Valkyrie Storm

Chapter 225

Chapter 225

"When Xu Yan left, he said something to me." Du Yang leaned against Tang Yan's door.

Tang Yan was busy arranging things, and asked casually, "What did she tell you?"

"She asked me." Du Yang lowered his head and smiled, "Have you thought about the future?"

"and then?"

"I just asked this question and didn't say anything else. I felt inexplicable at the time, but after thinking about it, she was right. I really didn't think about it, to be precise, I didn't think about it seriously."

Tang Yan raised his head, but saw Du Yang's expression was a bit strange: "What's wrong?"

Du Yang took a deep breath, exhaled slowly, and said, "I've already decided to set off tonight to go to the Taiwu mining area."

"Are you crazy? You just heard Niya's introduction, and you still want to go? Why!"

"I have an intuition that if we want to better stimulate the origin of Usagi and get more inheritance information, we have to go to the Taiwu mining area to find the altar where Usagi was suppressed."

"Do you have to worry about now? I will accompany you to the Taiwu mining area after I activate the spirit veins, but it must not be now."

"I haven't traveled alone since I was born. I feel that this is an opportunity. Although the Taiwu mining area is very chaotic, it has a larger area, and Dazhou can't completely rule it. It's not suitable for you to break through, but it may not be unsuitable." my adventure."

"Du Yang, let me tell you very seriously, no! The Taiwu mining area is not suitable for exploration at the moment, it is too dangerous. Even if you have to go there, you have to wait for this sensitive period. Either I accompany you, or the Rao family Arrange some guards."

"Dangerous? Martial arts is not a journey to enjoy. It is accompanied by danger from the beginning to the end. If you give up the opportunity because of the danger, you will only regret it in the future. This is the way to the cemetery in the deserted city. You told Ailinda if."

Tang Yan was speechless.

Du Yang said: "You don't need to persuade me. I have already decided to leave tonight. Let's go out of the city together. I will go west, and you will go north. I borrow what you said to Xu Yan, and I hope that when we meet again in the future, you I'm already at the first level of Martial King."

"What else did Xu Yan tell you?" Tang Yan frowned and looked at Du Yang. The two must have had other exchanges, otherwise Du Yang would not be so persistent in going to the Taiwu mining area.But saying goodbye after a lapse of two months is enough to show that Du Yang did it after careful consideration, rather than a momentary impulse.

Du Yang didn't say much, but smiled and said, "Let me ask you a question, do you regard me as a brother or as a follower?"

Tang Yan was taken aback: "We have experienced so much together, of course we are the best brothers."

"I think so too, so I decided to leave." Du Yang smiled slightly, turned and left the room.

After saying this, I felt a lot more relaxed.

In fact, Xu Yan did not only ask himself one question, but many more.

"You have forgotten yourself unconsciously, and you will only follow Tang Yan's footsteps, and you will lose your courage and fighting spirit. Maybe you will be immersed in the grace of the spiritual source liquid now, and feel that breaking through martial arts is easy and easy, but there will be a chance in the end." Then one day, you will find that you will live in Tang Yan's back all your life, become a guard who only obeys the arrangement, and become an existence almost like a puppet."

"You inherit the origin of Lepus, and you are destined to have an extraordinary life. Why are you willing to live in silence?"

"If you don't beat yourself, you will never know how good you are."

"If you want to be Tang Yan's friend or brother, you must first be yourself, Du Yang, not a helper who only accepts gifts."

"In this world, the strong are always respected. Only when you become stronger can you win respect. Maybe Tang Yan didn't think too much about it, but you can't guarantee how people will look at you in the near future. Instead of worrying about it in the future , it is better to wake up now."

"Go on an adventure, go to the world by yourself, and hone in despair and loneliness, only then can you truly grow, truly mature, and truly qualified to inherit the origin of Usagi. Let others say something about Tang Yan when they evaluate you. A good brother who is not easy to mess with, Tang Yan has a stronger guard by his side."

"Du Yang, you have perseverance and potential. I look forward to your transformation. I look forward to the near future when people will see the halo that truly belongs to you above your head. I look forward to the reappearance of Usagi's power in this world."

Tang Yan slowly put down the clothes in his hands, and stared at the empty door in a daze.

As soon as they said to leave, they all left one after another, feeling a little empty in my heart.

"A brother, or a guard?"

Tang Yan murmured this sentence silently, and suddenly understood it, and gradually let go of it.I chose Du Yang not only because of chance, but also because of his rebellious character and will to work hard.

But thinking carefully now, it seems that he has been ignored unconsciously.

It may be a good thing to choose to leave now, but if you insist on choosing the Taiwu mining area, will you oppress yourself too much?

Tang Yan suddenly shook his head and smiled. When did he develop the habit of worrying blindly? Life and death are the most tempered. He has no reason to hinder Du Yang's choice. He can only hope that he can satisfy himself one day in the future.

Before it got dark, Tang Yan left the Rao family with the third butcher of the Tang family after packing up. He didn't disturb anyone beforehand and left as quietly as possible.

