Valkyrie Storm

Chapter 232 Imprisonment

Chapter 232 Imprisonment
"Stop!" Tang Ba was suddenly alert, and with his right hand slammed, he caught the running Tang Yan with a snap, his slender eyes flashed with pinpoint sharpness, and slowly swept across the dense ancient forest nearby.

"We are surrounded!" Tang Qing licked the blood from the corner of his mouth, and the corner of his mouth was frozen with cruelty.But the hands holding the grinding iron trembled slightly, the injury was too serious, and it was about to be unable to support it.

Tang Yan frowned slightly. He didn't care too much about the lurkers around him, but listened attentively to the shouts of the chasing soldiers.

I can't figure out what this 'weirdness' means for the time being, but he Tang Yan is not an easy guy, rolled his eyes, turned his head and roared: "The big nephew of the Red Lotus Palace! Don't chase after me! I have decided to grow old with you!" Mom eloped, and she will never go back! Give me ten years, and I will bring you seven or eight younger brothers and sisters back!"

This sudden roar was mixed with the power of the 'Lion's Roar Seal'. In an instant, it was like rolling thunder, spreading thousands of meters away!

If there are other warriors nearby, they will definitely be able to hear them clearly!
The shouts of the Red Lotus Palace's chasing troops stopped immediately, and a moment later, there was a hysterical roar of curses.

"Eldest nephew of Red Lotus Palace, I have a secret that I haven't told you all this time. In fact, you are actually my own son! The lord, deputy lord, and all the worshiping elders of Red Lotus Palace, I have all cuckolded you, my lord." !Your litter is all the seed of the young master!"


This time, there was no longer one curse, but a series of curses.

Tang Yan's painful cursing not only drove the chasing soldiers crazy, but also other organizations wandering thousands of meters away were stunned, good guy, who has such courage!Even the lord of the Red Lotus Palace dared to insult him, and even hit him side by side, none of the higher-ups were left behind!
If this news gets out, wouldn't the Red Lotus Palace be fried?

Tang Yan frowned and listened intently to the movement in the dense forest. The cursing stopped soon, and there was no more movement after that.

Tang Ba and Tang Qing continued to be vigilant around them, not daring to relax in any way.

Tang Yan guessed that the pursuers should have left, so he turned around and said in a vibrating voice: "My friends, we are just explorers on the outskirts. We were chased by the Red Lotus Palace and accidentally broke into your land. Please give us a way out. , we'll be leaving right away."

While speaking, they quietly gestured to Tang Ba and Tang Qing, and the three of them moved back cautiously.

Four vines were suddenly thrown from the dense forest and landed in front of them.

"Tie yourself up."

A slightly hoarse female voice came out from the forest, and bursts of energy fluctuations appeared all around at the same time, permeating every corner of the encirclement.

Tang Yan continued to shout: "My friends, this is really a misunderstanding. Look at our injuries. We didn't come to invade your territory at all."

"If you don't want to die, tie it up for three seconds! Whether it expires or not, you can decide for yourself!" The hoarse female voice in the dense forest was very cold, not giving them any room to maneuver.

Tang Yan frowned slightly, pondered for a while, and nodded to Tang Ba and Tang Qing to stop resisting.

In their current situation, they don't even have the strength to escape, let alone resist. Although they don't know whose territory they have broken into, they should be better than the group of bastards behind, and it's better to cooperate temporarily.

The three of them slowly bent down while being vigilant about their surroundings. The moment their fingertips touched the vines, the vines seemed to come back to life suddenly, and the whistling sound wrapped around their bodies.Before they could resist, they were already tightly restrained, and they kept gathering their strength.The black girl wanted to dodge, but was still entangled by the vines, and fell to the ground with a bang.

Although the vines were soft, they were as hard as iron, completely ignoring their resistance. The fine burrs on the surface pierced the muscles and penetrated into the fine anesthetic liquid.

They and the black girl were already at the end of their strength, unable to resist the vines, let alone the anesthesia, they shook a few times in a daze, and fell to the ground with a bang.It wasn't until the last moment before he fell unconscious that he saw some people in messy clothes walking out of his hazy vision.

"Receive their weapons." The one-eyed young woman in the lead looked indifferent, her voice was slightly hoarse, and she looked pretty good, but there was always a gloomy look in her expression, which made people look very uncomfortable.

"Hiss! It's so heavy!" A strong man grabbed the whetted iron knife, but staggered and fell to the ground.

"It looks like I just experienced a fierce battle." An old woman squatted down and carefully inspected the injuries of the three.

A middle-aged man with an epee in his arms said in a deep voice: "Why did they get entangled with the Red Lotus Palace? Even the owner of the Red Lotus Palace dares to insult, these people are really brave!"

