Valkyrie Storm

Chapter 2252 Zhao Qiangsheng

Chapter 2252 Zhao Qiangsheng

Zhao Qiangsheng led the team to run wildly in the hot and dry desert. His full of pride and fiery ambition gave him endless energy: "Don't relax, keep the will to fight on the battlefield, treat this as a battlefield, don't let go. If there are any clues, we must search for clues."

"Quick, keep up." The six men and women who followed closely grinned secretly, but they didn't dare to refute too much. They took a deep breath and ran at full speed in an awl-shaped team. Zhao Qiangsheng.

After half an hour.

"Stop, there is a situation." Zhao Qiangsheng suddenly stopped his galloping steps, somersaulted in the air, let go of the excessive momentum, stomped on the ground, and stabilized his figure.The action is done in one go, with a sense of ability and toughness.

The middle-aged man behind him walked to the front quickly, and was about to explore the sand dunes ahead, but Zhao Qiangsheng rushed over first, pressing his hands on the sand dunes: "I'll do it."

The middle-aged man shook his head and smiled wryly. The young master's strong character made him both happy and helpless. He could only stay on guard, and he also signaled the team behind him to stay on guard.

"There are signs of life, and it is almost dissipating. The estimated time to leave is about half an hour. The direction..." Zhao Qiangsheng felt the remaining breath of the sand dunes, slowly got up, stared at the west, and sternly said: "I found you Already. Let's go."

The middle-aged man nodded in appreciation, his judgment was very precise, exactly the same as his own.

"I hope it's a big fish. Let me make a contribution. I'll see who can stop me from going to the battlefield."

Zhao Qiangsheng was excited. He had caught a total of five scout troops in the past month. This brilliant achievement has alarmed the elders of the Dingxi Palace. Grab three more scout teams, and allow yourself to go to the battlefield to practice.

He has been looking forward to going to the battlefield for too long. In his mind, there is his world, and it is a great opportunity for him to make contributions and become famous all over the world.

Thinking of this, he was so excited that he couldn't sleep.

But compared to his excitement, the middle-aged man twitched the corners of his eyes slightly, showing embarrassment, and the faces of the other people behind him were no longer so pretty.

The middle-aged man hesitated and said: "Young Master, we can postpone going to the battlefield a little bit, we are not in a hurry."

"Why, look down on me?" Zhao Qiangsheng ran ahead without looking back.

"You have never been on the battlefield, and you don't know the cruelty there. I'm not saying you can't do it. It's just that the battlefield between the two countries is now in a fierce stage, and the scale of action is hundreds of thousands to millions. The battlefield that just ended a few days ago swept 800 people. More than ten thousand, hundreds of thousands of people died in battle in one day, and the number of dead in battle reached more than 300 million in the end.

Even Wu Zun can't guarantee that he will be alive on the battlefield, let alone you.And your martial arts are quite special, and it is easy to attract attention. Once you go to the battlefield, you will definitely be hit hard. "

A middle-aged woman also said: "Our family's blood martial arts are more suitable for searching for enemies on the periphery, so things like battlefields are still..."

"Don't talk about it, what about the bloodiness of our clan? You have forgotten it? So many elders have shined on the battlefield and made our clan's reputation. They belong to the same clan, why is there such a big gap?
How can there be a breakthrough in martial arts without experiencing life and death. This young man is now a first-rank martial king, and he is still assigned to peripheral activities. This is an insult to me.

I must go to the battlefield, even if I die there, I am willing, but... hmph, I will not die, I will honor my family! "

Zhao Qiangsheng's gaze was like a torch, his fists were clenched tightly, and he rushed to the west quickly.

"Hey, young master, you don't know the cruelty of the battlefield." The middle-aged man sighed, stopped insisting, and signaled others not to say any more. This kind of thing is not persuaded once or twice.

The scout team charged forward again, heading west for seven or eight kilometers. Along the way, the breath of life they were tracking became much stronger.

"I found you, let's see where you hide. Spread out and surround yourself." Zhao Qiangsheng gave an order, and the six people behind him all dispersed. Their blood was stimulated, and their martial skills were displayed. A dark breath diffused from their hands, threatening them with all their strength. In the front, like a wolf and a tiger, the momentum is good.

Zhao Qiangsheng pointed to the mound in front of him, and shouted: "Get out if you are sensible, and catch them without a fight! You want to avoid our investigation with a small trick? You can't control yourself!"

"We are the troops directly under the Dingxi Prince's Mansion. I advise you not to resist, but to come out and surrender immediately. As long as you cooperate, we promise not to hurt you." The middle-aged man was the strongest, and the aura of the high-ranking Martial King stirred the sand dunes with a radius of [-] meters.

Not long after, the sand dune in front of him squirmed slightly, and a thin old man slowly crawled out. His cold eyes swept around and fixed on Zhao Qiangsheng: "Hey, Mr. Zhao Qiangsheng? I'm so glad to see you."

"you know me?"

