Valkyrie Storm

Chapter 2398 Mounts

Chapter 2398 Mounts
"Where is it? I'm in good physical condition now, so it doesn't hurt to go there."

"The south of the Eagle Soul Mountain Cluster also belongs to the extension of the Eagle Soul Mountain Range."

Tang Yan nodded slowly: "The Eagle Soul Mountain Range has recently become the site of the Holy Spirit Hall and the Yin-Yang Clan. The Yin-Yang Clan has millions of people and covers a large area. The Holy Spirit Hall has a larger number, an army and many branches. Now the Eagle Soul Mountain Range is probably full of all kinds of eyeliners, but...with chocolate, he can avoid eyeliners."

"The area of ​​the Eagle Soul Mountain Range is larger than you can imagine, comparable to an empire. The situation in the Qitian Continent is basically that the human inhabited area is less than one-fifth of the continent. Countries such as imperial kingdoms occupy land.

No matter how large the area of ​​the Holy Spirit Hall and the Yin-Yang Clan are located inside, and how wide the scope of influence is, they will not reach one-tenth of the Eagle Soul Mountain Range.

If you really want to go, feel free to go, I hid there for half a year and know better than them.But you must think clearly, it is very dangerous there, devouring all creatures that enter, after years of absorption, the devouring power may be stronger. "

"I know it in my heart, you just lead the way." Tang Yan woke up from meditation with a smile, and it happened that the treasure god pig came leisurely with its tail wagging.

"I came all the way from the Lost War Realm, and you just let me show my face in the void, and it's over? You look down on me, Bao Shenzhu."

Mirror Image Treasure Pig is very boring now. I have worked so hard to win the master's consent, and came here to start the war with the intention of paying attention, but only after I came here did I find out that Tang Yan had firmly nailed the position of the new Zhanmeng in just a few years. The land of the Central Plains.

"There are still many things to do in the future. This is just the beginning. Boring? Go out for a walk with me."

"Where are you going? Forget about trivial matters. Mr. Pig, I came here to fight the war, not to enjoy the scenery." Mirror Mirror Treasure Pig swung his body, coquettishly sniffing the flowers in the yard.

The picture is too beautiful.

"Forget it." Tang Yan turned and walked out, and suddenly turned to look at Baoshenzhu halfway: "I have a question for you."


Tang Yan's face was full of black lines, and he choked abruptly.

Baoshen Pig sniffed the flowers in front of him intoxicatedly, and suddenly took a bite, chewing happily: "Eat it if you love it."

"Do you think I'm a character?"

"It's a pity that I'm a pig, and we are not suitable." Baoshen pig sat on the stone platform, waving its hooves and chewing flowers. Sheng's fierce reputation.

Tang Yanzai looked at Baoshenzhu carefully: "Personally, I feel that I am a person, and I can be regarded as having a reputation and influence. Ask yourself, if I want you, will you be wronged?"

Baoshenzhu chewed the flowers leisurely and leisurely, but the more he chewed, the slower his eyes became more and more strange, and he suddenly became vigilant: "Are you serious?"


"You... have a strong taste!"

"I need a mount!"

"Get out!" Baoshenzhu got annoyed on the spot, if someone else said this, he would have died long ago!

"I'm just raising an idea, you can consider it. In the future, I will become emperor, and you will be the first god to sit down." Tang Yan blinked, turned and left.

"It's not uncommon, I am now the number one killer under the Demon Emperor's seat." Baoshen Zhu swung his two hooves and spat out the petals in his mouth: "Wait, don't rush away, I have something to look for you today." thing request."

"It's not easy to say the word request from your mouth, just say it and do your best."

"Is that little pig in Chocolate's arms a male?"

"Well, what?"

"There should be sows in that group, right? I got some information from Du Yang. According to him, Chocolate still has a lot of sows like that?"

"What do you want to do?"

"Reproduce offspring. Lord Pig, I have been very lonely these years." Treasure God Pig looked sad, and turned his head to sniff the flowers again.

"So many pigs are not enough for you to mate?"

"Bullshit, Lord Pig, how can I mate with those dregs? I want to find the most suitable sow, stay with me, and have children. The power of my god pig is somewhat incompatible with space. If I can find a space-type If the pig demon mates, my offspring will definitely surpass me!"

"Are you serious?"

"What do you think?"

"Let's make a deal, I'll introduce you to two, and you will be my mount."

Baoshen Zhu rolled his eyes and strode away: "Pretend I didn't say anything. Master Pig, I have charm, and I will conquer it by myself. I just came to make sure, and your tone gave me the answer. Thanks, let's talk back."

"Let's talk again when I come back." Tang Yan also walked out, pretending to be unintentional and muttering a few words: "I don't know what the Demon Emperor Chaos left there, just try your luck."

Mirror Mirror Treasure Pig's ears fluttered twice, immediately turned around, and followed Tang Yan: "Did you just mention Chaos, the Demon Emperor?"

"I just got news that the Demon Emperor Chaos may have left a treasure in this world."

