Valkyrie Storm

Chapter 233 One-eyed Dou Niang

Chapter 233 One-eyed Dou Niang
It took Tang Yan nearly half a day to refine the Thunder Leopard King into a spiritual source liquid before he was exhausted.Tang Ba and the others all woke up, and with the help of the spiritual mist emitted by the spiritual source, they recovered a little bit of energy, so that they were not so weak that they couldn't even stand up.

"What should I do now? I can't be trapped here." Tang Qing walked around, observing this weird stone room, trying to find a way to leave.

"Be safe and don't be impatient, there must be a way for the car to reach the mountain. You are really bored, you can try to study the violent formula, and it can be effective at critical moments." Tang Yan reminded the three irritable people while running the immortal formula. Guy, by the way, take some medicinal materials from the golden lock, and add some spiritual power to the black girl.

"Just listen to the young master. If this group of people wants to see us, they will take the initiative to come over. If they don't pay attention, we can study martial arts with peace of mind. If the time is right, we will prepare to break through."

Tang Yan recovered calmly in the swimming prison, but the situation outside was extremely tense.

"The owner of the mountain! Here we come! The Red Lotus Palace's Three Thousand Red Robes dispatched nearly 2000 people, and they are now approaching the outer territory of Tibing Mountain."

"They are coming so fiercely, we may not be able to bear it!"

"Red Lotus Palace dispatched nearly [-]% of its forces this time. It seems that they want to wipe out our Tibing Mountain!"

"Catch them all? Delusion!"

"Six Great Martial Kings, two thousand red robes, this kind of power is not something we can resist. Mountain Lord, I suggest that the entire line be retracted and retreat to the headquarters of Tibing Mountain. We must concentrate all our strength, and maybe we still have a chance to resist."

"Agreed! Shrink all troops! Fight them hard!"

"We have five Martial Kings and more than 2000 brothers! Unless the Red Lotus Palace plans to fight to the end, as long as we persevere, we will have a chance to survive this difficulty!"

In the main hall on the top of Mount Tibing, the four king-level commanders gathered together, anxiously discussing countermeasures, but even in this critical situation, no one proposed to escape.

In this vast mountain group, the Red Lotus Palace is the strongest force, its owner is a powerful man of the rank of honor, there are a total of seven martial kings under his command, and there are more than [-] red-robed warriors, each of them is fierce and good at fighting, it can be regarded as the Dayan Mountain Range Other than the top ten top overlords, there are quite high-ranking forces.

In this mountain area, all forces are cautiously living under its power.

Tibing Mountain is a power that has risen suddenly in the past ten years. The third-rank martial king, One-eyed Dou Niang, took over the mountain as king, annexed two not weak forces one after another, and formed the current Tibing Mountain Wild Wolf Hall. Personality, yet cautious way of doing things, has resisted three crusades by the Red Lotus Palace in succession, and has survived with difficulty until now.

Red Lotus Palace will never allow its dominance to be threatened, and the successive provocations have never stopped.At the beginning, I was worried about those powerful forces in other areas, and I was also worried that other small forces in the territory would take the opportunity to make trouble. The people in the Red Lotus Palace were still a little afraid of Tibingshan's brutal and crazy temperament. The three factors superimposed, and they never dared to use it Use all your strength to crusade, and indirectly give Tibingshan a chance to breathe.

But now the Red Lotus Palace is getting stronger and stronger. It not only wiped out the seven or eight forces in the territory, but also fought head-to-head with several forces in the nearby territory, consolidating its power, and gradually began to concentrate its forces against the raised forces. Bingshan.

One-eyed Dou Niang has been cleverly avoiding all kinds of provocations from Red Lotus Palace, not giving them a direct reason for a full-scale crusade, but today they went all out to crusade without warning, why?what reason?
Although it is said that the strong are respected in the Dayan Mountains, it also has its own rules of survival here. You cannot wipe out a certain force for no reason, even if it is fabricated, you have to make up a relatively reasonable reason, otherwise you will be despised by other forces. Affecting one's own prestige is very detrimental to future survival.

"Take all the brothers back first." One-eyed Dou Niang said with a gloomy face, "The masters of the Red Lotus Palace haven't left the customs yet. They don't have the guts, let alone the ability to wipe us out completely. What's strange to me is that they are What is the reason for making such a big noise?"

"Could it be those people locked up in the swimming prison?"

"It's possible!" Niang Dou pulled off her cloak, strode out of the hall, and ordered in a deep voice: "Send more people, watch over them, and execute them immediately if necessary. Everyone else, follow me to the Red Lotus Palace!"