"Of course, you have captured quite a few of our teams in this desert for the past six months."

"who are you?"

"Me? Take a look? Do you know me?" The old man tore off his collar, revealing a blue bird symbol.

"The 'Fire Sparrow Task Force' of the Huo Hell Army? You are a second-rank Martial King, so your status should not be low. Haha, I am really lucky, and I really caught a big fish." Zhao Qiangsheng was immediately happy.

The shriveled old man smiled ferociously: "I'm lucky today, and I actually transferred you here!"

"Huh?" The middle-aged man's complexion changed slightly.

Zhao Qiangsheng looked around: "Do you have other accomplices?"

"Of course, what is the old man doing hiding here? Playing with sand? I'm just a bait for fishing. Hehe." The old man climbed out of the dune and snapped his fingers.

"Be careful." The team immediately surrounded Zhao Qiangsheng, vigilant around.

"How could there be someone?" The middle-aged man and the others were surprised. They had just inspected secretly and found no other life breath. Where could they get help?

After a long while, there was no response from the surrounding sand dunes.

Zhao Qiangsheng snorted coldly. "Are you kidding me? Take it down for me."

The old man sneered evilly: "Don't worry, your family is very sensitive to the breath of life. If you want to avoid your detection, how can you not hide deeper?"

"Withdraw!!" The middle-aged man suddenly had a premonition, and Zhao Qiangsheng was about to evacuate when he rolled up.

But... "Since you're here, don't leave anymore." The sand dunes tens of meters away suddenly exploded, and a giant man in iron armor rushed out of the ground and lay in front of them. Sand bursts.

He looks like a majestic black bear, wearing black iron heavy armor, with a murderous look, a pair of eyes with green lights, and a dark aura with strong corrosive power, deterring the audience.

"Wu Zun?!" Zhao Qiangsheng and others suddenly changed their expressions. This is the post-war area, how could there be a Wu Zun?
"My lord, Fire Sparrow Task Force, Captain of the Fifth Battalion." The iron-clad giant snorted coldly, and walked quickly in the air, about to kill Zhao Qiangsheng and the others without any hesitation, killing decisively and exuding ruthlessness.

This place belongs to the control area of ​​Dingxi Prince's Mansion, and it must be resolved quickly, and the aura must not be exposed, otherwise the trouble will be serious.

"We won the first battle, not bad." The skinny old man was also grinning.

"Master, run away!" The middle-aged man suddenly threw off Zhao Qiangsheng, and rushed towards the iron-clad giant.

"Leave us alone, run away." The other five men and women also roared sharply and joined hands to kill the skinny old man.

Zhao Qiangsheng was shocked, he had never experienced such a cruel environment, his passion seemed to be completely extinguished at this moment of cruelty, and he even forgot to run away.

"Master, run away."

The middle-aged man roared like a wild beast, and he slammed into the strong man suicidally, engulfed in death.

"Don't stand still, run away." The other five people also yelled, and rushed towards the old man from different directions.

"Ah? Ahh." Zhao Qiangsheng woke up in a panic, but he was still there in a daze. He really didn't know whether he should run away or rush forward bravely.Ideal and reality formed a sharp collision at this moment, making him dizzy and at a loss what to do.Completely different from before.

"Huh?" The giant man in iron armor suddenly stopped, and dodged to avoid the pounce of the middle-aged man. He turned his head and stared at the sky. With a palpitating power, it brought him a strong oppression across the endless desert.

"What is that?" The rest of the people also stopped fighting in embarrassment. It was not their intention, but a strange force emerged out of thin air, suppressing them alive.

"It's such a strong breath." The iron-clad giant was secretly on guard.

The skinny old man also hurried back to him, his brows were furrowed, and he secretly guarded: "Could it be the strong man from Dingxi Palace?"

"It's not like, this too strong..." The iron-clad giant was about to evacuate, no matter who it was, he should be careful, but for some reason... he couldn't move, really couldn't move.

"I...why can't I move?" Zhao Qiangsheng's voice trembled slightly.

"Master, don't panic, this is our territory, don't panic." The middle-aged man shouted loudly, but for some reason, his voice trembled faintly, and a cold palpitation filled his heart, spreading uncontrollably , causing the whole body to stand on end with chills.

"I...I want to leave..." Zhao Qiangsheng was terrified, but couldn't summon up the initial courage.

"Good idea!" The skinny old man kept glaring at him, threatening him.

The previous tense atmosphere just collapsed like this, and the two sides have been confronting each other silently, but they are even more afraid of the mysterious aura in the distance, as if it is aimed at them.

Not long after, the dark clouds in the distance surged over at an extremely fast speed and spread over the sky.The coercion between the heaven and the earth became even more terrifying, even the scorching air plummeted, dropping dozens of degrees.

The giant man in iron armor had to fall to the ground, resisting the pressure with all his strength.

They all looked up at the huge dark clouds lying high in the sky, and it was already dark.

(End of this chapter)

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