"I'm afraid it's acting on purpose?" The one-eyed young woman was expressionless, with strong suspicion in her words.

"Huh?" The old woman and the middle-aged man raised their eyebrows slightly.

An old man hurried back and said: "Lord of the mountain! The people of Red Lotus Palace are all gone, and the leader is their young palace master, Zou Jingteng, to worship Zhao Xian and Luo Shichao."

The one-eyed young woman asked, "How did they get here?"

"It should be hunting."

"What about these three people?"

"The identity has not yet been determined."

"Take it back first, and put it in the back mountain swimming prison."

The old woman objected: "Lord of the mountain! Since you doubt it, why did you take it back? These two are King Wu, I'm afraid Qiushui won't be able to hold them back. Just deal with them directly, so as not to cause another accident."

The middle-aged man agreed: "Red Lotus Palace has come here frequently to provoke recently, and the methods have become more and more complicated. The whereabouts of these three people are suspicious, and the possibility of being a trap cannot be ruled out. I agree to get rid of them directly, cutting off the chance of Red Lotus Palace to play tricks .”

The one-eyed young woman said: "It's because it might be a trap, so I have to stay. Fill the swimming prison with poison to paralyze their bodies and consciousness, but it doesn't need to be fatal, and then send people to pay close attention to the Red Lotus Palace."

"Obey!" It could be seen that the young woman had a strong prestige, no one dared to defy the decision she made, and they expressed their opinions respectfully.

When Tang Yan woke up, he was staying in a damp stone room. He was dim and unable to see the specific situation around him. There were only dense dark green vines, like a dark vine nest. The liquid has reached waist level.

I just felt numb and weak all over, and almost lost consciousness from the waist down!
It should be the effect of these vines and slime!
Not far from Tang Yan, Tang Ba, Tang Qing and Hei Niu were all there, and they were all soaked in mucus, with dark green vines wrapped around their limbs, lying there motionless, but breathing could still be seen, they should just be in a coma up.

Tang Yan silently operated the Undead Yantian Jue, recovered his spiritual power, and used the ghost green fire to clear the anesthetic liquid in the meridians.But he didn't struggle too much, and continued to pretend to be unconscious. While recovering his spiritual power, he observed the surrounding situation, whether there were people patrolling, and so on.

Due to the serious injury and the excessive consumption, the mucus of the vines has a strong anesthetic and sluggish effect. It took Tang Yan a full half a day to recover, and he also confirmed that there are no other guards here for the time being.

Tang Yan first released Tang Hao from the golden lock, and said, "What does it feel like inside?"

Tang Hao was very weak. Looking at the dark and disgusting environment around him, he frowned and said, "Can you still laugh? What is this place? How are the two of them doing?"

"We got rid of the pursuers of the Red Lotus Palace, but unfortunately we were caught by another group." Tang Yan then released the Thunder Leopard King, and the ghost Qinghuo followed immediately, covering it bit by bit The whole body, this is not a demon king with a simple head, it may take some time to completely refine it.

"Do you know what kind of power it is?" Struggling to stand up, but found that I was weak, and said in a bad mood: "If I were a man, when I saw a beautiful woman around me who needed help, I would definitely show my gentlemanly demeanor."

Tang Yan is concentrating on refining the Thunder Leopard King: "If I were a woman, when I saw the men around me busy with work, I would try my best to keep my mouth shut, keep my mouth shut honestly, or come over for a massage or beat my legs , of course a kiss is essential."

Tang Hao looked at Tang Yan, couldn't help laughing and said, "Hey? Are you aggressive enough?"

"To put it more domineeringly, I have always regarded you as my private property. So, sister Hao, you have to try to cultivate the habit of eating tender fucks first. Maybe one day I have a whim, and you should be prepared .”

Tang Hao looked at Tang Ba and Tang Qing, and said with a smile: "Aren't you afraid that the two of them will trouble you after hearing this?"

"My family, don't let the fat and water flow to outsiders. I am afraid that you will be lonely in the future, and I am even more afraid of being violent. The two elders should be very supportive."

"Virtue!" Because of Tang Yan's provocation, his mood eased a little, and Tang Hao continued to look at the surrounding environment.

"Sister Hao, if I were you, I would take advantage of this rare opportunity to calm down, study the formula of violence, take the spiritual source liquid, and try to break through the barrier. By the way, the spiritual source liquid has the effect of tempering the body, maybe it can Help you clear the body of numbness.

"Oh? Spiritual source liquid still has this effect?" Tang Hao took out the close-fitting spiritual source liquid, a little impulsive, but still restrained: "Let's hit the barrier after we are out of danger. I don't want to break through in this environment , and I don’t want to be interrupted when I break through.”

"Then absorb a little bit, replenish the spiritual power, and then eliminate the toxins in the body, and help me wake them up by the way."

(End of this chapter)

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