Valkyrie Storm

Chapter 237 Snowy Ice Bear

Chapter 237 Snowy Ice Bear
It took Tang Yan a lot of words to persuade the three members of the Tang family. On the same day, he bid farewell to Tibing Mountain and headed straight to the Jedi during the day. All the way west, he tossed and tossed in the messy and gloomy dense forest, moving like a rabbit and a gibbon, leaning on Hei Niu's body. The sense of smell avoided the predating monsters as much as possible.

Two days later.

Tang Yan stood on the top of the canopy of a vigorous and ancient elm tree, staring at the white mountains in front of him.

"This is the extremely cold place where the day is in jedi"

The current position is like a sharp dividing line. Behind the old elm tree is a lush and humid jungle, a sea of ​​endless ancient trees, looming fierce birds and monsters, and in front of it are rolling mountains covered with white snow. The vast expanse was shrouded in thin white mist.Although the fog can be felt to be thin, the scene inside cannot be seen at all, only some faintly visible outlines.

The Jedi during the day is far wider than Tang Yan imagined, at least standing in the current position, there is a feeling of boundlessness.

The black girl has returned to her original form, majestic like a black lion, her scarlet eyes are wary of the mountains ahead, her brows are tightly furrowed, her fangs protruding faintly, she is curious and more vigilant.

"Girl, let's go." Tang Yan took a deep breath, grasped the ancient saber and rushed towards the white mist.

Just entering, the world suddenly became chaotic and hazy, as if suddenly fell into a special space, completely lost the sense of direction, surrounded by white mist.

Tang Yan was running the seal of ten thousand Buddhas silently, and the Buddha's words echoed in his mind like a drum in the evening and a bell in the morning, keeping his mind calm and without waves.The black girl closely followed Tang Yan's footsteps, dense electric arcs flashed between her dense hair, and she might attack at any time.

There is no sound in the whole snow world, deathly silence!

Even the monsters and beasts from the outside world are isolated!

Tang Yan didn't stop the Seal of Ten Thousand Buddhas, let alone stop in his footsteps, he ran forward all the way, striding wildly.

The temperature was getting lower and lower, and fine white snow vaguely floated between the sky and the earth, covering the bodies of Tang Yan and Hei Niu, exuding a biting chill, penetrating the flesh and penetrating the inside.

"Green fire!" Tang Yan's eyes narrowed slightly, and the verdant green fire covered his whole body, like a fine liquid flowing gently.

Although Bai Xue was weird, she had no ability to resist in front of Qinghuo, and it melted completely in an instant. Even the white snow floating in the sky and the earth melted automatically half a meter away from Tang Yan, turning into misty water vapor and disappearing.The black electricity wrapped around the black girl's body has the same power, the fine arc sweeps across everything, and no white snow can fall.

Tang Yan continued to rush forward, exploring the mysterious Jedi, searching for a suitable place to break through.

I don't know how long it took, the temperature of the sky and the earth became extremely cold, and the space between the sky and the earth continued to become denser and denser. Tang Yan had to use all his strength to cast the ghost green fire, and the flames burst out all over his body, so that he could withstand the extreme cold temperature. The black girl was like It was surrounded by strong lightning, and it was almost impossible to see itself.

at last!

Suddenly, there was a tiny clicking sound in the dead silence of the ice and snow. It was very soft, but it was extremely harsh in the silent environment.


Tang Yan stopped in his tracks, clutching the ancient saber tightly, while the black girl let out a low growl, staring closely at the front left.


The sound of ice cracking became more and more clear, accompanied by the sound of ice falling.


Roar!The tyrannical roar resounded through the Jedi, and the strong sound waves caused the earth to tremble, mixed with endless tyranny and resentment, as if venting the pain of imprisonment, completely breaking the death of the Jedi, boom!boom!Boom boom boom!
The earth is shaking!
It was some kind of huge monster running wildly, and every time the soles of its feet hit the ground, it was accompanied by violent tremors.


The roar was from far to near, a little silent, and suddenly exploded in front of him. A giant ice bear with a height of two floors rose up, covered with tough ice, and its sickle-like claws flashed a terrifying cold light. The scariest thing was the tattered and twisted head, as if it had been smashed by something, but the two eyes exuded a pale light.

This is Snowy Ice Bear!

The monster beast at the peak of the fourth level!
Tang Yan's expression suddenly became ferocious, his long-prepared body suddenly exploded, the ancient saber slashed out, and the quadruple blows of the flames erupted in an instant, wrapped in surging blue flames, brazenly facing the most terrifying claws of the ice bear in the snowy area!

Clang!The clashing of knives and claws, clanging and roaring, the ear-piercing sound waves are accompanied by strong impact ripples, sweeping out centered on the point of impact.

However, Tang Yan's complexion suddenly changed, a mouthful of blood spewed out, and he threw it flying upwards, while the Snowy Ice Bear was unscathed, the sharp claws of the critical strike hit the ground unstoppably, the ground trembled, and the snow rolled up. The ice sheet is riddled with numerous cracks.

The roar shook the sky, and the snowy ice bear unleashed its tyranny!

