Valkyrie Storm

Chapter 2360 Fiasco

Chapter 2360 Fiasco
"Sure enough, there is an ambush!" Ma Yanwang and others immediately became vigilant. At least ten energies were aroused in the sea area and rainforest in all directions, all of which were holy power. , the movement trajectory is very clear, not like a panicked sea beast, more like some kind of deployment.

"Xuanyuan, what exactly do you want to do? On the one hand, you are negotiating peacefully, and on the other hand, you are deploying secretly. Are you really unwilling to fight against me, or are you really playing tricks? I am getting more and more confused about you..."

Before Tang Yan could finish his sentence, he punched violently towards the light curtain in front of him.Dragon Qi emerged from the body, turbulent and turbulent, gathered around the right fist, roaring, dragon chant, and the overlord seal was conspicuous with the dragon's head, majestic and fierce.

hum! !The light curtain trembled violently, with turbulent ripples, almost shattered.

The six great saints staggered back, bleeding from their mouths and noses, obviously shaken badly.

"Tsk tsk, is it strong? Do you want me to punch you again?" Tang Yan's right fist rotated slowly, the joints creaked, and a more terrifying dragon power surged around the right fist. The dragon is entrenched on the arm, and the dragon's head is in the right fist.The little dragon is lifelike, surging with power that breaks the sky.

The faces of the six great saints were pale, but they dared not speak out in anger. Just for a moment, they were almost shocked to death.

Tang Yan suddenly punched, and he was about to hit him.

"Tang Yan, how dare you?" The souls of the six souls burst into cold sweat.

Tang Yan sneered jokingly: "For the sake of your kindness to Niya, I disturbed your dog's life, remember to be grateful. Now, should the ambush team come out?"

"Young Master Tang, don't be in such a hurry. Today is a big show, why did you rush it?"

"I haven't seen you for five years, Mr. Tang, do you still remember us?"

"Boy Ma Long, we meet again. We used to play small games. Have fun today?"

The three auras appeared one after another, no longer hidden, they appeared from other directions respectively.Separated from the reincarnation team, they surrounded Tang Yan and others.

All of them are acquaintances, the Pangu tribe, led by Taiwu;

Each team consists of five people.

There were fifteen saints who showed up.

Counting the six from the Samsara clan, the lineup actually reached 21.

There are more other types of powerful people in the surrounding mountains and fields, with different strengths, and there should be space monsters lurking in the void, otherwise this group of people cannot appear out of thin air.

"Four clans have formed an alliance? It has been planned for a long time." Tang Yan looked at the acquaintances who were quickly approaching.

The six members of the reincarnation clan moved forward together, and their momentum became stronger again. The leading woman scolded coldly, "Tang Yan, those who dare to humiliate my reincarnation clan will make you unable to eat today. Patriarch Qiao Yi asked you Five years of embarrassment, we can make you silent for ten years."

"Xuanyuan, are you going to watch the show, or are you going to watch it in hiding?" Tang Yan slowly retreated into the team, looked around and observed the situation of the enemy group, it seemed that something was wrong.This is the first time the four major clans have teamed up. Today's deployment should not be too simple, and there may be other ultimate moves.

"Today only determines success or failure, regardless of life or death." Xuanyuan's voice came from the void, but he did not show up again.She is no different from ordinary people now, even the energy of Wu Wang's battle may kill him, let alone such a battlefield.She could only stay in the void, paying attention to the situation outside through tiny cracks.

"Tang Yan, it's a miracle that you came back alive. Before Xuanyuan said you came back, I really didn't believe it. I didn't expect you to be so fateful. The void didn't kill you, and there was smoke on the ancestral grave? Humph "Taiwu came striding forward with the four giants in the sacred realm, his majestic physique brought a majestic momentum, as if blending with the rainforest mountains and rivers, bringing the atmosphere of mountains and rivers in the walking of dragons and tigers.

"You make trouble as you like, I will play with Ma Long boy today." The Peacock King walked towards the ice layer of the strait, his eyes were full of hostility, and this time he directly locked on Ma Yan Wang.In the first confrontation that year, they didn't get much advantage, but they were ridiculed by the water candle demon and others after returning. Today, Ma Yanwang must let Ma Yan know the gap between Daman and Manman.

"Young Master Tang, are we still the two of us today? Last time was considered a warm-up, and I will not show mercy today." Uncle Qingyun came with his clansmen, and locked onto Tang Yan from a long distance away, his whole body was filled with arrogance and murderous aura.

"21, it's a bit stressful." Everyone exchanged glances and sneered secretly.

Ma Yanwang reminded them: "Pay attention to the ocean and rainforest, there seem to be a lot of troops lurking. Such a battlefield should not send troops below the saints, but since they are sent, there will be more deployments. Xuanwu He and the reincarnation clan are all forces behind the background, and they rarely show up outside, we don't know them anymore, so it's dangerous."

Xuanyuan Longli reminded: "The Yin-Yang tribe is proficient in formation, this may be their deployment."

"I'll deal with it." Nalantu had long wanted to compete with the Yin-Yang clan in formations.

"Nalan, don't worry, it's not time to need you. Assign tasks to each of you, and I will deal with Uncle Qingyun first." Tang Yan spoke softly, took a few steps forward, and looked around the audience: "Just so few people? Too many people?" Look down on me, Tang Yan."

