Valkyrie Storm

Chapter 2359 Xuanyuan

Chapter 2359 Xuanyuan
While they were arguing, Zhao Zimo and the others were speeding up and retreating in the direction of Tang Yan and the others without any hesitation.That Xuanyuan was obviously polite, but it made them feel a strong sense of threat.

"What's wrong with Xuanyuan? He let him go out of nowhere?" Du Yang and the others became even more strange, exchanging glances, they all rushed over to meet Niya and the others.

Tang Yan and Ma Yanwang secretly prepared to deal with emergencies at any time.

But until Niya and the others came back, nothing unusual happened.

"How are you doing?" Tang Yan hurriedly shielded them behind him and checked silently.

"We are not injured. The reincarnation clan did not make things difficult for us. They have set a range of activities. As long as you don't leave, you are free. They often send some elixir medicines." Although Zhao Zimo and the others received courtesy there, they can only return here It is a long output tone.

In the blink of an eye, five years have passed, and their life is not easy.The more polite the reincarnation people are, the more frightened they are, and they have to check whether they are poisonous before drinking saliva.

Especially Zhao Zimo, who directly became the 'drug testing ambassador', whenever they needed something, or whenever the reincarnation tribe sent something, he had to use it first, and then pass it on to others after confirming that there was no damage.I was worried, not at ease for a moment.

"Where are the reincarnations?" Nalantu asked in a low voice.

"I don't know, we were taken away by space monsters, and we also came back from the space altar. The only thing that is certain is that there is no sun, moon and stars there. It doesn't seem to be on land, but it doesn't seem to be in the void either. "They have lived in the Eternal Beast Mountain for several years, and they know the situation when the space fortress moves in the void, but it is definitely not there.

"Not in the void? Then where are they? Could it be that they can still move underground?" Everyone was surprised.

"Don't worry about it for now, get ready, I'll meet Xuanyuan myself." Tang Yan signaled to Nalantu that if something unexpected happened, he would directly activate the Heaven's Punishment Formation.

Although Qilufu and Ke Zunshan are missing, the power should be enough to deal with all kinds of accidents.

"Tang Yan, it's been a long time. Congratulations on reaching the peak." Xuanyuan stood still a hundred meters away. Considering the strength of everyone present, this distance was her personal dangerous distance. Once the conversation collapsed, the battle would start in an instant.And she was helpless.

"Long time no see, thank you for catching my friend and taking good care of her." Tang Yan took two steps forward, faced Xuanyuan, and observed her from a close distance. Being able to pinch her to death brought a strong sense of crisis.

"This incident was an accident. I apologize to you on behalf of Qiao Yi from my family. In the past five years, Niya and the others have been entertained and have not been harmed. This can be regarded as our compensation. Return all the money today, hoping to restore the old good. "Xuanyuan is as calm as ever, but he doesn't seem to be so indifferent and forceful anymore. He is not as high as before, rejecting people thousands of miles away. Today, he seems to feel more of a 'living person'.

"Huanggu, how can you apologize to your enemy!" The six of them frowned in unison, feeling that Huanggu suddenly seemed to be a different person, and she was polite to others.In the reincarnation clan, she is a goddess-like existence. She needs to be looked up to, and she can only be looked up to. How could she be polite to her sworn enemy Tang Yan today.

"We haven't known each other for a day or two. Put away such polite words. If Qiao Yi could kill me that day, you would definitely accept it and swallow my luck and blood unceremoniously. But it's a pity that my fate Big, it’s back again. Qiao Yi is my sworn enemy. Qiao Yi belongs to your reincarnation clan. On that day, he acted as if he declared war on me on behalf of the reincarnation clan. From that day on, you and I can only live and die.

But personally, I thank you for not making things difficult for Niya and the others, and appreciate your generous refund.In my own name, I also express my gratitude and return all your people to you. "

Tang Yan waved his hand, and Chocolate behind him threw eight ten-meter stone pillars from the void, and they hit the ice layer with a bang. The head is exposed at the top, and the body is sealed inside. They are all dying and weak to death.

"Tang Yan, if you dare to humiliate my reincarnation clan, we will repay you a hundred times in the future." The faces of the six people behind Xuanyuan were livid, and they gritted their teeth with hatred.

"Although people have been hurt, their lives are not in danger. They were indeed humiliated, but you returned six of them to me, and I will give you eight, all of whom are saints. The two sides are considered even." Tang Yan shot dense fireballs, and the group It wrapped around the eight stone pillars and floated towards here.

