Valkyrie Storm

Chapter 242 Frozen for 3 Days

Chapter 242 Frozen Three Hundred Days

The fierce battle between Red Lotus Palace and Tibing Mountain was in full swing, alarming the large and small forces in the nearby area one after another, some of them paid attention, and some of them were gearing up to make a profit.Some sects even began to secretly unite, planning to intervene in this battlefield, and wipe out Honglian Palace and Tibing Mountain if necessary.

Dou Niang was the first to notice the change in the situation, and then considering the current situation of her own side, although the continuous sneak attack achieved excellent results, the price paid was also not light, so she began to gradually weaken the offensive against the Red Lotus Palace, and no longer resorted to Instead of storming the strategy, set up traps to induce.

But Red Lotus Palace suffered enough injuries, and became more and more cautious, completely ignoring Tibingshan's provocation.

The war between the two sides turned from a stalemate to a confrontation.

With the passage of time, the attention of the major forces in the nearby area is getting higher and higher. They are silently looking forward to the fury of the Lord of the Red Lotus Palace after leaving the customs, and even more looking forward to the tragic battle between the two major forces. .Tibing Mountain has a lot of wings, and its methods are crazy and ruthless. It doesn't mean that it can be wiped out. Even if the Red Lotus Palace has a respectable palace master, it will have to pay some price after all.

It's a good time for them to make a move!
Dou Niang secretly discussed with Tang Ba and others to prepare another strong attack, which must bring greater trauma to the king-level powerhouses of the Red Lotus Palace, so as to prevent her from having no counterattack after the Lord of the Red Lotus Palace leaves the customs in the future. room.

Time flowed slowly and orderly, Dayan Mountains continued to perform its survival rules, Tibing Mountain and Red Lotus Palace began to accumulate strength, preparing for the upcoming battle of life and death.

Jedi by day!

Covered with white snow and covered with ice, countless ice sculptures are hidden in the depths of the snow, like fierce spirits, guarding this extremely cold place.

Tang Yan has been frozen for [-] days!

During the long three hundred days, the ice and snow completely buried him underground. The cold ice never gave up on Tang Yan's last sliver of life, so that the ice cover became thicker and thicker day by day. add up.

The area where Tang Yan was located was almost becoming a new hill.

Three hundred days!
A full three hundred days!
Three hundred days of suffering, three hundred days of slow transformation.

Under the nourishment of the blood soul tree, Tang Yan's body has always maintained vitality, and his weak mind urges the eighth-rank demon spirits to continue to fight fiercely in various battlefields, as if he is operating a magnificent battlefield, capturing a a position.

During these three hundred days, the demon spirit veins and the blood soul tree attacked one after another, causing the remaining willpower of the Azure Bull Python and Candle Dragon to gradually weaken, and they were fused one by one by the purple lines of the demon spirit veins.

After all, they are just remnants of thoughts, first the destruction of the Nine Infants, then the destruction of the Blood Soul Tree, and the devouring of the existing demon spirit veins, it is unexpected that they can persist until now.

Tang Yan's body is undergoing a little transformation as he wins each battle.

The essence and blood of the Azure Bull Python are fused with Tang Yan's spirit veins, muscles, and bones in sequence, and the cells are fissioning at the extreme point; the soul of Zhulong is fused with Tang Yan's soul, with a demon spirit With the assistance of Veins and Blood Soul Tree, the fusion process is very slow but relatively smooth.

The sound of clicking resounded through the ice layer, like the sound of transformation.

Accompanied by the sound, Tang Yan's body is changing day by day!

It was as if two ancient monsters were merging with Tang Yan, and a brand new life body was revived silently.

With the gradual activation of the demon spirit veins, Tang Yan's muscles and bones are undergoing reborn changes.The muscle fibers are thick and tough, like steel chains, rock-like scales emerge on the body surface, the limbs turn into sharp claws, and a thick tail sticks out from behind, forcibly drilling through the ice.

In the end, even the head was twisted and changed, and the two horns slowly drilled out, looking hideous and terrifying.

The strength of Azure Bull Python lies in 'defense' and 'seal'; the strength of Candle Dragon lies in 'breaking enemies' and 'killing'.

The combination of one attack and one defense is destined to create a terrifying war machine!

Millions of years ago, who on earth targeted these two monsters, deliberately fused and bred them, and for what purpose?
Is it just an ancient city that simply suppresses the underground world?

