Valkyrie Storm

Chapter 224 Dayan Mountain Range

Chapter 224 Dayan Mountain Range
In the study, Niya was discussing something with Isaac, with a hint of worry on her brows.

After receiving the news, Tang Yan, Du Yang, and the three Tang family butchers arrived one after another.

Isaac said straight to the point: "To tell you bad news, the Taiwu mining area may not be able to go. The Great Zhou Empire is concentrating on consolidating the occupied area west of the Mangdang River, and the underground world of the Taiwu mining area is listed as a key area. Guarding the area. Except for a few powerful warriors who are still wandering in it, other explorers have basically been expelled, and now the Great Zhou Empire is basically exploring alone. According to intelligence, at least 30 elite soldiers of the empire have been hoarded inside.

The current situation in the south of the border is still turbulent, and there are many hidden dangers, but precisely in this situation, the Great Zhou Empire still stationed nearly 30 troops, which is enough to show that they attach great importance to Taiwu's underground world.The ten special areas we mentioned before have basically been divided up by the royal family and nobles of the Great Zhou Dynasty to develop crystals and set up bases. "

Niya added: "It is basically certain that an extremely cold place has really formed in the place corresponding to the blue ice mine, and the scope and purity are far better than expected. But the bad news Yes, the extremely cold land was captured by the Lingwang Mansion, Zhou Lingwang has personally rushed there to supervise the development of the spar."

Tang Badao: "It's all within reason. After this change, the status of the Great Zhou is unchallenged, so you can do what you want openly. We have seen and heard on the way here that the occupied area is implementing strict military control. The slightest abnormality may be dealt with by extreme measures! With the strength of the three of us, we were almost blocked several times. Mr. Tang did not want us to bring the children of the Tang family here because of this consideration."

Tang Haodao: "Actually, the situation is not as serious as imagined. The underground world is far larger than expected. There are many mysterious forces in it, and there may be powerful ancient monsters lurking in it. It is impossible for Da Zhou to control it in a short time. If it is Going on an expedition may really be considered, but if you want to use it as a retreat for breakthrough, it is absolutely not possible."

Tang Yan was silent for a while, and said, "Where's the news about the Dayan Mountain Range?"

Isaac looked at Niya: "Well, we have to say sorry first. It is basically certain that there is an extremely cold place, but the exact location has not been investigated clearly, and there is only a rough range."

Niya asked: "Your master's friend especially emphasized that you must go to an extremely cold place? You must know that a naturally formed extremely cold place will be accompanied by many dangers. For example, there may be strange things in it, or there may be powerful monsters." Beast, how low the temperature will be, and whether there may be guardian forces nearby, all of these will bring unexpected crises. If you are not in a hurry, give us some more time and try our best to help you find out."

"How much time? Are you sure it can be detected?" Tang Yan asked back.

Niya shook her head: "There is no guarantee."

Tang Yan directly made a decision: "I don't want to delay any longer, so I will choose the Dayan Mountain Range and introduce it in detail."

Niya has Tang Yan's personality, and without too much opposition, he introduced: "The Dayan Mountains are a land of no-management, a barbaric and chaotic place. The number and strength of monsters in it are five times that of the Psychedelic Forest. More than that, in addition to those monsters that appear all the time, there are also many warrior forces.

Among them, the most powerful are the ten sects, entrenched in the deepest part of the Dayan Mountains. Brutal thugs vying for territory.

Whether it is the top ten sects or other forces, they all occupy one territory, and they have been colliding with each other for many years, and they have an almost abnormal emphasis on their own territory.

In the Dayan Mountains, territory is equivalent to survival, especially in some places with strong aura of heaven and earth, it is the focus of competition.Therefore, if you violate their territory, it is equivalent to violating their fundamental life, which will never be allowed.

Because the collisions between warriors are very frequent, fighting and collisions have been going on for years, and even the monsters among them are relatively ferocious. This is also the main reason why the Dayan Mountains can block the communication between Canglan Ancient Land and Biannan.

All in all, the Dayan Mountains are full of dangers everywhere, even if the powerful forces from Canglan Ancient Land enter, they have to hold a flag to show their identity, otherwise they will inevitably be hunted down and hated by the major forces, and if they are not careful, they will be killed. will become prey. "

"What are the strengths of the top ten sects?"

"Not counting background and wealth, but simply relying on strength to evaluate, it is enough to stand shoulder to shoulder with our six major families in Delos!"

Tang Yan frowned, Tang Hao and the three looked at each other in disbelief.

