Valkyrie Storm

Chapter 240 Cangyun Broken River

Chapter 240 Cangyun Broken River
Tang Yan completely enclosed himself in the excitation of the demon spirit veins, and the densely packed battlefield was in full swing!The Sky Blue Bull Python and Candle Dragon would never be willing to be refined, and their will to survive became stronger and stronger; Tang Yan's will was also unprecedentedly firm, with the help of the continuous spiritual power provided by the Blood Soul Tree, he stubbornly maintained the demon spirit veins vitality.

Tang Yan clearly determined that as long as Tianqing Niuban and Zhulong still had a little bit of thought left, the battle for refining the demon spirit veins would not be stopped. Perhaps it could not pose a threat now, but there would definitely be a crisis in the future.

Tang Yan did not allow any mistakes, so he could only grit his teeth and persevere.

The competition in all major battlefields has entered a stalemate. Whoever can persevere to the end will be the final winner of this battle of perseverance.

In the depths of the cold snowfield, Hei Niu is fighting with the giant ice crystal spider, from the top of the mountain to the col, from the snowfield to the ravine, there are crazy collisions, violent fights, and sometimes even the wildest collisions.

The black girl's bloodiness has been aroused, her fighting spirit is overwhelming, and she is extremely wild.Unless it is when I can't hold on, I will hide for a while to take a breather, and at other times I am constantly challenging the limit.

Perhaps because of the recovery of her blood, the power of the black girl's thunder and lightning is constantly increasing, and her temperament is also changing through the tempering again and again.

one day!two days!five days!ten days!

Hei Niu was constantly tempering herself in the tragic battle of life and death, and her brutal killing intent was gradually aroused, soaking her soul from the inside out, and her strength was also greatly improved invisibly.

No. 15 days!

The black girl finally resisted the giant ice crystal spider's attack and tore it into pieces.

But just ten seconds later, when the lowness appeared again in the endless white mist, it was actually a thorny tortoise, a fourth-level peak monster that focused on defense. In this icy and snowy world, its defense might be able to catch up to Demon King!

Its appearance is equivalent to being immune to the strongest attack of the black girl!

Moreover, the thorny tortoise is not fast, but it has an innate ability to control the cold weather. Its territory is completely within a hundred meters. It can condense ice crystals and wind and frost to bring strong obstacles to the enemy, and take the opportunity to launch attack.

Hei Niu didn't flinch, but faced up to the difficulties and started a more difficult journey of tempering.

Outside the Jedi during the day, the three of Tang Hao have been waiting here for nearly a month. They followed Tang Yan the day after he entered the Jedi.Because he was worried that his mistaken entry would bring Tang Yan a greater crisis, he stayed outside all the time.Fortunately, the Jedi was completely silent during the day, and if there was a battle inside, it could barely be detected.

They didn't rush in all the time because they could always hear the sound of fighting intermittently, which was very subtle and distant, but it still existed after all, which was enough to show that Tang Yan and Hei Niu were still alive.

After waiting for 30 days, the three decided to go back to Tibing Mountain for retreat first, and entrusted Dou Niang to arrange some smarter subordinates to come over and watch for 24 hours. If there is any special situation inside, they will be notified immediately.

It has been more than a month since '28 Ugly' entered the Dayan Mountains.

The purpose of coming here this time is to be entrusted by someone to capture the ten-tailed demon scorpion alive. It is said that it uses the poison in its body to prepare some kind of poison.

This is a very difficult task, but the remuneration given by the employer is extremely generous, enough for them to gamble with their lives!

They found out the situation in the outer area of ​​the mountain range in advance, knew the territory of the ten-tailed demon scorpion, and made all preparations to subdue it.

But... when they arrived at the destination, it seemed that there had been a fierce battle here. There was a mess everywhere, and there were still traces of burning fire. The ten-tailed demon scorpion had long since disappeared.

The strength of this demon king is not strong, but relying on the strong poison all over his body, he is still very threatening. Ordinary warriors or monsters dare not easily provoke him.

What's going on here?Who would have nothing to do with such poisons?

Could it be that someone got ahead of him?
Not reconciled, they continued to search in the dense forest.

After staying for more than half a month, they were nowhere to be found.

'28 Ugly' is not reconciled to the failure of the mission, which will not only affect the reputation of the organization, but also pay huge liquidated damages to the employer according to the agreement.

After a brief discussion, they decided to cross the border and search inside the Dayan Mountains.

There are many monsters in the Dayan Mountains, especially in the inner area. There may be ten-tailed magic scorpions inside. They firmly believe in this and hope to try their luck.

During the recent period, the atmosphere in the team has been a little weird. The reason is that Sister Liu and Nalantu seem to be no longer so close. The two seem to have some secrets, and they always avoid each other without a trace.

Fortunately, the Dayan Mountain Range was full of crises, and the tense atmosphere covered up this subtle embarrassment.

At noon that day, they passed a rushing river, and stopped on the bank to rest.

"Who's going to get something to eat?" The leading strong man sat down on a rock, and the others sat down one after another, but Nalantu stood there awkwardly.

