Valkyrie Storm

Chapter 235 Intimidation

Chapter 235 Intimidation
Zou Jingteng gritted his teeth fiercely, and raised his tense right hand high, but Zhao Xian coughed to the stiff card owner.Angry eyes seemed to spew fire, staring at Tang Yan firmly.

Tang Yan greeted Zou Jingteng seriously, but his eyes were full of teasing and provocation.

"Little bastard, do you know what will happen if you anger me, Zou Jingteng?" Zou Jingteng seemed to squeeze out these fierce words from his teeth.

Tang Yan leisurely said: "I even abducted your mother, and I still care about you, you brat."

"Brave enough!" A tidy roar resounded through the sky, not only Zou Jingteng glared at him, but Zhao Xian and the other six martial kings were all murderous, and the vast power locked on Tang Yan.

Dou Niang and the others stepped forward collectively and blocked Tang Yan.

Zou Jingteng said bitterly: "If you have the ability to come to the front, what's the ability to stomp behind others!"

"You have beautiful features, and you talk like farting. If you have the ability, come down, young master, I promise with this head, two moves, you will be completely abused! Three moves, you will be beaten on your knees and begging for mercy, five moves, you have to scream Dear father! Do you believe it or not?"

Zou Jingteng trembled with anger, shame!What a shame!
The gangsters on Tibing Mountain were dumbfounded, good guy, they're tough enough!This master is really unusual, is he lawless, or is he crazy and arrogant?Even the young master of the Red Lotus Palace dared to humiliate her, but it was still in front of so many people.

"Young master, calm down! Since this kid dares to provoke, he must have something to rely on. It's best not to act rashly before finding out their details." Zhao Xian was furious, but reminded him quietly out of caution.

"Come down! Afraid? Look at your virtue. What else can you do besides showing off your might? If I knew you were so cowardly, I should have held back that critical second." Tang Yan looked remorseful.

The audience was silent, silently comprehending the words with rich connotations. After a few seconds of silence, the gangsters from Tibing Mountain immediately exploded, laughing wildly without restraint.

Dou Niang and others couldn't help but look at Tang Yan a few more times. This little guy's mouth is bad enough, but it's cool!
"I'll kill you!" Zou Jingteng was furious, and he was about to rush down. Zhao Xian and others hurriedly stopped him, and the sky fell into chaos instantly.


"You won't come down? I'll come!" A cold voice suddenly sounded in front of Zou Jingteng.

"Be careful!" Zhao Xian and the others were startled. Tang Yan, who was still on the ground a second ago, appeared on top of Zou Jingteng's vicious bird. The roaring giant lion shadow completely enveloped Zou Jingteng who was right in front of him.

Roar!The lion's roar shook the sky, and the sound waves were like waves!
If Zou Jingteng was struck by lightning, it was as if he was hit head-on by a huge iron hammer, a mouthful of blood spurted out, and he was thrown flying on his back.

Tang Yan once again cast the eight-phase thunder seal, and before the anger of Zhao Xian and others erupted, he returned to the original place safely, stood with his hands behind his back, looked at the sky with a smile, and looked at the sky with a leisurely attitude, as if nothing happened .

Shocked and angry, Zhao Xian and the others guarded Zou Jingteng.

At this moment, no matter whether it was Honglian Palace or Tibing Mountain, the eyes of everyone looking at Tang Yan changed a little bit. Leaving aside the incredible limit speed, this courage alone is amazing enough.Completely ignoring the Six Great Martial Kings and rushing towards the Red Lotus Palace's team, it seems that they even hurt Zou Jingteng!
Tang Yan said with a smile: "Come on, come and hit me! Don't dare? I've already hit you in the past, can you still hold back? Where's your backbone? Where's your guts? Just this virtue is still red lotus The young master of the palace? You are a roast pig!"

Zou Jingteng trembled with anger, but was firmly controlled by the priests around him.The more Tang Yan made this provocation, the more vigilant they were, not to mention the speed just now really startled them.In case of a fight later, they are too busy to take care of themselves, and the young master may really encounter accidents.

Tang Yan spat: "There are a few old dogs guarding you, this time it's just a lesson. But next time it may not be your whole body, it may even be a single head!"

Zhao Xian said in a deep voice: "Is it Tang Yan? You are young, so it's best to leave yourself a way out. You don't need to unite to fight against the Red Lotus Palace. When our palace master leaves the customs, everything will have to be calculated separately." , I hope you will still be as stubborn as you are today!"

"Your palace master is very powerful?" Tang Yan pretended to be surprised.

"Of course! Martial Lord!" All six Martial Kings showed proud expressions.

"Oh!" Tang Yan dragged out a long ending, nodded and said, "That's right, it's very powerful. After wearing a green hat for most of his life, he can still practice in closed doors without any other distractions. It's really not ordinary people."

"You..." Zhao Xian almost vomited blood in anger.

