Valkyrie Storm

Chapter 2353 Amnestic Erase

Chapter 2353 Amnestic Erase
The palace was scrapped and temporarily sealed off. No one was allowed to approach this area. No one knew what happened inside. Naturally, they didn't know who was fighting with Qiao Yi.

Tang Yan secretly came to a side hall in the deep palace, preparing to interrogate members of the reincarnation clan.

As early as when the Human Emperor sent the invitation to Qiao Yi, the secret guards of the Human Emperor had secretly monitored the reincarnation clan members deployed in the palace, and they were under control of every move.At this moment, with the end of the war, they were all arrested, whether they were staying here or rushing out of the imperial city to report, they were all under control.

There were not many people, only five people, but the number of people of the reincarnation clan was rare. Since they were sent to the palace, their status should be extraordinary.

One is the fifth elder of the Clan Affairs Council, and the other four are also important figures in the Clan Affairs Council.

Tang Yan met the five big men in the palace: "Tell me where the Samsaras are hiding?"

The fifth elder glanced at him, held his head high, and was still not afraid of the pressure of the holy power exuded by Tang Yan: "You? What are you? Before you talk to me, lower your posture first. A saint is great? I'm really Not afraid of you."

The other four were scattered behind the fifth elder, and they were even more arrogant, with their heads slightly raised, neither humble nor arrogant, and they didn't even look at Tang Yan.

Tang Yan looked at them seriously, and said with a smile: "Don't you think you are ridiculous?"

"Put down your lofty stance! I think the ancient country of Xingluo wants to destroy the country, yet you dare to be so rude to me, hmph, there will be times when you beg me."

"I'm not from the ancient Xingluo country. Today I want to ask you a few questions. Before I change my attitude, you'd better cooperate seriously. When I lose my patience, it's too late for you to regret it."

"We only talk to Xingluo Ancient Country. Since you are not, please leave." Fifth Elder with his hands behind his back and his head tilted, still unafraid of Tang Yan's holy power.

"I captured your ancestor Qiao Yi."

"You? Bah." The five were not polite.

"I look like this, you don't know me?"

"The saints in Qitian Continent are not up to grade, not as good as I can see. How can I know you? Do you have two heads?" The fifth elder smiled, but turned cold.

Tang Yan was amused by their arrogance, and walked slowly down from the high platform: "There are always a few arrogant guys in a clan, no wonder you were recruited by Qiao Yi. Come on hard."

The person on the left sneered: "Why, you still dare to kill me? Don't talk nonsense if you don't dare."


Tang Yan snapped his fingers, and a muffled sound erupted suddenly. The man...exploded...a rain of blood and pieces of flesh shot in all directions, and also sprayed half of the other four people's bodies.A strong stench filled the palace, making one feel sick.

"Huh?" The four of them were stunned, and wiped their faces strangely. They hadn't quite reacted yet, but after seeing the shredded meat and blood all over their hands, all of them were dead, screaming back, and staring at The ground was full of minced meat, and then looked at the smiling young man in front of him.

"You dare to kill someone from my reincarnation clan?" One person yelled angrily.

"Boom!" There was another loud noise, and the man was blown to pieces on the spot, as if he had been smashed alive by two big hands. His intestines, bones, and viscera were scattered all over the floor, and a bloody heart was still beating on the fifth elder's feet. with.

"Ah." The fifth elder screamed again and again, and the three souls and seven souls were scared away halfway on the spot.

The remaining two swallowed hard, their calves were trembling, their scalps were buzzing and numb, their teeth were chattering, and they couldn't speak together.

"I'm used to domineering, can't stand the stimulation? It seems that bloody deterrence is the most effective, shameless thing. It's the question just now, let me ask again, or do you say it yourself?" Tang Yan's fingertips lingered ferocious His dragon spirit could kill him at any time.

Who is this man?Too cruel!

The two reincarnation clansmen were in shock and dared not act presumptuously.

The Fifth Elder took a lot of effort to stabilize his mentality, and he has never experienced such a bloody thing in his whole life.He hurriedly protected the other two people behind him, and forced himself to be calm: "You don't need to waste your energy, we won't tell you where the Samsaras are currently stationed, and we don't know where the Samsaras are now."

Tang Yan tapped the three of them back and forth with his fingertips: "It's still not enough to kill, who is it this time?"

