Valkyrie Storm

Chapter 2134 Cherry Blossom Spirit Beast 3-legged Toad

Chapter 2134 Cherry Blossom Spirit Beast Three-legged Toad

The Cherry Blossom Boy focused on targeting Tang Yan and exerted layers of strength to completely defeat him.He has peeked into Tang Yan's emotions and understands his fragility. Even though Tang Yan can persevere with perseverance and madness, there is a limit to this extreme persistence. Once the limit is broken, the damage will be more thorough. more terrible.

Believe me, this moment is not too far away.

"Ling'er take over from me." Tang Yan yelled in frenzy, unable to hold on anymore, his consciousness was spinning, the unforgettable emotional fluctuations in the past 50 years and the emotions that once seemed insignificant all flashed by in this short period of time, and continued to accumulate , The continuous upheaval made him suffocate and drive him crazy, he really couldn't hold on anymore.

This is the outbreak of the inner demon, this is the ravages of the inner demon, he is powerless to resist, like a strange and ferocious beast, breaking into an undefended city abruptly, it can vent itself without any scruples, and brighten the city .

The inner demon, with a strange ability that was completely unexpected, devoured the powerhouses of the three clans so cruelly.

"It's not allowed to hurt Dad, it's not allowed, it's not allowed." Huo Ling'er was also angry, and quickly replaced the fire elf's control, flapping her wings and hitting the sky, setting off a wave of fire.The essence of the fire elves lies in the fusion of ghost green fire, perfectly intertwined with each other, and maximize the power of sky fire, so Tang Yan and Huo Ling'er can exchange control with each other.

"The target is the three-legged toad, kill it." Tang Yan commanded weakly.He tried to inspire the Buddha's heart to protect his state of mind, but the heart demon was raging and the negative emotions were soaring, the Buddha's heart was... powerless... "Smelly toad, die!" Huo Ling'er screamed, and rushed towards the three-legged toad in front of him .

"Guwa." In the distance, a frog's cry shook the heavens and the earth, the thunderclouds all over the sky burst on the spot, and tens of thousands of thunderbolts poured down densely, covering the sky and sea like a rain curtain, and the glare of the eyes dispelled the darkness.A wave of thunder and lightning, terrifying and shocking, fully attacked the surrounding powerful enemies.

A group of human vanguards were all killed in screams, split into pieces by lightning, and swallowed mercilessly by the waves.Their team has persisted through tens of millions of battlefields, and they have been killed here, but they can't resist the interference of the inner demon power. They are on the verge of collapse, so that they are completely powerless to resist when the sky thunder penetrates the body.

Tiantu of the Sea God tribe endured the pain and fought furiously, overturning the clouds and seas, carrying the sky thunder to face the three-legged toad.

"The inside and the outside are in harmony, kill this stinky toad." The fire elf came across the sky, charging unimpeded, like a fire bird soaring across the ocean, fighting against the sky thunder.

The thunder and lightning all over the sky were terrifying, knocking out the fire tide, but the fire elf was fearless, never flinching, and slammed into the three-legged toad at high speed while roaring furiously across the sky.

"Huh? Coming towards me? Seeking death." The three-legged toad suddenly popped out its tongue, faster than thunder and lightning, wilder than Jiang Chao, and as huge as a hill, and hit the fire elf head-on.

With its strength, it can definitely smash the fire spirit into pieces.


The crisp sound was like thunder, and the fire spirit shattered on the spot.

Like a giant hammer bombarding porcelain, a shocking interpretation of what is "shattered into slag".

The tongue of the three-legged toad rushed forward unimpeded, and continued to wreak havoc, sweeping up the billowing fire behind it, and its strength was terrifying.

However... whoosh whoosh, the shattered flames did not dissipate, but all stuck to the tongue, like countless fire snakes, rushing towards the mouth of the three-legged toad at extreme speed.

The three-legged toad was surprised again, did Tang Yan want to enter his abdominal cavity?Did he think he could kill himself like this?

The cherry blossom boy in the distance frowned slightly, somewhat inconceivable that he could not kill Tang Yan with such sharp torture?With his 25 steps, he should be very fragile. How could he burst out with such perseverance, spanning thousands of meters one after another, and directly crashing into the three-legged toad.

"Hoo hoo." All the billowing waves of fire gathered and reshaped into the body of a fire elf in the mouth of the three-legged toad, leaving a roar on the battlefield, and got into the abdominal cavity of the three-legged toad by itself: "Each find their own way, join hands to fight, one Word, win!"

"Hiss!" On the nearby battlefield, the runaway heroes were startled again. Is this kid desperate?It actually got straight into the toad's abdominal cavity?Is it possible that I still hope to explode from the inside? The idea is good, but is it realistic?That is the peak demon saint, as strong as steel inside and out.

But after thinking about it, this crazy method that makes one's scalp tingle seems to be a method. At least after rushing in, it is equivalent to breaking into a closed space, so that you can no longer withstand the invasion of inner demon power, and you can fight wildly One game, so as not to be aggrieved.

"My abdominal cavity is a world of its own, it can melt everything in the world, who wants to come?"

