Valkyrie Storm

Chapter 2379 Chaos Yin and Yang

Chapter 2379 Chaos Yin and Yang

"Tang Yan, you are pushing yourself to a dead end." The Hall of the Holy Spirit uttered their voices again. They were very depressed and embarrassed. They managed to speak out, but Tang Yan rejected it cleanly!The noble and mysterious image is gone, so embarrassing.

"Shut your stinking mouth, and you will destroy the Holy Spirit Hall next. Go back to your old den now, or I will train Pei Sa to death in front of the whole world!"

The Holy Spirit Temple immediately fell silent, more embarrassing and more ashamed and angry, but no one dared to speak out, this kid is already crazy, he really can do anything.Embarrassment is a minor matter now, when Pei Sa is tortured alive, embarrassment can be thrown to grandma's house.

Tang Yan glanced at the Peacock King and the others again, this glance was more provocative and exciting.With a loud roar, he raised his knife and charged at the Yin-Yang tribe.

Tai Shuyao is in a coma and is being transferred by the clansmen. He has lost his leadership. The Yin-Yang clan has no leader and is in chaos. How to counter Tang Yan's killing?
The war broke out, the blood knife slashed, the light of the knife covered the sun, and there were waves of blood, dancing with fierce killing power. Accompanied by Taiwu's angry roar in the blood knife, the bloody knife light became more and more ferocious, disrupting the new clan land just built by the Yin-Yang tribe.

Tang Yan is like entering the land of no one, no one dares to fight, no one can stop him.


The earth crumbled, and the earth and rocks tore into the sky. Because of the existence of Taiwu, the power of the blood knife was comparable to that of the wrath of the peak warriors. The power of the gods was invincible. The mountains collapsed, the magnificent buildings collapsed, and the beautiful mountains and rivers were razed to the ground, devastated everywhere.

The Yin-Yang tribe is filled with mourning, and blood flows like rivers.

The speed of Tang Yan's progress is not fast, but there will always be a round of slashes with each step forward, and each slash will always be accompanied by the destruction of a mountain and river, and the tragic death of countless people.He strode forward like a god, slowly and firmly bringing stronger oppression to everyone, and also gave a heavy psychological impact to the spectators from afar.

"You son of a bitch, what are you pretending to be old-fashioned, kill, kill me, and consume him."

"All the races in the world are watching. Could it be that we have been humiliated by Tang Yan like this? We don't even have the courage to resist? Instead of this, it is better to perish."

"Tang Yan is a man, not a god. He consumes a lot of money in continuous battles. Now he is strong outside and can die at any time."

"Kill! Don't want to be like a hero, at least like a citizen of the ancient golden clan."

The dog jumped over the wall in a hurry, and the people of the two clans were finally aroused. With the shouts of excitement and heroic declarations, the ten saints were the first to break out of the ruins and rushed towards Tang Yan together.

"Kill." More and more people were encouraged, and more and more powerful people turned around and counterattacked.

The strong men of the two races rushed from all directions, surrounded by the ruins and the sky.

"Go and have a good fight, don't waste this opportunity." Tang Yan gestured to Huo Ling'er and Blood Soul Tree, swung the blood knife, and fought brazenly.The two spirit bodies yelled and swooped, like two oceans rushing to wreak havoc.

For a moment, Baili Shanhe screamed to kill and shake the sky, martial arts danced, and energy rose.Inducing thunder from the sky, lifting magma, stimulating hurricanes, spreading the light shield, a vast expanse, the sky and the earth are boiling, mixed with mournful wailing.

With Tang Yan's strength alone, he fought bloody thousands of strong men like a tiger into a pack of wolves. The sky was dimmed and the earth was darkened.

This kind of real massacre is not uncommon, but Tang Yan slaughtered all Wu Wang Wu Zun, as well as powerful strange beasts, spirit birds, boiling energy, and the power of cholera, which turned the battlefield into a sea of ​​disasters.Everyone who watched was terrified, and many people became more and more afraid to continue watching.

The forces of the original Great Zhou Kingdom and the forces of the Dayan Mountain Range are more complicated at this moment, and they don’t know whether to cheer or be timid. In a trance, Tang Yan is still Tang Yan back then, but the environment has changed, the situation has changed, Tang Yan is no longer who he was back then.

Dark clouds covered the sky, thunder rolled, strong winds made heavy rain, and even landslides and ground cracked magma.

The spectators were collectively silent, all watching all this with shaking eyes.Even Ma Yanwang's casino was no longer so lively, and they all stopped their work to focus on this prosperous killing situation and witness this once-in-a-lifetime massacre.

The result of this battle is destined to cause a sensation in the world, and the impact of this battle is destined to change the situation.

Twelve years ago, when Tang Yan became famous, he suddenly disappeared. After five years, he suddenly landed on the battlefield of the empire, smashed the Dingxi Palace, and defeated the Daqian Dynasty.In just half a year, he disappeared again, and now he came to the world again, announcing his return with an even more sensational battle.

This is a mysterious boy, and also a fanatic who works with war.

Today's World War I is destined to leave Tang Yan's name in the annals of history, and it will be a sensation for 500 years.