"Stop!" The fifth elder shouted.

"Figured out?"

"It's not that we don't tell you, it's that we really don't know."

"Do you think I'm stupid?"

"We're telling the truth. You first promise not to kill anyone again." The Fifth Elder still couldn't guess the identity of the person in front of him, but he was definitely a ruthless character.


"you promise."

Tang Yan didn't say a word, and the only two reincarnation clansmen left in his hands all exploded and died, turning into a rain of blood, covering the majestic palace with a shocking color of blood, frightening, and the smell of blood Strong and pungent, the bloody scene intertwined with the golden palace environment creates an extremely shocking contrast.

"You... who are you?" The Fifth Elder felt cold, as if a block of ice was hidden in his heart, he was blowing cold air, his legs were trembling uncontrollably, and he was almost unable to stand.

"It's better if you can't guess. Would you just tell me where the reincarnation is, or should I take off your arms and legs one by one and soak them in a medicine jar to chat slowly? Tell you secretly, the taste should be very ecstasy." Tang Yan was smiling, but the ruthlessness and coldness in the smile caused the fifth elder's arrogance and strength to collapse piece by piece.

"I really don't know, stop, stop, don't rush to do it, listen to me. Even if you kill me, I really don't know. Before we left, the clan erased our memory about that part.

If we have any news to convey to the clan, or if we have something to go back to the clan, it is not so easy. We need to notify the accompanying space monster, and it will contact the clan and get permission before we can go back. "

"Such a secret?" Tang Yan was even more surprised.

"Not only that, the space monsters actually don't know the location of our clan, and will erase their memories when they leave, using the unique power of reincarnation of our clan. If they have important matters to return to, they must first use a special contact signal to contact us. The other space monsters in the clan are then sent by the clan to guide them. Also, the space monsters that accompany them all have brain worms planted on their bodies."

"What brain worm?"

"Once captured, the brain worms will dissolve on their own, eroding the space monster's brain, causing his memory to be in chaos for a long time. Those who are serious will die, and those who are mild will forget who they are for a period of time. Living in a daze, let alone fighting, it’s good to be alive.” The fifth elder said everything he could say, and these secrets are not considered secrets, anyway, no one can find the reincarnation.

Tang Yan narrowed his eyes and asked for a while, "Why?"

This is completely unreasonable, no matter how secretive it is, there is no need to be so ruthless, unless there are deeper secrets.

Li Yun grabbed a space monster with great interest, could it be... already half-disabled?

"I really don't know." The Fifth Elder shook his head, but compared to the previous frankness, this time his eyes were a little dazed.

"Do you want to keep your left hand or your right hand? Or should I disable your third leg first."

"I... I said." The fifth elder was annoyed and hated, and hesitated for a while: "The family address of my reincarnation family is mobile, and it will not exist in a fixed place for too long. It changes and moves at any time. It's highly classified."

"In the void? Space fortress? Isn't your fortress destroyed?" Tang Yan asked three times in a row.

"It's not a space fortress."

"Say! Tell me as much as you want!"

"We don't know. There are only 20 people in the reincarnation family who know the secret. Every time they go out, their memory will be sealed, and when they go back, they will use our unique reincarnation power to unseal it. If outsiders and external forces search their memory forcibly , will activate the sealing power inside, and completely erase that part of the memory."

Tang Yan stared coldly into his eyes for a while, but the fifth elder sat on the ground slumped, and now he said what he shouldn't have said, but fortunately, the place of the Samsara clan is very mysterious, so he was not betraying the Samsara clan .

"What he should say is true." Qin Minghuang walked out from the barrier at the back of the palace, and glanced at Tang Yan for a while. This kid's strength and ruthlessness have also increased. He didn't pay any attention to the identity of the other party, and waved and killed four of them.

"Where are the people sent to Tianji Pavilion?"

"Just left. You want to terminate the operation?"

"No need, I was a little worried before that it might be too early to scare the snake away, but now it's unnecessary, just destroy the Tianji Pavilion, start all the deployment of the reincarnation clan, and completely disrupt the Xingluo ancient country, I don't believe in the reincarnation clan Not coming forward. I'll just wait here until they come to talk in person."

Can not find you?Then lead you out!
(End of this chapter)

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