The six reincarnated saints were all furious, their chests heaving violently.Five years, my clansman has been sealed in the stone pillar for five full years. If it weren't for the unique physique of the saint, they would have become mummies long ago.A saint, a saint is aloof, transcending the mundane world, so he is called a saint, and he is so humiliated!
"Tang Yan, hand over my ancestor Qiao Yi." One person couldn't take it anymore, and pointed at Tang Yan's nose and yelled.

"They killed me first, and I fought back against the captives. He took the initiative to challenge. I can deal with it at will, and I don't give you any room for exchange. But because you treat my relatives, friends, and old friends, I can give you a chance to exchange." When you go back, you can exchange it for something of equal value.

Qiao Yi's realm is Great Perfection, and God Bingxin is the ancient holy spirit. What do you want to exchange? "

The eyes of the six people were condensed like needles, and they looked at Tang Yan viciously.equivalence?How can there be any equivalent!
"Is there any? If you can get it out, I'll give it to you right away. One Qiao Yi, one God Bingxin, think it through! Don't return the trash, it annoys me, the transaction will end immediately."

"Use your life!" The six of them almost started fighting, and two of them subconsciously moved back, not holding any weapons, but making gestures.

Tang Yan had a panoramic view of their small movements, sneered in his heart, and pretended not to care: "My life is worthless, I will provide you with a few proposals for reference only. You can either exchange them with two big perfections, or... ... join hands with me to destroy the entire Pangu clan. Or, join hands with me to destroy the Holy Spirit Temple."

"You have a good idea!" The anger of the six people was like a flame in their hearts.This Tang Yan made it clear that he was going to sit on the ground and raise the price, hateful, hateful, really hateful.Since ancient times, the reincarnation clan has been high and high, existing in the heaven and earth with a transcendent attitude, existing in the group of the ancient golden clan, when was it being teased like this.

Xuanyuan was very rational, but looked at Tang Yan with a complicated expression, and had an indescribable feeling: "Do you have to die?"

"What do you think!"

"Since you insist on going to war..."

Tang Yan interrupted: "Wrong, I didn't mean to go to war with the reincarnation clan before, nor did I take the initiative to provoke you. It was you who used despicable plans to encircle me when I was unprepared. If it wasn't for my fate , I have already been skinned into nourishment by your reincarnation clan cramps.

So please put away your pretentious attitude, don't say you are so wronged, at the moment when Qiao Yi is going to put me to death, between you and me, the power behind you and me is already a mortal enemy, until death . "

Xuanyuan looked at Tang Yan, nodded slowly, and regained his calm posture: "I didn't expect this day to come so suddenly. I didn't plan to kill you. Believe it or not, this is the end of the matter. You and I just want to kill you." I can follow the trend. I am here today to hope that the two sides can reach a wish. From now on, after each confrontation, please treat each other's prisoners well."


"It's a deal, I hope that from now on, both sides can fight without distraction, and don't have to worry about being captured. Farewell, Qiao Yi and Shang Bingxin are temporarily stored with you. When I have enough two Daquan captives in the future, I will bring them to you." Exchange with you."

"Let Ma Yan Wang and Qi Lufu be careful!" The six sages raised their fingers and pointed at Tang Yan, meaning that Ma Yan Wang and Qi Lufu would definitely be captured in the future in exchange for Qiao Yi and Shang Bingxin.

Tang Yan ignored them and looked Xuanyuan up and down: "Are you going to be emperor soon?"

"The last step is also the hardest step for me."

"Oh. Congratulations." Tang Yan rubbed his nose, suddenly his eyes turned cold, and he jumped into the air and grabbed Xuanyuan. The fire surged behind him, and two wings of fire fluttered, and the speed continued to soar.Like a bolt of lightning, appearing and disappearing for a while, it blasted towards Xuanyuan.

Thousands of meters apart from each other, but approaching in an instant.

"Tang Yan, how dare you!" The other six people all woke up with a start, their bodies glowing, and the light waves soared to the sky, and suddenly intertwined tightly, forming a giant light curtain, covering Xuanyuan.The six of them are proficient in the combined formation, and have been secretly gaining momentum all the time. At this moment, they show their power collectively, and the guardian formation is jointly formed.

And at the same time, the void behind Xuanyuan twisted, and a dark ripple swallowed her.

Tang Yan stopped suddenly, stopped abruptly outside the protective light curtain, and smiled slightly. "Don't be nervous, I will check for Xuanyuan to see if your protection system is perfect. Well, yes, keep it up."

He stood in front of the light beam barrier with a smile on his face, but he didn't step back.Not only was his gaze fixed on the beam of light, but he was also watching the distance from the corner of his eye. Beyond the ice layer, the distant rainforest all burst out with a large and intense energy at the moment he exploded, all of which were holy prestige.

(End of this chapter)

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