Valkyrie Storm

Chapter 2407

Chapter 2407
Shurat's face was dignified, but he couldn't hide his joy: "I called you here today to announce the good news. The people we sent to the Thomas Feisen United Empire have returned. After these days of hard work, they finally agreed to provide us with some Precious material. The Thomas Fissen United Empire is the most abundant of the major empires in the Central Plains, because it belongs to the joint existence of different kingdoms, and its internal business is very developed.

They are willing to provide those materials for free. In exchange, we need to help them improve the formation defense of the four frontier fortresses, and guarantee that they will not be violated in the next ten years, and we are willing to make friends with each other. "

When Xiu Luote got the news, he still couldn't restrain his excitement, and he always felt a little proud in his heart.Since ancient times, the Thomas Fissen United Empire has looked down on the vast Central Plains with the eyes of the supreme overlord. It has never paid much attention to the world kingdom, the largest kingdom, but in just a few years, that behemoth actually wanted to provide it to itself for free. supplies, and also showed a willingness to take the initiative to make good friends.For him, the helm of the country, it is undoubtedly a great honor and pride.

The Tianyi Turtle sat on the side in a humanoid posture: "They are very discerning and have seen the prospects of our northern alliance. Our priority now is to integrate development, to strengthen ourselves, and secondly to fight against the new Zhanmeng. As long as Thomas Fissen The United Empire promises not to cooperate with the New War League, and we can consider allowing them to exist safely for a long time."

The third elder of the Yin-Yang clan also said: "Our main enemy now is Tang Yan, one more ally is better than one more enemy."

Pei Ge from the Temple of the Holy Spirit said: "Thomas Feisen's United Empire has a very rich background. Regardless of whether it is a United Empire, the internal unity is very strong, and the military power is even stronger. If we can avoid provoking trouble, we'd better express our friendship."

Qiao Haoyue also nodded in agreement.

Xiu Luote laughed with satisfaction: "Okay, since everyone agrees, I will reply to Thomas Fissen immediately. , Chamber of Commerce, got in touch, and they all expressed their willingness to help. My preliminary estimate is that the materials should be in place one after another within March."

"If there are enough materials, our Yin-Yang clan can guarantee that the formation will be fully activated within half a year."

Pei Ge couldn't hold back his excitement, stood up, and thanked everyone: "The Temple of the Holy Spirit is screening from within to select suitable souls for tempering. Please give us a year, we will give the Northern Alliance a shock, please give In five years, we will shock the world!"

"We don't want any shock, and we don't need any guarantees. What we want is for you three palace masters to break through as soon as possible. What we want is the lives of Tang Yan's brothers and relatives. What we want is for Tang Yan to go crazy and make his life worse than death. "The third elder of the Yin-Yang Military Council gritted his teeth with hatred when he mentioned the name Tang Yan.

Qiao Haoyue got up and said: "Since the material problem has been solved, the Yin-Yang Clan will complete the formation of the Soul Gathering Formation as soon as possible, and the Hall of the Holy Spirit will determine the first batch of personnel to enter the Soul Gathering Formation, not quantity, but quality. First, ensure that the three halls The success of the Lord, once again basically shaped a few saints, and if we can achieve this goal, we are considered successful.

I think we have tentatively decided to gather again in half a year. At that time, we will bring as many think tanks as possible. According to the situation in the Central Plains, we will set up an action plan to attack the new Zhanmeng.In the past six months, we have also thought about it and planned a lot.In short, hit Tang Yan in the most ruthless and cruel way, and let him repay his debt a hundred times and a thousand times. "

Tianyi Shengui also got up: "I would like to remind you that if we want to better counter the new Zhanmeng and control the Central Plains faster, the most important thing for us is unity. Only when we support each other and face together can the Northern Community become a The number one restricted area in the world makes everyone's heart tremble when they mention this name.

There is another important aspect, closely surrounding the Huanyu Empire, which is the foundation and main military force for our war against the Central Plains, and must not be underestimated. "

Shurot smiled and nodded to the Tianyi Turtle, thanking it for specifically mentioning this aspect.

But just as the crowd dispersed, there was a sudden commotion outside the palace, some people shouted and shouted, some people ran in a hurry, suddenly it seemed like a mess.

The smile on Xiu Luote's face suddenly became gloomy, strode out, and shouted: "Who is acting wild? Who is ignoring the court etiquette, drag it out for me, and chop it up!"

Tianyi Shengui and the others frowned slightly. They were committed to building a real empire. Since it was a big empire, they should be rigorous in certain details and etiquette.

