Valkyrie Storm

Chapter 2378

Chapter 2378

In the depths of the black hole, the white tiger that had lost the wild beast formation lost its ferocity and vitality, and entrenched there quietly. The glaring white light was stripped away layer by layer by the darkness, and gradually swallowed up. In the end, only three white tiger spears were left. Floating in the middle of Zhanmeng, the white tiger's true blood.

Tang Yan confronted each other head-on and took strong control to erase the imprint of the Yin-Yang clan on the white tiger halberd and white tiger true blood.

"Tang Yan, stop, let's talk about everything, stop." The saints of the Yin-Yang tribe seemed to sense Tang Yan's attempt, and they were all terrified and screamed again and again.But Huo Ling'er and the Blood Soul Tree teamed up to wreak havoc, the mountains and plains were covered in ruins, and the strong men of the two clans fled in haste.

The heroes were dizzy and dizzy, what did Tang Yan want to do?Swallowed the white tiger? !Isn't this the fate of the Yin-Yang clan?

However, Tang Yan worked hard in the dark for a while, and it seemed that it was difficult to easily erase the aura in the White Tiger War Halberd and True Blood.These treasures have been sealed up by the Yin-Yang tribe for tens of thousands of years. They have been preserved through the ups and downs of history, and are engraved with the atmosphere of the Yin-Yang tribe inside and out.But don't worry, there is plenty of time.

"Emperor?" Xuanyuan whispered, his beautiful eyes turned around, and there was a gleam of luster in his eyes looking at the phantom of the giant.

"That's right, the breath of the emperor." The Peacock King looked at the giant standing between the sky and the earth, and also at the black hole where the giant was embracing his hands. This scene was mysterious and strange, and she was even more amazed.

This Tang Yan is indeed full of treasures, but why is he unfamiliar with this royal power?It is definitely not passed on by Jiuying, and it is not like the emperor who appeared in modern history. This kind of power that devours light is more like a long-lost "mystery".

"Tang Yan, I'm going to kill you." Tai Shuyao rushed to the sky like a furious beast.

Is that how the white tiger killing formation is broken?Killed in a daze?
He is not reconciled, he really cannot accept this kind of frustration and loss.

It seemed that Tang Yan wanted to refine the White Tiger Battle Halberd and the True Blood of the White Tiger, so as to forcibly take away the treasures of the Yin-Yang clan that had been sealed for hundreds of thousands of years.

"You think it's my opponent?" Tang Yan suddenly fell from the darkness, took a step forward, and thrust out a palm. The dragon's aura was mighty and majestic, like the raging waves of the river and sea, moving forward vastly.

Tai Shuyao is very weak at the moment, emotionally confused, why resist such an offensive.

The dragon air hit head-on, and Tai Shuyao vomited blood and flew backwards, hitting the distant mountains.

"Old ancestor..." There are two saints who are coming to rescue.

Tang Yan, however, intercepted Tai Shuyao like lightning, and hid his foot in his face. Blood sprayed out and bones shattered. Tai Shuyao was like a broken stone, whirling and blasting towards the ground, with a bang sound. There was a loud noise, countless gravels flew, and dust billowed, but Tai Shuyao's breath was not seen.

The two saints gasped, stopped in mid-air hastily, and did not dare to approach again.

"Tai Shuyao, Tai Shuyao, you old bastard is so unsteady." Tang Yan sneered and mocked, and glanced at the two saints in the distance. They were all excited and hurriedly retreated thousands of meters away from this evil star.

"Tang Yan, you are cheating, you are shameless. You agreed to challenge our clan with your own strength, what are you doing with your Skyfire and Blood Soul Tree?" Tai Shuyao roared in the ruins, and his miserable failure made him lose control of his emotions.

The formations were broken again and again, and hundreds of thousands of treasures were destroyed.

How can I explain to the emperor?
How do I explain to the Yin-Yang family?
Tai Shuyao was mad, ashamed and angry, careless, careless.

"What a shameless person, the ghost green fire is my real life fire, and the blood soul tree is a part of my body, this is called cheating? Is it fair to let me seal myself up completely, stand still and let you hit me? Stupid !"

"You..." Tai Shuyao was so choked that he couldn't speak, his chest heaved violently, and his tattered face was distorted by anger, making him even more terrifying and ferocious.

"Tai Shuyao, look with your eyes wide open." Tang Yan sneered, spread his hands, and controlled the imperial eye to attack the imperial power high in the sky. The high-altitude black hole and the mysterious giant were all distorted and converged towards his right eye until they dissipated completely.The White Tiger's Battle Halberd and the White Tiger's True Blood straddled the sky, but were wrapped in dragon energy.

"Don't..." Tai Shuyao froze in shock.

"What don't you want? Kneel on the ground and call me ancestor?" Tang Yan sneered, deliberately ashamed and angry with Tai Shuyao, but didn't give him a chance at all. The white tiger's true blood was forcibly dragged into the left eye.

The Yin-Yang clan was in chaos, the surviving clansmen stared blankly at the sky, unacceptable to this situation, they were not even prepared to fail, did they just lose like this?

"That's ours!!" Tai Shuyao yelled anxiously.

