Valkyrie Storm

Chapter 2291 Tang Yanzhang is here

Chapter 2291 Tang Yan is back

"Why did you invite me over?"

The witch's voice rang in his ears, this time it was no longer soft and charming, but indifferent, returning to its true posture.She couldn't figure out Tang Yan's real purpose. She thought that Tang Yan would lose and invited herself to help, but looking at the whole audience, Tang Yan seemed to have a certain chance of winning, and she seemed to predict that she would help Feruk.

If today's battle is just a scene directed by Tang Yan, there is only one audience in his mind - me!

She also never expected that Tang Yan would have so many hole cards. The previous moves were all expected and within the acceptable range, but the appearance of five special stone pillars really shocked her.

"Look at your decision, look at your attitude, and see if you remember the five treaties at the beginning. Unfortunately, you forgot all about it, and you chose to abandon it yourself. Don't blame me, Tang Yan, for being ruthless!

By the way today, let you know that I, Tang Yan, am no longer afraid of you!Without demons, you are nothing! "

The witch stared at her from the air, her expression was very rich, and she said that I am no longer afraid of you, which had a strong impact on her.I just made two surprise attacks in a row, but it didn't produce the desired results. Tang Yan seemed to be affected, but it was only for a short moment, and then he broke free.

"Go away, see you next time, and never show mercy."

"Tang Yan, you will regret what you did today. If you can defeat Feruk this time, it may not be smooth next time. You have turned against me this time, and I will not show mercy next time. Today, today, Let you and I remember."

"Get lost." Tang Yan yelled coldly.The outside world didn't know who Tang Yan was talking to, but they could feel his killing spirit at the moment, and no one dared to move forward blindly.

"There will be a time later, Tang Yan!" the witch whispered coldly, and disappeared among the desert ruins.

"Let's leave here." In the distant water lake, the mysterious team quietly withdrew, the battle was over, the outcome was decided, and it was time for them to leave.

The team of the Temple of the Holy Spirit in the distance evacuated as soon as the battle ended, not fleeing, but chasing, locking in the direction where Feruk evacuated and chasing at full speed.They wanted to find out Feruk's true identity, and moreover, they wanted to ascertain the living conditions of the Spirit Race in the Lost Battle Realm.

"It's over." Zhao Lengsu, the commander-in-chief of the Western Frontiers of the Dagan Dynasty, felt ashamed, the outcome was decided, and the Xingluo Ancient Kingdom won another big victory.

I was so smart that I was confused for a while, but I actually listened to the words of the mysterious monster before the battle, and poured all my strength on the battlefield, which intensified the scale of the battle. In the end, the monster not only destroyed my own barracks, but also killed many troops. After entering the Holy Spirit Temple, even he fled in defeat.

It seemed that he was the worst in the whole incident, being cheated from beginning to end.

Now leaving such a mess, how can I clean it up?

"Xingluo, attack!" Hou Zai of Beijiang raised his arms and shouted loudly, giving the order to attack excitedly.

The ghost army took the lead, completely disrupting the already chaotic army, and slaughtered wantonly.

After receiving the news of the victory, the Xingluo Ancient Kingdom's troops were very excited, and they renewed their enthusiasm for fighting. Under the leadership of various saints, they chased the troops of the Dagan Dynasty and fought to the death.

Even the saintesses of Yaochi and others, disregarding the pain and exhaustion, joined forces to join the battlefield, venting their long-lost blood, punishing the Daqian Dynasty team with their own hands, and avenging their own pain over the years.

For the Dagan Dynasty, the loss of the support of the Holy Spirit Hall directly affected the battlefield of the saints, and also affected the battlefield of the assassination troops, which had a huge impact on the overall battle situation.What's more, the morale from top to bottom has been seriously affected, so there is no will to fight.

Zhao Lengsu did not insist too much, nor did he stick to his pitiful dignity. He directly announced the retreat, walked around the whole field in person, deployed deterrents in different battle circles, and tried his best to maintain the integrity of the team. He must minimize the loss. Fail again in case of failure.

In this way, the ups and downs of morale caused by the battle of the peak directly impacted the battlefield of the empire. The ancient Xingluo country was full of momentum and advanced in an all-round way, and the Daqian Dynasty was defeated for the third time.The spectator forces in the distant countries have also retreated one after another. At this moment, it is necessary to pay too much attention to this war. It is necessary to send back the specific situation of Tang Yan's return and the peak battlefield to the country. This news should directly or indirectly affect the strategic decisions of various countries. .

Tang Yan did not leave immediately, but recalled Minglong, sat cross-legged on Minglong's body, swallowed the spiritual source liquid to restore the almost exhausted spiritual power, and operated the Immortal Yantian Art to nurse the seriously injured body.He deliberately sits here to boost the morale of Xingluo Ancient Country and suppress the confidence of the Dagan Dynasty.

Today's battle is the first official duel after leaving the customs. I tested myself thoroughly and showed my strongest combat power. The price I paid may be high, but at least I have a clear conscience. It's all worth it.

Feruk's defeat may anger him or drive him crazy, but Tang Yan's injury to his blood source is tantamount to ruining him, and it will be difficult for him to return to his peak within at least ten or a hundred years. Tang Yan has this confidence.

The blood source was abolished, and the impact was huge.Just like Tang Yan's Sea of ​​Qi, once it's abolished, it's not as easy to recover as bones and flesh.