The three-legged toad let out a grunt, stared fiercely at Tiantu, and the powerhouses from all sides, then snorted coldly, sealed its abdominal cavity, and refined itself.So what if you are the emperor's pulse, so what if you have sky fire?Where your realm and strength are, in my three-inch ocean world, thunder water and thunder and lightning will turn you into slag!

"Tang Yan is dead, the war continues, who will come again? The three-clan alliance, you are a joke!" The three-legged toad ignored the abdominal cavity, and stepped forward to face the heroes with a huge body. Continue to attack, sweep all directions with the power of destruction, and become more courageous with each battle.

Although its figure is funny, it looks like a terrifying war troll, trekking across the sky and sea, between the thunder group and the ocean, killing all directions.

"Each side finds its own way, and cooperates together. After this battle, after three years of training, what about going to death and indulgence? Fight!"

Adolf and others let out a wild cry in response to Tang Yan's reminder.

He ignited the battlefield again, and instead of being affected, the vast war situation became even more frenzied.

The Lord of the Fiends, Ren Tianzan, and the judge, all gave up their fights. They were all infected by Tang Yan's actions, and they tried their best to fight in the sea. They quickly gathered the unconscious Niya and Tang Chen, and drove them at full speed. Withdrew, and passed through the gate of hell, all of them were transferred to the world of hell for storage.

Niya and the others endured the horrific ravages of demons, all of them were bleeding from their orifices, they were in a coma, and they looked so miserable that they couldn't look directly at them.Fortunately, the breath is still there, so there shouldn't be too much damage.

"The Lord of the Underworld has kept the ghost gate behind, and has another purpose!"

The judge whispered, reminding himself, and also reminding Ren Tianzhu and the master of the murderous room.

The three parties exchanged glances and rushed to the battlefield again.They are all different types on today's battlefield. They can ignore the ravages of inner demons, and they can naturally play a very strong role in today's battle, but... the legacy of the ghost gate has sent a special message. special purpose.

Three-legged toad abdominal cavity! !

This place is simply a vast ocean world, which is countless times larger than the senses outside.

The surface of the sea is as smooth as a mirror, endless, without waves or traces.

"It's really a three-legged toad! Is it the ancestor of Zhao Zimo's three-legged toad?"

Tang Yan descended as a fire elf, paying attention to the vast and smooth Wang Yang.The air here is very 'thick', it seems to be hundreds of times denser than the outside world, and the activities are restricted, as if being squeezed by invisible big hands, or being in the depths of a mud swamp.

He once entered Zhao Zimo's three-legged toad's abdominal cavity when he was a boy, and the situation here is almost exactly the same, except that it is bigger and flatter here.

The surface of the sea is as tough as a rock formation.It is also because the density of water is too high, "three inches into the ocean" and "the ocean weighs three inches", each drop of water is compressed from a bay of sea water, and the water drop will naturally be heavier than steel.

But Tang Yan didn't dare to break into the ocean, so he could only increase the height again and again, otherwise, once he was swallowed, the pressure of the sea water would squeeze him into pieces. The sea water should still contain the power of thunder and lightning, which would intensify the power of destruction.

In short, it's hell.

"There is no inner demon here, but it is equally dangerous." Tang Yan quickly removed the body of the fire elf and transformed into the body of Longkui. The fire spirits and blood soul trees on the left and right shoulders were silently feeling the place.

"That's right, it's really dangerous here." The hoarse voice echoed in the empty abdominal cavity, and the flat middle of the ocean in front gradually raised its outline, turning into a crystal-clear three-legged toad about ten meters away. It is the water body of the three-legged toad in the abdominal cavity, and it can also be the manifestation of ideas, responsible for controlling the abdominal world and stimulating the lethality here to the maximum.

It usually lurks in the deepest part of the ocean floor, but today it was awakened by arousal.

"Has your Sakura Five Spirits been revived for a long time?" Tang Yan observed it calmly and carefully.

"It's been many years, counting it... almost ten thousand years after the old roots of the sacred tree re-germinated on the seabed, the blood of the five spirits sealed under the roots of our ancestors was awakened. Shaped the body and awakened the inheritance."

"Isn't it twenty or thirty thousand years ago?"

"Almost. If you inquire about this, is it related to your death?" The clone of the three-legged toad was ruthless.

"In the past 3 years, you should have left the eternal death pit."

"Oh, how can I see that."

"Not only did you leave, but you also left a bloodline. Let me guess, you left probably after the Black Demons were sealed up by the Demons, and you were instructed by the sacred tree to occasionally go out to the outside world to inquire about the news of the world. But you are unwilling to be lonely, and you have left behind your blood."

"You have a lot of association skills." The three-legged toad didn't respond positively.

Tang Yan knew in his heart that it was almost done. Zhao Zimo's three-legged toad was not a desolate beast, but a bloodline left by the ancient giant spirit in front of him.The "Desolate Beast" that the Holy Emperor Xuanwu wanted to kill in the East China Sea should be the one in front of him, and only monsters of this level can cause the Holy Emperor to do it himself.

(End of this chapter)

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