Valkyrie Storm

Chapter 2253 Sealed Secret

Chapter 2253 Sealed Secret

"Roar." A deep roar rolled in the depths of the dark clouds, and a large group of cold and green flames squeezed out of the dark clouds and appeared in their sight.The flames were blazing, but exuded a biting cold temperature, and contained a terrifying and evil power, as if to suck out their souls.

"What the hell is this situation?" Zhao Qiangsheng and the others were all stunned. They had never felt a similar breath. It was too depressing, too cold, and they were about to suffocate, and they felt a small sense of despair out of thin air.

The flames in the sky stopped for a while, and a giant skull appeared inside, like the skull of some kind of monster, burning with raging fire, and the flames in the eye sockets were particularly cold and dark green.

"I..." Zhao Qiangsheng and others almost fainted. This thing is too big and terrifying.

The monster just stared at them so coldly for a long time, then swooped down suddenly, completely escaped from the dark clouds, and then... a complete skeleton of a giant dragon appeared in the dark world, hundreds of meters long, with dark fire surging, filling the forest. The dead air of cold despair is like a mountain pressing down between the heavens and the earth, making one's heart shattered.

But... they clearly saw two men in black cloaks standing on the bone dragon, between the underworld fire.

"Are you from Dingxi Palace?"

Tang Yan walked down from Minglong, and his eyes fell on the aura of Zhao Qiangsheng and the others. It was dark, cold, exuding the aura of death. This aura... he couldn't be more familiar... Just returned to Qitian Continent, Just meeting such a group of people surprised Tang Yan somewhat, and at the same time... also felt strangely warm.

"We are all clansmen of the Dingxi Prince's Mansion, dare to ask the honorable name of the senior?" The middle-aged man was the first to recover, trying to suppress the panic in his heart, and also maintained a respectful posture, not daring to be presumptuous in the slightest.

He could feel the horror of this person, he was obviously calm and steady, but he seemed to have a vast ocean of energy.

His presence made the world quiet.

The giant man in iron armor was also suspicious in shock, why did such a strong man appear?Saint?But the saint there didn't have such a terrifying aura, he didn't even dare to look directly into the other's eyes.

Tang Yan looked at it for a long time, and suddenly asked: "Are you of the blood of ghouls?"

"Exactly, the ghouls of our Dingxi Palace."

The middle-aged man answered cautiously, unable to detect the good and evil tendencies in the other party's tone.

"Oh? Isn't the blood of the ghouls dead?" Tang Yan was surprised, and kept the secrets of the year in his heart.

The Dingxi Prince's Mansion tried their best to encircle and suppress the ghoul clan and the funeral flower clan, and finally achieved the siege after hunting and rounding up, but the ghoul clan was stubborn by nature, and they knew the price of surrendering so far, so they vowed not to surrender, those who died in battle, those who committed suicide Suicide, as many as 3000 people all died in the encirclement, and none survived!

In the end, the funeral flower clan only survived more than [-] people, and they were forced to surrender.

"How do you know? No, no, I mean... this is... a sealed secret." The middle-aged man was afraid of offending the mysterious strong man in front of him.

Tang Yan came down from the sky and stood in front of them: "Are you from the same batch back then, or are you from the blood that was born again later?"

"I do not understand what you mean."

"You understand that."

"This..." The middle-aged man hesitated for a while, faintly feeling that the mysterious strong man had no malicious intentions, let alone dared not resist: "We are... um... the survivors from back then."

Such a coincidence?Ling Ruoxi's ethnic group?Tang Yan let go of the coercion a little: "If you don't mind, tell me?"

Everyone looked at each other, getting more and more confused about what was going on.Such a super big man is being polite to us?Suddenly, they felt flattered.However, the events of that year have been sealed up, it is a taboo, and one cannot mention it again, otherwise it will be severely punished.

"Are we... going to die?" Zhao Qiangsheng was in a nervous mood. He used to be passionate, dreaming of making contributions, dreaming of spilling blood on the battlefield and flying across the world.But in fact, he has never experienced life and death since he was a child, let alone cruel tempering. Today, when death is really close at hand, he realizes that he is not as strong as he imagined, but rather cowardly.

"Are you afraid of death?" Tang Yan asked back.

"I..." Zhao Qiangsheng was speechless.

The middle-aged man hurriedly said, "I'll say it! I'll say it, I'll say it all! Please don't hurt my young master."

"Is he the young master of your family, or the young master of Dingxi Palace?" Tang Yan asked again, but his face was expressionless, and no one could see the emotional fluctuations.

"The young master of our ghoul clan." The middle-aged man sensitively discovered that the mysterious figure in front of him seemed to be very concerned about the ghoul clan.

"The only son of this generation?"

"Our ghoul family's reproductive ability is very low, and it is relatively difficult to give birth to offspring. In this generation, 30 people were born, three of which were abandoned, and five died young. Among them, the son of Johnson's blood was the strongest and received key training. He is now 35 years old. Yes, I was promoted to Martial King just a few years ago."

"You can talk now."

"Can I ask senior why you are interested in our clan?" The middle-aged man was still a little hesitant. After all, things are absolutely taboo in Dingxi Palace, especially for his own clan.

"I'll tell you!"

The giant man in iron armor suddenly spoke. He vaguely felt that this person was very familiar, but he couldn't remember where he had seen him before.