Or is there another dark secret?
During the painful transformation process, Tang Yan felt the terror of the two monsters, and had to think carefully about the secret behind the whole incident!Even the sudden appearance of the underground world and the escape encounter of Jiuying, is there some kind of special secret?
But thinking about it, all the questions turned into question marks and deposited in the sea of ​​​​hearts, there is no way to answer them.

During the three hundred days of painful transformation, Tang Yan endured the pain of freezing ice, the pain of twisting meridians and soul, and the pain of tearing at the moment of fusion. No matter any of them, it was the lava that was roasting his perseverance.

But all the hardships come, the demon spirit veins are successfully stimulated, and the demonization is realized from the inside out!

The dark blue scales flow fine brilliance, exuding a simple and vigorous aura, as if they can withstand the impact of thunder, and the horns on the forehead are engraved with fine lines, revealing strange energy fluctuations. In addition, the limbs are thick and powerful, It seems that the ice layer as thick as tens of meters can be broken at any time, and the bright red claws have a dazzling sharpness.


The semi-demonized form at the beginning of the activation of the demon spirit pulse!
Accompanied by this unprecedented transformation, Tang Yan's meridians have been fully expanded, and the sea of ​​energy has expanded tenfold!Perhaps because of the relationship with the blood soul tree during the metamorphosis period, the spiritual veins all over his body have reached a more inexplicable connection with the sea of ​​​​qi, and the operation of spiritual power is much faster than expected in the realm of the Martial King.

In other words, Tang Yan's speed of performing martial arts in the future will be faster under the same conditions and at the same level!Much smoother!
Frozen for three hundred days!
Not only does it stimulate the demon spirit veins, but it is also a barrier to getting one's wish fulfilled, to be promoted to the Martial King!

The vast spiritual power is like a tide flowing through the meridians, reviving the frozen body!
click! !

Tang Yan's sleeping eyes suddenly opened, and between the ferocious scales, there were two bewitching vertical pupils, exuding a cold evil that seemed to be real, and a brutal evil surged suddenly, almost passing through the ice layer to heaven and earth.

Tang Yan's eyes gradually condensed, and the surging vitality was restored. The ferocious body moved slowly, and the strong force forced the ice layer to spread all over the cracks.

Roar! !

The Ice Bear in the snowy area beyond the ice layer also revived and let out an ear-splitting roar. The Thunder Eagle in mid-air vibrated its wings, circled slightly, and rushed down.

boom!The thick ice suddenly collapsed, and Tang Yan, who was in a half-demon state, broke through the ice. It was hard to cover up his rolling evil intentions, like waves rolling out.The body is like a steel frame, the scales are like a shield, and the sharp claws and scales are like an invincible warrior.

The vast spiritual power, vigorous vitality, and overwhelming fighting spirit made Tang Yan want to scream up to the sky, venting his excitement and mania after transformation. Before, Tang Yan was completely unable to resist, and his claws would be swept out more than ten meters. Three hundred days later... Tang Yan stayed where he was, letting the sharp claws of the Ice Bear slap down and the beak of the Benlei Eagle pierce.

Clang! !Clanging and clanging, the ice bear's sharp claws shattered abruptly, tumbling into the ice tens of meters away, and the Thunderhawk seemed to hit some kind of giant rock. Distorted and shattered.

Roar! !The ice bear was furious, its huge body stood up, and it swooped down with all its strength. Its power seemed to smash Tang Yan to pieces.

However... There was a muffled roar and rolling, the ice layer on the ground shattered, and the surging fragments scattered and splashed. Turning right and holding it up high, it actually... pierced through the ice bear's sharp claws alive.

Tang Yan took a deep breath, exhaled slowly, and the cool feeling penetrated through his body, silently digesting the surge of spiritual power in his body like a surging river, feeling this powerful body that can stand out from the crowd.

As expected of a demon spirit vein!

A purely half-demonized state can have such tenacious power, but if it is completely demonized, what kind of terrifying power will it have?

Of course... With Tang Yan's current strength, he can only partially demonize, or achieve half demonization. If he wants to successfully transform into a monster body, he still needs opportunities in the future, but as for what kind of opportunities, Tang Yan vaguely feels It will be somewhere, but it is not clear where and what it is.

Could it be the ancestral hall of the demon spirit?
(End of this chapter)

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