Valkyrie Storm

Chapter 2399

Chapter 2399

"It's not pressing down, it's guarding." Tang Yan carefully observed the canyon. There are hundreds of jade horned snakes in this group, densely packed in such a small place, and they are vigilant from top to bottom .With Tang Yan's old-fashioned eyes, he can be sure that they don't live here, they are in the realm of sentry.

"Has this been discovered? Are they occupying?" Chocolate subconsciously looked back at the endless void.

"It should be possible. After the Peacock Sacred King sits in the Huanyu Kingdom, he should find a way to expand his strength. It is reasonable to send people to sweep up and deter the Heroic Soul Mountain Range. It is also possible to find the problem here. I just don't know if it is simple to garrison, or who will enter inside."

"It should be a big shot who can let the demon saint watch the whistle. Go? Go in and join in the fun?" Baoshenzhu is eager to try, so it's interesting.

"Old Zhu, take us in, Lulu is on guard outside." Tang Yan clenched his fists slightly.Hey, if you don't pay attention, you will kill someone again, so I feel a little embarrassed.

"Are you okay?" Tang Yan dragged Chocolate out alone this time, taking a risk and not alarming anyone in the New Zhanmeng. If something happened, he couldn't bear the responsibility.Where is this?This is the Eagle Soul Mountain Range, which is currently the most dangerous target area of ​​the New War League.

"Okay, it's [-]-[-]% done, don't talk too much, let's go. Be careful, don't disturb that jade-horned snake."

"Wait for me to build a passage." Chocolate's attainments in void marks are extraordinary. When the jade horned snake moved its body, it appeared from the gap under his body and opened a passage leading directly to the black hole.

But Lulu is obviously not suitable for the sentinel realm, so Tang Yan simply left the chocolate, and walked in with Lulu in his arms, and Baoshenzhu walked in leisurely with its tail wagging.

The black hole world is bizarre, mysterious, vast, profound and charming.

The lights and shadows in the sky are flying like ribbons, floating between the sky and the earth, moving fast and slow, as if entering a mysterious world of light and shadows. This place is so vast that you can't see the edge or feel the end.

Here is a vast ocean of light and shadow, countless lights are like thousands of fish swimming freely.

Tang Yan and Baoshenzhu moved forward vigilantly, and looked around strangely: "Be careful."

With their strength, the power of their thoughts spread out was only about a few hundred meters, and their vision was disturbed by blurred light and shadow.

They all felt their power passing, an irrepressible passing.This place is like a terrifying "digestion" field, slowly but powerfully absorbing their power, every time there is a bright light and shadow sweeping over their bodies, they can clearly feel the disappearance of their breath.

These light and shadow ribbons are like invisible tentacles, helping this world to swallow power.

"Properly suppress the running speed of my meridians, slow down the output of spiritual power..." Tang Yan was about to remind Baoshenzhu, when he suddenly found it... disappeared... separated?

Confused shadows, grotesque, overwhelmed them and interfered with vision.

Tang Yan forcibly let go of his thoughts, and finally saw the enthusiastic Baoshen pig a few hundred meters away.He rushed over with a whizzing sound, and simply rode on it: "Don't get me wrong, I'm just in case I got lost."

"Go away." Treasure Pig was furious and struggled desperately.

"Hush, is there something in front?" Tang Yan rode hard, but refused to leave.

"Where?" Baoshenzhu was secretly vigilant.

"Front, walk, don't struggle, it's safer for us to get together so as not to get separated." Tang Yan held the little fat pig in his arms, and rode the Baoshen pig below, and continued to move forward.

Green flames bloomed on his body, turning into a green flame battle suit covering his whole body.

But the strange thing is that while the green fire is burning, one cluster after another separates, dissipates into the world, and disappears, exactly the same as Xie Zu introduced.But back then, Xie Zu's Qinghuo was immature, and his own Qinghuo was about to mature, so he was absorbed.

"It seems that this world has been growing." Tang Yan rode the Baoshen pig into the air, closed his eyes and moved forward in a straight line to avoid interference with his vision. Soon after, a breath ahead caused him to be alert.

"Is there someone?" Baoshenzhu frowned slightly, a shadow flickered between the light and shadow world, covered by the distorted light and shadow, and disturbed by the distorted energy to investigate.

After a while, a powerful energy appeared in front of it again, and then subtracted and faded away, disappearing into the misty and mysterious world of light and shadow.

Tang Yan and Baoshenzhu repeatedly activated their mind power and released it continuously. They persisted for a long time, and were barely able to detect the situation within a radius of one kilometer.

"How weird, what kind of strange phenomenon is here, why don't I just explode it?" Baoshenzhu was bored.

"Hey, that's right, what are we afraid of, cleverness deserves an award." Tang Yan patted Baoshenzhu on the head.

"I allow you to ride once, and after you get out, two spirit source fluids, from the holy realm." Seeing that he couldn't break free, Baoshen Zhu resigned to his fate.