Isaac said: "Although the Dayan Mountains are said to be the transition zone between Canglan Ancient Land and Biannan, the living environment in the jungle has created their barbarism and cruelty. They have been fighting endlessly for years, and even the Canglan Ancient Land dare not easily provoke them. It is an existence that we dare not provoke in the south of the border. The so-called top ten sects were actually mercenary organizations with mixed personnel a long time ago. They grew up in the chaotic battles and occupied a certain cave with strong spiritual power. Or on the top of the mountain, establish a sect and establish a sect, and recruit disciples widely.

Due to the complex terrain of the Dayan Mountains, where monster races and warrior groups intertwine, it is an ideal refuge. Many criminals who can't get along in the Canglan Ancient Land often choose to sneak into the Dayan Mountains, and some form their own forces. Some have turned to powerful forces, and after nearly a thousand years of development, they have become powerful forces that cannot be ignored.

It is said that among the top ten sects, there are two powerful masters at the bottom of the list. Among them, Langya Cave Heaven, the leader, is guarded by five masters. The master of the cave, Langya Cave, has reached the third rank of Martial Venerable, one step away from being a semi-sage! "

Niya handed a detailed list to Tang Yan: "This is the name and strength introduction of the ten major sects in the Dayan Mountains. When you get there, once you encounter them, try to avoid them as much as possible, and learn to be patient even if you are wronged. Do remember my words, even if it is a last resort, you must keep a low profile and modesty, the warriors there are more brutal than monsters!"

"Langya Cave, Wandu Valley, Jiantai Mountain, Yuhua Palace, Shuluan Palace, Heaven of No Return" Tang Yan watched the introductions of these sects silently, and the corners of his eyes twitched involuntarily every time he looked at them.

"Besides these ten sects, there are also hundreds of warrior organizations, many of which have venerables in charge, so avoid conflicts with them as much as possible. In addition to these, there are also those demon kings who occupy certain spiritual lands The demon masters, or some special groups of monster beasts, cannot be easily provoked."

Tang Yan raised his hand and interrupted with a wry smile: "I said brother-in-law, I'm here to explore, not to make trouble. Don't worry, if I'm such a person who doesn't know how to be cautious, I won't live to this day, let alone It will make your sister love her to death."

Niya was speechless for a while, if she hadn't been concerned about her image, she would have just kicked it out.

Isaac laughed out loud and nodded again and again: "I just want to remind you that outsiders cannot infer the specific situation there, but after nearly a thousand years of precipitation, it has become a place of complete chaos. But the Dayan Mountains are vast and boundless , the major sects are far apart, maybe you haven’t encountered an enemy after you’ve completed it.”

"Here is a rough outline drawing of the Dayan Mountains. The place where there are places where there may be extremely cold places." Niya rolled out a two-meter-wide and six-meter-long sheepskin scroll, which was densely covered with mountains. Outline, there is a palm-sized red circle in the north.

Tang Yan's face was full of black lines: "Sister, I am your husband, are you kidding me? Such a big circle, isn't the actual area twice as large as the Taiwu mining area?"

Both Niya and Isaac looked a little embarrassed; "This is the limit we can determine. The Dayan Mountains are still a mysterious and unknown area to our south. There is chaos there, and monsters and warriors value territory. , It’s really difficult to investigate. But you don’t have to worry too much, the war in the south of the border has basically stabilized, and the relationship between the major families is still relatively calm. We will arrange two elders from the royal family to accompany you there, both are third-rank martial kings. Together with the three friends of the Tang family, the five great martial kings are enough to deal with unnecessary troubles."

"No, myna and the others can just accompany me. I'm not that delicate, and I'm not a flower in a greenhouse."

"Greenhouse flowers?" Everyone was a little surprised by this word, but after thinking about it carefully, they all understood it.

"It's up to you, but try to be careful." Niya didn't force it. The man he valued should have this kind of courage and confidence. Although the Dayan Mountain Range is full of crises, I believe that with Tang Yan's flexibility and ability, he should be able to handle it. .

"I'm going back to get ready, and I'm leaving this evening."

"So fast?"

"It has been delayed for more than two months, and I don't want to wait any longer." Rest when it's time to rest, and be agile when it's time to do things. This has always been Tang Yan's creed.

"Please three." Niya took the initiative to salute Tang Hao and the others.

"Young Madam, don't worry, she will be brought back safe and sound." Tang Hao smiled sweetly, deliberately using a sensitive word, but Niya did not resist, which made the three members of the Tang family smile meaningfully.

It's just that no one thought that it would take six years for Tang Yan to leave this time!
(End of this chapter)

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