When Isaac came to see Tang Yan off with the carefully selected monster mount, they had already left Rao City and embarked on the journey north.

"Brother, did grandpa say anything when I got home?" Dressed in coarse sackcloth and mounted on ordinary rough horses, the four galloped on the vast and untraceable wasteland in the north of Delos.

Although the life of the Rao family is rich, it is not the life they want.The vast wasteland and the boundless sky belong to their world.

"In a word, if you dare to sneak back again, I will break your dog legs!" Tang Ba recalled the scene when he returned home, and wanted to cry and laugh at the same time. The old man had made up his mind and asked the three of them to follow Tang Yan.

Tang Qing tied a wide wooden plank to the back of the nanny horse, lay staggeringly on it, crossed his legs, closed his eyes and meditated: "Old man, I still miss you, young master, in my heart, but your bad temper is so hard, I can't bear it." I was stunned for a long time but didn't hold back any other words, and I was panicking for him."

Tang Hao said angrily: "Do you dare to say this in front of the old man?"

"Tell me what's wrong. We've changed jobs and changed bosses now. It's not his business. If he dares to hit me, I'll do it."

"Dare what?" Tang Ba and Tang Hao looked at him with smiles.

"Dare to turn your head and leave! Huh, who is afraid of whom?"

"Here is something for you, you can think about it when you are bored on the road." Tang Yan casually threw a wooden sign to Tang Qing.

"What the hell?" Tang Qing caught it with his hand and looked lazily. At first, he didn't pay attention, but soon, his eyes widened, and he sat up suddenly, and then he was loaded down from the horse's back with a crackling and rumbling, and was caught by the wooden board The rope was dragged more than ten meters away, splashing up fluffy dust.

"Can't you stop the meeting?" Tang Hao roared angrily.

Tang Qing's face was covered with dust, his big nose was bleeding, and he stared blankly at the wooden plate: "Violence Jue"

"Violence formula?" Tang Ba and Tang Hao grabbed the reins at the same time.

Tang Qing stood up awkwardly, feeling it carefully, his eyes suddenly became hot: "Yes, it is the violent formula! It seems that there are some experiences from the old man!"

"There are also Lava Jue, Eagle Wingspan, and Lie Yan Jue, which are yours now." Tang Yan threw the remaining three martial arts books to Tang Ba and Tang Hao.

The two hurriedly borrowed, as cold and stern as they were, they were a little unconcealably excited, and after a simple investigation, their spirits were lifted up.

The martial arts they cultivated were all simplified versions given by the old man, and there were inevitably some omissions in them.This is not the old man's bad intentions, but one of the methods used by the Tang family to maintain the family's orthodoxy.After all, the four major martial arts of the Tang family are very mysterious, and they are the main foundation for maintaining the development of the family. It is impossible to pass them on to outsiders intact, no matter how close they are.

Tang Yan's current martial arts is definitely the original version, and it also contains the experience of the old man's painstaking research.Who is the old man, the person with the most profound study of martial arts in the Tang family, a genuine respectable expert, a little bit of experience and enlightenment, may be an unimaginable treasure for them, and maybe they will have a new epiphany .

"Master, are you sure you want to give it to us?" Tang Qing held the violent formula with a serious and solemn expression.This is a martial skill that only the head of the Tang family can practice, and even Tang Mingzhong has no chance to comprehend it!

"You were abandoned by the family because of me. These can be regarded as compensation and a gift from me to you. The four major martial arts are all original versions, and you may know that although these four martial arts of the Tang family are all at the spiritual level, they are combined. Speaking of it, the power is not weaker than the earth-level martial arts. After careful comprehension, you should find that there is a possibility of fusion of the four major martial arts. As for what kind of power will be produced after the fusion, it is up to you to comprehend it yourself."

Tang Ba grabbed the violent formula, carefully comprehended it, reconfirmed it, and suddenly clasped his fists heavily, and saluted Tang Yan: "Master, I don't want to thank you for your kindness, we accept this gift!"

"Uncle Qing has a long history in Lie Yan Jue, Haomei is also proficient in Eagle Wingspan, Mynah is proficient in Lava Jue, my personal opinion is that you can discuss with each other and understand these four martial arts together.

As far as I know, you have stayed in your current state for at least four years. In the past, because you were busy with family affairs, you had no time to specialize in martial arts, but now it is different. As long as you can understand new martial arts, you may have the opportunity to break through again.

When I arrive at the Dayan Mountains, I will show you one of my secrets, which is the secret of why I can quickly increase my strength. I don’t say I have 100% certainty, at least 80.00% certainty. within the existing barriers. "

With new martial arts, new insights, and the combination of spiritual source liquid, Tang Yan is qualified enough to make this guarantee.

The three of Tang Hao looked at each other, and they all saw excitement in each other's eyes.

Tang Qing said solemnly: "Master, when I first saw you, I knew you would have a future."

Tang Bazhong nodded: "I think so too."

Tang Hao smoothed his hair and smiled sweetly: "Brother? Do you like it?"

Tang Yan rolled his eyes and thought to himself, the Tang family all have the same virtue

(End of this chapter)

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