Valkyrie Storm

Chapter 2269 Qi Tian Battle Situation

Chapter 2269 Qi Tian Battle Situation
Everyone returned to the military tent, and after taking their seats one by one, Tang Yan gave a general introduction of his experience, the simplest introduction, vague, and the most transcendent introduction, avoiding the important and paying attention to the minor.He didn't flaunt his achievements, nor did he mention the situation there, just let the people present have a general understanding.

Anyway, it doesn't make sense to say too much.

The point of Tang Yan's coming here today is to understand the changes in the Qitian Continent in the past seven years and understand the battles that have occurred since he left. He needs to have a clear concept and a comprehensive understanding of the current form of the Continent as soon as possible.

"Since the incident of the Valley of the Wicked, the world has fallen into chaos. The Three Sacred Lands have introduced to the royal families of the Five Great Empires, and tried their best to cover up, so as to prevent the world from falling into chaos. , insisted on launching a war, and even the kingdom was ambitious to take advantage of the chaos to make a profit. Under the impetus of various external forces, the involvement became more and more serious, and the chaos continued to escalate until it lost control. The Daqian Dynasty first launched a fierce attack, and more and more The kingdom of the kingdom goes to war."

"The Daqian Dynasty united the Holy Spirit Hall and the Demon-Suppressing Temple, and the strength of the Holy Realm has greatly increased, which is equivalent to having a large number of strange and terrifying assassination troops, which created a lot of panic in the ancient Xingluo country and on the battlefield, and played a huge role. As a result, it has sent the ancient Xingluo country into a desperate situation several times."

"At the beginning, the ancient country of Xingluo suffered repeated setbacks, coupled with the sudden withdrawal of Jiulongling, resulting in several major defeats. The Holy Empire saw the opportunity and was eager to carve up the ancient country of Xingluo, so it waited for the opportunity to launch an invasion. Later, due to the full involvement of the Valley of the Wicked, it was finally agreed ceasefire agreement.

Afterwards, Jiulongling returned again, which slightly curbed the expansion of disadvantages.

On the surface, although the Holy Empire no longer attacked the ancient Xingluo country, it began to expand in other frontiers, aggressively invading and annexing the surrounding kingdoms. "

"The Evilman Valley is located in the ancient country of Xingluo, and is active in the front line against the Dagan Dynasty. The Zhulu Academy has all migrated to the interior of the ancient country of Xingluo, and will live and die with the empire. But because the Zhulu Academy is a holy place for academies all over the world, the prime ministers of many countries and Most of the civil servants are from the academy. In order to prevent those officials from being persecuted, Zhulu Academy has never participated in the war directly. At most, it has assisted the ancient country of Xingluo with the intelligence of the sky eye.

Although we complained that Zhulu Academy was not decisive enough, we also understood Zhulu Academy’s concerns, so it was coercion, not direct coercion, to be long. "

"The Thomas Fissen United Empire is a united country, and because it is geographically far away from the Dagan Dynasty and the Xingluo Ancient Kingdom, they did not interfere in the battle here, but concentrated their forces to invade the surrounding countries."

"The Tianquan Empire reached an agreement with the Pure Land to protect the common people in the world and protect the refugees from all sides. The Pure Land was transferred to the Tianquan Empire to assist the Tianquan Empire in consolidating the imperial power and defending the territory.

Since then, the Tianquan Empire has become the only pure land in the world, the only empire that has not experienced wars, and many surrounding kingdoms have not been persecuted or dared to invade.

A peaceful circle centered on the Tianquan Empire gradually took shape and became a paradise for the vast Central Plains. "

"Kuibing Tower, one of the forbidden places, joined the Tianquan Empire, and Wudi City joined the Tianquan Empire. The joining of the two forbidden places has caused a good response in the world. More and more hermit families have transferred to the Tianquan Empire. Survive there, and I am willing to assist the Tianquan Empire to protect the territory and protect the people there from the war."

"It wasn't until that time that people suddenly discovered that there are so many hidden organizations in the world, and there are a large number of hidden old monsters. Many of them are semi-saints, or even saints."

"These hidden forces hidden in the deep mountains, forests or wastelands were awakened by the chaos of war. Some people chose to flee again, some people chose to transfer to the Heavenly Power Empire, and some people ignited a battle of wits and joined the major war empires one after another. Or the territory of the kingdom. In the past few years, these terrifying powerhouses who suddenly appeared have exerted powers that amazed the world, and have shaken the world pattern many times."

"According to incomplete statistics, there are as many as eighteen living saints, and it is estimated that there are twenty. These hidden saints are distributed in various empires, kingdoms, or forbidden areas."

"As the battle of the empire intensifies, the battles of various kingdoms are also in full swing. Among them, Panshenzhai has united the largest kingdom in the world, the Huanyu Kingdom. It has expanded aggressively in the past seven years and has annexed and digested five kingdoms. Two of them have saints. and strength are rapidly expanding.”

"Due to the continuous and high-profile power of the Dagan Dynasty, it attracted a large number of ambitious forces and organizations, which triggered a wave of conscription within the empire. In the past seven years, the national power of the Dagan Dynasty has become stronger and stronger, and has not been frustrated by the war. , and even recruited five hermit saints back and forth."

