Valkyrie Storm

Chapter 2268 Announcement

Chapter 2268 Announcement
The atmosphere at the scene became more and more weird, and everyone looked at each other in blank dismay, becoming more and more confused about the situation.

Why are you still hugging and kissing?Hundreds of people are watching, and there are tens of millions of troops behind!

The cold and arrogant female army leader was hugged by a man?Kissed?Got it?

Look at the blood-colored desert under your feet, look at the dark weather around you, and look at the gazes of tens of millions of people in the distance... These two people really have a romantic relationship!So exciting!

It is even more difficult for the sixth princess and other Yan people to resist such a hot scene that is not suitable for children.

The ancestor of the Gu family shook his head secretly, young man, the firepower is strong.

Zhao Tianyan asked Qiao Ba in code words, is this really Tang Yan?In fact, he had never met Tang Yan, and he got the occasional understanding from the mouths of the saints in the Valley of the Wicked.

Martial sages such as Marquis of Beijiang had never met Tang Yan back then, let alone understood him.Or maybe they didn't bother to see them back then, they usually seldom go out for activities, let alone meet 'children'.

Qiao Ba nodded, expressing his confirmation.It's just that this point is so blunt and blunt, it's hard for me to accept it.Is it really the boy back then, really that naughty child back then?

It's only been a few years since he left, and he has reached the peak holy realm by leaps and bounds.

Could it be that he got into the crack of time and space?Is there one day a year to catch up with here?
Otherwise it would be too boring.

"Hurry up." Ling Qingmao suddenly kicked Zhao Tianyan. When Tang Yan and other winners were collectively sent to the Lost Battle Realm, Zhao Zimo was also among them. Let alone whether you can escape from the void alive, even if you escape there, it will be very difficult to survive, and it is even more impossible to come back.

She had been sad for a while, but because of the hectic war, she tried to divert her energy.Over the years, she has basically no longer expected to see each other again, as if she didn't have that child.

But now that Tang Yan is back, her dead heart is hot again, concerned about whether her child will live or die.

"Tang...what should I call?" Zhao Tianyan took the initiative to walk towards Tang Yan.

Only then did Tang Yan let go of Alinda.

Although Ailinda was shy, she was not embarrassed. She took a few steps back calmly and handed over the scene to Tang Yan.

Tang Yan made a junior salute to Zhao Tianyan: "Zhao Zimo and I have been brothers for many years, you can call me Tang Yan directly, there is no need to be so polite between us."

"Where is Zimo?" Zhao Tianyan smiled, secretly thinking that it was good, not arrogant, but polite.

"We're all still alive."

"Is he really alive?" Ling Qingma couldn't bear it anymore, and walked over quickly regardless of her arrogance.

"Live well, he is now a saint, and the three-legged toad beside him is also a demon saint."


"Good job!"

Ling Qingmao and Zhao Tianyan were all excited, there was no better news than this.

"Are you happy?"

"Ah?" Ling Qingmao looked at Tang Yan strangely, why did he speak so strangely, could it be that... some unfortunate encounters?

Tang Yan smiled and said, "I'm even happier. Zhao Zimo found a daughter-in-law for you. She has a very good relationship. Maybe someday you will be able to embrace a grandson."

"..." Ling Qingmao and Zhao Tianyan looked at each other, they were stunned for a while, after all, they had never thought about it, but after a while, the two breathed in together, couldn't hide their excitement, and said in unison: "Which girl? What kind of personality? Strong , or gentle? What's the blood? What's the background? What's the look? Do you love my Zimo?"

Tang Yan couldn't laugh or cry: "Do you still remember Tian Si who left together?"

"The one from the Pure Yang Realm?" Qiao Ba took two steps forward.

"Well, it's her. The relationship between the two of them is very stable, so don't worry. After a few months, they will come back together. Whether you are satisfied or not, you can figure it out for yourself. Anyway, we all like it."

"That's good, that's good." Both Zhao Tianyan and Ling Qingmao nodded with a smile. They didn't have domineering and arrogant characters, but they were like ordinary peasant parents, caring about their children and daughter-in-law.

But this made Tang Yan feel good about it. This is also a warm and affectionate family.

Tang Yan said again: "His Highness Qin Minghuang is also alive."

"Really?!" Marquis of Beijiang and other ancient generals were all moved.

"Is the descendant of my ancient family still alive?" the ancestor of the ancient family asked.

"Alive." Tang Yan didn't like the Gu family, but admired Gu Lingfeng, and replied with a smile.

The ancestor of the Gu family breathed a sigh of relief, okay, okay.He still cared about Gu Lingfeng, especially in this troubled world, a fresh and strong family blood was too important.I used to think that saints are immortal and saints are gods, but since the outbreak of the imperial war, more than ten saints have died, and I may die in battle at any time. The family needs a strong leader to guide and protect.