"Your Majesty! Your Majesty! Fallen to Heaven and killed the First Prince!"

A voice suddenly came from a distance, which startled Xiu Luote who was walking out, and also stopped Qiao Haoyue and the others who were getting up. Everyone moved their ears in unison, thinking that they had heard it wrong.

"Come on, come on, call the national doctor! Save the eldest princess, she is dying, hurry up."

There were bursts of hasty shouts, which completely broke the oppressive and frozen atmosphere in the palace.

Rumbling, bursts of hurried footsteps rushing here, chaotic.

Bang Dang, the palace door was pushed open heavily, and the guards outside did not dare to stop it.

A group of imperial guards rushed in, followed by a large group of royal family members who heard the news.

The leading captain was holding a bloody man, and the Jade Horned Snake patriarch behind him took the shape of a human, holding a dying woman.

"Emperor?" Shurot didn't recover from the shock, staring blankly at the blood man in front of him.

Several team members quickly moved the floor they pried up, and the bloody characters on it were shocking.

The Jade Horned Snake spoke quickly: "The prince, the eldest princess and Sofian from Zhenyao Temple entered the black hole together, but after a few hours, the prince and the princess rushed out one after another. The prince lost his breath after writing these words, the eldest princess I was always in a daze, and Sufian didn't come out. I checked the situation of the eldest princess on the road, and there seemed to be a dark force entrenched in her body."

"Dead?" Old Wang Shurot moved forward tremblingly, and touched Kosoban's body after several times of probing.

Cold and powerless, lifeless.

The Jade Horned Snake said: "His soul was taken away."

hiss!Qiao Haoyue and the others suddenly changed color.

"No...impossible...impossible." Pei Ge was speechless.Fallen killed Kosoban?This is to push the Temple of the Holy Spirit to a dead end!
Kosoban is the prince of the new empire, the first heir in line, and also the first prince established with the establishment of the new empire. Whether it is status, influence or the meaning it represents, it is extraordinary.Today, he has won the favor of the two giants of the reincarnation clan and the Peacock Sage King by means of slick means, and has high hopes from the royal family.

But just in the gap of going out for inspection, died? !
"Ah, the emperor." Xiu Luote wailed suddenly, hugging Kosoban's tattered corpse tightly, in agony.

"I'll check." Pei Ge was about to move forward.

"Get out!!" Shuluote roared, and the powerful evil spirit shook the palace, and countless guards rolled and crawled and flew away.

Inside and outside, there was chill and panic, and groups of royal family members knelt on the ground and shivered.

Pei Ge backed away in a hurry, but he was also shocked by the strong energy and his chest felt tight, and he almost vomited blood.

Qiao Haoyue took Yuna, and the other party's breath was very weak, and she was about to lose her breath.She investigated carefully for a while, and found that there seemed to be a wonderful ability entrenched in Yuna's body, filling her soul.She didn't understand the condition of the soul, and based on the situation, she initially suspected that the soul was being corroded and surrounded by dark things.

Could it be that the Temple of the Holy Spirit really did it?What is this going to do, destroy Kosoban and Yuna for no reason?
"The Holy Spirit Palace dares to harm my emperor! Unforgivable!" Huanyu Empire old king Xiu Luote roared angrily, shaking the vast palace.The previous friendly atmosphere was gone, and the atmosphere inside the hall was extremely tense. Shurot's eyes were bloodshot, and he stared at Pei Ge like a beast.

"How could Fallen Heaven attack Kosoban without any warning? He even sucked out his soul!"

"Will there be any surprises?"

"I have seen Luotian, that person is calm and shrewd, he shouldn't do such a thing."

Qiao Haoyue and the others were very surprised, and of course they were also shocked. Kosoban's death had too much influence.

"No matter what the accident, it was he who killed my emperor! Is this to make me extinct?!" Xiu Luote was in grief, lost control of his emotions, and burst into tears holding Kosoban's tattered corpse.

At this time, the doctor who was examining Yuna reported in panic: "The princess's soul is gone! Gradually it will disappear!"

"What?" Everyone suddenly moved forward, their eyes flickering in horror.It's just that no one noticed in the chaos, a black shadow disappeared along the shadowy environment of the palace and the crowd.

It was the bitter woman lurking in Yuna's body.

At this point, the eldest princess Yuna died.

"Hall of the Holy Spirit, my world empire is at odds with you!" The old king Xiu Luote was furious, roaring angrily, and his voice moved the palace, and his anger shrouded the majestic palaces like a cold wave.

(End of this chapter)

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