Valkyrie Storm

Chapter 2405

Chapter 2405
Blurred light and shadow, mysterious and gloomy, the black hole world seems to be the end of the world, magnificent but full of despair, gorgeous but desolate.The vision is disturbed, the thoughts are suppressed, and the sense of direction is distorted. Only the hearing is surprisingly sensitive, as if he can hear a voice that he should not hear. It is the cry of the god of death, the confession of a lonely soul.

After persisting in such an environment for more than half an hour, the three of Kosoban felt like it had been half a year or even longer. They finally panicked and moved back and forth. No trace of the Holy Spirit Temple, let alone Falling into Heaven.

Then they got completely lost and couldn't even find the entrance.

The most frightening thing is that there are always some dark shadows floating around, and some ferocious beasts appear and disappear, which are weird and gloomy, which seriously challenges their endurance and stirs up the fear deep in their hearts.

"I'm leaving, I'm leaving!" Yuna was about to be tortured to the point of madness, it was hell, completely different from what she had imagined before.

"Sister, don't be afraid, we can definitely go out." Kosoban suppressed the outburst of anger and comforted Yuna.

Suddenly, Yuna froze in Kosoban's arms, her big eyes tremblingly looking at the darkness in front of her, where there seemed to be a ten-meter-high dark beast looking at her steadfastly, looking like a wolf like a tiger, with muscles all over her body The exaggeration is astonishing, its two eyes are emitting green light, and its whole body is emitting dark red flames.

Too much like the demonic beasts in her fantasy world.

It grinned grinningly at Yuna, silently retreated into the light and shadow, and disappeared.

"Ahhh!" Yuna went crazy, her fragile mind couldn't bear this kind of horror, she broke free from Kosoban suddenly, and ran forward like crazy: "I want to leave, I want to leave here."

"Sister, come back..." Kosoban froze, Yuna had disappeared into the light and shadow, and the screams stopped abruptly, and there was no more sound.

Sophie'an's heart skipped a beat, and she stared nervously ahead.What happened?
"Sister?" Kosoban called strangely.

However, there was a strange low laugh in the darkness, like the panting of an evil ghost, which was creepy.

"Who! Who's there! Come out!" Kosoban was furious, and a three-meter divine ring bloomed behind him, shining with dazzling brilliance. Terrible energy surged in the divine ring, making him look like a citizen of the gods, heroic strong.

In a trance, a white thing walked by, like some kind of weird monster, walking very slowly, but giving out a weird grinning grin, and Yuna was lying on top of it, faintly disappearing from sight inside.

Normally, they might recognize it at a glance, ah, a fat pig!But now, the fragile consciousness is tainted with eerie and suspicious, and the subconscious mind directly regards it as some kind of unknown weirdness.

"Falling Heaven and the others may be killed!" Sufian felt a strong threat of death.Even Fallen Heaven is dead, how terrifying is this place?Just thinking about it gives me chills.

"Impossible! Fallen Heaven is the Vice-Hall Master of the Holy Spirit Hall, how could he die here so easily!" Kosoban reprimanded fiercely, his patience was almost worn out, and his tone was no longer polite.

Sophie Anyu's face was slightly cold, and she held back her anger: "Please take out all your protective weapons and try your best to get out. It's time to test you. If you can't even overcome such a little difficulty, how can you invite me to go out?" Universal Empire?"

"You don't need to remind me! I will use it when it's time!" Kosoban gritted his teeth.

"If you don't go out, the Huanyu Empire will belong to someone else. Who will remember you, the former prince? The royal family will be sad for a day or two at most, and will try their best to find a new prince after that." Sufian stimulated Ke Suo with the aggressive method class.

"Shut up!" Kosoban was stabbed to the sore spot.

Suddenly, a voice came out from the darkness, gloomy and cold, with an evil laugh: "Prince Kosoban, don't think about the throne, I will send you out, but there is only a body, no soul. Your tattered corpse The only value is to help me set off the civil unrest in the Northern League, hehe, hehe, haha."

The sinister laugh suddenly turned into a wild laugh, and a white figure disappeared in a flash.

"Who are you? Get out." Kosoban was about to pursue, when a beast roar exploded in front of him, and a fiery red flame spewed out from the darkness, like a huge wave, surging and rushing towards him. They shook the space to buzz.