"Oh? It took so many years to be discovered?" The mirror mirror treasure god pig moved closer to him.

The Demon Emperor Chaos is not any other monster. He had an inseparable relationship with Zulong back then. The Demon Emperor Zulong was his elder brother, and Chaos was his righteous brother. The two emperors joined forces in all directions.It is said that the demon emperor's ancestor dragon even passed on the secret skills to Chaos, and gave him countless treasures and soldiers.

Tang Yan went out in person today, probably found the big treasure.I have to admit that this kid is still very good in terms of luck.

"Isn't that right? That's the problem. It's very strange. I'm going to go and see it myself. It's located in the mountains in the northwest. It's very hidden. It's not a coincidence. No one will find it. There's a small black hole there... "Tang Yan introduced in a low voice, and rode on the Mirror Image Treasure Pig without any trace, and moved his position a little to see if it was really suitable as a mount.

Bao Shenzhu listened carefully, and nodded slowly: "According to what you said, there really might be a treasure left by the Demon Emperor Chaos inside. That old thing is very cautious. According to my master's introduction, the Demon Emperor Chaos..."

Baoshen Pig stopped suddenly.

"What is the chaos of the demon emperor?"

"What! What are you talking about!" Mirror Mirror Treasure Pig slowly raised its head with a gloomy expression. This kid actually rode on me?
Tang Yan smiled slightly and straightened up: "I think we are a good match!"

"You dare to insult Lord Pig, I'll go and kill those sows tonight! You have to obey, and you have to obey if you don't!" Bao Shenzhu suddenly stood up and threw Tang Yan out forcibly.

Tang Yan didn't disturb outsiders during this trip, but just grabbed the chocolate and went straight to the northwest.

Accompanying them are two pigs, Baoshen Pig and Lulu.

Two people and two pigs, a funny team, but with good fighting power.

Following Xie Zu's guidance, they arrived at the southern edge of the Eagle Soul Mountain Range the next afternoon.

The situation here is far more complicated than expected. The mountains are chaotic and cliffs, the rainforest is like the sea, and the scenery is very beautiful, but the area is too wide. After more than a hundred years, I want to find an ordinary canyon in the boundless mountains. A hidden black hole is tantamount to finding a needle in a haystack.

"It's roughly in the middle, look for it carefully." Xie Zu gave guidance.

"Old Zhu, move in the void, don't disturb the monsters here." Tang Yan didn't want to take any risks.

Aww, herds of beasts move in the rainforest, looking for food or fighting, the roar is rolling, non-stop.

Chirp!Birds of prey hit the sky, fight in the sky, and dive in the rainforest. From time to time, you can see black spirit birds flying high in the sky, and occasionally you can see giant raptors covering the sky.

This is the "Monster Realm" of Qitian Continent. It not only maintains the most primitive rainforest landform from ancient times to the present, but also has countless magical monsters, which is more abundant than the leftover world.

Tang Yan even saw a black flood dragon entrenched in a lake. Although its blood was impure, similar to a crocodile, it had also reached the realm of a high-level demon venerable and was the overlord of that area.

Not long after, they discovered a soul force spreading, which was the exploration team of the Holy Spirit Temple.

Later, it was also discovered that the action team of Zhenyao Temple was hunting and killing monsters and devouring monster energy.

It seems that forces such as the Temple of the Holy Spirit are moving bullets to different areas, declaring the status of the new Lingzhu by virtue of their strength.

Tang Yan and the others didn't alarm anyone. They searched for a whole night in the void from afternoon to evening, from night to early morning, and then to early morning, but they never found any black holes.

"It's strange, it was here back then, did it move by itself?" Xiezu wondered.

Tang Yan didn't give up and continued to search, but he still didn't find it until the afternoon.

"Separate action, I'll follow it." Mirror Image Treasure Pig looked at Lulu.

"We act separately. Lulu and I, Lao Zhu and you, you two are a perfect match." Tang Yan picked up Lulu, and continued to lurk and move in the void, searching cautiously to see if his head was exposed.

Chocolate and Baoshenzhu collectively cursed Tang Yan, and joined forces to search back and forth in the depths of the rainforest.

Finally, on the afternoon of the third day they came here, they appeared near a canyon at the same time.

This is the third time they have passed here, and only this time they stayed collectively.

This canyon is no different from other places, the difference is that there are a group of jade horned snakes entrenched, hundreds of them entangled inside and outside, seemingly scattered randomly, but in fact they vaguely formed a protective state, as if they were guarding something .

In the deepest part of the canyon, there is a sacred jade horned snake entrenched there. It is [-] meters long and [-] meters thick. The scales on the whole body are shaking slightly, which is hideous and frightening. He kept swallowing his tongue, searching for suspicious auras.

Its holy power filled the surrounding tens of miles of silence, and countless monsters had already scattered and fled.

Chocolate muttered strangely: "The black hole is pressing under it. This place belongs to the outskirts of the Heroic Soul Mountain Range. How could there be a demon saint?"

(End of this chapter)

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