"Lulu, feel the stability of this space. I don't want the green fire to explode, blow up this space, destroy this canyon, and also alarm the Yin-Yang clan and the Holy Spirit Hall."

Lulu is very well-behaved. After feeling it carefully for a while, he nodded and raised his hoof to press it again, meaning not to use all his strength, it is best to be around the peak state.

"Good boy." Tang Yan touched Lulu's head, the green fire field vibrated, and the raging green fire burst out of the body, sweeping across the four directions like a vast reservoir opening floodgates, swallowing even light and shadow, even darkness It's all evaporating.

The violent impact of the green fire immediately disturbed the space, scattered countless lights and shadows, and violently cleared a range of thousands of meters. The edge area suddenly screamed, and two groups of black shadows fled in shock.

"Wow? There are thieves! Master Pig is here, can he escape you?" Baoshen Pig yelled, and rushed over at such a fast speed that he almost threw Tang Yan away.

"Ahhhhhhhhhh." The two groups of black shadows screamed, surrounded by green fire.

"Qinghuo? This is Qinghuo! Are you Tang Yan?"

"No, where did the pig come from?"

The two groups of black shadows screamed in horror, tumbling wildly in the green fire.

"The Temple of the Holy Spirit? Haha, I've caught the treasure! Lulu, seal the entrance! You are only allowed to enter and not to exit, and you will have extra meals today!" Tang Yan was pleasantly surprised. He rushed over, waved two green fire horses, and entangled them tightly. over them.

"Buzzing buzzing." In the depths of the distant light and shadow, bursts of energy were suddenly startled.

"What else? Haha, mine, mine, mine if I catch it, you helped me practice. If you dare to play tricks, I will turn against you!" Baoshenzhu was more wild, and his manic laughter was full of cruelty. out.

"You two unlucky bastards, tell me, how many people have come to the Holy Spirit Hall? You said it simply, and I will give you a good time." Tang Yan controlled the green fire to practice, and cruelly burned the two clouds of mist. They have the realm of Wuzun, But it may be because of this world, it is very weak.

"I'd rather die than talk." The two roared, struggling crazily, and launched soul offensives again and again, trying to invade Tang Yan, but Tang Yan was just tickling.

"Idiot, you have a lot of breath. Die." Tang Yan opened his hands, and the green fire surged, devouring them alive, turning them into two-day spiritual source liquid, which was directly sent into his mouth by Tang Yan.

"Tang Yan! How dare you trespass on the Eagle Soul Mountain Range, are you tired of work?" In the distant mist, there was a sharp roar, which was followed by the scream of the treasure god pig, and the violent churning and hitting the ground.

"I #¥%&, you dare to hurt Lord Pig? You are tired of living!" It was the voice of Baoshen Pig, angry and fierce, triggering a violent onslaught, a large area of ​​space trembled, and countless lights and shadows were distorted.

"Hey, hey, take it easy, don't disturb the outside." Tang Yan rushed over following the voice, forcibly spreading more green fires, and cleared out more areas.

In front, Baoshen Pig was furious, and there were countless ice crystals flying around. It was chilly, but it was splashed with lightning-like light. The lethality was so terrifying that even Baoshen Pig's body formed crystals, forming a special ice crystal. defense.

He stared angrily at the front, full of murderous aura, and his hair was standing on end. This was the first time Tang Yan saw Baoshen Zhu really angry. His eyes turned blood-colored, and his hair was as firm as steel needles. With the cooperation of ice crystals, he was eager to try , like a murder weapon.

The one who confronted him turned out to be Tang Yan's old acquaintance and old enemy—the deputy master of the Holy Spirit Hall, Fallen to Heaven!

"This inhuman thing sneaked up on me!" Bao Shenzhu was angry and unwilling to fail.Feeling humiliated, I actually have a day when I will be bullied?unbearable!
Fallen Heaven is surrounded by eight groups of black mist. The six venerables and the two semi-sages are extremely nervous at this moment, and the fog of soul is surging with high frequency, waiting for them.

They are really trembling all over now, and they have suffered bad luck for eight lifetimes. Why did they meet Tang Yan here?It shouldn't be at all.This is the Eagle Soul Mountain Range, which is the absolute territory of the Northern Community. Who would dare to come here to act presumptuously?Especially those from the New Zhanmeng.

"Tang Yan, you are too crazy." Luotian was also frightened and furious, and it was difficult to keep calm. This kid actually came to the north in a big way?He simply didn't pay attention to the alliance of the Northern Community!

"It's just you? Are there any others?" Tang Yan's eyes were shining brightly, as if he had discovered a treasure. For ghosts like the Holy Spirit Hall, it is only one that can be destroyed, especially the super soul martial like Fallen Heaven. If it is destroyed, countless troubles will be avoided in the future.

"You look down on me?" Luotian was annoyed, hearing Tang Yan's tone, he didn't regard himself as an opponent at all.Thinking about the operation in the South China Sea, he could crush this kid to death with one hand, but in just a few years, the other party ignored him?He has an arrogant personality, even though he knows that Tang Yan is powerful, he can't stand the other party's eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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