Valkyrie Storm

Chapter 2388 Humiliation

Chapter 2388 Humiliation

"Don't be nervous, I promise I won't hurt Tang Yan, and I won't make a move. On behalf of our side, I recognize Tang Yan's victory today, and I hope that the killing will end here. Your goal has been achieved, and continuing to entangle will do no harm to anyone." It will be beneficial. If you really slaughtered the Yin-Yang clan, when the Yin-Yang Emperor returns, you will be furious, and you can do anything. If you win today and lose tomorrow, it’s not worth it.”

"You mean we're leaving just like that?" Ma Yanwang sneered, his eyes lingering unscrupulously on the graceful figure of the Peacock King, and he had to admit that this girl was very attractive.She has a beautiful appearance, an excellent temperament, and that cold and arrogant feeling is very seductive.Ma Yanwang has never been resistant to this kind of woman, he likes to conquer freely.

"I'll solve the problem and find a way to get the best of both worlds." The Peacock King ignored Ma Yanwang's eyes, a kind of ignorance, a kind of ignorance, which was more straightforward and hurtful than a sharp counterattack.

At this time, Tang Yan opened one eye from his meditation, and simply replied: "My wife and friend's meridians were injured."

"There is an antidote!" The Peacock King decisively gave an affirmative answer.

Tai Shuyao was standing in the sea of ​​clouds over the ancestral land at the moment, and naturally heard their conversation, his face was gloomy, annoyed and resentful, Tang Yan was going to start asking for conditions as a winner?

"Tai Shuyao, take it out." Peacock Sage King reminded in a commanding tone.Tang Yan's request was actually the cause of the whole incident, and it was also the Yin-Yang clan's high-profile manner and self-introduction that caused Tang Yan to go berserk and kill him.

She understands the whole process, and also knows that the Yin-Yang clan actually has an antidote.

Tai Shuyao still hesitated, once he compromised, it would be tantamount to treating the Yin-Yang clan as a defeated force, admitting that he was defeated by Tang Yan, and accepting Tang Yan's bullying and oppression.But under the persecution of Peacock King's sharp eyes, he finally gritted his teeth and ordered to the clan: "Take out the antidote."

Not long after, five clan elders entrusted them with five trays of spiritual fruits and delivered them to Tai Shuyao.The spiritual fruit is bright and moist, exquisite and translucent, each thumb-sized, like a jewel formed by spiritual mountains and seas of mist, exuding a strange fragrance.

"This is the blood mist fruit, a unique fruit of our family. Only our family has it between the two worlds, and only the blood mist fruit can relieve the damage of your wife and friend's meridians. These blood mist fruits themselves are taken in conjunction with those elixir , can resolve the possibility of the elixir becoming poison, and can better nourish the meridians.

It's too late to use now.

Here are five plates of spiritual fruits, each with more than 20 pieces, each person takes one per day, and takes about ten days depending on the situation. "Tai Shuyao threw it at Tang Yan from the air.

Tang Yan caught it, took back the hell, and turned into the Rainforest of Life, and said again: "How much of this kind of elixir and fruit are left in your clan?"

"There are not many elixir, and there are hundreds of blood mist fruits left. Do you want them all?"

"No, you eat it all."



"Tang Yan, don't push yourself too hard." Tai Shuyao became so angry that his beard fluttered.He really gritted his teeth with hatred, and fainted again in his weak consciousness.The humiliation I have suffered in my life is not as much as half a day today.

Tang Yan didn't respond, but looked at him coldly with one eye.

The Peacock King asked Tai Shuyao: "Do you want to solve the problem? If you want to, put away your humble arrogance and recognize the current state of your clan. If you don't want to, I will retreat immediately and you can solve it yourself."

Tai Shuyao stared at Tang Yan with hatred for a long time, and shouted: "Bring all the elixir and blood mist fruit."

"Marshal, although they are a great tonic when mixed together, you can't take hundreds of them together." All the saints dissuaded them one after another, because taking too much supplementary medicine can kill people.This is not bargaining, this is to abolish Tai Shuyao, Tang Yan is too ruthless and poisonous, they have learned a lesson today.

"Bring it." Tai Shuyao roared, his eyes were red, and he kept staring at Tang Yan.

"Hurry up, take it, bring it all." The saints were very ashamed and angry, but who made them unable to fight against Tang Yan anymore.If they can use some antidote to solve today's matter, they can endure 'begging for perfection' once, and only hope that Tai Shuyao can bear the pain.

Tai Shuyao swallowed all the elixir and blood mist fruit in front of Tang Yan, and the elixir entered the body one by one, and the elixir fruits entered the abdomen, immediately hoarding a huge amount of energy, which should have been like a clear spring Moisturizing the body and nourishing the meridians, but now it has gathered into a rushing river, rushing savagely in his meridians.


Tai Shuyao screamed, fell from a high altitude, and struggled to rush to the high altitude, like a fish out of water, twisting in pain, the Yin-Yang people felt heartbroken to hear the shrill screams.He didn't want to appear embarrassed, but the pain of the swelling of the meridians made him miserable, and his weak body couldn't bear the pain.

Tang Yan looked at it coldly for a while before slowly reassuring that the pain of the other party did not come from the reaction of the two drugs mixed, but the damage caused by too much energy.

"Are you satisfied now? You can go." The Peacock King couldn't bear it.

"Go? Why?"

