Valkyrie Storm

Chapter 2404 Odd Woman

Chapter 2404 Odd Woman

But after walking for a long time, there was no trace of the Holy Spirit Temple. Except for the occasional rustling sound in the air, and the flashing black shadow, there was nothing else. It is dreadful.

"I want to go back! I don't want to be here!" Yuna finally couldn't help it anymore. Her pretty face was pale, and she cuddled against Kosoban tightly, her big eyes were shaking slightly. She always felt that something was staring at her, and the number There are still a lot, which makes her very uncomfortable when she is pampered.

"Lord of Fallen Heaven? I am Kosoban!" Kosoban shouted again, hugging Yuna tightly.

"Master of Fallen Heaven Palace, this isn't funny at all, come out and meet him!" Yuna was timidly annoyed, her tall and graceful body trembling slightly, which made her even more ashamed and angry.Ben Gong actually trembled?hateful!
"Sister, don't be afraid, I'm here." Kosoban hugged Yuna and Sufian's hand tightly.

"Lord of Fallen Heaven Palace? Please come out." Sufian suddenly threw off Kosoban and silently activated her martial arts. The atmosphere was really weird, which made her feel bad.She knows Luotian very well, she is serious and majestic, cold and shrewd, not the type who likes to tease.

Since Luotian came in with a strong team, at least there were some voices, but why is it so lifeless now.

Kosoban looked slightly cold, how dare this bitch dump me!
"Let's get out of here, hurry up." Yuna urged Kosoban.

In the depths of the light and shadow, Tang Yan and the mirror mirror Bao Shenzhu are staring at this place with wide-eyed eyes.

"Kosoban? The eldest prince of the Huanyu Empire? Why did he come here?" Tang Yan comforted the restless Cerberus troops. He had just finished off Fallen Heaven, and just as he dragged him into hell with his front feet, these three people came in with his back feet.

The mirror-image Treasure Pig stared straight ahead, licked its tongue abruptly, and its eyes glowed green, as if it saw something precious.

Tang Yan continued to pay attention: "Kosoban's sister? Nian Youyu seemed to have been framed by the eldest princess of the Tianyu Kingdom before, and was almost castrated! Is that Sofian? If Zhenyao Temple doesn't go close to the reincarnation clan, how can you talk to Keso?" Soban is entangled."

Tang Yan recognized Kosoban and Sufian.One pretended to be aggressive back then and was beaten to death by himself, and the other was so ruthless back then that he drew a third of his own blood with the blood bodhi.

Baoshenzhu stared straight ahead, making strange noises from its throat.

"What's wrong with you? You fought against Fallen Heaven, and left you with sequelae?" Tang Yan turned over and rode on Baoshen Pig, rubbing its ears.

"Baby! What a baby!" The Mirror Mirror Pig didn't care that Tang Yan was riding on him, his tail was twirling around, and his eyes were shining green.

"What good baby?"

"The tall girl is the one hiding in the man's arms."

"What baby? What's special about her?"

"She's very strong in that area!"

"What? Where?" Tang Yan stared into the distance, wondering if it was a special bloodline?
"That girl lacks a man! She has a slim waist, buttocks are big and strong. This is the most standard water snake waist. This kind of woman is the most coquettish. Her voice is slightly hoarse, that kind of soft and weak hoarseness, when this kind of woman is like that I like to call!"

Tang Yan's expression froze, with black lines all over his face.

Baoshen Pig was in high spirits, and his limbs and hooves were moving in excitement: "Look again, she has bushy eyebrows, thick and slightly raised lips, watery eyes, and always involuntarily squints slightly, licking her lips from time to time, this kind of woman It's a hungry wolf in the middle school, don't go there if you don't have time. Just look at the width of her chest..."

Tang Yan covered Baoshenzhu's mouth: "I am an ancestor, how did you learn this?"

Baoshenzhu shook off Tang Yan's hand: "It's a wolf pretending to be a sheep. I will teach you a lesson today. That girl is definitely the best among the best. Why don't you? Give you two years first, and I guarantee you two years to rely on." I don't want to get off the bed."

"You are a pig, why do you always study people!"

"What are you talking about! Master Pig is a demon saint, he can transform into a human form, and he is more handsome than you. Master Pig enjoys more women than you have ever seen, but such strange women are really rare..."

Tang Yan slapped it on the head: "Shut up, I'm serious!"

"Pretend!" Baoshenzhu curled his lips, and continued to look at Yuna without his common knowledge.

"Don't be a bitch, you can't touch her!"

"Why?! I'm in a hurry with you!"

"Luosha just inspected the Soul Martial Arts of the Holy Spirit Hall, and reminded me that they just entered the Holy Spirit Hall today, but the news has attracted attention a few days ago. Before Falling Heaven came in, he sent someone to notify the Yin-Yang Clan, requesting to send someone over to investigate .

Now that the Kosoban is here, other forces will come one after another.Let's not disturb them, we came in and circled as many times as we could, and finally collected all the nets, even the jade horned snake outside, and finally tried to move this mountain range away and escaped. "

Tang Yan has almost done the survey. This stomach has already blended with the landforms with a radius of hundreds of miles. The countless tributaries of spiritual veins in the underground seem to be covered with blood vessels. It is definitely not easy to remove them. Move it all, it takes a lot of time and a lot of preparation.If you want to move it away quietly, you need to make some special arrangements.

"How about I play with her first? This kind of strange woman is rare! It's a pity not to enjoy it."

"Wonderful idea! Just wait for me, or I will send you to hell." Tang Yan signaled the Cerberus dogs to move, not to attack, but to scare them.

