Valkyrie Storm

Chapter 2260 Choice

Chapter 2260 Choice
Tang Yan turned to King Dingxi: "I want you to tell it yourself. Is what happened back then true or false?"

"So what if you talk about it, so what if you don't talk about it? You have already heard what Zhao Zhong said just now. Whether the events of that year are true or not, they are all in the past.

The growth and development of the ghoul clan over the past thousand years is a gift from the Dingxi Palace, and it is all my blessing.

If it wasn't for me, would they be where they are today?If it weren't for me, the fetus would have been exposed to the desert long ago.

No matter what I train them for, even if it leads to a dead end, it will not change the fact that I gave the ghouls a new life. I am their eternal benefactor.

Instead of entangled in the true and false of the year, it is better to repay the favor of the millennium.Zhao Zhong's words are very good, and I have cultivated them for thousands of years. "

Minglong was annoyed: "If you tell me, you just say it, so much nonsense. Find out the current situation, I have a bad temper, don't force me to slaughter the city!!"

Dingxi Wang could feel that the other party was not talking nonsense, he hesitated for a while, glanced at the ghouls, and finally nodded slowly: "Back then, Zhao Xi was ungrateful and did not hesitate to collude with the ghouls to betray the descendants of the flower-buying clan. Family, they...damn it!"


More than 2000 members of the ghoul clan were startled and looked at King Dingxi in astonishment.Legend is one thing, but it is another thing to tell it from King Dingxi himself.

Zhao Zhong and the other three semi-sages raised their brows slightly and clenched their fists secretly, but they didn't make any attacks after all.

Tang Yan said solemnly: "History is in front of you, and the facts have been clarified for you. Betrayal has reasons for betrayal, massacres have reasons for massacres, and there are reasons for keeping you in captivity later. Treat history, everything, and everyone. Everyone has a different standard of measurement.

I now give you the opportunity to choose.

Those who choose to compromise and choose to give up, stay.I swear on my life that I will never kill you.

Those who choose to face up to history and bravely face the massacre, take a step forward, and I will take you away and bring you back to your real patriarch Zhao Xi.I will also swear on my life to protect you all my life.

But no matter which side, I promise that I will never let you become enemies with Dingxi Palace again, and I will not force you to kill the clansmen of Dingxi Palace with your own hands. "

The people of the ghoul clan talked a lot. For them, this choice was too cruel, but it was not embarrassing.

Because in the past few years, with the widespread circulation of rumors, everyone in the clan has known the matter. Whether they believe it or not, whether they resist it or remain calm, they have actually made choices and considered it in secret.

If it is true, what should I do, if it is false, what should I do.

Now, the fact came that they didn't dare to choose, but it didn't mean they wouldn't choose.

The three of Zhao Zhong lowered their eyebrows and said nothing. They were not fools. Since King Dingxi restricted them from going to the battlefield, they had already made a judgment in their hearts.Until this moment, Dingxi Wang personally admitted that the news that the ancestor Zhao Xi was still alive until today caused waves in their hearts.

They didn’t respond, but it was actually a response—I won’t stop the tribe from facing history squarely, I won’t block it, I won’t confuse people, it’s up to them to make their own decisions.

After a long time, three people from the ghoul clan came out sparsely and walked towards Tang Yan's direction.

Just as Tang Yan reiterated, history is there. As for how to face and judge, everyone has different standards in their hearts, and everyone's feelings will be different.Regarding hatred, some people choose tolerance, some people will never forget it, some people report it cruelly, some people endure humiliation for ten years, and so on.

Some people choose to forget and start again, while others choose to regain their hatred and mission.

Once there is a beginning, there will be a continuation. Since the three people left, some people have left one after another, and finally reached more than 700 people, while the remaining 800 people... all chose to stay.

On Minglong's back, Zhao Qiangsheng was firmly held down by six guards and forced to stay here.

They had already chosen to hate, and they did not allow Zhao Qiangsheng, the hope of the new generation, to stay in Dingxi Palace.

Zhao Zhong opened his eyes and chose to stay, but quietly signaled to the two half-sages beside him, meaning...go...go back to your ancestors, go back to the place you should go, and please live for me and for me. I take revenge.But I will stay and use my life to repay King Dingxi for his thousand years of nurturing.