The blood soul tree is the happiest now. It took root in the blood tide that filled the sky, absorbing it crazily, and welcoming a new opportunity for evolution.That is Feruk's original blood, which is almost equal to three-fifths of Feruk's blood energy in his whole body, and it is absolutely a great tonic.

Swallowing a few pure-blooded blood beasts is more beneficial than swallowing nine saints alive.

In the next duel, the Blood Soul Tree may no longer be afraid of Feruk, or it may be able to display some of its combat effectiveness.

The Blood Soul Tree was tumbling in the blood tide for a while, and would also dance excitedly around Tang Yan.

Tang Yan felt the cheerful mood of the Blood Soul Tree, and a smile appeared on his tired face.

On September [-]th, a piece of sensational news ignited chaos in the world.

"Tang Yan is back!"

"The young master of Jiulongling back then is back!"

"The inheritor of the ghost green fire is back!"

"Tang Yan has reached the pinnacle of martial arts. He has dealt heavy blows to powerful enemies on the battlefield of the empire and retreated from the Holy Spirit Hall, laying the foundation for the victory of the ancient Xingluo country in one fell swoop."

"Mysterious troops reappeared on the battlefield, and the mysterious gate opened again. The real identity was announced for the first time—the seventeen ghost clans of hell, the four grave masters of hell, they come from...hell!"

"Tang Yan, control hell, control hell ghost clan."

All kinds of news were released one after another, and the third major defeat of the Dagan Dynasty caused a sensation in the world.

The three major empires and many kingdoms and countries all looked at the direction of the empire's battlefield with astonished eyes. They no longer paid attention to the defeat of the Daqian Dynasty, and ignored the escape of the Holy Spirit Hall. What they paid most attention to was a series of news about Tang Yan's return. .

They remembered Tang Yan's name, the triple identity of the young master of Nine Dragon Ridge, the young master of Eternal Beast Mountain, and the owner of the ghost blue fire, which made him famous at a young age and made him a sensation in those days.

The battle in the Valley of the Evil made him famous all over the world.

However, after the battle in the Valley of the Wicked, all the victors disappeared. The Valley of the Wicked once announced to the world that the victors had gone to another space to practice and would not return for a hundred years or a thousand years.At that time, no one believed it, and they all thought that he died somewhere.

What now?Why did Tang Yan come back!
And why did Tang Yan step from the semi-holy realm to the peak martial arts in just seven years?
Tang Yan is back?What about the other heirs?
The Tianquan Empire, the Thomas Fissen United Empire, and the forbidden lands of all parties fell silent after receiving the news. They were eager to know what happened to their descendants, and now they don't beg for a breakthrough, they just hope to live.

And within the Xingluo Ancient Country, there was a wave of celebration like a mountain roar and a tsunami.

Won, won again.

The inheritors of the Fire Emperor have returned, brought hell, and are firmly on their side.

They can't care about any profound things, they only know that the seven years of war will soon be over, the seven years of despair will be far away, and the final victory will belong to the ancient country of Xingluo.

The Xingluo royal family publicly announced that Qin Minghuang had returned, reflecting the news of Tang Yan's return, and made it clear that Qin Minghuang would return to the battlefield in the near future and take command of the battlefield to make a name for himself.

The forces of all parties pay close attention to the direction of the Xingluo Imperial City to determine whether Qin Minghuang has really returned!

The Xingluo Ancient Kingdom publicized this victory and the return of Tang Yan and Qin Minghuang, which not only inspired the domestic forces, but also encouraged the front-line troops to sing and fight.The royal family pardoned the world even more, opened the granary, and celebrated with the whole world, cheering this exciting victory and breakthrough.

From the end of September to the beginning of October, the frontline army of the Daqian Dynasty was completely defeated. No matter how Zhao Lengsu controlled it, he could not resist the attack of the ancient Xingluo country like a river like a tide, so that this unprecedented defeat lasted for ten days. .

The Marquis of Beijiang didn't want to waste the enthusiasm of the army, so he summoned all the saints to march eastward with all their strength, crossed the border between the two countries, and entered the desert of the western border of the Daqian Dynasty. All the ancient city inside.

Due to the accompaniment and intervention of the Pure Land, the Academy, and the Valley of the Wicked, the Marquis of Beijiang has always maintained his sanity and tried his best to maintain military discipline—only fighting the army, not killing civilians, only destroying city walls, and not damaging residential buildings.

Tens of thousands of Xingluo troops raged across the western Xinjiang desert like a surging tsunami. They also took this opportunity to assist the Tianyan intelligence system to send a large number of intelligence scouts into the desert, hiding in the ruined ancient city and even deep in the desert.This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, and we must use all the aspects that can be used.

Ten days later, the war finally ended.

The Xingluo Ancient Kingdom's army did not stay in the occupied area, but retreated across the board and returned to their own borders. They did not intend to occupy the territory of the Dagan Dynasty. It was not that they did not want to, but it was meaningless.

The western frontier of the Dagan Dynasty was all desert, which was not suitable for the army of the ancient Xingluo country to fight, and there was no need to waste manpower and material resources to build a new defense line there.

With the return of Xingluo's army, it also brought more corpses and prisoners of war, some of which were detained at the request of the Holy Land, and the rest were all handed over to the hell army and smelted into spiritual source liquid.

Hou Beijiang and the others have already tasted the taste of Lingyuan Liquid, and know its benefits. It is simply the most precious treasure among the treasures, and it is most suitable for the battlefield. They really and urgently hope to get more from Tang Yan, so they spare no effort dedication.

(End of this chapter)

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