Valkyrie Storm

Chapter 241

Chapter 241

In the third month when Tang Yan entered the day Jedi.

Exciting events happened one after another in Mount Tibing——Tang Ba, Tang Hao, and Tang Qing broke through barriers one after another in just half a month and stepped into new fields!
Before Tang Yan left, he mentioned that they were required to make a breakthrough within two months.In fact, including Dou Niang, they didn't take it too seriously.

They are both Martial King level powerhouses, they know best how difficult it is to break through to this realm, not to say that breakthroughs can be made, they have to rely on comprehension and various opportunities, and more importantly, they need to absorb huge energy from heaven and earth.

They didn't believe that with the spiritual power near Tibing Mountain, all the three major martial kings could break through, especially Tang Ba was already a second-tier martial king, and once he broke through, he would be a third-tier martial king.

You must know that this level of strength can be nominated and remembered in the entire Dayan Mountain Range.

But... In just two months, the three of them actually achieved a breakthrough, and this kind of transformation brought them quite a shock.

Mother Dou became more and more curious about the origins of these people and the real purpose of coming to Dayan Mountains!
But no matter what, with the breakthrough of the three of them, the attitude of Dou Niang and others improved again, and they became more determined to keep them.

"Haven't you come out yet?" Tang Hao stood at the edge of the daytime jedi, staring at the hazy snow field filled with white mist.The sound of roaring and collision echoed vaguely inside, floating and flickering, looming, but one could feel the brutality of the battle.

"It's been three months, and the sound of fighting inside has never stopped." Niang Dou's eyes were a little weird. People who have lived in the Dayan Mountains for a long time understand how cruel the environment inside is.But it has been a hundred days since Tang Yan went in, and the sound of fighting has not stopped.

They are still fighting with the puppets in the Jedi!

Daytime Jedi is a weird place, it will automatically release puppet monsters according to your advantages, and its strength will continue to increase until it suppresses you to death, and you are seriously injured, then wrapped in ice crystals, and gradually become one of thousands of puppets .

"To be able to persevere until now is definitely breaking through the limit, but if things go on like this... after all, it's not a solution." The old woman Gu Tong said it in a more euphemistic way. Maybe she can persist for a few rounds of attacks, but she can't persist forever After all, you are a living being, you will be tired and painful, but the monsters released by the Jedi during the day are all tyrannical puppets without touch.

Tang Badao: "I believe the young master, since he is unwilling to come out, there must be his reasons. The black girl is not an ordinary monster, she should be able to protect the young master very well."

Tang Hao was silent for a while, nodded lightly, looked at Dou Niang, and said, "Master Dou, I kept you waiting for a long time. I think it's time to consider how to attack the Red Lotus Palace. What my young master said makes sense. Injure them as much as possible before their palace lord leaves the customs, and create some favorable opportunities for the future."

"We've discussed the strategy, and we'll wait for you to leave the customs!" Dou Niang is a strong woman type, and she is a wild horse full of bandits. She is calm enough, crazy enough, and shrewd enough. Now that Tang Ba and others have broken through In Tibing Mountain, there are three Tier [-] Martial Kings alone, and four Tier [-] Martial Kings!

On the other hand, there are only two Tier [-] Martial Kings, three Tier [-] Martial Kings, and two Tier [-] Martial Kings in Red Lotus Palace.

Simply comparing Wu Wang, no matter in terms of quantity or quality, he has the qualifications to suppress the opponent!
If it is planned properly, there will really be a chance to severely damage the Red Lotus Palace!

Tang Hao said: "I have another suggestion, I don't know if I should say it or not."


"I suggest that we all give up Tibing Mountain, ignore this headquarters for the time being, and concentrate all our efforts to capture the Red Lotus Palace. Since we want to fight, we must have a ruthless and decisive battle. Only by breaking the boat can we put it to death and survive. I have observed you The members of the Wolf Gang are vicious and crazy, but the only thing they lack is a bit of discipline. I want to use this opportunity to give the members of the Wolf Gang a cruel baptism."

Tang Hao used to be in the barracks, and also established the top five mercenary organizations in the Northern Wilderness. He has his own set of methods in management.If it can be applied to Tibing Mountain, it may have a better effect.

The melee on the battlefield depends not only on high-level generals, but also on ordinary troops!If controlled properly, unexpected effects may erupt!

Dou Niang fell silent and abandoned Tibing Mountain?This is the foundation that I and my brothers have worked hard for ten years. This is not just a simple place, but their hard work, which has a special meaning.

Gu Tong understands Dou Niang's concerns best, but after thinking about it, he still suggested: "Once we attack aggressively, Honglian Palace will be too busy to take care of itself, and should not have the energy to take care of our Tibingshan. Be cautious and don’t dare to take too many risks.”

Tang Ba said with a half-smile: "I hope they can leave the Red Lotus Palace, so we can use this opportunity to kill him cleanly."

Niang Dou no longer hesitated: "Let's discuss it on the way, please!"

Five days later, a sudden attack shook the Red Lotus Palace.The Palace Guard Formation shines brightly, revealing a dazzling brilliance, like a film barrier wrapping the huge Red Lotus Palace.

The Red Lotus Palace vibrated up and down, while trying its best to defend the palace formation, while organizing to meet the enemy!
When they found out that the attacker was Tibingshan, Zou Jingteng and others were shocked and angry.

"Today, you will flatten your Red Lotus Palace, and you are ready to be caught!" The roar of the three butchers of the Tang family was like thunder from the sky, and the rolling sound wave echoed above the Red Lotus Palace.