"You got what you wanted."

"I didn't ask for it, you gave it to me. I didn't say that this is a condition, you understand it yourself. Today's matter can only be resolved by exterminating the clan, there is no compromise. The Yin-Yang clan listens up and down, I will give you one day to enjoy the last time of survival, When the time is up, no one will stay." Tang Yan said coldly, like the cold wind of the twelfth lunar month, making everyone in the audience tremble.

"Tang Yan, it's no good for you to pester me." The Peacock King's face darkened slightly.

"Tang Yan, you deceive people too much." Tai Shuyao yelled in pain and anger. He has suffered enough humiliation today, and he was played by Tang Yan again, but just when he was emotional, the suppressed energy in his body immediately lost control, and savagely hit the meridians , he screamed hoarsely, spurting out a mouthful of blood.

"Tricking you? Wrong, I'm going to kill your whole family." Tang Yan suddenly opened his eyes, Bi Fang Huangzhu suddenly disappeared in front of him, and suddenly appeared in front of Tai Shuyao, setting off a violent wind, and stabbing him in the chest with a stick.

Kacha, the body-protecting aura armor shattered on the spot, and the heart bone in front of his chest was shattered, and the imperial pillar almost pierced into half of his body, blood splattered, implying broken flesh and bones.

Tai Shuyao is in pain, why resist?His eyes suddenly bulged, his face was twisted to the point of ferociousness, and in a short moment, there was a wailing sound, and the whole person flew upside down, blasted through the sea of ​​clouds, and crashed into the ancestral land.

Huangzhu's killing power continued, disturbing the sea of ​​clouds and driving straight in, bombarding Tai Shuyao's chest again, donated blood splashed, and the sound of bone shattering was ear-piercing.

Everyone was shocked, they never expected that Tang Yan would do it as soon as he said he would do it, and it was a deadly and ruthless one.

Booming, the mountains trembled, the earth shattered, and Bi Fang's imperial column was firmly nailed to the top of the highest mountain in the Yin-Yang tribe, nailing Tai Shu Yao there alive.

Tai Shuyao is in a very bad state now, unable to resist the devastation of the imperial pillar. He screamed and struggled frantically on the top of the mountain, but the statue of Bi Fang on the imperial pillar of Bi Fang suddenly opened his eyes, and two bloody lights burst out, and the killing power soared into the sky , set off a lot of wind and waves, covering the top of the mountain.

"Marshal." Everyone from the Yin-Yang tribe exclaimed, wanting to come to the rescue one after another.But a weird whirlwind quickly spread out on the top of the mountain, forming a monster similar to Bi Fang, staring at them coldly, and also enveloped Tai Shuyao.

"What is that?" The heroes were terrified, and none dared to move forward.

"Ah, save me, it's sucking my blood." Tai Shuyao screamed, Huang Zhu was like a giant leech, devouring his blood in huge strands, the pain made him lose his composure, and made him howl and struggle.

After Bi Fanghuangzhu devoured the blood wantonly, the pervasive killing power became heavier and stronger.

This is the blood of a pinnacle saint, so precious!It was enough to revive him, like a hundred-eyed ape who devoured the emperor's blood.

"Tang Yan, let go of our marshal." All the elders of the Yin-Yang tribe shouted fiercely, but no one dared to challenge the weird imperial pillar. Every time they were stared at by the phantom, there was always a sense of trembling in their hearts.

"I didn't say it clearly enough? Those who harm my wife and friends will destroy the clan! Either don't mess with me, or kill me, otherwise...the consequences will be borne by yourself. I, Tang Yan, would rather be a butcher, and I will show no mercy." Tang Yan's eyes sparkled again. Wei, the other four imperial pillars soared into the sky, and all the lines of the demon emperor opened their eyes, bursting out with divine brilliance, manifesting the terrifying outline of the demon emperor.

Suddenly, thunderous roars of beasts resounded from the sky and the earth, almost tens of thousands of beasts roared, resounding through the sky.

The four imperial pillars stagnated slightly at high altitude, and suddenly ran away violently, killing towards the inside of the Yin-Yang clan, like four rushing rivers of blood, the momentum disturbed the mountains and rivers.Each of the imperial pillars is filled with terrifying coercion, and they also form different animal shadows, namely the Hundred-eyed Sky Ape, Zhuwu, Zulong, and Kunpeng, and they set off monstrous aura and rushed towards the Yin-Yang clan.

"Five Demon Spirit Emperors?!" Xuanyuan finally witnessed the true form of the Five Emperor Pillars, and his calm heart was filled with ripples, and the reincarnated saints who recognized him were also secretly shocked.No wonder there is such a killing power, isn't that the awakened demon emperor of the five generations of demon spirit emperors?The demon spirit clan really invested their money in Tang Yan.

The five imperial pillars show their might, and within a thousand miles, all monsters surrender collectively.

"Tang Yan, give me enough time!" The Peacock Sage King finally got angry, his aura suddenly opened up, and the multicolored brilliance bloomed violently, turning into a giant peacock image, stretching across the sky, filled with a fierce and hostile aura, and threatened the audience.

"I said, whoever dares to intervene will be killed without mercy." Tang Yan roared angrily.

Hissing, a piercing vision suddenly appeared in the sky, and space fighters stepped out of the void one after another. There were thirty times before and after.

Just like a divine soldier, like a heavenly general.

(End of this chapter)

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