Valkyrie Storm

Chapter 2290 Blood stains the sky

Chapter 2290 Blood stains the sky

"Wow, come on, come on, I'm right here, come on." Feluk was in a bloody frenzy, his long hair fluttering, venting his anger and rage.

The nine blood beasts in front also roared, connecting each other for thousands of meters, facing the energy ball in front one after another.

The energy ball hit the blood-colored giant ape head-on, and there was no suspense, and they hit each other.

The energy ball is like a black hole. Not only does it contain endless power itself, but it also permeates with infinite power, forming a swirling nest of violent aura, so when it penetrates through the giant ape, the remaining power released directly detonates it.

boom!The [-]-meter giant ape exploded on the spot, and a mushroom cloud of blood surged into the sky. The power of the blast swept across the sky like a wave of destruction, and the pungent bloody smell filled the space.

Maybe the energy ball wasn't affected much, and after destroying the giant ape, it moved forward again, hitting the scarlet phoenix directly behind.

Without any suspense, another explosion!

Immediately afterwards, the energy ball pierced through the five blood beasts one after another. It was like an unrivaled general, invincible, breaking through six armies, and driving straight in.

"Damn it, let me be passive." Feruk didn't like this feeling very much, his heart became ruthless, and without hesitation, he raised his hands to the sky and pulled them down suddenly.

In the clouds above [-] meters, the first formed blood beast rushed straight down.

It stayed away from this battlefield before, avoided Tang Yan's thought exploration, and rushed to occupy the top of the imperial battlefield. With the help of the chaos there, it swallowed a huge amount of blood, and it was also melting the blood.

Returning at this moment brought fresh and vast blood.

In a battlefield of 2000 million people, everyone is injured, everyone is shedding blood, and millions of people are killed in battle. How huge should the blood energy condensed by the blood beast be? !

"Wow." Feruk's breath changed drastically, his blood was steaming, his long hair danced wildly, and his hands were clenched in the air. The blood beast unexpectedly turned into a bloody spear, which perfectly matched it.

The spear affected Feluk, giving back fresh blood, and Feluk infused it with his magical power.

This is a weapon transformed from the blood of 2000 million battlefields!

This is a living weapon!
Not only does it have fresh blood, it also has the power of life that has not been wiped out, which is extremely powerful.

Joining forces with Feruk at this moment, the power doubled and skyrocketed.

Feruk never expected that his duel would be so embarrassing, that it would turn into a life-and-death struggle so quickly, and the final ultimate move he had originally prepared for Tang Yan was actually used in advance.

He didn't like this feeling very much, at this moment...furious...rumbling.The energy ball destroyed the nine blood beasts in succession, causing nine earth-shattering mushroom clouds of blood tide to completely cholera the space.However, the energy ball also weakened the destructive aura after repeatedly destroying the nine blood beasts.

The power has been reduced by half!
Also at this moment, Feruk's spear moved forward angrily.

Millions of dead souls all exploded, densely mixed around the spear, tens of thousands of blood turbulent, blood qi mixed with resentment, moving forward at a high speed, and the space that the gun pointed at was distorted.

Feruk is equivalent to using millions of souls to intercept the offensive, absorbing the blood energy of thousands of different fleshy bodies to resist.

This is the eldest prince of the Blood Demon Clan, a terrifying existence left behind by a mighty tyrant, a terrifying monster who roamed the Qitian Continent by himself.

Such martial arts never existed in the Blood Demon Clan's inheritance, not even the previous nine-point integrated martial arts, all of which were created by him, created by him himself.

In his life, after growing to the peak, he didn't even bother to use the family's inheritance, he didn't bother to use any external power, he wanted to be original, he wanted to create a brand new self.

It is also because of this that he sealed all these original martial arts in his soul, and he can immediately control the martial arts of the year after rebirth.

Because these are all his original creations, shaped by himself, not inherited or absorbed.

This is also one of the reasons why Jiuying appreciates this freak. A special kind of pride is engraved in Feruk's bones and will never fade.

Everyone stared wide-eyed, forgot to breathe, forget to think, and forgot the danger. They stared straight ahead, watching this unparalleled and terrifying duel.

In the distant water lake, the leading boy couldn't help but take a little breath.Even in the Lost Battle Realm, I have never witnessed such a terrifying duel, such an unimaginable collision.

Everyone behind them clenched their fists, their brows were furrowed, and their faces were clouded.Never let the young master meet Tang Yan, absolutely not!This has surpassed their understanding of the new generation, it is really... too abnormal.

The extreme collision detonated at high altitude, the loud noise was shocking, and the energy ball was finally contained after destroying the nine blood beasts, due to Feruk's all-out crit strike.

At this moment... two-phase destruction!
The incomparable explosion triggered a wave of sound and energy, distorted the [-]-meter-high sky, and densely packed corrugated waves swept in all directions, rushing directly for hundreds of kilometers, the sky was completely darkened, and there was no one left. piece of battlefield.

The strong wind and energy surged into the distance.

