Valkyrie Storm

Chapter 2259

Chapter 2259
"Sneak attack? Not strong enough!!" The underworld dragon snorted angrily, and the underworld fire surged rapidly, like a thousand-meter fireball roaring and surging, making that area a world of its own, covering and guarding all the captives.

... Roaring... The underworld dragon went mad, and a dragon roar, like a stone breaking the sky.The sharp sound wave smashed through the dark fire wave and rushed out. The sound of the dragon's chant turned into countless real animal shadows, which precisely intercepted and hit the golden light gun.

A light wave energy, a sound wave energy, the extreme impact of two energies detonated in an instant, annihilated together, turned into the explosion of sound and light wave, causing the roar and light wave that shook the whole city.

The sky is shaking and everything is shining.

At the same time, Tang Yan rushed out of Minghuo to fight head-on. He didn't need a weapon, and only had one palm, and he sent it forward, shaking King Dingxi's peerless golden gun. phoenix.

"Kill!!" King Dingxi roared like thunder, and his offensive surged.

"Frozen heaven and earth." Bingfeng counterattacked in response, a dazzling white glow bloomed all over her body, and it was even more bone-chillingly cold, trying to freeze the submerged dark energy.Her cold wave is so terrifying that it can even seal energy.But... What Tang Yan launched was not an offensive at all, but a devouring, a devouring from hell, to withdraw her into hell.

The explosion of the confrontation between Minglong and Liujinshu has not yet dissipated, and the loud noise of Tang Yan's confrontation with Baifeng and King Dingxi once again shook the vast palace inside and outside.

Because the energy is too vast and the attack is extremely fierce, outsiders can't see what happened, they only know... Clang! !
The golden gun tumbling in the air, flew directly into the sky, King Dingxi spurted blood, and flew hundreds of miles away in embarrassment, with messy long hair, bleeding from the mouth and nose, and shocking eyes.

And when the tide of darkness gathered, Bai Feng had disappeared.

The audience was silent, and the needles could be heard. Many ethnic groups still had excited and passionate expressions on their faces, but they were already frozen. The faces of many guards had faded away, and some people's mouths had directly turned into an 'O' shape. .

"Where is the person?" Pei Lu looked around, where is Bai Feng?Didn't he kill him?Gone in a blink of an eye?

"Look at the sky." Tang Yan raised his head slightly.

"What?" Everyone looked up.

"The ashes are gone." Tang Yan snorted coldly.

What?Spike?Tens of thousands of people inside and outside the palace were frightened.

Is this the saint, or the emperor?
In the current hell world, Bai Feng looked around vigilantly, is this a domain space?Or are dark forces hallucinating me?But why is it so vast and so real?
"The Underworld Lord said, let us take good care of you."

Suddenly, a coquettish voice came from the darkness behind, and Bai Feng suddenly looked back. On the dark mountain, a bunch of evil lights were slowly blooming, and a long-haired woman who was all over the country could be faintly seen.

"I know her! I was almost tormented to death by this bitch back then." Countless underworld fires gathered from all directions in the world, and a flaming fireman manifested in front of her.

Xiezu has a deep memory of Baifeng. When the city was full of water, she was the one who assisted Kappa to encircle and suppress Tang Yan, forcing Tang Yan to almost die there.Unexpectedly, just after returning to Qitian Continent, she would meet her old enemy.

"Who are you?" Bai Feng was vigilant, feeling a strong threat from the two, but she really had no impression of these people, let alone the current situation.

"The Lord of the Underworld transmits the voice, takes care of him, but cannot kill him." Raksha came from afar, swaying and full of charm, bringing shocking kitsch and murderous intent.

She understood Tang Yan's meaning, she had to take Xue Tianchen's affection into consideration a little bit, and she had to be lenient when dealing with the people in Zhenyao Temple, no matter how heinous, no matter how much hatred.

"They can be ungrateful, but they can't be ungrateful. Treat the wicked and enemies, cut the weeds and eradicate the roots, and leave no future troubles, but if there is kindness, they will never be ungrateful. This is the bottom line for me to be considered a person." Rakshasa still remembers the words she said. Although she doesn't appreciate it, she doesn't resist it either.

"As long as you don't die, it's fine, but the range of immortality is too wide. Bastards, I'll let you taste the taste of attribute restraint. In this hell world, I am the Lord of Underworld Fire." The evil ancestor broke out and killed Bai Feng.

"Hee hee, I agree." Luo Sha raised his hands horizontally, showing his murderous intent. "Evil ghosts take souls."

"Hmph! It's ridiculous!! You still want to kill a saint, do you really think you are emperors?" Although Bai Feng didn't know exactly what happened, she would never sit still and wait for death.

A fierce battle broke out in the hell space.

"I want to fight out, I can kill out, I can definitely get out." She roared in her heart, her will was firm, unwilling to wait for death, she decided to fight out of the siege and escape from this dark world.