Tang Yan's eyes were horrified!How can it be!His four heavy blows of the flames are definitely comparable to the top Wuzong's blow, and it is enough to shake any monster below the monster king, but how can this snowy ice bear have no effect?
Is it because of the environment here?

At the same time of being surprised, the black girl not far away let out a stern hiss, and when he calmed down, it turned out to be an ice crystal python that attacked the black girl. Despite the raging black electricity, his body tightly wrapped around the black girl's waist , with a ferocious tongue spitting out pale snake letters, staring at the black girl, her body constantly twisting.

"Roar!" Snowy Ice Bear raised his head to the sky and roared, striding and running wildly again.

The momentum is huge, the surrounding snow is rioting, and the rolling sound waves are rushing.

"Girl, prepare to fight back!" Tang Yan screamed, and the eight-phase thunder seal immediately burst out, instead of facing the ice bear, he went straight to the huge monster python. Make nine huge blue fireballs, hit the monster python's head directly, at the same time, flip quickly in the air, and slash again with the four heavy blows of the flames.

The monster python raised its head fiercely, and slammed its huge head hard, unexpectedly resisting Qinghuo.

call!Green flames filled the air, immediately enveloping its body, seemingly supple, but firmly stuck together, drilling hard into the body from the cracks in the ice crystals.Tang Yan's saber light followed closely, and slashed fiercely at the seven inches where it was going to be busy with a loud roar.

The monster python suffered from pain, and its body immediately tensed up. Hei Niu seized the opportunity, and the black flames suddenly exploded, like a thunderbolt bursting suddenly, smashing the monster python's small body with an unparalleled sweeping force.

Even Tang Yan felt his heart tremble due to the terrifying raging power.

Brunettes seem to be getting stronger all the time!

The monster python was injured, but it didn't seem to feel any pain. Instead, it fell into a rage, its broken limbs were violently whipped, and the shattered ice layer turned into ice picks, blasting out densely.

The Snowy Ice Bear rushed over again, seemingly huge and bloated, but its speed was quite fast and its power was unparalleled.

It is simply a runaway dinosaur, and its momentum is extremely shocking.

"Girl, get rid of the monster python as soon as possible, and blast it into scum." Tang Yan dodged one after another, fighting with the shadow martial arts, pulling the snowy ice bear to a distance.

The ice bear in the snowy area roared again and again, and the force of the landing became stronger and stronger. The surrounding ground began to shatter, and endless ice cones ran wildly. These ice cones have been frozen for endless years, and they are as hard as steel. On Tang Yan's body, he would be beaten to the point of writhing.

Although he was not afraid of these injuries because of the protection of the golden elephant body, the force of the impact still made Tang Yan's blood boil.

"Isn't this ice bear a little perverted?" Tang Yan's brows were about to become pimples, and every attack was strongly rebounded.With his current strength alone, it seems that he really can't break through the ice bear's defense. Even the green fire is only covering it, and it has not been able to erode its body for the time being.

Niang Dou is right, there really is a strange power in this world, which can comprehensively assess the strength of the intruder, and release monsters that are strong enough to kill them!
Use the dead eye?Disintegration?
Tang Yan had to think about his strongest ultimate move now, but when he thought of Dou Niang's introduction, a crazy idea suddenly appeared in his mind.

Do you want to try?
Too much risk!

Tang Yan made up his mind one after another, but was forced to give up. In the end, he rushed towards the monster python again. The Eye of Nirvana used all his strength and smashed the demon python's head on the spot. Immediately following the coverage, the demon python was completely smashed into pieces.

But before they could catch their breath, there was another clear clicking sound in the vast ice layer, as if some monster was waking up again.

The black girl bared her teeth and glared at her surroundings.

"Don't let people rest? Girl, help me guard for five seconds!" Tang Yan no longer hesitated, turned around and stared at the snowy ice bear running wildly, a flash of determination and ruthlessness flashed in his eyes.

Next second

The ghost green fire covering the whole body was suddenly removed, and the snow fell silently, covering Tang Yan's body quickly, and the icicles under his feet began to spread, climbing and covering the whole body.

The bone-piercing cold penetrated through the body, rapidly freezing the muscles and bones, and even the blood was frozen.

Tang Yan's heart trembled, but he still stubbornly suppressed the consciousness of resistance, allowing the ice to cover his whole body, freezing his body bit by bit.

"Ah!" A hoarse roar of pain rolled in his throat, the freezing process was like a knife, Tang Yan was in great pain at the moment.

In just five seconds, the ice layer completely covered his body, completely freezing him.

From the outside to the inside, even the visceral meridians were freezing, but Tang Yan still tried his best to hold on to the sea of ​​qi, maintaining the tiny fire of life with the help of Wu Ying.

"Roar!" The ice bear swooped forward, swiping its huge claws towards Tang Yan.

The black girl's eyes flashed fiercely, and her huge body rushed towards the ice bear.

But a strange thing happened. The moment before the ice bear's sharp claws touched Tang Yan, it stopped, the pale light in its eyes returned to silence, and a streak of frost began to spread from its heels, spreading towards the whole body.

(End of this chapter)

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