Enmity and enmity are not owed to each other.

"Take care." The two half-sages bowed deeply to the patriarch Zhao Zhong without saying much.They held back their reluctance and pain, and walked towards Tang Yan.

They still didn't appeal to the clansmen, but their actions once again caused waves in the ghoul clan, after all, this represented the decision of the clan elders.

Soon after, nearly 500 people walked out again.

So far, 1000 or 300 people have chosen Tang Yan, and more than [-] people have chosen Dingxi Palace.

This outcome was both expected and unexpected.

It shows that the ghouls have not lost their blood, nor have they lost their humanity.The part that chooses to stay represents the kindness and righteousness in the blood of the ghouls, and the part that chooses to leave represents the bravery and unruliness in the blood of the ghouls.

It also shows that this race has undergone a transformation after rebirth. It is no longer the ultimate hardness that never bends down, but a little more human.

"Raising you for thousands of years, is this the reward?" King Dingxi angrily scolded the 1000 or [-] people.

But at this moment, the more than 1000 people all held their chests up and looked straight at King Dingxi bravely.Now that you have made a choice, you will not regret it, and since you have chosen hatred, you will go forward bravely.

Minglong stared wide-eyed, and breathed fire in his nose: "This old thing has a thick skin to a certain level! Your skin is also from the Martial Saint Realm? Why don't you say that you slaughtered their ancestors? So cruel that no one will be left behind? So cruel that you will raise them in the later stage They have only cultivated dead men for thousands of years? Half to half, benevolence and righteousness have been exhausted, I have recognized it, and you still don’t recognize it?"

Tang Yan calmed down for a while, and approved their choice: "You have the right to choose, and I respect it. Those who choose to leave, follow me back to the ancient Xingluo country. Those who choose to stay, I will give you a new living environment."

"What do you mean?" All the ghouls looked up, why did this sound strange.

"I gave you the right to choose, but I just gave you the right to follow the choice!! I promised not to kill you, but I didn't allow you to survive here. I guaranteed your survival, but I won't let you die again. You are regarded as dead soldiers by King Dingxi."

Tang Yan respects their choice, but he will not allow them to "live in two places", or even face each other life and death, and will not allow them to continue to be used by King Dingxi.

They were about to argue, but Minglong suddenly growled: "Stupid human beings, don't be ashamed! What else can you do if you stay here? Will King Dingxi trust you?"

Zhao Zhong raised his head and looked at Tang Yan in the sky strangely.This a bit interesting.

"Are you kidding me?" King Dingxi has not suffered as much humiliation in his life as he has today.

Although Liu Jinshu was full of vigilance, he couldn't help feeling secretly that he met someone more shameless than me.After making such a big commotion, this group of people was finally dragged away.In the end, King Dingxi was left here dryly.By the way, I have stimulated the ghouls, overtly or secretly, I am your ancestor, and I am here to teach you, not to beg you.

Playing with force and playing with features!
The two semi-holy clan elders suppressed the discussion among their clansmen, and bowed slightly to Tang Yan: "Old man Zhao Chunqiu (Zhao En), I have met senior."

Now that you have chosen, you must treat each other calmly.

First of all, they have to be responsible to the more than 1000 ethnic groups behind them, so they have to show courtesy to Tang Yan.

More importantly, Tang Yan also took away another 1000 people. From the outsiders' point of view, it was domineering, but to them, it was kindness.Anyway, we are willing to repay the favor, the choice just now has proved this to the world, but the problem is...he wants to snatch us away, we have no choice but to accept our fate...accept our fate..." Where?" Tang Yan asked.



"The ability of the bloodline to reproduce is very poor, and because they constantly resisted the Dingxi Palace, they were all pushed to the battlefield, but the clansmen of the bloodline of the funeral never fought seriously, so last year... they were massacred." Zhao Chunqiu did not make any concealment Yes, directly exposed the facts.

Click!Tang Yan's heart shrank fiercely, almost out of breath.

Saved Ling Ruoxi's people, but didn't want to...

(End of this chapter)

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