but you can try and wait for the results—who will die, who will die first, and when."

The cherry blossom boy confronted Tang Yan, never averting his eyes for a moment, the seemingly pure eyes were more ruthless and cold.If you switch back to Rentian Zan, then you will watch Niya die, and if you convene the alliance of three clans, then your alliance will collapse.I will let you taste failure and regret for your self-righteous achievements.

"Huh? Young man, did you forget that your sister is in my hands?" The mirror mirror treasure god pig wondered, this young man completely ignored himself, and I was so insignificant?
"You won't kill her, otherwise today's game will no longer be about breaking the seal of the eternal death pit, but about my revenge. I guarantee that you will not all leave here. That is your bargaining chip. If you kill her, you will die." undoubtedly."

Sakura boy responded indifferently, do you want to kill?Up to you, but you dare not kill!

"Yo ho, this kid is very smart." Mirror Mirror Treasure Pig slowly stood up: "Are you comparing yourself to me?"

The cherry blossom boy ignored Tang Yan and continued to confront Tang Yan: "Either they die, or you return to our camp, let the demons die, and you and your friends leave alive."

"Hey, boy, do you really want to challenge me?"

"Yo ho, it's still a tough one! Ignore me, right? I dare not kill your sister, but I dare to fuck her, do you believe it? I broke her leg, do you believe it?"

The Mirror Mirror Treasure Pig yelled, but the Sakura boy ignored it, and the demon girl ignored it indifferently.

"'s embarrassing, you go on, I'll just lie on my stomach here." Baoshenzhu smiled sarcastically, and lay on the head of the demon girl obediently, one noticed, Baoshenzhu was buried in the The big mouth in the demon girl's hair has been slowly opened... The bigger the opening, the bigger the opening, a terrifying energy surged in the abdominal cavity, gradually rising towards the throat cavity.

At this moment, Niya and the others were pale, staggered a few times, and fell to the surface of the sea one after another. No matter how strong they were, they were suffering from despair and suffocation at this moment.But they gritted their teeth tightly, and kept silent and cried out in pain, not wanting to bring pressure to the situation in the distance.

However, I'm afraid they really can't hold on for too long.

"Master Tang, what is your decision? Do you feel that it is an honor to have contributed to the alliance, and do you feel proud to lead the alliance of the three races? The time has come to test you. How do you maintain your alliance? How do you protect your lover? ?” The cherry blossom boy pressed forward every step of the way, swearing at every word, challenging the audience and the tri-clan alliance with the lives of Niya and others.

The indifferent voice invaded the audience like a cold wave, freezing the space.

This time, even Pei Sa raised his eyebrows, and finally felt that it was tricky. The boy seemed to have no emotions at all, and he really didn't seem to care about the life of the demon girl.

"It's time to test you, how do you decide?" Vanessa was also worried for Tang Yan, this kind of choice is too painful, one is relatives and friends, and the other is an unknown trap.More importantly, the alliance has just formed. If Tang Yan performs well, it will somewhat affect his influence in the eyes of the powerful people in the world. If he behaves poorly, the future... will cause endless disasters.

Of course, these are all things to follow.

Now it depends on whether Tang Yan chooses to resist and pursue unknown traps, or compromises with oppression and takes refuge in humiliation?
The atmosphere of the alliance suddenly changed. Shalan and other powerhouses, as well as the newly awakened Tiantu and other powerhouses, all squinted their eyes and kept glancing at Tang Yan, thinking about fleeing, or being weirdly cold.

At this moment, the fragile alliance is on the verge of collapse.

Tang Yan's eyes froze and then froze, his hands clenched and then loosened, and his fingertips cut through his palms. The severity and test of his actions at this moment can be called the most severe in his life.On the distant sea, Niya and the others who were dying did not utter a cry or call for help, and that firmness and determination cut his heart like a sharp knife.

"Get ready..." Pei Sa was about to speak and announce his escape, but he didn't think much of Tang Yan at all.

However... "Whether it is life or death, no one can predict." Tang Yan finally spoke, his face was firmer than ever, and there was a stormy madness in his firmness: "The matter has come to this point, any step of compromise is suicide. The road, any step back will be an abyss, we can no longer be passive, we must rise up and resist. Now, each protect a piece of land under our feet, at least [-] meters, and protect it with all our strength, and use them as a foothold to face the cherry tree. Spread out, kill!"

The atmosphere suddenly became hot, and the hearts of all the heroes in the audience burst into a fire, and the last word "killed" ignited the suppressed madness and fighting spirit.

"Good job." Adolf shouted, raising his arms to shine.

"In the eternal death pit, we will fight together, forget about hatred, forget about contradictions, and be crazy to the end. As long as you take a breath, I promise to take you away."

"You and I are all from the core of the royal family. We have the power to influence the situation of the whole world. It's a big deal... After this battle, all our clans jointly called for a three-year truce for all the clans in the world, just for today's unprecedented alliance."

"Everyone, remember, this alliance of the three clans... is not a shame! It is not a humiliation! It is a precious memory in our lives!"

The sound roared and roared, clanging and deafening.Tang Yan took a deep breath and controlled the [-]-meter rock formation below his feet to soar into the air. The ghostly green fire burst out again, and the surging flames swept across the sky.

"I don't compromise, what about you?!"

Tang Yan asked back, and the gate of hell came across the sky, and the sound of bang sounded violently, and the endless death energy gushed out. The judge in hell, Ren Tianzhu, and the master of the murderous world reappeared, straddling the sky, full of fighting spirit.

The heroes of the three races signaled to each other, and the bottoms of their respective eyes were all ignited.

"After this war, the world will have a three-year truce, is that okay?!"

"Sky Demon Race, second!"

"Evil ghost clan, second!"

"Succubi, second!"

"Sea God Clan, second!"

"Asura clan... seconded..."

... The powerhouses of all races yelled one after another, with momentum like a rainbow, their eyes were bloodshot, and their fighting spirit was overwhelming. They burst into anger, and the ground under their feet cracked. Fang, the vast energy, the torrential fighting power, boiled the sky and distorted the space.

A crowd of heroes screamed, and the sky was full of anger.

In the sea area with a radius of a hundred miles, there was a strong wind, dark clouds and tides, and the sea surface was turbulent and boiling endlessly.

(End of this chapter)

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