"Qin Minghuang's situation is a bit special. I brought him back. The others..." Tang Yan looked at the teams around him.

Qiao Ba understood what he meant, nodded and said, "It's all believable."

"To put it simply, we broke into another world, which is the legendary world where the ancient golden clan lost. After these years of hard work, we barely have a stable home. There have been some special situations recently. , I was sent back first, after a few months, Zhao Zimo and the others will come back one after another."

Tang Yan gave a simple introduction, but revealed very complicated information.

Knowing the situation there, Zhao Tianyan and the others naturally knew more about the dangers of survival. It was definitely a fluke for Tang Yan and the others to get there, and they would be seriously injured. It was unimaginable that they could have a stable home in this way.

Beijiang Hou and others don't understand the situation of the ancient gold clan at all, and some people have even forgotten those legends.Over the years, due to various reasons, the Three Sacred Lands have not announced the whereabouts of those people. They only said that they were thrown into the mysterious field to practice. As for whether to believe it or not... it all depends on one's own understanding.

So when they first heard about the Ancient Gold Clan, some people were surprised, some were at a loss, and some frowned.

"How did you come back?" Zhao Tianyan was very surprised by this question, and from the tone of his voice, it seemed that crossing the two worlds was not as difficult as imagined. Could there be another space channel?

"There are space fighters in the Lost Battle Realm. They teamed up to open up a space channel and sent me back."

Tang Yan said simply, without the intention of introducing in detail, Zhao Tianyan nodded slowly, and did not ask any further questions.

Beidou Zhanwang carefully observed Tang Yan: "Please allow me to ask a rude question, are you currently at the peak of a martial artist?"

"It's just a fluke." Tang Yan implicitly admitted.

My goodness, is it really the pinnacle?Everyone straightened their bodies slowly, as expected, the peak of the holy realm, as for any fluke nonsense, no one would believe it.The pinnacle martial saint, that is the realm that many saints dream of, and even the emperor will treat him with courtesy, and it is not something that can be achieved by luck.

How old is Tang Yan?If I remember correctly, it should be less than a hundred years old.

At the age of less than a hundred years, he has achieved a realm that many geniuses could not reach in tens of thousands of years.

This is no longer against the sky, this is stealing the way of heaven.

Compared with him, those so-called geniuses in Qitian Continent are not even scum.

Zhao Tianyan secretly sighed with emotion that she had gone through untold hardships and exhausted thousands of years to step into the peak holy realm and become the top powerhouse under the Emperor of the Qitian Continent. There are no more than ten people in the situation, and it is known as a one-in-a-billion probability.

He has a thousand reasons and 1 reasons to be proud and overlook the common people. He has always regarded himself as a master, deterring all parties with an invincible status, but when he stopped by Tang Yan today, he suddenly felt that he was nothing. I'm a little skeptical about life.

"Is there a difference between the time over there and this one..." Qiao Ba gestured slightly, but couldn't help it.

Tang Yan smiled without explaining, and said, "Let's find a suitable place to sit down and talk slowly. The saintesses need to rest, and I have a lot to understand."

"I'm negligent, please please." Everyone felt that they were rude.

"Victoria?" Tang Yan suddenly noticed an acquaintance deep in the crowd.

"It's rare that Mr. Tang still remembers me."

"Are you in charge of all the work of Tianyan now?"

"I'm in charge of intelligence work in the Imperial theater." Victoria looked at Tang Yan with an inexplicable sense of strangeness. She was clearly Tang Yan, but she seemed to be unable to see the shadow of the past.

An invisible gap has been opened between each other.Back then, when he was still a young man, things changed and people changed, he had already reached the peak, and even Beijianghou and Zhao Tianyan treated each other with courtesy.

"I want to meet the real person in charge of Tianyan. I have something very important to ask."

"I'll try to get in touch."

"It's not as much as possible, it's necessary. I didn't come back this time just to take a look. Something happened in the world over there, and actually something happened here. Tell the chief person in charge of Zhulu Academy and Tianyan for me, In a word, those legends who left back then... have come back...already!"

Tang Yan looked at Zhao Tianyan, he should understand the last sentence best.

came back?Zhao Tianyan shook slightly.

"It's best to stop the imperial war if it can be stopped. The integrated troops should take the time to recuperate. The real human disaster will happen soon. I request to meet the real person in charge of the Tianyan intelligence system, and I also hope to meet the Xingluo Renhuang. Time can't afford it. "

Ling Qingmao's tone was not kind: "Go quickly, the person in charge of your Sky Eye should also appear."

"I will report personally." Victoria walked away quickly.

Zhao Tianyan quietly transmitted Qiao Ba: "You go back in person, ask the Nine-colored Deer to leave the customs, and contact the Pure Land to tell the truth."

The Marquis of Beijiang noticed the sudden change in the atmosphere, and quietly signaled to the lieutenant: "Go back to the imperial city and report to the Emperor."

(End of this chapter)

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