Valkyrie Storm

Chapter 236

Chapter 236
The faces of Dou Niang and the others suddenly became strange. If they hadn't remembered the previous help, they might have turned their faces directly.

"Don't look at me with this look, it's a tactic! The stronger you are, the more scrupulous he will be, and the more opportunities you can operate."


"For example, wait for another two months, you recover, we break through, go directly to attack the old nest of the Red Lotus Palace, and kill as many priests as possible before their palace master leaves the customs. As far as I know, the retreat time is more than two years Yes, it is basically closed to death, and it is difficult for others to forcibly interrupt it, which should be the case for the owner of the Red Lotus Palace."

Langdong said: "The Red Lotus Palace is not as simple as you imagined. There are restrictions around it. If outsiders step in forcibly, they will trigger a counterattack, and even King Wu will be affected."

"Then change the strategy and lure them out. Come out and kill a few. These opinions I put forward are not purely to weaken the power of the Red Lotus Palace, but more importantly, to show my strong posture and let them know that we have proposed Bingshan has support, he is no longer afraid at all, and he can take the initiative to attack!
As long as we have done enough in the early stage, even if the lord of the Red Lotus Palace goes out in the future, we have to carefully calculate what strategy we need to adopt to target Tibingshan.We can also make two-handed preparations, find ways to form alliances with powerful forces in other regions, and join forces on the condition that they carve up the territory of Honglian Palace. I think other forces are very willing to have a helper like Tibingshan. "

Tang Yan said a lot in one breath, which also made Dou Niang and others fall into deep thought.

"How? Do you feel it?"

Dou Niang nodded and shook her head again: "The alliance you mentioned is a good idea, but it is actually very difficult to achieve. First of all, most of the forces in the Dayan Mountains are insidious, especially the major forces around us. If the conditions cannot be kept, they will kill the donkey in a blink of an eye, frame us, or simply annex them afterwards."

Tang Yan scratched his head: "I just mentioned it casually, an intentional suggestion, how it works, depends on the situation. Shall we go in and sit down first? Take a bath, drink some water, and then have a meal or something. Our life in prison is harder than you can imagine."

Dou Niang's tense face relaxed slightly: "Please!"

The life in the cottage was relatively simple. Tang Yan and others came to the front hall after washing up a little. In order to express their gratitude, Dou Niangte stewed all the prey that he had killed a while ago. The brothers make up their bodies.

"Mr. Tang, what you said before is that you plan to live in the Dayan Mountains for a while?" Niang Dou signaled Tang Yan to take care of herself, while expressing her intentions cryptically.

"Well, not too long, but not too short either."

"If you are willing, Tibingshan is very willing to accept." Dou Niang was very eager to recruit them, but she also knew that such things should not be too forced, first try to stabilize, and then slowly find a way.

Lang Dong and the others looked at them expectantly. The joining of the Three Great Martial Kings would definitely make Tibingshan's overall strength leap forward by a large margin, but the question now is whether Tang Yan and the others will be here How long will they stay? If they suddenly withdraw when the fight with Honglian Palace is in full swing, they won't even have a place to cry.

"Lord Dou Shan, don't worry, we always start well and end well when we do things. Before the threat of Red Lotus Palace is eliminated, we will definitely stay here. This can be guaranteed by my personality." Tang Yan saw through their thoughts and was happy to express his kindness .

Dou Niang and the others showed smiles one after another, and raised their wine glasses one after another: "Young Master Tang, thank you for your kindness, we will finish this wine!"

After a drink, everyone became acquainted one after another.Although Langdong and the others have weird tempers and are full of banditry, bandits have the characteristics of bandits, bold and forthright!If you help sincerely, they will treat each other with courtesy, and even the taciturn Bu Chaoqun rarely shows kindness.

Tang Basan and the others still asked each other for something, and they also behaved quite cheerfully.

After drinking and eating, Tang Yan went straight to the topic: "Sister Dou, to be honest, we came to the Dayan Mountains this time to find a place."

With a sound of Sister Dou closing the distance between each other, Mother Dou's habitual coldness and gloom clearly thawed out, and she said, "I came to the Dayan Mountains ten years ago and have been wandering all the time. I have been to most places. What do you say?" Tell me, I should know."

