Valkyrie Storm

Chapter 234

Chapter 234
During the tense confrontation between Red Lotus Palace and Evil Wolf Hall, Tang Yan and the others were driven to the front by a few burly men.Because they didn't understand the situation, they all pretended to be dying, but Tang Qing's acting skills were not good, and the way he rolled his eyes and stuck out his tongue was a bit funny. Fortunately, his face was covered with blood.

How did it become four?Niang Dou was a little strange, she cast a questioning look, but all she got was bewildered, when they entered the swimming prison, there was an extra woman suddenly, and they all stood up.

"You just told me that they were treated very well? But how do I see them look miserable!" Zou Jingteng felt a little relieved, it seems that Dou Niang did not let herself 'disappointed', after all, she tortured them.

"Maybe there was an accident, and I can only count it as my lack of hospitality, but you came here to settle the score, isn't it a little too much?"

"If your good friend was treated like this, what would you do? Just bear it and let it go? I'm sorry, I'm not as good-tempered as you. You must give me an explanation today!"

"Just mention it if you can!" Dou Niang's rationality was about to be burnt with anger, but for the sake of the nearly thousand brothers behind her, she still had to be patient as much as possible.

As long as it's not too much!
"I'm very reasonable, exchange at equal value! How much you hurt my four friends, I have to hurt your four commanders to the same extent. Is my request not too much?" Zou Jingteng's gloomy gaze It fell on the Four Great Martial Kings behind Dou Niang.

Dou Niang looked at Zou Jingteng, and smiled for the first time, but the smile was extremely gloomy: "We are more reasonable, as many brothers died in Tibingshan, you have to exchange the same heads. Can it be done? You can do it, I can do it!"

"One-eyed dragon surnamed Dou! You are tired of living"

"Although Tibing Mountain is not as powerful as your Red Lotus Palace, it's not your turn to humiliate you, a brat! Don't you just want to destroy Tibing Mountain? Just try it, I'm risking my life today , and let the two thousand red robes from La Honglian Palace be buried with them!" Niang Dou's expression became fierce, and King Wu's momentum filled the audience.

The gangsters at Tibing Mountain roared angrily, each with a resolute look!

Zou Jingteng's face was gloomy: "Don't toast and refuse to eat fine wine, I will give you a condition because I think highly of you, don't think that I really dare not do anything to you!"

"If the person who said this was your father, I would really think about it. But you are not qualified yet! Zou Jingteng, Ming people don't say dark words. You make a condition. Let's forget about today's matter. I can bear it." You this time. But if you go too far, don't blame me, Mother Dou, for not giving me face!" Mother Dou's expression was still fierce, but there was obviously some room for maneuver in her tone.She was brutal by nature, but not foolish.Although Honglian Palace didn't dare to really tear its face apart, once a fight broke out, Honglian Palace would be severely injured at most, but Tibingshan would have to pay the price of destruction, and it would be itself who suffered in the end.

The old priest Zhao Xian reminded in a low voice: "Master, Mother Dou has let go, but now is not a good time to negotiate terms, first create chaos, kill those four people, continue to suppress Tibingshan, push them to a dead end, and then negotiate terms .”

The middle-aged martial artist Luo Shichao said: "Neither Dou Niang nor the four great martial kings under her are easy to mess with. Try to abolish one today to prepare for future attacks. Uncle Xian is right, continue to suppress and look for better opportunities to negotiate .”

Zou Jingteng nodded lightly, and raised his voice provocatively: "I have always admired the demeanor of Lord Dou Shan, why don't you come back to Red Lotus Palace with me for a few days? Let's have a good talk, and you can talk to my brothers again. Let’s talk about this matter, how about it?”

"Shameless trash!" The four commanders were furious.

Niang Dou said coldly: "Zou Jingteng, it seems that you don't want to give up today. Well, I will carry Bingshan to accompany you to the end. If you don't abolish your Red Lotus Palace, I won't be named Dou!"

"Okay, have the backbone, kill me!" Zou Jingteng waited for these words, and with a wave of his hand, more than a thousand red robes all moved forward, and the tense atmosphere suddenly shattered, turning into a thick cloud of bloody battle.

"The bloody battle to the end!" Niang Dou let out a hiss, and rushed out with surging power.If they don't hurt the Red Lotus Palace today, they won't give up. Since they want to fight, let's fight thoroughly!
"Uh, let me say a few words?" Just at the moment when the bloody battle was about to break out, a slight cough sounded out of place.

Dou Niang and the others focused their eyes on the bloody figure on the ground, and the others looked around in a daze or strangely, and gathered there one after another.