"At the beginning, the Hall of the Holy Spirit fully assisted the Dagan Dynasty in launching the war for two full years. Later, after the advantages of the Dagan Dynasty gradually became prominent, they gradually shifted their power and devoted more energy to the ancient land of Canglan. The momentum of development has been fierce over the years , controlling more and more kingdoms, and we already know nine of them on the surface! It’s not far from falling, it’s only a matter of time.”

"It is worth mentioning that the Temple of the Holy Spirit has devoured soul power crazily over the years, and sent a large number of personnel to collect souls from all over the world. Four saints were born one after another, and one of them is the Pei furnace you captured. As for the birth The number of demi-saints cannot be counted, but there must be no fewer than ten, or even more!

There are many demi-saints in the Holy Spirit Temple itself, and those demi-saints also hope to give birth to saints someday in the future.The world is in chaos, and countless souls are scattered in the world, which is simply their natural nourishment. "

"Also, not only that. The Lord of the Holy Spirit Hall personally formed an army of monsters. After years of training, he already has super fighting power. The number of monsters in the army has reached 150 million, but the strength is extremely powerful, and Being controlled by the soul, without consciousness, without pain and fear, a complete dead warrior and monster with imaginable strength, it is said that it has become a nightmare in Canglan Ancient Land."

"The two forbidden places, Hammerfell and Chunyang Realm, do not want to participate in the war, and in order to avoid being harmed, they transferred all their power to the coastal area as early as six years ago."

"In the beginning, the two forbidden lands were each occupying one side of the territory. They had nothing to do with each other and were not in contact with each other. Later, because the war in the world was completely out of control, the area of ​​influence became larger and larger. They reached an alliance for self-protection and re-selected three years ago. Addresses, closely connected to each other.

"The Hall of the Holy Spirit and the Dagan Dynasty sent people to visit more than once, asking the two forbidden areas to participate in the war. They exhausted all methods of coercion and lure. At first, the two forbidden places did not respond, but as the battle advantages of the Dagan Dynasty and the Holy Spirit Hall increased Obviously, the two bans have obviously begun to move."

"Not only that, the Holy Spirit Hall has had close contacts with Panshenzhai in recent years, and has also been in and out of the capital of the Universe Kingdom many times. In recent years, the Universe Kingdom has developed rapidly with the cooperation of Panshenzhai. It has annexed many countries and vaguely became the world. The first great kingdom, half an empire.

Judging from the current territory of the Huanyu Kingdom, there is only the Wind Eagle Kingdom between them and the Dagan Empire. Once the Wind Eagle Kingdom compromises or is annexed, the border between the two great powers will be realized.And if the two countries are willing to win the Wind Eagle Kingdom, it means that they will reach an alliance. "

"Two years ago, the Dagan Dynasty gradually adjusted its strategy, slowed down the frequency of offensives against the ancient country of Xingluo, and no longer rushed to destroy the ancient country, but suppressed and sanctioned it at different levels in various aspects. It is estimated that it will take ten years to consume the ancient country of Xingluo. .At the same time, assist the Temple of the Holy Spirit to operate in the ancient land of Canglan, and annex other kingdoms in the surrounding areas."

"The Dagan Dynasty has shown signs of strategy since last year. While suppressing the ancient country of Xingluo, it has crazily expanded its own power until one day in the future, the ancient country of Xingluo is exhausted enough and itself is strong enough. The Dagan Dynasty will mobilize all The power that can be mobilized, in one go... Destroy the ancient country of Xingluo.

They balance the invasion of Xingluo and the development of their strength, so as not to waste their own strength in a hurry to fight, and lose a miserable victory in the end, and then be taken advantage of by other empires. "

"If it weren't for the tactical adjustment of the Dagan Dynasty, we might have been unable to hold on. The Holy Spirit Hall has a wide range of power, whether it is in the army or at the semi-holy and holy level, and can be squandered at will, but we don't have that much power. More strength, more passive letting go."

"We are helpless in this situation. Soul fighters are terrible in terms of sneak attack and field control. They will appear from time to time, and they will catch us by surprise. They can also attack our intelligence forces, and then secretly control them and send them back. Do the opposite!"

"Over the years, no hidden person or organization has joined us. Only the ghosts and gods have expressed their help to us, overtly or secretly, after many visits to the Pure Land and the Academy."

"We used to have a nine-color deer, but it was too old and could barely maintain its lifespan. Once it was put into battle, it would quickly grow old and weak. A few years ago, it was attacked by the master of the Holy Spirit Hall and almost died. Until now It hasn't recovered yet. The Hall Master of the Holy Spirit Hall also uttered harsh words, wanting to put the Nine-colored Deer to death."

Everyone took turns to speak, and roughly introduced the situation in the past seven years. Although they were all general descriptions, they were enough for Tang Yan to understand the situation in the mainland.

What Tang Yan is most concerned about is the movement of the Forbidden Land. Wudi City and Kuibing Tower have been transferred to the Tianquan Empire, Hammer Falling Land and Chunyang Realm have been transferred to the coastal area, but they have begun to be recruited by the Holy Spirit Hall, Panshenzhai has united with the Universe Kingdom , and has close contacts with the Temple of the Holy Spirit.

The situation is much more complicated than I expected.

(End of this chapter)

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