Valkyrie Storm

Chapter 2428

Chapter 2428
Since the external war officially broke out a year ago, Tang Yan ignored the battle, lurked inside the new Zhanmeng, devoted all his efforts to cultivating war spirits and blood chickens, and constantly improved the methods to observe their true temperament.

Xie Zu was forcibly placed here by Tang Yan, and was in charge of guiding the blood chicken.

The two spirit bodies continued to fight fiercely, and kept fighting, unless they were seriously injured and couldn't move, the fierce bloody battle never stopped.The blood chicken belongs to the type that is forced to resist. The offensive is full of cunning, and it is constantly developing its own potential, but the war spirit is the violent type. Its anger, resentment, and evil spirit are not extinguished for a moment. Tang Yan can't Imagine the rage and tyranny of a living being that can go on and on, with no sign of abating.This also forced the blood chicken to fight and fight and fight again, not to cultivate for a moment, squeezing its own potential.

Maybe even Tang Yan couldn't last for a few months, but the two freaks in front of him belonged to spirit bodies, not normal creatures, so... they can bear it!

Finally, after another hundred days of fierce fighting, the brutal special training paid off.Both the blood chicken and the war spirit became more and more courageous as they fought, better using the huge energy in their bodies, and their combat experience became more and more abundant.

After all, it's a life-and-death struggle, and it's going on all the time, so it's impossible without much experience.

For a hundred days, Zhan Ling didn't feel dependent on Tang Yan, not at all, as cold as an evil spirit, and as evil as without any emotion.

But after a hundred days, Tang Yan suddenly cut off the supply of spiritual source liquid, and only gave it to the blood chicken, while the war spirit began to feed on the corpses returned from the front line.

This simple change had a huge effect, causing the war spirit who was accustomed to eating high-end products such as spiritual source liquid to fall into a terrifying rage. Attack like a raging beast.

It's just that the blood chicken is not the blood chicken of the past, and he can fight it head-on. Tang Yan is not an ordinary tamer, he is the control of hell, and the war spirit is furious again and again, and is subdued again and again, which lasted for a full month , Tang Yan tried to give it some spiritual source liquid, and it was from then on that War Spirit had such a small... thirst for Tang Yan!
Tang Yan was secretly excited, but he didn't relax for a moment. Instead, he intensified the intensity of the special training, making the blood chicken miserable. He cursed at Tang Yan day and night, and the shrill screams were like killing a chicken. Even the evil ancestors could hear it. I can't go on anymore, and advised Tang Yan several times that things must be turned against each other, but Tang Yan insisted on special training, and the intensity became more and more intense, challenging the limits of the blood chicken and the war spirit time and time again.

This situation lasted for 330 days, until a message from Xuanyuan Longli awakened Tang Yan from his obsessive special training life, and finally trampled them for three days and three nights, Tang Yan ended and declared It was the end of a year of devil special training.

At this moment, the battlefield inside the Chaos Statue was temporarily quiet, and the battle spirit was beaten to a bloody mess by the blood chicken's 'self-explosion', with multiple sternum fractures, lying there silently absorbing the energy of the spiritual source liquid, and its recovery ability was amazing.The blood chicken was forcibly dug back from the left face of the war spirit by Tang Yan before it was swallowed by the war spirit.

Self-explosion is a fatal end for any creature, but the blood chicken insists on relying on its unique splitting and healing ability, and in the cruel experience, it has formed a set of self-explosion killer moves. The power and scene... Let Tang Yan They all grinned secretly, every time they used it, the war spirit would always pay a heavy price.

Tang Yan stood at a high place and watched them silently. Once again, both sides were hurt, and once again they were evenly matched. The combat power of the war spirit became stronger and stronger, its wildness remained undiminished, and its fighting power increased. Its learning ability and control ability amazed Tang Yan.

But all of these seemed to be expected. What surprised Tang Yan the most was the blood chicken.