"Hehe, it's the first time for me to speak on such a grand occasion, so I'm a little nervous." Tang Yan stood up unsteadily, bowed slightly to both sides, and brushed his sticky long hair: "The image is not good, look You can bear it."

More than [-] pairs of eyes were focused here, but no one spoke, each of them had different expressions, but following Dou Niang and Zou Jingteng's signal, the scuffle temporarily stopped.

"Stop pretending, get up!" Tang Yan kicked Tang Qing, the three of them raised their eyes to look at the surrounding situation, and slowly stood up, except that they looked a little embarrassed, they didn't look like they were injured.

Dou Niang's eyes are a little weird, isn't she taking anesthesia?Why are you acting like a normal person instead?
"Let me introduce myself first. My name is Tang Yan. I come from the southern Delos Empire. I came here because I was chasing prey. First of all, I don't belong to the Red Lotus Palace, nor do I belong to it." Tang Yan raised his eyes and looked at Dou Niang.

Dou Niang said coldly: "Tibing Mountain."

"Yes, Tibingshan, a good name. I don't know what kind of conflicts exist between you, what do you want to do today, but my younger brother is not talented, and I have three relatives at the level of Wuwang." Tang Yan raised his hand to signal Tang Basan and the others , The three of them understood, nodded in turn, and deliberately exuded a powerful aura.

Whether it was Zou Jingteng or Dou Niang, the expressions of the high-level officials on both sides changed slightly.It was temporarily unclear what Tang Yan wanted to do, but the threats in his words could not escape everyone's comprehension.

The three Martial Kings, no matter which side they add to, are forces that cannot be ignored.Although the Dayan Mountain Range does not lack respect-level powerhouses, they are all top-notch existences after all. They are rare and pitiful, and the strength of King Wu is particularly important.Zou Jingteng and the others saw with their own eyes that these few were chasing and killing the Thunder Leopard King, comparable to the existence of a third-rank Martial King, so they were more cautious at the moment.

"We are new here, and we don't understand some things. We may have bumped into you unintentionally. Please forgive me for the face of newcomers. I am a kind person, and I don't like fighting and killing, so I want to use my method to adjust I don't know what to do with today's conflict?"

Zou Jingteng and Dou Niang still didn't speak, they watched coldly.

Tang Yan scratched his head in embarrassment, and turned to Zou Jingteng: "I want to join the Red Lotus Palace and bring my three relatives with me. How about it?"

"Good thing!" Zhao Xian's spirit lifted, and the rest of the Martial Kings of the Red Lotus Palace all showed joy. With the joining of the three Martial Kings, the overall strength of the Red Lotus Palace will definitely be improved!

Dou Niang and the others had gloomy faces, and they almost couldn't bear to take action to solve it first.

Zou Jingteng smiled: "Okay! Those who know the current affairs are heroes, and Red Lotus Palace welcomes you to join us. But today's battle must be fought, and we will unite and flatten this Tibing Mountain, which is your gift for entering Red Lotus Palace."

"Don't worry, I haven't finished talking yet." Tang Yan walked around between the two forces leisurely with his hands behind his back, and looked at Dou Niang with a smile on his face: "I appreciate a saying that adding icing on the cake is not as good as giving charcoal in the snow." , Miss, how do you feel?"

Niang Dou was clear about it, and took a deep look at Tang Yan: "I will treat you with great hospitality!"

"Okay, that's it. I, Tang Yan, brought my three relatives, what are you joining today? Yes, Tibingshan! Just in time, we will submit a nomination certificate and help you get some heads back .”

"Wait!" Zou Jingteng was a little confused, frowning and staring at Tang Yan: "What do you mean?"

"What do you mean by me?"

"You're kidding me!" Zou Jingteng's expression suddenly turned grim.

Tang Yan grinned and cast a wink: "What's wrong with you, come and bite me!"

"Looking for death!" Zou Jingteng was furious, Zhao Xian and others changed their faces at the same time.

"Try it!" Tang Basan stepped into the air, surging flames rolled out of his body, and quickly condensed into a huge fire eagle in the sky above his head, hissing up to the sky, with an astonishing momentum, which shocked the Red Lotus Palace in one fell swoop.

The four commanders of Tibing Mountain did not expect them to have such exquisite martial arts, they looked at each other, all of them were ecstatic, and they stepped forward one after another, and the King of Martial Arts rushed out.

Including Dou Niang, there are five Great Martial Kings in Tibing Mountain, and now three of the Tang family have joined, and the number has soared to eight!The number of Pure Martial Kings even surpassed that of Red Lotus Palace!
(End of this chapter)

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