The red-robed monk glanced at him blankly, and said in a rather cold tone: "Hey? Good! You go! Get some wild game, pick up some branches, and have barbecue today."

"I... I'll go..." Nalantu glanced at Sister Liu who was teasing the baby, and walked towards the dense forest with the broken steel gun.

"Go and come back quickly, and pick some sour fruit to whet your appetite." Sister Liu regained her charming smile and winked at Nalantu.

Nalantu was pleasantly surprised, all the gloom was resolved at this moment, he nodded vigorously, and rushed into the dense forest quickly.

Sister Liu looked at the back of Nalantu leaving, and there was a little warmth in her charming smile, or... just follow him, just forget it for the rest of your life... Anyway, I've already had enough of this kind of life.

When this mission is over, I will take this idiot away from 28 Chou.

Nalantu felt sweet in his heart, but he was still cautious after going deep into the dense forest, not daring to make too much noise, so as not to disturb some monsters.But he was lucky, and soon hunted down a few pheasants and found a blue sheep.

Although Nalantu has a weak temperament, as a third-level Wuzong, it is still very easy to subdue a two-level monster blue sheep.

The food should have been enough, but remembering Sister Liu's entrustment, Nalantu still carried the prey and happily continued walking in the forest, looking for edible wild fruits.

"Sister Liu said she likes sour fruit?" Nalantu picked a bright red fruit, which was cool and sweet without the slightest sour taste, picked a few and put them in his pocket, and continued to search.

After searching for a full quarter of an hour, I finally found a clump of wild fruit trees in a ravine, with many thumb-sized orange-red fruits on it. I took a bite, it was sour and sweet, very delicious, and I felt it quietly for a while, sure. No toxins.

"Okay, it's you guys, I hope Sister Liu will like it." Nalantu showed a green smile on his face, picked all the fruits from the tree, wrapped them in a cloth bag, and was about to go back.

At this time, the sharp screams came over, as if there was nothing, echoing faintly in the forest with the mountain wind blowing.

Nalantu was happily counting the fruits and didn't pay much attention to them.

After all, fights in dense forests are too common.

But after walking a few steps, the screams became more and more intense, and there was also a strong collision of martial arts. For Nalantu who followed '28' for almost a year, the fluctuation of spiritual power in the distance was too clear.

It is the combined martial arts of '28 Ugly'!

Nalantu paused, staring fixedly at the damp and dark forest in front of him, he was stunned for half a minute, his whole body shivered, and he ran forward like crazy.

The hard-collected wild fruits and prey fell silently to the ground.

"Sister Liu! Don't let anything happen! Don't let anything happen!"

Nalantu murmured tremblingly, and ran wildly in the dense forest.

at last!

Back to the Pentium River again!
The scene in front of him made him freeze in place as if struck by lightning.

There are burly giants, monks in red robes, handsome couples, dwarfs in long robes... and torn babies... bloody and horrible.

They used to be arrogant and domineering, but now they have all turned into corpses.

These methods are even worse than all of them!

Somewhere on the river bank, there was a team riding monster beasts. The burly man at the head was seriously injured. He should have been severely injured by 28 Chou's combined attack, and half of his body was soaked in blood.

The team behind them was full of astonishment, and even a little bit of horror. Who are these people?It was so close to abolishing the captain! !

The burly man was holding a seductive girl in his hand, and it turned out to be Sister Liu!
"Liu..." Nalantu froze in place, his mind blank.

Sister Liu noticed Nalantu, opened her mouth with difficulty, and made a subtle mouth shape - escape!
"Are you in the same group? Damn it, come here!!" The brawny man was furious, and when he saw Nalantu, he slammed hard with his right hand, clenched Sister Liu's throat, and moved towards him. Angrily scolded.

At this moment, the world seemed to be quiet.

Nalantu stared blankly at Sister Liu, who was limp and limp, and the past echoed chaotically in his mind.

She said that after this mission, she would find a place to live in seclusion.

What she said was to give me a baby.

She also eat sour fruit?
At this moment, Nalantu's eyes were hazy; at this moment, Nalantu was stunned!
Sour fruit?Could it be... ah! !Nalan Tu suddenly wailed like crying blood, knelt heavily on the ground, held his head in his hands, tears welled up in his eyes, and a trembling of fear filled his heart.

"Kill it for me!" The burly and strong man was furious, and the deployment behind him rushed over while driving the monster.

"Sister Liu... Let's go home..." Nalantu murmured, slowly raised his head, staring at the silent body.

More than ten warriors charged over.

Clang! !The ear-piercing sound waves were suddenly released, and Nalantu's eyes suddenly burst into fierce light!

Combine broken guns and sweep with one blow!
Landslides and rivers are broken, and the world will be silent forever!
The desolate blood was floating in the air, even people and beasts were killed!

"Give back my sister... life..." Nalantu's eyes were bloodshot, and his cold voice was like the ghost language of hell.

Who said that Nalan was cowardly and incompetent, who said that the silver gun was just a wreck!
Nalan has a soul named Poison Dolphin!
Nalan has a gun, Cangyun breaks the river!
(End of this chapter)

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