When was the overbearing Red Lotus Palace actually bullied to the door?
Tolerable or unbearable!
Zou Jingteng's reason was burned by anger, and he ordered the seven martial kings to fight with all their strength!
The Seven Great Martial Kings were cautious and did not respond hastily, but the unscrupulous curses of Tang Ba and others angered all the disciples of the Red Lotus Palace. Under the indignation of the crowd, the Seven Great Martial Kings finally went out to fight.

A fierce collision erupted outside the mountain gate, and the Red Lotus Palace aroused blood. Headed by the seven great martial kings, two thousand red robes roared and attacked, almost condensing all their strength.

Tibing Mountain retreated steadily, and the battlefield extended all the way to two kilometers away.

The Red Lotus Palace fought more and more bravely, and Tibingshan, who was killed, threw away his armor and armor, and fled in embarrassment, but they vaguely felt a little surprised, how could Tibingshan be so vulnerable to the attack with all his strength?
"Brother? Wait, are you in a hurry?" Tang Ba suddenly smiled, and Luo Shichao, who was fighting with him, changed his face slightly. Before he could make a move to escape, Tang Ba's body suddenly burst into dazzling spherical flames, and Luo Shichao was blasted back on the spot. More than ten steps.

"What are you waiting for? Kill!!" Tang Ba raised his head to the sky and screamed, the tumbling flames condensed again, turning into a howling fire eagle, and headed straight for Luo Shichao with a destructive power.

"No!!" Luo Shichao's face suddenly turned pale. This is... Tier [-] Martial King? !

At the same time, Tang Qing and Tang Hao successively unlocked the suppressed strength, one is the seven heavy blows of Lie Yan, and the other is the instant two fire eagles!
Tang Qing's seven heavy blows of Lie Yan can definitely challenge the third-rank martial king. Although the second-rank martial king on the opposite side is powerful, he was caught off guard and cut off his entire right arm with this knife, and the scarlet blood sprayed Changhong; Tang Hao The one who attacked was a Tier [-] Martial King. Facing the powerful Ying Yizhan, he was blasted to pieces without even screaming.

There was a slight silence in the sky. In just a split second, Luo Shichao was thrown on his back. His life and death were unknown. A second-rank Martial King was seriously injured, and a first-rank Martial King died tragically!
"Save people!!" The rest of the Martial Kings quickly retreated, sternly yelling at the red-robed troops below to rescue Luo Shichao.

But... "Lava Jue! Destroy!" Tang Basan and his men looked ferocious, striding in the air together, their surging spiritual power piercing through the ground, and all the magma within a radius of [-] meters around Luo Shichao turned into magma, not only swallowing the unconscious Luo Shichao, Even the dozens of red robes who rushed to the rescue were drowned by the magma while screaming.

"Hiss... what kind of martial skill is this?" Red Lotus Palace and the others looked horrified.

"Mother Dou, let's go first! I'll leave this to you!" Tang Hao smiled meekly, leaving behind a series of soft laughter like silver bells. He grabbed Tang Ba and Tang Qing's arms and exploded in the direction of the Red Lotus Palace shoot away.The strength increased by one level, and the speed also increased. With the help of Huo Yi, it disappeared into the sky in a blink of an eye.

"Where is... Red Lotus Palace?!"

"Damn it! Withdraw!!"

The Red Lotus Palace was in chaos, and the five great martial kings were anxiously chasing after it.

"Don't rush away, we haven't played enough yet!" Dou Niang and the others were prepared, and they stepped in front of them, no longer suppressing their own strength, and their combat power reached the peak. The bloody battle is going on.

The Red Lotus Palace itself has an advantage, but both the high-level people and the red robes are worried about the safety of the base and have no intention of fighting.

Tang Hao led Tang Ba and Tang Hao to the Red Lotus Palace at the fastest speed, instead of rushing to attack indiscriminately, but used the Lava Art together, pouring spiritual power into the ground almost without reservation.

The Palace Guard Formation itself protects the surface of the body, and cannot even protect the ground.

So... when the mountains where the Red Lotus Palace was located trembled violently, the ground began to shatter, and magma gushed out one after another, burning down several formation eyes one after another, and the originally stable and tough formation suddenly became damaged.

Tang Ba and the others tried their best, and the formation began to crumble. The disciples and family members inside were terrified, and all fled towards the core palace area of ​​Honglian Palace.

Unfortunately, after paying a huge price, the troops of Red Lotus Palace successfully returned to help, and came back before the formation completely collapsed.

Tang Ba didn't insist, and was guarded by Dou Niang and others and fled quickly.

A scuffle that lasted for half a day ended temporarily, and the result was undoubtedly a disastrous defeat for the Red Lotus Palace.Two Martial Kings fell, a Tier [-] Martial King was seriously injured, and even the Palace Guarding Formation was on the verge of collapse. I don't know if they can hold on to the second wave of attack from Tibing Mountain.

Ten days apart!

Tibing Mountain, who had been cultivated, attacked again. This time, the Red Lotus Palace did not rush to fight, but stuck to the formation and fought a decisive battle with Tibing Mountain.

Five more days!

Tibing Mountain spread across the back mountain and launched a strong attack from the rear. Dou Niang showed the strength of the mountain lord, and Tianming Ghost Claw hit with all his strength, causing the last protection of the Red Lotus Palace to completely collapse.

But the Red Lotus Palace is not vulnerable. The successive defeats in the early stage finally calmed them down. Taking advantage of the geographical advantage of the mountains around the Red Lotus Palace, they launched a strong counterattack against Tibing Mountain, and even won several moderate victories. .

In the twinkling of an eye, two months of melee, the melee between the two sides fell into a stalemate, no one can do anything to the other.Under such circumstances, Zou Jingteng was entrusted by the people and decided to go to the forbidden area of ​​the palace to check the situation, at least to determine the specific date for the palace lord to leave the customs, and to comfort the Red Lotus Palace in turmoil.

(End of this chapter)

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