"We know you still have saints in hell, but since we dare to come, of course there will be arrangements, don't worry, you will find out soon." Uncle Qingyun waved his hand, and the 21 saints with four strengths dispersed one by one to form a group. The large encirclement circle locked Tang Yan and others, and they each chose their opponents.

In the vast rainforest, in the depths of the boundless sea, there are constant shadows of beasts and powerful auras flickering, including the forces deployed by the four clans, and more local monsters.

This rainforest can be called a monster domain, and the number of monsters living in it is extremely large, hundreds of millions. Although the human world outside is constantly fighting, it still hasn't been affected much.Except for the migration of a few ancient human races who lived here in seclusion, the local monsters have hardly moved, and there are many of them... demon saints!
They were all startled, and they appeared one after another, gathering in a turbulent manner from thousands of miles in all directions, paying attention to the suddenly detonated energy aura here, openly or secretly.

"Since you guys want to play, let's let it go. But to be clear, there is no competition in my life, only the name of life and death." Tang Yan moved his body and raised his finger to the audience: "Now, who else Want to quit? This is the last chance, if you give up, you won’t have a chance, I don’t accept begging for mercy here.”

"Hahaha." The four major clans laughed together, and even uncle Qingyun sneered strangely.

"Tang Yan, oh Tang Yan, you can go crazy after you understand the situation." Tai Wu shrugged his shoulders, a bloodthirsty grin appeared on the corner of his mouth, and his cruel eyes shifted to the beautiful and cold Niya, greedy and even vicious, his eyes flashed The killing intent was as dazzling as lightning.

"You enjoy the feeling of arrogance? Can I give you some more time, continue?" The Peacock King glanced at him out of the corner of his eye, and didn't care too much. Hades is coming.

"Control the rhythm well, seek stability first, then attack, and catch them all in one go." Tang Yan made a hint to everyone, and at the same time took away Mu Rou Nalantu and the others, and also released Jin Lao, Ji Jian, and Minglong Ren Tianzhu and the other four ghost masters.The three newly-promoted ghost masters of the Holy Land, Tomb Boy, Prajna and Cerberus, are temporarily reserved.

Before leaving, Mu Rou whispered to Tang Yan: "Brother, there is danger."

So far, Tang Yan's lineup has reached 21 people.If you don't count the space monsters lurking secretly and other forces secretly deployed by the reincarnation clan, the lineups of both sides are temporarily at odds.

Tai Wu sneered: "It's such a coincidence that 21 vs. 21, more than 40 saints' melee battles are rare in the world of war. Today's battle is destined to be recorded in the annals of history. Brothers, show your blood, fight to the end, borrow Tang Yan defeated and helped me Pangu Shengwei."

The Yin-Yang tribe, the Xuanwu troop, and the Samsara troop all exchanged glances and redistributed.

"Old Zhu, keep your eyes wide open for me, and take care of the whole audience." Tang Yan's wings of fire fluttered violently behind him, spreading the flames all over the sky, and pounced on Taishu Qingyun, like a blue cloud, scattering green lights all over the sky: "Taishu Senior, junior, here I come!"

The sky fire bloomed and cast black shadows. Tang Yan took the opportunity to release Spike and secretly ordered him to lurk in the rainforest, beware of the ambushes of the four clans, and strictly guard against the formation.

"Kill!!" Grand Uncle Qingyun and the others yelled collectively, sneering at the corners of their mouths in unison, galloping through the air, radiant with splendor, boiling with killing power, like 21 giant killing swords, killing different targets respectively.

More than forty strands of holy power bloomed, like the eruption of more than forty giant volcanoes, the sky shook, the dark clouds trembled, the vast holy power trembled, and the frozen ocean below was covered with cracks in an instant. Intense and dense crisp sounds filled hundreds of kilometers.

The boiling and vast energy set off a vast gust of wind, sweeping in all directions, impacting the distant dense forests and distant seas, causing thousands of monsters to tremble in fear.

"Kill!" The roar is like thunder from the sky, and the killing power is like the wrath of gods. Because the power of the saint is too great, the distance between each other is slightly opened, and the battlefield expands rapidly, reaching tens of kilometers. The prestige caused the dark clouds in the sky to surge, and the sky immediately turned dark.

The Four Great Sea Beasts of the Sacred Realm faced off against the Four Great Ghost Lords including Ren Tianzhu, and the Reincarnation Clan and the Pangu Clan faced Du Yang and the others.Tai Wu joined forces with the four sages of the Yin-Yang clan to rush towards Niya Yueying and other five sages who had just returned.

In the blink of an eye, 21 battlefields were directly detonated, and the sky was shocked and chaotic, almost a collective eruption of hundreds of volcanic groups. However... at the very moment when the battlefield just erupted... a sudden change occurred.

"Tang Yan, come back!" Niya shouted immediately, her beautiful face turned pale in an instant, a mouthful of blood spewed out, and unspeakable pain swept through her whole body.

At the same time... "Ah!" Niya, Yueying, Zhao Zimo, Three-legged Toad, and Dong Qingniu all screamed, their complexions changed drastically, and the figures that had just erupted collectively staggered, and scarlet blood burst out of their mouths, even oozing blood from their bodies , They almost fell down in the twirling, and they didn't even know what happened, but... Severe pain filled the whole body, and it felt like they... exploded... Meridians, flesh and bones, are tearing apart...

(End of this chapter)

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