Valkyrie Storm

Chapter 2389 1 days time limit

Chapter 2389 One day time limit

The Air Armed Forces manifested collectively, silenced the heavens and the earth, inside and outside the battlefield, and countless people stared at the scene in the sky dumbfounded. Most of them may have never seen space fighters in their entire lives, but this time they witnessed more than 20 fighters.From Martial Lord to Martial Saint, they are of different strengths, but they all release the power of space, causing the tens of miles of altitude to fall into a state of wave-like fluctuations.

"Sure enough, there are air forces ambushing!" The reincarnation clan and the Holy Spirit Hall were secretly startled, there seemed to be a lot of them.

The Peacock Sacred King restrained his murderous intentions a little bit. It seemed that Tang Yan deployed quite a few killer moves.When did he arrange it?

"It's lively, it's really lively." Li Yun was exercising his muscles and bones, his eyes were rolling around, and he suddenly teased the Peacock King: "This beautiful girl, why don't you be a little more arrogant and give me an excuse to fight a war ? I ran all the way here, so I can't just stand there dryly."

"Old man, pay attention to your words, even if it is Kongwu, I can kill you!" Peacock Saint Wang E frowned slightly, staring at Li Yun coldly.Is this sloppy old man the pinnacle holy realm?How come I never had an impression.Could it be the Kongwu of Qitian Continent?They were also secretly recovered by Tang Yan?

"Yo yo, I'm so scared. Come on, come on, fight? Fight! Don't worry, it's just a fight, nothing else, my old arms and legs, I don't feel anything about men and women anymore, you If I twist my waist and lift my buttocks, I'll have no other reaction after eye addiction." As soon as Li Yun said this, everyone immediately felt chills, and it seemed that the explanation was more delicious than the teasing of 'Chi Guoguo'.

Ma Yanwang was also taken aback, this old bastard is more ruthless than me?
"It's a shame. I can't afford to lose this person." Chocolate covered his eyes in pain, unable to watch anymore.The sloppy image and the rambunctious tone are as much beating as you want to match.

Du Yang and the others secretly realized that it was no wonder that Chocolate was so virtuous.But fortunately, the chocolate look is very restrained. If Cheng Liyun is like that, it is probably more harmful than Tang Yan.

The air warriors behind Li Yun were inhaling and grinning again, their good momentum was smashed by Li Yun's words, we are here to save you, not to shame people, this old man speaks too indiscriminately , The entire image of Kongwu was pulled down a lot by him.

The Peacock King closed his eyes, as if he was suppressing his anger, weighing the pros and cons of starting the war and ending the war.

At this time, Xuanyuan walked slowly, and whispered in her ear: "My space monster has already entered the Central Plains, at most one day, the Yin-Yang Emperor will definitely come. Today's matter is not suitable for us to come forward, and leave it to the Yin-Yang clan to handle themselves .”

The Peacock King was not overwhelmed by anger, nodded slowly, and chose to suppress his anger.She looked at the rabbit in Li Yun's arms again: "Is that Yunjing rabbit? How could it be in his hands?"

"I've been arrested." Xuanyuan had already noticed the dazed jade rabbit in Li Yun's arms.Now that Qiao Yi was missing, it was expected that Yunjingtu would be caught.Although it is a pity, there is no need to worry, because the space monsters have brain worms in their bodies. Once they are captured, their brains will be eroded immediately, ranging from memory confusion to death.

The current Yunjingtu is equivalent to waste, and even if it can be recovered, it will take three to five years, or even longer.

At this time, the Yin-Yang tribe has fallen into deep grief and despair. The five imperial pillars are around the ancestral temple, one imperial pillar controls Tai Shuyao, and the other four imperial pillars pierced the chest of a saint and were nailed to death. On different mountains, while releasing their killing power, they are also devouring their holy blood.

The screams echoed inside and outside the Yin-Yang clan, destroying their last faith.

They wanted to rescue them but were powerless, so they could only watch them suffer.

The indifference attitude of the reincarnation clan and other parties made the Yinyang clan and Pangu clan even more desperate. The appearance of the air force made their hearts fall to the bottom. Now, who will save the Yinyang clan?Is it so powerless to wait for the time limit of one day?Waiting for Tang Yan to recover?Waiting for Tang Yan to start killing?
Inside the ancestral hall, the elders of the Military Affairs Academy and the Family Affairs Academy gathered together.