Although this freak is getting more and more cunning, with a cunning and treacherous personality, he has won the true inheritance of the evil ancestor, especially after a year of special training, the evil ancestor has continuously guided and trained him to get closer to the evil ancestor.However, because of the blood source from two worlds, the blood chicken is extremely talented, and it has also sublimated itself in repeated fierce battles. The speed of change and growth made Tang Yan unbelievable, so that Tang Yan had a strange idea in the later period, preferring to be himself. Practice for another 50 years, stop taking the blood source from the blood chicken, and cultivate it to become the real grave owner.

In this way, the blood chicken, war spirit, and war demon will stand firmly on the top of hell as a tripartite force, checking and balancing each other and restraining each other.

"I have tamed you for more than 200 days, it's time to change the method." Tang Yan exhaled, with a satisfied and relaxed smile on his face. The special training that lasted for more than 200 days is almost over. Stronger and more dependent.

"I don't like your tame character very much!" The blood chicken hid behind him, avoiding the sight of the war spirit, recovering in a hurry, because the lunatic might pounce on him at any time, and more than 300 days passed in a blink of an eye. I don't know how I can hold on.

It's too dark, it's too miserable, and it wants to buckle all the miserable words on itself.

"Rest well, at most one month, you will have a chance to test your results." Tang Yan removed the blood chicken, transferred it to the evil soil, and left a large amount of spiritual source liquid, enough for it to quickly recover to its peak.

Although he didn't participate in the war outside, the air force sent corpses in a steady stream, and his body was constantly refining, which made his spiritual source liquid reserve rich again, except for some spiritual source liquid that was fed back to the front line and distributed to Ke Zunshan and the others. , I still left a lot to tame the war spirit.

"Xuanyuan Longli means to let you go south alone?" Xie Zu saw the message left by Xuanyuan Longli.

"It's exactly what I want. They have been fighting on the front line for almost a year, and it's time for me to pay."

"You have to be mentally prepared, the Northern Alliance is not easy to mess with." Xie Zu didn't mean that Tang Yan couldn't do it, but that he needed to plan well.

"I have a plan, so don't worry, just wait here, and I'll hook some fish for you to relieve your boredom."

"Hmph!" Xie Zu snorted coldly.

"I'm ready to go, you take care of War Demon for me."

Tang Yan wandered around Emperor Wudi's city a few times to get a brief understanding of the outside world.

After discussing with Li Yun and others who were sitting here, accompanied by Granny Ma, who was staying behind in the New Zhanmeng, they went south secretly. After carefully selecting the location, they appeared in the Shiwanda Mountain next to the Dayan Mountains, which is also Zeng Niya's training place. .

Here are the endless ancient mountains. The humid rainforest covers the vast mountains, like a thick green ocean, submerging this historic land. Occasionally, the mountain winds pass by, and the dense rainforest is covered with layers of green. Bo, startled flying pieces of spiritual birds and old birds.

The peaks tower to the sky like ancient swords, or raise their heads like giant beasts, or stand thousands of feet high on the wall, or seem to be galloping endlessly.Or majestic, or steep and majestic, or vast and ancient, or delicate and ethereal.

This place is actually a forgotten land, with a special embarrassing status, it has survived for tens of thousands of years in tranquility and nature, and many filth and conquests from the outside world have not affected this place.

The so-called embarrassment is because there are endless years and countless ferocious beasts and birds, but they are far away from the Central Plains and have scarce spiritual power.The monsters and environment here are completely invisible to the superpowers in the Central Plains.But for warriors in the wilderness, this place is too terrifying. Even the warriors of Canglan Ancient Land are reluctant to come and explore easily, because the scope of this place is terrifying, like a vast ocean, and it is impossible to get out if you plunge into it. Explore dangerously in the secret places of Canglan Ancient Land, or enter the Dayan Mountains.

But it is undeniable that the most primitive landform really exists here, and there are many strange beasts living here. Unfortunately, because of their spiritual power, they cannot enter a higher realm.

Tang Yan wandered around Nanhuang and Canglan Ancient Land for a day, and finally chose here.

After looking down and exploring from a high altitude for half a day, I headed straight to the deepest part of Shiwanda Mountain, and settled down in the central area. I sent the Cerberus troops and scattered them in all directions. Do all kinds of preparations.

Then... Tang Yan took out the battle spirit that had recovered [-]% to [-]%!

(End of this chapter)

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