Valkyrie Storm

Chapter 2408

Chapter 2408
"Your Majesty, don't get excited! I suggest going to that black hole to see if there is any power that can trigger fantasy in it, so that the master of the Fallen Heaven Palace lost control and did such a stupid thing. This thing is too strange, and it must be There is a ghost." The second elder of the Yin-Yang Clan Affairs Council followed closely, he was the person in charge of the investigation of the black hole when he went south, and was brought here halfway.

He felt that something was strange, and he was more aware of the possible consequences.

The Northern Community has just taken shape, and if this matter is not handled properly, it will easily lead to civil strife.Once civil strife breaks out, there is no doubt that the north will become the biggest joke in the world, and the influence that has finally returned will immediately collapse, and it may be difficult to return to normal.

"Haha, what a joke, a soul warrior who is close to the peak is affected by the illusion? Do you think I am mentally retarded?" Huanyu Laowang angrily scolded the second elder, his face was blood red, like a beast with a wounded head.He worked hard for hundreds of years to 'create human beings', and he produced a Kosoban. After decades of training, he has achieved today's achievements. In a blink of an eye, he died? !

"What's your attitude!" Everyone in the Yin-Yang clan was furious.

"What's your attitude!" The empire generals strode forward, angrily pointing at the Yin-Yang clan.

A fight is about to break out.

"Shut up!" The second elder of the Family Affairs Council immediately stopped the excitement of both parties, and said solemnly: "His Royal Highness Kosoban cannot die for no reason. If it is really what he did, we will definitely assist the empire to severely punish the Holy Spirit Hall. If there is any misunderstanding, others will take advantage of it. We are angry now and it will not help, I suggest immediately organizing a team to enter the southern part of the Eagle Soul Mountain Range and jointly search for the black hole."

Pei Ge from the Temple of the Holy Spirit also suggested later: "I have just joined the alliance in the Temple of the Holy Spirit. How could I suddenly kill His Highness the First Prince? This is simply absurd. We are willing to accompany you to investigate the black hole."

Qiao Haoyue, Tianyi Shengui, and the three elders of the Yin-Yang Military Academy jointly expressed their views.

"Assemble the team! Let's go immediately!" The old king of the empire disappeared in anger, shook his sleeves and left the palace, heading straight for the Eagle Soul Mountain Range.

"Assemble, assemble." Immediately, a powerful team gathered in the imperial palace, catching up with their old king.

The Second Elder of the Yin-Yang Clan motioned for the Third Elder of the Military Affairs Council present to accompany him: "You go with me first, I'll go back and invite people, and gather troops to go to the Eagle Soul Mountain Range. Today's matter is not easy, once it gets out of control, it will get worse and worse."

"Okay, let's go."

The Second Elder just turned around and asked Qiao Haoyue again: "Do you want to notify the Samsara Clan?"

"I'll accompany you there, so you don't need to disturb our family for the time being. But Elder Pei Ge, you should immediately send someone to notify the Holy Spirit Hall and tell the truth about the matter. Remember, tell the truth!"

The situation is tense and urgent.Everyone knew the consequences of Kosoban's death. Fallen Heaven suddenly killed the members of the alliance, which was a great crime in itself, let alone the future heir and eldest princess of the Huanyu Empire.If it is not handled properly, the northern community will inevitably become a mess. When the time comes, the Xinzhanmeng will definitely take the opportunity to light a fire when it gets the news.

The imperial city of the Huanyu Empire gathers powerful military forces and supports many strong men.At this moment, Koshurot summoned angrily, and immediately assembled an elite team of thousands of people, and rushed to the Eagle Soul Mountain Range.

The second elder of the Yin-Yang Clan Affairs Council hurriedly left, and he demanded to inform the Yin-Yang Clan and Holy Spirit Hall in person.

The remaining three elders of the Military Affairs Council of the Yin-Yang Clan, the Peacock Sacred Throne under Tianyi Turtle, Qiao Haoyue of the Reincarnation Clan, and Pei Ge of the Holy Spirit Temple all accompanied the team and followed the team eastward into the Eagle Soul Mountain Range.

Only the Jade Horned Snake was careful and did not follow, but turned to Kosoban and Yuna who were lifeless on the bed. The green eyes rolled and turned, as if thinking about something.

More than a thousand teams marched forward, full of noise and comfort, not only Shurot's head was in a mess, Qiao Haoyue and others also looked ugly. Their previous thought was that the special energy in the black hole affected Fallen Heaven, but now they have gradually abandoned this idea. Thoughts, Fallen Heaven is a soul fighter. Although he never gave up his body, his soul power is very strong. How could it affect his mind?

So there is only one possibility, there is a very special treasure in the black hole, which makes Luotian want to monopolize it.Thinking of this, their hearts kept sinking. They didn't care about any treasures, what they cared about was that Fallen Heaven killed Kosoban while he was sane!
Until late at night, all the alarmed Yin-Yang clan and the Holy Spirit Hall sent a team. The Second Elder and the Third Elder of the Military Affairs Academy of the Yin-Yang clan all came over, showing that they attached great importance to this incident. Pei Ming, the deputy head of the Holy Spirit Hall, arrived in person .

Since Sufian also entered the black hole, the Zhenyao Temple also sent a saint and several strong men.

