Valkyrie Storm

Chapter 2352 Go to Hell

Chapter 2352 Go to Hell

"Fight! Fight! Fight!" Qiao Yi's two heads continued to roar, trying to break through the prison and fight out.

The headless battle body roared, with both arms and guns waving in the audience, the figure swelled again and again, the god Bingxin leaped violently, releasing the destructive cold air, and the temperature of the arena dropped sharply.

"Get out of here." Human Emperor rumored, and took Qin Minghuang away.It's almost there, Qin Minghuang can't be left inside anymore, the temperature has dropped too much, and accidents may happen at any time, hurting Qin Minghuang.

Qiao Yi fought crazily, the cold wave turned into ice crystals, filled the audience, and continued to riot, turning the battlefield into a meat grinder, raging wildly, brutally killing, without any difference.

Anyone else, or the previous Tang Yan, might have already passed the sieve and was sealed on the spot.

But Tang Yan's steel body, fearless and fearless, carried the ice crystals to blast and kill, and continued to attack Qiao Yi.

Qin Minghuang left the battlefield and returned to Renhuang's side. At this moment, he could watch the battle without distraction, but whether it was him or Renhuang, there were turmoil in his heart at this moment.Qiao Yi was really strong enough, his head was blocked, but his main body was still so powerful, he completely handed over the command to God Bingxin.

Qiao Yi and Cang Bingxin have lived together for tens of thousands of years. They have already mastered it and can completely control the main body. After all, it is a creature of heaven and earth, not a human being, and has no emotions, so the battle is more cruel and the scene is more vast.It may also be that the trapping of Qiao Yi's head angered it. In short... the body controlled by Shangshang Bingxin gradually fell into a rampage.

The fighting situation intensified, and the fierce battle became more and more crazy.

Tang Yan controlled Tianhuo for endless bloody battles. If it wasn't for space constraints, their battlefield range would definitely span hundreds of kilometers, enough to destroy the entire palace.At the same time, the three avatars joined forces to control the death knell and the umbrella, and trapped the two heads inside to death.

The death knell continued to roar, the buzzing sound trembled in the space, and dense death ripples bloomed, like countless evil ghosts roaring collectively, like ghosts and ghosts screaming hoarsely, making the violent battlefield even more chaotic; It expands and compresses at times, rotates at a high speed, and continues to compress, chewing Qiao Yi's head cruelly.

"Refine them to death." Tang Yan suddenly sent an order to the two clones, and they exploded in an instant as they charged at extreme speed. All the essence of fire rushed towards Qiao Yi's battle body.

The fire elves split into thousands and attached to the cracks on Qiao Yi's body!All the flames are like independent individuals, clinging to the cracks to resist the cold air from the sky, and then...suddenly, they collectively exert their strength, and they all squeeze into the cracks.

Aww! !Qiao Yi's whole body trembled, and there was a hoarse scream, which came from Bingxin of God.

At the same time, the umbrella suddenly stopped spinning, and there was a final scream from inside, and then there was only the sound of chewing, and the inside of the death knell also stopped suddenly after the final loud noise, and there was no more impact sound.

The three avatars worked together to temper the head inside.

From the head to the body, both were injured at this moment, and the cold wave in the palace was also affected, no longer so orderly, no longer so strong, they were immediately counterattacked by the ghost green fire, and they were swallowed one by one A clump was destroyed.

The previously icy battlefield continued to heat up until the ghost green fire took the initiative.

"Tang Yan, you are looking for death!" Qiao Yi's body suddenly roared, and he fell extremely fast. He sat cross-legged in the ruins, holding his breath and concentrating on it.

The head is gone, but the person is still alive!The body is injured, but Bing Xin is still there!Although he is passive at the moment, he is the patriarch of reincarnation after all. He has rich experience. The more nervous he is, the more he realizes the important point, that is, the flame that has eroded into his body is likely to have a great relationship with Tang Yan himself!

This is intuition, but also experience.

Tang Yan, a lunatic, dares to directly corrode his body?
This is entering a tiger's den, this is courting death!
Qiao Yi wanted to freeze himself, and destroy the sparks that broke into his body one by one.

This is God Bingxin's territory!Who dares to be presumptuous!

The chaotic battlefield gradually quieted down. Skyfire counterattacked with all its strength, cleaning up all the cold waves, forming a churning and distorted field of Skyfire, trapping a thousand-meter deep pit, covering Qiao Yi who was sitting cross-legged inside.

Qiao Yi's headless ice body sat cross-legged in the ruins, turning his body into a new battlefield. The power of extreme cold cut off Tang Yan's sky fire in various areas of his body, and also formed an ice layer on the surface of his body to isolate the invasion of other sky fires. , sealed Tang Yan inside, destroying one bunch after another.

Renhuang and Qin Minghuang paid close attention. This should be regarded as the ultimate duel between Tianhuo and Shangbing Bingxin. Ice and fire are two heavens, mutually reinforcing and restraining each other. This form of duel may not be gorgeous, but it can best reflect who is stronger and who is weaker.

But Qiao Yi underestimated the power of these flames. Instead of being gradually destroyed, they intensified. They devoured the cold air and transformed them into their own energy. In just half a stick of incense, a human-shaped fire body formed in Qiao Yi's ice body. It was Tang Yi. Yan!
The fire body expanded rapidly, filling Qiao Yi's limbs and torso.

The fire body has no head, which is completely similar to Qiao Yi's ice body.