But she didn't know that in this space, there were actually three great holy realms, who had also awakened at this moment and locked in here across the vast dark wasteland.

Dingxi Palace! !
The huge palace was silent for a long time, and even Liu Jinshu hadn't recovered from the shock. His assault was defeated head-on?King Dingxi was blown away?Bai Feng disappeared for no reason?

What kind of monsters are these? !Against the sky? !

The Sixth Princess and the others were trembling, staring at Tang Yan's back in dumbfounded.

Was it just a hallucination? !
They really couldn't believe what happened before them!
King Dingxi, who was on the battlefield of the empire, was blown away?Only Zhao Tianyan, the owner of the Valley of the Wicked, is qualified to fight against the super strength of the peak martial saint!He was defeated by Tang Yan head-on today?

Back then, Tang Yan was only a semi-saint. Although he was also very arrogant, he was not so arrogant.

He has only been gone for seven years, not 7000 or 7 years. How could he have grown to such a heaven-defying level?
King Dingxi's face was cold: "You can't kill Bai Feng instantly, say, what did you do to her?"

"It doesn't matter if she's hidden or she's dead, anyway, she's gone now." Tang Yan pointed to the appointed King Xi from the air, and said coldly, "The situation is now five to three. You've lived for tens of thousands of years, so you should know yourself. If you are not my opponent, just stand there honestly, before I pronounce your life and death, don't rush to find death."

"..." King Dingxi's chest heaved violently, and he was so angry that he almost vomited old blood.

But now he is getting more and more confused about the situation, the mysterious strong man in front of him is really too strong.

It stands to reason that it really shouldn't be. So far, all the old monsters that should have come out have come out. There are indeed some surprising abnormalities, but they are not so strong.This is completely the pinnacle of the peak of martial arts. Could it be that half a foot has stepped into the Great Perfection? !
Realizing that something was wrong, Liu Jinshu quietly signaled to Pei Lu, ready to find an opportunity to escape.

The reversal of the situation today is too rapid and terrible, and it has completely lost control.

But... Liu Jinshu and Pei Lu had some trends just now, and suddenly found three pairs of eyes fixed on themselves.

"Don't take us for fools, move your butt, I know what you want to do." Minglong moved his body slightly and changed his position.Yue Ying and Jin Lao also moved in large strides, forming a triangular target and surrounding Liu Jinshu and Pei Lu.

In the darkness, Spike also locked them.

"Damn it, I shouldn't have come here today." Liu Jinshu was annoyed, the chest injury did not decrease but increased, and there was a faint evil flame inside that continued to eat away at his flesh and blood, no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't get better.He was annoyed and vigilant, his eyeballs rolled around, looking for a chance to escape.

"People of the ghoul clan, I will give you a chance to ask King Dingxi the questions in your heart." Tang Yan raised his finger and pointed to King Dingxi's mansion.

"This..." Zhao Zhong and the others hesitated.

It is not so easy to erase the thousands of years of loyalty to the monarch, not to mention that many people in the clan are subconsciously unwilling to believe the rumors, and are even very repulsive.They couldn't believe that the palace that had raised them for thousands of years had slaughtered the people of the previous generation and wiped them out.

Tang Yan's voice suddenly increased: "The ghoul clan back then was passionate and tenacious, they would rather die than surrender, and those who committed suicide in the end committed suicide, and died in battle. This is the ghoul clan, a race admired by the world, a race that dares to love, hate, and dare to fight. Be a passionate race who dare to live and die.

You also have the blood of the ghouls, why don't you have any blood?Can't even ask a question? "

Zhao Zhong took a deep breath, took two steps forward, and regained his firmness: "There is no need to ask, whether it is true history or not, it is history after all, and all grievances and grievances ended in that year. The newborn us are a brand new At the beginning of life, we have our own choices and our own destiny.

We will not bear the hatred of the past, nor will we accept the imposed mission.

Our ghoul clan has been able to develop for thousands of years, relying on the nourishment of the Dingxi Palace, and the cultivation of the Dingxi Palace. Our current life and development are all derived from the Dingxi Palace. This kindness cannot be forgotten.

We can't see the history of that year, and we don't have the right to judge the good and evil of that year, but we can feel the favor of Dingxi Palace, we... will not leave. "

"Foolish! Recognize a thief as your father! You don't judge, who is qualified to judge!! He slaughtered your ancestors, he nourished you to breed killers, and reduced you to weapons! From ancient times to the present, it is sinister. From your mouth It’s disappointing to hear that.”

Tang Yan felt pity for Ling Ruoxi, and also felt worthless for the staunch ghoul clan and flower funeral clan back then.

"Hmph!" King Dingxi snorted coldly in the distance, with a mocking smile on the corner of his mouth, he finally regained his face, and he was worthy of cultivating them for thousands of years.

For the first time in these years, looking at the ghouls is so pleasing to the eye.

(End of this chapter)

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