In order to prevent all parties from going in first and destroying the evidence alone, they ordered to gather first and then act together.

However, just as they broke into the middle of the Eagle Soul Mountain Range, a special message was sent to the Huanyu Empire, and also to their assembled team via the space monster.

"Tang Yan was found in the southern part of the empire, and he seems to be alone."

This is even more astonishing news. How dare Tang Yan provoke the Northern Alliance Community?Are you here to investigate the situation yourself?Or is there a special purpose?
They all knew Tang Yan's true strength, once this kid went crazy, it would definitely cause terrible chaos.

And did he bring a larger team with him?
In the minds of the top leaders of the northern community, Tang Yan alone is equivalent to a complete army, and it is a destructive army equipped with a large number of saints.So when the news came, it was a blow to everyone, and a pot of cold water woke them up who were angry and flustered.

For the Northern Community, this is definitely a military danger signal.

"Why is Tang Yan here? He just appeared?"

"Arrogant bastard, is he here to provoke? He simply didn't pay attention to our Northern Communist League!"

Everyone was shocked and angry, and the team in the quarrel shifted their targets slightly, focusing on the Tang Yan incident.

"Where are Feruk and the demon girl?" Tianyi Shengui asked.

Shurot suppressed his anger and said: "Feluk asked for a large amount of precious medicine to restore his prosperity while cultivating in the palace. The witch said that she has benefited a lot in recent years and needs a quiet place to refine it."

Qiao Haoyue ordered: "Don't be in a hurry to alarm them, but you can arrange two space monsters to wait in their retreat. If they really need to take action, use the space monsters to send them over immediately."

She has a very high status in the reincarnation clan, almost at the same level as the great elders of the two houses. She is the general person in charge of this assignment and has the right to issue orders to the space monsters.

At the same time, the Reincarnation Clan, the Yin-Yang Clan, the Temple of the Holy Spirit, and the two forbidden areas within the empire were all urgently notified and put on high alert. All saints and semi-saints capable of fighting were awakened, and all the wheeled places were activated. All the space monsters that the Hui stayed here paid close attention to Tang Yan who was wandering on the border of northern Xinjiang.

They were more surprised than angry. Tang Yan was so defiant that he dared to wander around the edge of the alliance. This gesture was the biggest provocation.The alliance is manifested in deterring the world and making the heroes fearful. Why can't this kid Tang Yan be suppressed?
Xiu Luote and others continued to set off, across the Eagle Soul Mountain Range, and moved towards the black hole.

No matter what, he had to investigate exactly what happened. If Fallen Heaven had deliberately killed Kosoban, he would never spare the Temple of the Holy Spirit lightly, and no one could persuade him to atone for his sins.

In the early hours of the morning, more than a thousand members of the team came to the vicinity of the black hole. Everyone activated their martial arts, and their bodies glowed, dispelling the night for hundreds of miles, illuminating the sky and rainforest, and illuminating the space with a radius of hundreds of miles like daytime.

"The trend of this mountain range is indeed a formation, a cover-up formation." The three elders of the Yin-Yang tribe quickly recognized the specialness of this mountain range after a simple observation.

Outsiders may not be able to see it, but they have studied formations for thousands of years, and they can be said to have read the formations all over the world, and their eyes are very tricky.

"Is there any danger?" Everyone only cared about this.

After the Yin-Yang people discussed collectively, they said: "It can be concluded that this is not an anti-injury formation, but a formation formed by relying on the natural trend of the mountains and making subtle but subtle adjustments. It is a semi-natural formation and exists purely for cover-up. , let this mountain range give people a very ordinary feeling, and it will also produce a sense of dislike and disgust, outsiders will not stay here after passing through here, and will not investigate here."

"There are so many of us, what are you afraid of? Let's go!" The old king of Huanyu Empire rushed forward angrily, and rushed towards the canyon.

Pei Ming, the deputy head of the Holy Spirit Hall, stopped Lao Wang first: "Let me explain in advance, if Fallen Heaven really did something wrong, our Holy Spirit Hall will definitely take the responsibility, and we can discuss how to deal with it. But please Stay rational, if Fallen Heaven's sanity is blurred now, or he is controlled by some kind of force, please don't hurt him immediately, we will personally stop him and escort him back."

Qiao Haoyue of the Reincarnation Clan took the initiative and said: "We have all come here, which means that we are all willing to solve the problem. The matter has already happened, and please be reasonable, Your Majesty. Our alliance will never tolerate any rebellious people. things, but don’t be too ruthless, make a decision after clarifying everything.”

The rest of the forces agreed one after another. They really didn't want civil strife.The current situation in the Central Plains does not allow them to fight among themselves, and they can only become stronger if they hold together tightly, especially now that Tang Yan suddenly appeared in the south, which made them feel even more uneasy.

Shu Luote snorted heavily, did not refuse, but did not agree, strode into the black hole.

The heads of other forces exchanged glances, signaling mutual vigilance.

Tianyi Shengui specially reminded: "Everyone must be prepared. If this secret land was really left by Chaos or Taotie back then, why has it been hidden for tens of thousands of years? It must be a bit strange to suddenly appear recently, and it is not impossible to control Fallen Heaven.

If you can control Fallen Heaven, it will definitely affect us too. We must be cautious, and once we find something is wrong, we will withdraw immediately. "

(End of this chapter)

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