But not long after, a human head appeared in the chest cavity of the fire body, emerging from Qiao Yi's body, facing his heart far away.

The scene is getting weirder and weirder, and it's so weird that it makes people feel creepy.

The fire surged, covering the ice sculpture.The ice sculpture is crystal clear, but there is a green body entangled in it. At first glance, it looks like a white jade statue, which is beautiful, but the green head that gradually emerges on the chest destroys the beauty of the statue. .The human head slowly opened its eyes, showing an evil sneer, and slowly turned towards the heart next to it.

"No! No!!" Qiao Yibing's body suddenly trembled slightly, and a roar echoed faintly in the space, with obvious fear and unwillingness in the roar.

"Where are the reincarnations?" Tang Yan's head spoke, getting closer and closer to Qiao Yi's heart.

He was entrenched in Qiao Yi's body, trying his best to resist the invasion of the cold wave, and he was also trying his best to continue to bloom the power of the ghost green fire, burning the cold air, and he had already taken the initiative at this moment.

"Don't even think about it!" Qiao Yi roared, trying his best to arouse the chill.At this moment, he can no longer activate any martial skills, nor can he use other tricks. He can only try his best to suppress Tianhuo, otherwise...he will be incinerated!

The atmosphere is getting tense!

"You should be able to feel the power of the ghost blue fire now. I can kill you at any time. Give you a chance to live. Where is the clan of the reincarnation clan?"

"Don't even think about it!" Qiao Yi was still struggling for the last time. He didn't believe that his god Bingxin would be much worse than Tang Yan's ghost Qinghuo, let alone that he would lose so miserably.

"The person who knows the current affairs is Junjie, tell me the location, and I will take you back. There is no benefit in holding on."

"Don't want to know the reincarnation clan, and you don't even want to find the reincarnation clan. Tang Yan, let's die together..." Qiao Yi roared suddenly, and the ice body continued to expand.

But... "Crack!"

Tang Yan's head swallowed his heart, and the fire body was released suddenly, before Qiao Yi shattered his body, turned into ice crystals all over the sky, and scattered in the green fire field.

Qiao Yi's roar stopped abruptly, and the shattering of the ice body was equivalent to the shattering of his physical body.

Human Sovereign frowned, this Tang Yan was more ruthless and calmer than he expected, and... stronger.He envisioned a situation where both sides would suffer, or Tang Yan would win miserably. It was by no means a "clean victory" now.

Looking back on the whole battle, Qiao Yi was careless and restrained again and again, arrogant and ravaged again and again, Qiao Yi misjudged Tang Yan's strength time and time again, and was suppressed and attacked by Tang Yan time and time again.This old guy may not be able to accept that Tang Yan is better than him, and this is the drawback of the older generation's continuous arrogance.He has been arrogant for tens of thousands of years, and he has been defiant for tens of thousands of years. The attitude of contempt has been finalized and engraved in his bones.

"Tang Yan, I don't accept it. You take advantage of it, and I will never be weaker than you!" Qiao Yi's soul rushed, and he glared at Tang Yan.He didn't run away, and it was impossible for him to run away. All he had now was remorse and anger.

"You can't get back your dignity with this roaring gesture. If you lose, you're lost." Tang Yan returned to human form, dressed in a fiery coat, and stared at Qiao Yi's face coldly, trapped in the origin of Bing Xin. soul.

And the scattered ice crystal remnants gradually dissipated the cold air, and the real flesh body was restored. The ground was full of broken meat and bones, and the ground was full of blood, like a bloody slaughterhouse, which made people unbearable to look at.

"Despicable junior, shameless person, you are invincible!" Qiao Yi still roared angrily.

"Tell me where the reincarnation clan is hiding?" Tang Yan has always been curious, how did the reincarnation clan survive after losing their space fortress?How did she avoid the numerous investigations, and how did she lurk in this Qitian Continent?There must be something strange inside, and it is definitely not as simple as finding a group of space monsters.

"Want to know? Kneel in front of me!" Qiao Yi's soul was still arrogant, glaring at Tang Yan.

"If you don't say it, someone will say that there are three or five members of the reincarnation clan living in the palace, and there are also some members of the reincarnation clan in the Tianji Pavilion. You say, when I hold your soul and walk in front of them, I want to be in front of them. When facing to destroy you, how do they... choose?

But don't worry, I won't let you die easily, I will let you watch with your own eyes how I enter your reincarnation clan.Don't worry, that day will come soon. "

"Haha, ignorance, childishness, unless the reincarnation tribe takes the initiative to find you, you will never find it, it will be forever. Tang Yan, don't think that Qiao Yi is qualified to challenge the reincarnation tribe if you beat me by cheating, you are still too far away! Little brat, I curse you that your brilliance will last only a hundred years, and you will be a flash in the pan after all!"

"Can't afford to lose? Become a crazy dog? Old ghost Qiao Yi, your era is over, go to hell!" Tang Yan sneered, before Qiao Yi could respond, the door of hell opened, and eerie ghosts spewed out, thousands of evil ghosts He went on and on, cruelly drowning him.

"Tang Yan, you won't be crazy for a few days. My royal aunt is now..." Qiao Yi's voice was drowned out by the shrill and chaotic devil's cry, and the group of ghosts and evil spirits tore his soul and brought him into hell. Qi eroded Qiao Yi's soul, turning all his cursing into screams and wailing.

(End of this chapter)

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