Tens of thousands of meters away, all the saints showed their power collectively, protecting themselves, their generals, and their domain with the strongest posture.Build and protect the Great Wall to resist the swift energy tsunami.

The energy ball was destroyed, and the bloody spear collapsed.

Feruk was thrown into the air in embarrassment, the front half of his body was bloody and bloody, and he was in a terrible mess.

His eyes were full of resentment, but he was quite perfect, even though he had just been reborn, even though his strength had not recovered, he would not be so embarrassed.

"Feruk, it's not over yet." Suddenly, Tang Yan's voice sounded from behind.

"What?" Feluk frowned slightly.

"Death." Tang Yan was exhausted and extremely weak before, but he was still waiting for the time to attack and kill, that is... now.

He came across the sky with the demon body of Long Kui, controlled the hell blood candle, and blasted at Feruk, the blood demon.

Too suddenly, the murderous intent suddenly appeared.

Just like a cheetah preying on prey, it will kill with one blow.

In the state where Feruk was blown away by energy at this moment, he was powerless to stop it at all.

Somewhere on the battlefield, the demon girl who was still poised finally made a move. Across the vast space, ignoring the tsunami of energy, she locked onto Tang Yan: "Tang Yan, I'm sorry, you can't kill him, absolutely not."

Tang Yan's consciousness was in turmoil, and sharp pain rushed to his nerves.He was already extremely weak, and had exhausted everything for the previous blow, so he was suddenly attacked at this moment, and the offensive was instantly chaotic.

However, the confusion of consciousness does not mean that it is completely unclear. At this critical moment, Tang Yan actually waited as before, and a low growl came out of his throat: "Langya, it is now."

"Om!" A pattern of time suddenly exploded, centered on the dragon's head, filling the whole body.

Tang Yan disappeared suddenly, or... entered into the turbulent flow of time, breaking free from the shackles of time in heaven and earth.

Spike, in fact, is dormant in Tang Yan's dragon's mouth.

When Tang Yan turned into Long Kui, he avoided all attention and appeared in his dragon's mouth.I have been entrenched, I have been waiting, and I have been preparing. I have been waiting for an hour, waiting for the witch to attack, and waiting for the current full strength to erupt.

When Tang Yan broke free from time, it was equivalent to the solidification of the inner demon and broke free from its control.The offensive... was endless. When everything in the sky and the earth was still, only Tang Yan moved forward vertically and horizontally, and the blood candle under his control hit Feruk's back fiercely. The power was extremely violent, tearing flesh and shattering bones. Take its natal blood source.

The time of Spike Fang's control is limited, only two seconds, but... that's enough... Puff!Feruk spewed blood back, as if struck by lightning, was ruthlessly blasted away, the blood candle of hell hit the blood source successfully, and the erosive power of the blood candle of hell remained on it, and it would continue to burn.

As long as the blood source is severely damaged, it is tantamount to damaging Feruk's source of life, completely blocking his chance to recover to the peak within a hundred years.

"How is it possible?" In the distance, the witch suddenly stood up and stared at the front in disbelief. How could Tang Yan not be affected?No, it was affected, but it was only a moment, and then... what happened?
I obviously tried my best!It should definitely be hit hard!
Boom!Feluk flew tens of thousands of meters and blasted towards the messy battlefield. The pain from the source of blood made him scream miserably, his breath was chaotic, and his blood was surging out of control, like a monster that was completely enraged.

"Go, you are defeated, don't be brave, I will stop him for you." The witch's voice suddenly rang in his ears.

"Tang Yan, I'll be back, I'll be back." Feruk soared into the sky and retreated resolutely, and controlled the flood of blood in the air, which was the monstrous blood tide formed after the collapse of the nine blood beasts.

"It's a good idea." Tang Yan came angrily, and fought again with pain, and the blood soul tree finally soared into the sky, took root in the depths of the boundless blood tide, and devoured it frantically, regardless of the severe pain.

"How dare you! That's mine!" Feruk was furious, wanting to tear the Blood Soul Tree apart.

"Let's go, it's too late." The witch's voice sounded again, calling out to Feruk.She gathered all her strength, aimed at Tang Yan, and wanted to try again.

However, Langya was always waiting, and at the moment of Tang Yan's severe pain, he immediately exerted his strength to help Tang Yan break free from the attack of the inner demon for three seconds, and helped Tang Yan catch up with Feruk.

The witch stopped in shock, and looked ahead in disbelief, what went wrong?
"I hate it." Feruk didn't stay any longer, abandoned the blood tide he had worked so hard to gather, and fled towards the distance at a high speed, scattering endless resentment to the world.

Tang Yan did not continue to pursue, but stopped at a high altitude, overlooking the audience: "Demon girl, I fought with Feruk for hundreds of rounds and died many times, but you never made a move. At this last moment, you made a move, but Not helping me, but Feluk.

I gave you a chance, but you don't know how to grasp it yourself. This is your choice, don't regret it.Next time, I will let you taste the taste of regret.In short, the original agreement is completely abolished, and it is left behind in the war world... You can't even think about going back! "

(End of this chapter)

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