Before this battle, most people thought that Tang Yan's trip was asking for trouble. A few people thought that Tang Yan's ability to leave alive was the limit, but no one would have thought that this would be the current situation. The cognition of the peak martial saint also refreshed the cognition of the limit of personal strength.

There was great chaos within the Yin-Yang tribe. Tang Yan rushed from left to right as if he had entered nowhere, from the ground to the sky, and then from the sky to the mountains. The sky was stained with blood. He was like a terrifying demon god with no emotions Word.

"Activate all formations and consume Tang Yan to death."

"Retreat to the inside and activate all formations."

The two clan elders shouted in panic and panic, attracting the clansmen to return.If you continue to kill like this, you will be slaughtered by Tang Yan sooner or later, so you can only use the formation to resist.

"Retreat, retreat, activate the formation, retreat."

The chaotic scene of the Yin-Yang tribe is a little more regular, but because of the guidance, it becomes orderly.This is also the background of the golden ancient clan of the Yinyang clan. They have beliefs, abilities, choices and perseverance.The blocking teams in the front continued to fight to the death, while the teams in the rear retreated at full speed, and were distributed among various formations, including those that were disabled. In short, it didn't matter how much power could be activated. Nowadays, only formations can unite the two races. better integration of forces.

"It's just a dying struggle. I have spiritual source liquid. How long will you consume me?"

Tang Yan signaled Huo Linger and the Blood Soul Tree to sweep the battlefield, the Blood Soul Tree devoured blood energy, and Huo Linger tempered the spirit source liquid.He paused the attack for a while, swallowed the spirit source liquid, replenished the energy he had consumed violently, and turned his blood-red eyes to the core area of ​​the Yin-Yang clan. Eyes, staring at him from a distance.

It should be the ancestral temple of the Yin-Yang clan, and it is also the area where the formation is the strongest.

Looking back on the overall battlefield, the number of saints deployed on the periphery is only sixteen. What about the other saints?They should all be in the ancestral temple.What about ordinary people of the two ethnic groups?It seems that they all gathered at the ancestral temple, and Tang Yan could vaguely feel that a huge life group was gathering there, and the real fierce battle was ahead, and the Yin-Yang and Pangu tribes definitely would not have only such a small deployment.

"By the way, where is the Destiny Child of the Yin-Yang Clan?" Tang Yan sneered in his heart, and suddenly moved forward, dashing in a straight line.

"Kill." All the formations in the regions of the Yin-Yang tribe are activated at this moment.All kinds of divine lights rushed up, dragons and tigers roared, all kinds of treasures rose, and all kinds of horses flew across the sky, all interweaving together to form a powerful lore network, overwhelming Tang Yan.

Tang Yan brandished the blood knife, his whole body was raging with flames, resisting all formations.

These seemingly powerful groups of formations still did not pose a threat to Tang Yan. They saw a lot of killing moves on Tang Yan, but they didn't even leave any traces.

A sky-shattering sword shot up and cut Tang Yan's head, but he kicked it to pieces.

A peerless ferocious beast swooped down on Tang Yan with such might as the sea, but was smashed to pieces by Tang Yan.

A piece of starlight soared into the sky, illuminating the sky and the earth. The star points contained the power of terrifying explosions, but they were pierced by Tang Yan without any injuries.

He is like a stone that has been tempered and tested, and is invincible after undergoing many tests.

The screams continued to echo, Tang Yan broke through several layers of formations in a row, and started killing, not only destroying the formations, but also continued to slaughter the two ethnic groups, bloody heads flew up, and broken limbs continued to scatter, The frantic melee was covered with a bloody gauze.

Tang Yan is like a demon god, ruthlessly attacking and sweeping away all enemies here.

The outside observers were already numb, unable to use words to evaluate Tang Yan, and did not know how to describe this battle, but it was undeniable that the image of the ancient golden clan like a giant mountain in their minds was crashing and collapsing.

"What should I do, just watch Tang Yan slaughter?" The members of the Samsara clan began to worry.

They never expected that Tang Yan would be so cruel, which also refreshed their understanding of the peak martial arts.The most important thing is that Tang Yan is not only full of spiritual power, he doesn't seem to care about consumption at all, but also has an indestructible body, and seemingly powerful attacks can't even scratch his skin.

If this goes on like this, Tang Yan might really kill all the Yin-Yang clan.

If they really won today, it would not only be the Yin-Yang and Pangu tribes that would be destroyed, but the myth of the ancient gold tribe, and the godlike image of the ancient gold tribe.The Ancient Golden Clan's return to the Qitian Continent was able to have such power because of their superior deterrence. Once Tang Yan destroyed the Yin-Yang Clan, it would be tantamount to proclaiming to the world that the Ancient Golden Clan is not terrible, and that the Ancient Golden Clan can be defeated by Tang Yan alone. Kill it clean.

It was a heavy blow to the reincarnation clan and the Xuanwu forces.Once the influence is weakened and the deterrence weakened, a series of consequences and troubles will follow.

The Peacock Sage King clenched his fists secretly, with a killing intent in his heart, why couldn't she think of the consequences? !If Tang Yan ruined the Yin-Yang clan, it would mean destroying the noble halo of the entire 'Return Alliance'.

(End of this chapter)

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