Valkyrie Storm

Chapter 2135 Dragon Kui Shield

Chapter 2135 Dragon Kui Shield

"Do you know something, boy?" The three-legged toad stepped on the ocean and walked towards Tang Yan. It had three legs, but it was very steady. Every time it fell, the ocean surface, which was as firm as black iron, would cause ripples.Only by understanding the tenacity of the ocean surface can we feel its energy and feel the crisis at this moment.

"I know more than you think. If I kill you and bring your flesh and blood back, my brother in the family will definitely be very happy."

"Kill me? The kid who speaks wild words, young and courageous. You really did one thing wrong. You challenged the gods in this eternal death pit, and the result was only a dead end. You have the inheritance of the Fire Emperor, but now you Not yet the Fire Emperor."

The three-legged toad sneered, and the vast sea behind him began to squirm slowly, forming water guns one after another, as thick as a person and ten meters long, crystal clear but as hard as steel.

The energy of a water gun is no less than that of a river.

Soon after, the surface of the endless ocean turned into a forest of water guns, and tens of thousands of water guns were pointed at Tang Yan.

Once thousands of guns are fired, it will definitely be the vast energy of thousands of rivers like the sea.

Not only that, the power of thunder and lightning dormant on the bottom of the sea is gradually rising, like hundreds of millions of thunder snakes climbing up the water gun densely, the electric light is sharp and dazzling, and the crackling sound of thunder and lightning resounds through the abdominal cavity world.

Jiang Chao accompanied by Thunder and Lightning, a perfect combination of violent energy.Is this a spirit beast, or a war beast?

Will Zhao Zimo's three-legged toad be like this in the future?Tang Yan inhaled secretly, looking down at the tens of thousands of water mine guns, a majestic and vast river tide has rushed towards his face, adding another oppression to the space: "Do you know hell?"

"You represent hell, but so what?" The three-legged toad has ancient memories and has experienced many events. He is naturally aware of the existence of the hell world, and because of tens of thousands of years of uninterrupted travel, he has acquired Numerous incredible secrets.

"I am hell, and I am a world. If you seal me, you seal hell. Do you think you have the ability to refine me?" The pupil of Tang Yan's left eye suddenly opened, and the dark and dead energy burst forth surge, sweeping across the vast space.

Golden Flame Spirit Turtle, Yueying, Lingzhi, and the three grave masters all showed up.

Lingzhi turned into a giant tree, growing in mid-air, with thick roots and a crown like a mountain. The green light lingered and bloomed with majestic life energy, making the vast space a little more alive.

The Golden Flame Spirit Turtle and Moon Shadow were all seated deep in its branches, surging with powerful holy power, observing the surrounding situation.

"No wonder you broke in, so you had this plan." The three-legged toad was stunned, but he didn't care: "It's still the same sentence, you have unlimited potential, but the sky didn't give you time. That's all. Just because the four of you want to be presumptuous in my body? You look down on the cherry blossom spirit beast too much, and you can't see the difference in realm too clearly."

"30 years ago, I fought out from here, and I can do it today." Tang Yan landed on the ancient tree reaching the sky, the demon spirit veins were fully stimulated, the blood in the whole body burst out, and every cell was filled with fiery and fighting spirit.

"30 years ago? I don't remember you." The three-legged toad was surprised.

"Of course you don't remember, that's not you." Tang Yan suddenly burst out with a cold snort, majestic dragon energy burst out of his body, a dragon chant, a burst of dragon power, manifested in the shape of Zhenshi Longkui, tumbling in the air Entrenched, with deep dragon eyes, looking down on the common people.

Tang Yan went forward at full speed, engulfed by the vast dragon's power, reaching the upper abdominal wall, the dragon's energy impacted, and the dragon's claws slashed.The killing intent was awe-inspiring, wanting to tear open the abdominal cavity of the three-legged toad.

Clang!It was deafening, sparks splashed, and only a few scratches were left.

"So hard?!" Tang Yan seemed to have smashed on the thick ten thousand-year black iron, which was indestructible and almost bounced him back.

The Golden Flame Spirit Turtle and the others were a little startled, they couldn't even break through Long Kui's sharp claws?

Under normal circumstances, the abdominal cavity of creatures of all races is very fragile, but why is the abdominal cavity of this toad tougher than the outside?

"Ridiculous!" The three-legged toad snorted coldly, its cheeks suddenly swelled up, groaning, the cry of frogs exploded, and tens of thousands of water guns were fired in an instant. Explosive shooting, but it contains a terrifying power of destruction. These water guns... are too hard... "Be careful, every water gun is comparable to a river." Tang Yan reminded.

"Try it." Ling Zhi and Jin Lao all showed their strength, wanting to try the power of the water gun.

Tens of thousands of vines exploded from the ancient tree reaching the sky, which were also as tough as steel, sweeping across the sky, and the wind howled.

The golden flame spirit turtle shot out countless golden flames, like a meteorite falling from the sky, tens of thousands, before the rattan hit the water to catch up with the tide.

Water overcomes fire, golden flame overcomes river tide.

However... a shocking loud noise exploded in the abdominal cavity, filling the entire field of vision. The golden flames collapsed all over the sky, thousands of vines were shattered, tens of thousands of water guns glowed at the same time, and thunder and lightning entangled, and there was a deafening roar. Jiang Benteng, like thunder rolling from the sky, destroyed the two defenses forcefully, and went straight to the sky above Tang Yan.