"Wait, you want to..." Baoshenzhu rolled his eyes, and said with a smile: "You are so cheap, let me tell you why I hit it off with you."

"I'll take you as a compliment. Keep an eye on me. I'll empty out the ground first, so it's easier to transfer when the time comes."

"Wait, don't rush away, your ideas are too rough, I have a better idea, don't worry, leave it to me, I will keep it for you and take care of it properly, first lend me the bitter woman."


"What are you talking about, making bait and catching big fish! Then call out your Mingtu avatar and lend it to me."

"How do you know that I have a clone of Mingtu?" Tang Yan frowned slightly, staring at Bao Shenzhu.

"What kind of eyes do you have, you want to kill me? I know you can't keep a little secret?" Mirror Mirror Treasure God Pig didn't care, staring into the distance, smiling treacherously.

Tang Yan looked at it for a while, and still recruited out the bitter woman's troops, and then called out Mingtu's avatar.In order to ensure its safety, the strongest one was specially taken out, infinitely close to the peak holy land.

He was about to leave when Luo Sha suddenly issued a warning to Tang Yan from hell, calling on him to leave and return.

In hell world.

Luotian and others were all placed in the Rakshasa territory.

She personally searched the souls of the six souls and intercepted important information, "The reincarnation clan and the Yin-Yang clan are setting up a spirit gathering array, and a huge array with an area of ​​hundreds of kilometers will be set up in the Eagle Soul Mountain Range, which is comparable to an ancient city. This attracts wandering souls to the entire northern part of the Central Plains, assists the semi-saints in the Holy Spirit Hall to break through to the holy realm, and also assists the deputy masters of the Holy Spirit Hall, Pei Ming and Falling Heaven, to enter the peak holy realm, and assists the hall master Pei Kuang to sprint towards the Great Perfection. If it goes well, they will also train those high-ranking venerables to leapfrog to semi-saints."

"Constructing a saint?!"

"That's right, making a saint! It seems that the scale is very large."

"Start now?"

"The array is in the initial stage of layout. It needs to move mountains to fill lakes, split the ground to form rivers, etc. The project is very huge. They want to turn the entire central part of the Heroic Soul Mountain Range into a gathering of spirits for more than a hundred kilometers, similar to a small hell, a giant ghost town. But it needs The materials and treasures are very huge, and the strength of the Temple of the Holy Spirit, the Universal Empire, and the Samsara Clan are all combined, and the materials are less than one-third. They need to spend a year collecting from various places in the north, collecting from auctions and black markets in various places."

Tang Yan's face was gloomy: "Do you really want to use the Temple of the Holy Spirit to deal with me?"

"I can see from their memory that the Temple of the Holy Spirit is ready to use this opportunity to rise in an all-round way and declare war on the new Zhanmeng. One purpose, to drive you crazy! Their opinion is that you are very strong now, and you cannot be positive Confrontation, but your friends and relatives worry too much. This Yin-Yang incident shows that you take this aspect very seriously. So, if you kill one, you can lose control, if you kill ten, you can go crazy, if you kill a hundred, You are absolutely out of your mind.

They will use various methods and methods to execute hundreds of your relatives and friends in the shortest possible time, and then retreat to the north to wait for you to come and challenge them. If you really invade on a large scale, they will not hesitate to wake up the Xuanwu Holy Emperor and the Samsara Holy Emperor . "

Tang Yan was silent, really underestimating this alliance system.Gathering the forces of all parties in the alliance, the sanctification plan is likely to succeed. At that time, under the leadership of the space monsters of the reincarnation clan, it may really threaten the safety of their relatives and friends.Not to mention a hundred, two or three hundred may be killed.

At that time, I really lost my mind.

What's more, Du Yang and the others were so proud that they already showed their intention to go out for training. Zhao Zimo set off directly, leaving the New Zhanmeng five days ago, saying that he wanted to go deep into the East China Sea and search for the power of thunder and lightning in the depths of the ocean.I can't always use them as generals in the new Zhanmeng, they have their own experiences and lives.

"Underworld Lord, we have to think of a countermeasure. The northern alliance system has taken shape, and the threat is greater than we expected. Now they are very determined to kill you. Your cruel actions in the Yin-Yang tribe have angered them again. I will hit you back in a more cruel way." Luo Sha reminded Tang Yan.

"How many demi-saints and warriors are there in the Holy Spirit Temple now?"

"There are almost forty pure half-sages of spirit and martial arts, and there are almost forty of them! There are hundreds of high-ranking Martial Venerables!"

"So many?!" Tang Yan felt incredible.

"The Temple of the Holy Spirit has developed in this Qitian Continent for many years. It operates secretly and lurks secretly. Its sphere of influence spreads over more than 60 countries in the Central Plains, as well as the ancient land of Canglan and the frontier barren land, and radiates to the whole world. Since the time when the Spirit Race left Qitian Continent , Thousands of years ago when Pei Kuang led his tribe back, the soul power of Qitian Continent had been accumulated for tens of thousands of years. When they came back, it was like plunged into the spirit pool, and it was difficult not to grow.

What we need to solve now is how to deal with the Holy Spirit Temple. Although you can ignore the soul martial arts, your relatives and friends and the troops of the New Zhanmeng are as weak in the face of the soul martial arts as they are in the face of the inner demons! "

Tang Yan walked up to the unconscious Luotian: "The Temple of the Holy Spirit is a serious problem after all."

Raksha restrained his usual obsequiousness, and said seriously: "Underworld Lord, I have a suggestion, as long as you are ruthless and dare to take risks, I can postpone the Northern Alliance's sanctification plan for more than a year, or even longer .My plan is this..."

(End of this chapter)

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