"Do you know Sanyuetan?"

"I know! Leaving Tibing Mountain, about [-] kilometers to the northeast, there is a blessed place called Sanyuetan."

Tang Yan was slightly refreshed, and after looking at each other with Tang Ba and the others, he asked again: "Do you know there is an extremely cold place near Sanyue Lake?"

"An extremely cold place?" Dou Niang tried hard to think about it, then exchanged glances with Gu Tong, Langdong, Fan Hua, and Bu Chao, and shook their heads: "I haven't heard that there is an extremely cold place near Sanyue Lake."

"No matter how large the scope is, it doesn't have to be limited to Sanyuetan!"

"Sanyuetan is already relatively close to the northern edge of the Dayan Mountains. It is not only a famous paradise, but also the sphere of influence of Xingyue Pavilion among the ten major sects. It occupies a radius of hundreds of miles. It is true that I have never heard of any extremely cold place. "

"Wait, are you looking for the Daytime Jedi?" Bu Chaoqun asked suddenly.

Tang Yan regained his spirits: "As long as it's a cold place."

"The Jedi during the day is indeed an extremely cold place." Niang Dou's face was a little weird, not only her, but even Gu Tong and others frowned slightly after saying this.

Gu Tong said: "The Jedi of the day, as the name suggests, is a Jedi of death. It is not far from our Tibing Mountain, all the way to the west, and it takes about two days to get there. There is no distinction between day and night, and there is white fog all year round. The ice reflects the light, as if it is daytime all day long, so it is named Daytime Jedi.”

"What's so special there?"

"The Jedi during the day is a cursed forbidden land. Outside the Jedi are towering ancient trees and verdant greenery. Inside the Jedi, there is a vast white mist. There is endless frost in a radius of hundreds of miles. The temperature is tens of degrees below zero all the year round. The so-called curse is Because there is some kind of strange power inside, which will kill intruders in a specific way.

For example, there are countless monsters and warriors frozen inside, with varying strengths. A warrior whose strength is at the level of a first-order Martial Ancestor steps into the Jedi of Daylight and will be attacked by some kind of monster. His strength is not too strong, but it will definitely be stronger than the martial artist himself!If he entered a third-level Wuzong, the monster that attacked him would be at the peak of the fourth level.

By analogy, even if a senior-level powerhouse enters by mistake, he will receive the same treatment until he is killed, frozen, and becomes an ice sculpture of the Jedi during the day. Maybe in the future, a warrior with lower strength will break into it. , it will be responsible for the eradication.It is said that once a semi-sage from Canglan Ancient Land entered the daytime Jedi, and was frozen inside forever. "

The faces of Tang Yan and others changed slightly, even the half saints have fallen?There is such a terrifying Jedi in the Dayan Mountains!

"Throughout the ages, has no one escaped alive?"

"Yes! Someone once counted that the death rate of the Jedi during the day was as high as 90.00%, and only [-]% of them escaped by chance. The strange situation about the Jedi was brought up by these survivors. It is like a curse there There is an invisible force controlling it, and any intruders will be attacked until they are frozen or killed. Even if you improve your strength in the process of being hunted down, there will be Stronger monsters appear, and the cycle is repeated, and the cycle is endless!"

Dou Niang said: "I don't know the purpose of you looking for the extremely cold place, but as far as I personally suggest, it is best to give up. It is said that the Jedi during the day is naturally formed and appeared with the formation of the Dayan Mountains. How many of them are there? I'm afraid no one knows the secret."

Tang Yan remained silent, silently weighing the pros and cons.Tang Ba cast a skeptical look, could it be that Dou Niang deliberately exaggerated the facts in order to keep everyone behind?

Niang Dou felt the strangeness in the eyes of Tang Ba and the others, but no one made any excuses deliberately.

Tang Yan didn't think about it for too long: "I want to go over and have a look. If it's really dangerous, I'll withdraw immediately."

Tang Badao: "We will accompany you there."

"No need, I only take the black girl. As long as the Jedi don't send out the demon king during the day, we should be able to handle it. If you go over, it will attract more intense attacks."


"That's it. You stay here with peace of mind, break through the barrier as soon as possible, and wait for me to come back."

(End of this chapter)

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