The difference in strength between the peak demon saint and the new saint realm is too great!

"What?!" The expressions of Jinyan Spirit Turtle and Lingzhi changed greatly.

"Don't underestimate the dragon's demon body, the emperor's strongest defense - the dragon's shield." Tang Yan growled, and opened his mouth to spit out a palm-sized piece of jade, crystal clear like jade but blood-red, blooming in an instant , zooming in at a very high speed, reaching [-] meters, and lying firmly in front of Tang Yan.

"Roar." Hundreds of millions of animal roars came from the divine brilliance, and the sound moved the space. Countless animal shadows loomed in the divine brilliance, but they were arranged in a strange and mysterious way in front of the shield, facing the collective anger of tens of thousands of water guns. whistling.

The momentum is very large.

Thousands of beasts tsunami against the sky.

The magic weapon is hidden in the abdomen, which is conceived by Long Kui's demon body, which originates from the endless beast blood swallowed by Tang Yan, and from the endless beast soul in Hualingchi, which is self-conceived in Tang Yan's abdomen, which is also from The inheritance of Long Kui.In the ancient years, the ancestors devoured hundreds of millions of living beings and smelted them into the Dragon Kui Shield, which can resist the sky, shake the earth, and shock the ancient and modern.

hum! !

Wan Dao Jiang Chao blasted hundreds of millions of beast souls, and once again erupted endlessly in the sky, making the entire space tremble, and causing Yueying and other seven orifices to ooze blood.

Kacha, Long Kui's shield shattered and turned into crystal clear sky, but tens of thousands of water guns and thunderbolts also all shattered and fell vigorously from the sky.

Puff, Tang Yan spurted blood, his face pale.Long Kui's shield ruptured, hurting his Qi machine.

However, this shield is originally made from the condensed blood of beast spirits and beasts. It is a part of the body, and it will be reassembled after being broken. This is also the truly terrifying aspect of Longkui Shield.

"Huh? What kind of treasure is that in your hand?" Three-legged toad widened his eyes, looking at Tang Yan who was vomiting blood in disbelief.Although I didn't try my best, at least I could beat Tang Yan into a sieve, why did I vomit blood... Is it over?

What is your realm?Peak Demon Saint!What inheritance do you have?Ancient Spirit Beast!

At the moment before, a majestic and vast force erupted, which was chaotic but quite huge. Tens of thousands of water guns were shattered in a blink of an eye, and even the power of thunder and lightning was annihilated.


Must be some kind of treasure!
Did Jiuying give it to him?It seems that Jiuying really invested a lot of money in this kid!
"Ling Zhi, Jin Lao, protect me! Blood Soul Tree, Moon Shadow, give me the consciousness to attack the three-legged toad!" Tang Yan took a deep breath, turned around suddenly, and came up to the abdominal wall again.With a snarky laugh, all the power of Long Kui was revealed. The dragon claws, tail, and body slammed wildly at the abdominal wall in front of him, crackling, clanging, and full of strength, concentrated in one place and ran like a madman.

That's called a fire, that's called a madness.

He has no time to lose, he must go all out.

"Hee hee, let's go together." Huo Ling'er got out of the body, pressed her hands tightly on the abdominal wall of the three-legged toad, and finally found something that made her happy.The power of the sky fire is gathering fiercely, and it is also concentrated on a point in front of it to exert force. If she wants to melt it bit by bit, she doesn't believe that she can't break it.

"All up! Guard to the end!" Lingzhi roared, and the ancient trees that reached the sky changed into vines all over the sky, all blasting into the sky, intertwining layers around Tang Yan's "struggle" battle circle, dozens of hundreds of layers continuously superimposed , quickly turned into a giant 'nest' tens of meters thick.

"Tang Yan, is that what you plan to do? It's too naive." The three-legged toad growled, and the tens of thousands of water guns focused again and shot high into the sky again.Rumbling, space trembling, tens of thousands of water guns mixed with thunder and lightning, equivalent to the return of thousands of rivers to the sea, the momentum is extremely huge and shocking.

Rumble! !The water gun is not only heavy, but also terrifyingly powerful. The power of thunder and lightning contained in it endows it with terrifying destructive energy. The collective impact of tens of thousands of water guns instantly shattered several layers of rattan, and sawdust scattered all over the sky.

Lingzhi screamed miserably, it was the rattan and even a part of his body.The rattan was smashed into pieces, no less than a layer of skin peeled off alive.

"I'm coming too." The Golden Flame Spirit Turtle broke into the giant nest, manifested a beast form in the depths, and used its body to protect Tang Yan and the others, forming a space about [-] meters away.Using the physical body as the second layer of defense gave Tang Yan the opportunity to attack wholeheartedly.

"Persevere! Persevere!" Tang Yan kept encouraging and shouting, and also kept attacking the abdominal wall in front of him.

In this closed world, in this crisis environment, there is no need for any tactics or counterattacks. Only the strongest defense can resist the tide, and the strongest attack can break through the barriers.

Tang Yan has his own plan, which must be realized as soon as possible before the three-legged toad wakes up.

This toad is very strong, but too proud, this is its fatal weakness, make it feel good!
(End of this chapter)

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