"We can't just sit like this, we should organize a counterattack. The reason why Tang Yan gave us a day, I think he is very weak now and needs this day to recuperate. If we go all out and fight him hard, it's okay Chance to win."

"It is a fact that Tang Yan was seriously injured, but our consumption is also huge, and the fighting power of the saints is less than [-]% to [-]%. Now Tang Yan deliberately hits five stone pillars and spreads his sky fire, the purpose is to let us know that he still has the power to fight. He is still relatively quiet now, but once we launch a counterattack, he will definitely slaughter brutally, even ordinary people will not be spared."

"It's better to work hard once than to wait for death. We can't rely on others now, so we can only work hard on our own."

"Yes! It's better to fight than to sit and wait for death. Although we are seriously injured and weak, we have formations, and we can combine forces to attack and kill him."

"We teamed up with the Pangu clan, there are more than a dozen saints, more than 40 saints, and hundreds of warriors. I don't believe that Tang Yan can't die. I think we are not defeated by Tang Yan now, but by our own fear."

Several elders of the Military Affairs Academy were resentful and excited, and renewed their fighting spirit.They had had enough and decided to fight back.

But the dean of the Family Affairs Council was hesitant: "Is it really that far? This method of killing Tang Yan may indeed kill Tang Yan, but in the end, Tang Yan is dead, how much can we have left? At that time, apart from the emperor, we were not even comparable to ordinary forces in other respects. What is the difference between this and the extermination of the clan?"

The director of the Military Affairs Academy also said: "After further discussion, there is really no other way. We will fight Tang Yan to the death. But the death fight is really not a good way. It looks bloody and proud, but in fact it is death."

At this moment, a space monster quietly appeared inside the ancestral hall.

"Why did you come here? Advise us to surrender?" The elders looked unhappy.

"Don't get excited, my reincarnation clan will never give up on the Yin-Yang clan. In terms of dealing with allies, my reincarnation clan has always been loyal. Please understand the difficulty that we can't make a move at this moment, otherwise it will cause a melee between the two sides, and things will only get worse Big, not only can't save the Yin-Yang clan, but it will make you go to extinction in advance.

I'm here now to tell you a piece of news. A long time ago, our aunt secretly sent the space monsters that guarded us to the north to the ancient kingdom of Xingluo to extradite the Yin-Yang Renhuang back. "

"Really?" All the elders stood up suddenly, their expressions of despair and resentment were completely replaced by surprise.

"The space monster set off two hours ago, and it is expected to pick up the Yin-Yang Emperor at noon tomorrow. Maybe Tang Yan also arranged for the space monster in the ancient country of Xingluo, but we are unexpected, at least we can fight for the Yin-Yang Emperor." Let him come back before the other Human Sovereigns for some time. I think even if it is for a stick of incense, it will be enough time for Human Sovereign to severely injure Tang Yan and everyone else. At that time, your Yin-Yang clan will take advantage of the situation to fight back, enough to kill Tang Yan .”

"Good! Good! Good!" The military patriarch shouted three times in a row, his excitement was beyond words: "Please thank Huang Gu for me, no, I will personally thank Huang Gu afterwards!"

"Huanggu's current situation is special. She is no different from ordinary people. To be able to send out her guardian monster is tantamount to risking her life. I hope you can remember this moment and remember that our reincarnation clan will never give up our allies."

The space monster tried its best to say enough polite words, so as not to create a gap between the two clans afterwards.

"Such a great kindness, I will never forget it." The elders were very emotional at the moment, as if a drowning person grasped the straw and regenerated the power to live.The previous resentment towards the reincarnation clan has long been thrown into the sky.

"I'll take my leave first. The Huanggu needs someone to guard it. We took the risk to create an opportunity for you, and I hope you can seize it. Tang Yan will definitely be put to death." The space monster was polite on the surface, but sneered in its heart.It's still Huanggu's thoughtful thinking, let me come here, and the Yinyang tribe will definitely regard the reincarnation tribe as the savior, and they will definitely rely on them afterwards and obey their words.

"Please tell Aunt Huang, I will never let Tang Yan be arrogant again." The deans of the two houses looked excited, and respectfully sent away the space monster. The elders looked at each other, and the excitement was beyond words. Tears embraced.

The Emperor is coming back!

Our Emperor is coming back!
Tang Yan, no matter how arrogant you are, can you handle the emperor? !

(End of this chapter)

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