The middle-aged man was suddenly excited, and shouted: "It's not up to you to point out the secrets of our family!"

"Hmph, something that forgets its origin is worthy of talking about its own history? Let me say it!"

"I come!!"

"Bah, what good things can you say? Let me tell you the real history!" The iron-armored giant spat in disdain, and said loudly: "Back then, Zhao Xi, a genius of the ghoul tribe, saved Ling Ling, a genius of the buried flower tribe. Wei, had no choice but to plan a rebellion, and the ghoul clan and the funeral flower clan joined hands to judge the Dingxi Palace and fled towards the imperial city.

Dingxi Prince's Mansion felt that it had lost face, and mobilized the whole clan to pursue and suppress them, and finally blocked the two clans in the middle of the desert. The ghoul clan had a strong character, and they either died in battle or committed suicide. They would rather die than surrender. As a result, thousands of people died tragically .

But afterwards, when the Dingxi Palace was cleaning up the corpses, a pregnant woman was found in a pile of suicide corpses.The pregnant woman was ten months pregnant, and the child miraculously survived after she committed suicide. "

"Oh?" Tang Yan said in his heart that he was lucky, the sky never ends.

"The old prince of the Dingxi Palace valued the power of the blood of the ghouls. He secretly adopted them and cultivated them with all his strength. He also ordered to seal up the secrets of the past and brainwash them. They have been breeding in secret for thousands of years. The ghouls have more than 2000 members. reach thousands of people.

It wasn't until the outbreak of the Imperial War seven years ago that the ghouls were brought back to the battlefield. They were regarded as assassination troops and death-defying troops. "

Tang Yan's face was expressionless, showing no signs of happiness or anger: "This should be a secret, how did you know?"

"It was all a secret back then, but it has been made public in recent years, and there has been a lot of rumors. Because the ghouls have caused a lot of panic on the battlefield, they wear masks of the god of death, and they can attract the influence of the god of death, and their energy is dead. , brought great oppression to our imperial troops.

They have three and a half saints, and they are dispatched together every time, and their strength is very strong.

In order to get rid of this threat, Xingluo Ancient Kingdom tried every means to investigate the reason why the ghouls reappeared in the world, finally found out the ins and outs, and accused the old prince of his sinister intentions.It was also found that Zhao Xi and Ling Wei did not die back then, but fled to the Yan Kingdom in the ancient land of Canglan, and then transferred to the Dayan Mountains, founded the Yuhua Palace, and changed their names to Ling Ruoxi and Zhaoyi.

The Hou Yuhua Palace is all included in the Wangu Beast Mountain, and the two princesses Zhaoyi and Ling Ruoxi are emotionally involved with Tang Yan, the young master of Wangu Beast Mountain and the young master of Jiulongling.

The ancient kingdom of Xingluo hoped to awaken the hatred of the corpse royal family back then, and publicly announced that as long as the corpse ghost clan was willing to return, the empire would fully accept it and allow them to settle down and multiply in the ancient kingdom of Xingluo. "

"now what?"

"As the saying goes, where there is no wind, there are no waves. The ghouls are absolutely loyal on the surface, but they can't stand the spread of rumors, and they slowly start to waver. They secretly investigate the truth of the matter. We don't know how they are doing, but the ghouls are three and a half Sheng has been dispatched less and less frequently recently."

As he was talking, the giant man in iron armor suddenly stopped, and looked straight at Tang Yan. The more he looked, the more familiar he became, and the more he looked, the more he felt that he had seen him somewhere before.

Tang Yan looked at the middle-aged man: "He said so much, do you believe the history in the rumors?"

"We...I..." The middle-aged man faltered, and the other five also lowered their eyebrows slightly.

"Young master, do you believe it?" Tang Yan looked at Zhao Qiangsheng.

"Don't believe it! Absolutely don't believe it!" Zhao Qiangsheng was categorical.But when he said this proudly and firmly, Tang Yan clearly caught a bit of bitterness from the expressions of the others.

"What do you think your history is?"

"Thousands of years ago, the blood of the royal family gave birth to a different kind, which evolved into the powerful ghoul clan. Although we are a subordinate tribe, our status in the palace is becoming more and more prominent. I believe that one day, we will become Dingxi Palace and even the entire Western Xinjiang. An indispensable force for all military regions."

Zhao Qiangsheng clenched his fists, regained his pride, and no longer was ashamed of his cowardice just now. He believed that he was just feeling uncomfortable for a while, and if he went through a few more experiences, he should be able to strengthen his heart.

What a troubled race.Tang Yan sighed secretly, and also felt that he should do something for Ling Ruoxi: "This is the Western Xinjiang Desert of the Dagan Dynasty?"

The armored man responded: "Yes, senior."

"Why is there so little life?"

The middle-aged man interjected: "Because the two countries have been fighting for years, the ancient country of Xingluo always sent some assassination troops and scout troops behind us. In order to eliminate hidden dangers, we carried out a sweep against the demons in the western borders and slaughtered all life. .”

"Are you Fire Sparrow Task Force?"

"Yes, senior!"

"Why are you here? Doesn't Yan Kingdom in Canglan Ancient Land need you?"

"This..." The iron-armored giant's expression was a little dark, but he quickly puffed up his chest again, and said calmly: "Yan Kingdom has already passed away, and we... have destroyed the country..."

(End of this chapter)

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