A Martial King of the Red Lotus Palace clenched his fists tightly, gritted his teeth and said bitterly: "Little guy, believe it or not, I will tear your mouth to pieces!"

"I don't believe it!" Tang Yan replied seriously.

Dou Niang and others couldn't help but smile, this little guy is really interesting.

"Go back and tell your palace lord that if he is still a man, he will check to see if this trash is his own son. If he is still a palace lord, he will bring someone to Tibingshan to seek revenge on me. I, Tang Yan, are here Waiting, waiting to see how each of you dies!" Tang Yan restrained his smile, and his expression was extraordinarily stern.

"Okay, that's what you said!" Zou Jingteng broke free from the control of the priests.

"Of course I said, come one to kill one, come two to kill one pair, if your palace master dares to come here in person, I will be able to let him know why the flowers are so popular!"

"Remember what you said! Let's go!" Zou Jingteng didn't stop any longer, waved his hand, and led the team out of Tibing Mountain.Today's battle should not be fought. The difference in strength between the two sides is not that big. Continuing to fight will only increase casualties, and there will never be a clear victory or defeat. Rather than being stimulated and insulted by Tang Yan here, it is better to leave early .

More than a thousand red robes receded like a tide!
A bloody battle ended.

Dou Niang and the others signaled to each other and were about to come up to express their thanks, but Tang Basan and the others fell down like a balloon that suddenly deflated, and they stopped at any rate, but they were all gasping heavily, looking weak as if they were going to fly at any time. May be comatose.

"What's the matter with you?" A commander asked with concern.

Tang Ba responded unceremoniously: "Your question is so level, what's wrong with me? What's wrong with me! You go into that broken water prison and stay for four or five days, and experience how it feels."

Everyone was a little embarrassed. After all, no one expected that the matter would develop to such an extent. The captive who was going to be slaughtered turned out to be a rescue friend in an instant.

Dou Niang personally expressed her gratitude to Tang Yan: "Four friends, on behalf of Tibingshan, I would like to thank you for your help. This time it is really thanks to you. We will definitely remember the kindness this time!"

Tang Yan's condition is quite good, he smiled and said: "It should be, don't be too polite."

"Let me introduce to you first, they are my four commanders, Gu Tong, Lang Dong, Fan Hua, and Bu Chaoqun." Dou Niang introduced Tang Yan one by one.

The old woman's name is Gu Tong, and she has the same strength as Dou Niang, both of whom are Tier [-] Martial Kings. She has been following Dou Niang before entering the Dayan Mountains. Tibing Mountain can achieve today's achievements, and her deterrent effect cannot be ignored.

The middle-aged man with a strong and stocky body is called Langdong, he is brave and resourceful, calm and tough, a second-rank Wuwang, who was conquered by Dou Niang in the middle of the establishment of Tibing Mountain.

The brawny man with disheveled hair like a beast is named Fan Hua, a wild and bloodthirsty type, a second-rank Martial King, and the sharpest weapon under Dou Niang's men.

The man with a slightly scholarly temperament is named Bu Chaoqun, but his face is pale, his lips are blood red, and his Danfeng eyes are slender like knives, flashing a gloomy light. He is a ruthless character at first glance, and his strength is in the first-order Martial King realm.

Tang Yan's performance just now was in line with their appetite, and he responded politely during the introduction.On the Tibing Mountain where the bandits are strong, it is absolutely unprecedented to be recognized by the four commanders with very different personalities.

Dou Niang gestured to Langdong, who coughed dryly and said, "I have a question, I don't know whether to ask it or not."

"Huh? Tell me." Tang Yan was looking at the layout of Tibing Mountain with great interest.

"Judging from Mr. Tang's previous tone, it seems that there is any way to resist the owner of the Red Lotus Palace?"

"It should be fine."

Dou Niang and the others are in high spirits!If there is a way to resist the lord of the Red Lotus Palace, wouldn't it be possible to fight against the Red Lotus Palace with the current powerful lineup of the Eight Great Martial Kings in Tibingshan?

"The method Mr. Tang said is"

"In a maximum of two months, the strength of the three of myna and the others can all be raised by one level. Myna is a third-tier martial king, and Uncle Qing and Haomei are both second-tier martial kings. Together, the three of them are enough to contend against three Tier [-] Martial King."

"That's it?" Dou Niang and the others paused.

"Is this not enough?" Tang Yan stopped and asked.

Dou Niang's face was gloomy: "I'm not questioning the strength of the three friends, but the Lord of the Red Lotus Palace is a powerful person. After this retreat, there may be another breakthrough. Although it won't reach the second level, it should be. Reached the peak of the first order. With his strength, it is enough to sweep our Tibing Mountain, not just a few Martial Kings can contend."

"I didn't say I wanted to fight him."

"Then you just now"

Tang Yan grinned: "Teasing him, scaring him."

(End of this chapter)

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