With Tibing Mountain as the center, a fierce battle broke out!
This time, Red Lotus Palace mobilized nearly [-]% of its forces, and under the leadership of the six great martial kings, launched a wild offensive from six directions.

The "bandits" on Tibing Mountain were ferocious and vicious. They were all outlaws collected by One-eyed Dou Niang. After Dou Niang personally dressed up and fought bloody battles with the other four martial kings, their bloodiness was stimulated to the greatest extent.

The taboo of the Red Lotus Palace is the ferocity of the Tibingshan bandits, but now that things have gotten to this point, they are biting the bullet, and they have also aroused their blood in the constant fighting, and turned their cruelty when dealing with other forces. The strength is revealed.

An onslaught turned into a bloody battle and finally a bestial cull.

The majestic and vigorous Tibing Mountain is full of fighting figures everywhere, the ground, the sky, and the scuffle continue, the death occurs frequently, the blood stains the trees, and the depression is filled with sadness.

Casualties occurred one after another in the two thousand red robes, and the priests of the Red Lotus Palace became anxious, and the offensive they launched became more and more wild, almost reaching the same viciousness and madness as the commanders of Tibing Mountain.

After a bloody battle that lasted half a day, Tibing Mountain was outnumbered. After nearly a thousand people were killed or injured, they retreated to the summit in embarrassment.

"Zou Jingteng, if you attack Tibingshan without any reason, aren't you afraid of being ridiculed?" Dou Niang stood in the air with a blood knife in her hand, and the four major martial kings lined up behind her. Nearly a thousand brothers were tightly shrunk together, all covered in wounds and blood, glaring at the red robes of the Red Lotus Palace around them with ferocious expressions.

"No reason? There is no need for a reason this time, we are here to settle the score!" Zou Jingteng stood on a lion-headed bird of prey, full of spirits!Today's battle was all directed by myself. Although the price paid was quite tragic, it finally succeeded in arousing the resentment of both sides. Seeing the murderous look of the red robes, I felt a burst of ecstasy in my heart.

"Forget it! Did Tibingshan owe you?" Behind him, a violent King Wu yelled, and killed more than 1000 brothers in just half a day, his heart was bleeding!

"Five days ago, I was hunting nearby with four friends who just got married. They were unfamiliar with the place and accidentally broke into your territory. As a result, they never came back! If I guessed correctly, they must have landed in your territory. You have it!" Zou Jingteng stared coldly at the one-eyed Dou Niang, with an evil smile on his lips: "They are the three great martial kings, a peak martial sect, and they were all planning to join our Red Lotus Palace. Do you know this? How strong is the power? It will improve the overall strength of our Red Lotus Palace! But now we don’t know whether they are alive or dead, and there is no news for five days. Where are they now? Is it dead or alive? How should this account be settled?"

He understands Dou Niang's character very well. He is cautious and suspicious, and he is extremely alert. The most important thing is that he is a cruel, cold-blooded wolf.Based on the situation at the time, there was a [-]% chance that Dou Niang would be killed directly, and a [-]% chance that she would be imprisoned for torture and interrogation.

Whether it is the former or the latter, it does not hinder today's battle.

Dou Niang and the others frowned, a little annoyed, and a little lucky.Annoyed that Zou Jingteng was too insidious, fortunately, during this period of time, he was only busy paying attention to the situation of the Red Lotus Palace, and he hadn't had time to deal with those prisoners, let alone torture them excessively.

"Shanzhu, do you want to release those people?" A commander of King Wu reminded in a low voice.

Someone immediately objected: "No, the matter is already like this, I suggest killing them directly! In case they are returned to Zou Jingteng, he will find a way to detoxify them, and when the time comes to strike back, he will be the Three Great Martial Kings!"

The old woman murmured, "I'm actually wondering if those people are Zou Jingteng's friends. Who would throw their friends into the hands of the enemy, and wait to be killed before launching a mobilizing crusade?"

Dou Niang pondered for a while, made a release gesture to the subordinates behind her, and met Zou Jingteng's eyes and said, "I feel that today may be a misunderstanding. Young Master Zou, not only should you not come to settle accounts today, but you should also thank me."

"Oh? How do you say it?"

"I knew they would be your friends, so I have been taking good care of them. Now I am resting in the back mountain. Do you want me to invite them over?"

"Yeah..." Zou Jingteng frowned, and the priests around him exchanged glances.

No, it doesn't fit the temperament of a one-eyed witch!

"Please come out!" Zou Jingteng's face was gloomy, and he did not forget to tell the priests: "If you really see a living person later, you will try to create chaos and kill those people in the chaos! Continue to plant and frame, and insist on it." Killed by the one-eyed witch."

(End of this chapter)

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