"Be careful!" Kosoban and Sufian exclaimed, tumbling back.

This raging flame was so powerful that it frightened them all without facing it, as if they were about to be melted.

Can't resist, withdraw!

But a dozen ferocious beasts suddenly rushed out of the huge flame wave, and rushed towards them cruelly at a high speed.

"What is this?" The two were shocked. Kosoban was so fast that he immediately abandoned Sufian and flew away. But at this moment, flames erupted in all directions, and thousands of beasts killed Come out, grinning and rushing towards them.

"Ah!" The two screamed, submerged in the flames and the herd of beasts. They resisted fiercely and fought back frantically, but they couldn't bear this kind of offensive.

"Aim at that man! Stay with the beautiful girl!" Baoshenzhu carried Yuna on his back, and commanded loudly: "Leave a whole body, leave a whole body! Come on the tomb boy, pump his soul, come on the bitter woman, control his body, Haha, I'm going to make civil strife break out in the Northern Alliance, haha. You guys just wait and enjoy the sight of me being targeted by Master Pig."

Out in the canyon!

The Jade Horned Snake was alarmed again, and the situation inside seemed abnormal.

"What happened inside?" The royal guards hurried over.

"Am I in there? How would I know!" After all, the Jade Horned Snake is a monster with a ferocious nature. It blocked the mouth of the canyon with its tail curled up. The inside seemed to quickly return to quiet.

"We want to go in and take a look!" The royal guard couldn't hold back.

"Go in and die? Leave them there." The Jade Horned Snake scolded them, stopped for a moment, and still signaled the clansmen under his command to form a team and go in to investigate.

It's always uneasy.

At this moment, the black hole fluctuated violently, and a bloody person rushed out in embarrassment, it turned out to be Kosoban.

"Your Highness!" The guards were shocked and rushed over anxiously.

Kosoban was covered in wounds, dripping with blood, his abdominal cavity was completely pierced, bloody and bloody, his bones were exposed, his throat was cut open, arteries and vessels were hidden, blood was pouring out, he was very unconscious, struggling in fear, he opened his mouth forcefully , wanted to say something, but what came out was sticky blood and minced meat.

It's as miserable as it looks.

The Jade Horned Snakes retreated a little bit, feeling apprehensive.Was it torn alive by wild beasts?

"Your Highness, what's wrong with you!" The guards were completely panicked, rushed away from the snakes, and rushed to the front.

The captain was about to support him, but Kosoban suddenly threw him away, and without knowing where the strength came from, he smeared blood on his body indiscriminately and tremblingly, and wrote a few large characters tremblingly on the ground——Falling to the sky to harm me! !

"Hiss!" Everyone gasped, and some stared at the four words in a daze, falling to the sky?harm him?Some looked at Kosoban in a daze, and he actually drew blood from his throat and wrote?Too cruel!It makes people feel chills in the bottom of their hearts.

"Your Highness?" The captain was stunned suddenly, subconsciously calling Kosoban.

Kosoban was lying on the ground, pressing his fingers hard on the ground, as if he wanted to write other words, reported..., but there was no movement.

"He's dead! The last two words should be revenge." The Jade Horned Snake patriarch whispered.

"What? Dead? Your Highness! Your Highness!" The guards were completely panicked. The eldest prince is dead?
Just after the establishment of the empire, the eldest prince died right under their noses?

The news spread back that they would definitely be beheaded and buried.

"He was alive just now, he is a half-holy! How could he die in a blink of an eye?" The captain tremblingly wanted to touch Kosoban's body, but he was afraid to move forward, his heart seemed to have fallen into a cliff, and he kept on He sank, and most of his strength was lost.

"His soul was pulled out. This body may have rushed out with a strong willpower. He was already dead inside." The jade horned snake retreated again, and things became more and more abnormal.It clearly felt that this was a corpse, a corpse without a soul.

"His Royal Highness is dead?" Many guards were stunned, unable to recover for a long time, how could this happen?He was fine just now, but now he died in front of us, and his soul was drawn out alive, and his body was torn apart?

What they didn't notice was that Kosoban's body quietly withdrew a cloud of mist, disappeared into the darkness, and disappeared.

It's... the bitter woman...

(End of this chapter)

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