"It's mine now. This kind of treasure is not for storage. It should be conceived with flesh and blood, so that it can be revived and kept alive forever. Don't worry, I'll find a good master for you, a Bone Race person, no matter how suitable it is." But." Tang Yan deliberately provoked Tai Shuyao.

"Tang Yan..." Tai Shuyao roared hoarsely, more like a whine.

"Ancestor?" Tang Yan sneered, wiping away the last breath of the white tiger.

"Ah!" Tai Shuyao spat out a mouthful of blood, fell to the ground on his back, and was so angry that he fainted.

The heroes were horrified, and there was no sound for thousands of miles.

Is Tai Shuyao so dizzy?They felt the absurdity, but under the absurdity, there was no Tang Yan's cruelty, and there was no sadness.

The Yin-Yang clan planned so painstakingly for three days and three nights that they were completely tortured from beginning to end.This is definitely the most humiliating blow to the Yin-Yang clan who have been aloof for endless years.They came to Qitian Continent to enjoy respect, not to accept provocation.

They don't understand Tang Yan's true strength and realm. He is clearly at the peak of the holy realm, but he can destroy wild beasts. Some people suspect that his realm is fake. It seems that he has been promoted to the illusory supreme realm, but how can he pretend that realm ?

Everything seems to be rooted in his sudden display of the 'Emperor's Eye', and only this can explain Tang Yan's continued strength and ferocity to this day.

"Yin-Yang Clan, what other killer move is there? Quickly deploy it, or I will start a killing spree." Tang Yan's high-pitched voice echoed over the Yin-Yang Clan, breaking the continuous depression and dullness.

The Yin-Yang Clan was ashamed, angry and resentful that the dignified Golden Ancient Clan suffered such humiliation.

The peripheral spectators were a little stunned and distracted, and a little excited.No matter what purpose he came here before, he was excited by Tang Yan's strength at this moment. No matter what moves Tang Yan showed or what secret treasure he used, it was his own strength.

This courage, this strength, is enough to convince anyone.

You have to obey.

"Who dares to fight forward?" Tang Yan took out the Taiwu Blood Saber again, pointed at the sky obliquely, and the killing power filled the air.

"Tang Yan, you deceive people too much." The people of the Pangu clan gritted their teeth with hatred, but after all, no one dared to challenge forward. Even the wild beast killing formation was dismantled by Tang Yan. How could they resist?

"You all know that I bullied you, so you don't know how to resist? The era of the Pangu clan has passed, and no matter how much you linger on, you can't fight your fate. Just die." Tang Yan stepped down from the sky, holding a blood knife, and was about to kill Inside the yin and yang clan.

"Tang Yan, stop. That's it for today, I'll let you go." The Peacock King strode forward, his cold voice filled with irresistible majesty, and the dazzling five-colored brilliance propped up the icy and gorgeous body behind him. With majestic killing power.

"Stop?" Tang Yan stopped in mid-air and turned to confront her.

"Stop." The Peacock King's words were as simple as two words, sonorous and inviolable.

"Understood, you mean to let the Yin-Yang tribe commit suicide collectively, so I don't need to do it again? Okay, let's do it like this." Tang Yan pretended to be stunned, but actually fought back.

The Peacock King stared at him coldly for a while: "Tang Yan, what you want is to bruise the status of the Yin-Yang clan. Now that the goal has been achieved, if you continue, things will backfire. It is better to accept it as soon as it is good."

"Wrong! I didn't come to hurt his status, I came to slaughter. The Yin-Yang clan is just one, and the reincarnation clan is the second. If you dare to hurt my wife and friends, if you mess up this day, I will also destroy your entire clan." Tang Yanyi The murderous sound of the accent stirred the world, making the hearts of countless strong people tremble, and it also made the Yin-Yang people feel ashamed and angry.

"Tang Yan, personal opinion, enough is enough." Xuanyuan said.She originally intended to use the Yin-Yang clan to test Tang Yan. At worst, both sides would suffer, but there is no such scene.She also does not allow the status of the Yin-Yang clan to be provoked. This time they return to the Qitian Continent, the interests and honors and disgraces of their alliance groups are actually the same. If any party is provoked, it will hurt the whole.

They tried their best to create a superior position in order to form the strongest oppression, but if the image of any party collapsed, all previous efforts would be wasted.After all, the strength of the five empires and the strength of the five emperors were beyond their expectations.

"Tang Yan, enough is enough. Be careful that you will be happy for a while, but you will regret it for the rest of your life." The voice of the Temple of the Holy Spirit came from the distant mist, and they never appeared. The purpose of this moment is to form oppression.

Tang Yan looked at them coldly for a long time, and everyone thought he was weighing the pros and cons, but after a while, he suddenly smiled, very cruelly: "I really enjoy the expression that you can't understand me and can't kill me. We did it at the time I made an agreement, remember? Unless you are shameless and want to tear up the agreement, otherwise I will squat there honestly and eat your own bitter fruit."

Regardless of the ugly faces of the Peacock King and others, Tang Yan shouted loudly: "Use your voice to spread the word to the world. From now on, anyone who dares to hit me, Tang Yan, and my relatives and friends, pay attention to it, and be sure to put me on the spot. Death, put my whole family to death, otherwise... the Yin-Yang clan will be your fate. Annihilate the clan, leaving no one behind!"

(End of this chapter)

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