Valkyrie Storm

Chapter 2429

Chapter 2429

The battle spirit appeared, roaring and shaking the sky, and the sound wave actually aroused a violent wind. Dozens of giant trees with a thickness of three to five meters were uprooted, and many huge boulders were thrown out of the ground, rumbling and tossing. The ancient wood branches within a few thousand meters shook violently, and countless green leaves flew densely.

The huge roar pierced through gold and cracked rocks, and Tang Yan's blood surged like thunder.

All the monsters, beasts and raptors within a radius of tens of miles were awakened, and those who were close were even rolled and crawled by the strong wind.

The war spirit was crazy, full of evil spirits, and the resentment and evil in the roar made the rare good weather in the rainforest turn into pungent blood and bursts of gloom.It is very violent now, and the fierce fighting that has lasted for more than 300 days has made it habitual. As soon as it recovers, it will definitely fight fiercely with that chicken until it falls down again. Repeatedly, time and time again, it has become habitual and addicted , but suddenly... the blood chicken disappeared?

It was venting in hell, but it was suddenly summoned by Tang Yan, and the surrounding environment completely changed. It stopped for a while, and roared again. The huge roar caused the originally calm rainforest to be filled with gusts of wind and chaos, causing countless beasts to panic Fleeing, a large number of spirit birds and raptors fleeing overwhelmingly, they screamed and fled at full speed, where is this crazy?What are you crazy about?

The mysterious light was beating all over the body of the war spirit. It looked around, as if looking for a source to vent its anger, but all the monsters thousands of meters away were blown away by its roar. Where there was anything else, it roared again and again. , rushing towards the depths of the dense rainforest, without direction, rushing indiscriminately, the huge ten-meter-long battle body boiled out dozens of meters of destructive light, bursting into the sky with evil spirits, and there was nothing to stop it passing by!
Rows of trees fell down, no matter old trees or new seedlings, all crashed, the ground trembled violently, the fallen leaves of the mountain forest were flying, the forest birds were wailing and startled, and the wild animals ran away in panic, Tang Yan had to stay away. Stay far away to avoid being locked by war spirits.

The horror of the war spirit is released to the maximum in this real world, it is too terrifying, invincible, no obstacle can stop its pace!There is a magnificent and beautiful peak in front of it, but it smashes through it completely, and rushes over it so vigorously.

I don't know if it's a coincidence, or it was affected by the fierce spirit of the war spirit, the sky over the rainforest it hit quickly darkened, endless dark clouds shrouded the island, and then lightning flashed and thunder rumbled, and a violent storm fell!
Huge lightning bolts danced wildly, and a hurricane raged, causing many towering trees to be broken immediately, and many trees were uprooted, rushing into the dark sky with heavy rain, and then being smashed in the air by the huge thunder and lightning.

It was like a doomsday scene, with darkness covering the land, violent wind and rain, trees falling and forests being destroyed, and in this doomsday situation, war spirits roared continuously, comparable to thunder from the sky.

Tang Yan raised his head to pay attention to the dark and violent sky, and then looked at the rampant battle spirit: "It can really arouse Tianwei? It is really a strange creature."

There is chaos in the vast rainforest, and a large number of ferocious beasts run wildly. In addition to the common ligers and elephants, there are also many ferocious alien species, such as: a lion with divine wings, a big snake with a one-horn, and a monster like a giant elephant. The tall three-eyed wolf, the golden centipede two or three meters long... there are many special monsters, although the realm is not too high, they are rare in the outside world, but...all of them have become the prey of the war spirits, It ran like the wind and roared like thunder. Those tigers, lions and other ferocious beasts were so frightened that they all made way for it. Whoever couldn't dodge in time would surely die.

The war spirit kept violently rushing, eating whatever it grabbed. A golden eagle flew in terror, but was caught by the war spirit flying a hundred meters into the sky, tore it into pieces in mid-air, and stuffed it into the left face; The pervert intended to provoke, but was trampled to pieces by Zhan Ling.

The brutality is chilling.

Tang Yan followed from a distance, letting the spirit of war 'have fun'.

Thunder and lightning flashed high above the sky, the torrential rain showed no sign of stopping, and the strong wind was still raging, and with the excitement of the war spirits venting, the momentum of the strong wind, thunder and lightning seemed to be increasing, and many running monsters were swept by the strong wind. After leaving Gao Tian, ​​he completely disappeared. Many ancient trees were destroyed by the hurricane and shattered by lightning.

The dim doomsday scene enveloped more than ten kilometers.

Zhan Ling vented for more than ten minutes, causing unprecedented chaos in the middle of the [-] mountains, and finally awakened the culprit in the central area.

A giant tortoise, hundreds of meters huge, crouched among the mountains, covered with thick rock formations and moss, and also covered with ancient trees and spirits. It didn't know how many years it had lived, and it almost turned into a big mountain. Deposited in these mountains and dense forests.

Maybe it doesn't even know how long it has been asleep, maybe the nearby monsters don't know that there is a giant tortoise lying on its stomach.

It didn't wake up by itself, but when the war spirit smashed its turtle shell and rushed across the rock formation, it woke up and became angry. Its head like a house suddenly rose, and a large number of huge boulders crashed down. The rock-cracking beast's roar exploded like a nine-day thunderstorm, and it actually set off a heavy gust of wind.

The war spirit squatted suddenly, turned around and saw the giant tortoise moving out of the thick mountain, filled with vast holy power, and the ancient killing power surged, it turned out to be a demon saint?There are such giant monsters in this barren land.

Tang Yan was secretly surprised, and was about to observe the sudden appearance of the demon saint, but the war spirit didn't care what old monster you were, in its eyes, everything that was moving was food, and the stronger it was, the more delicious it was.

The war spirit immediately abandoned the other monsters and came running wildly, stepping up into the air, the strong wind and lightning retreated for him, and it came straight towards the giant tortoise with a violent momentum.Dancing with both arms, the two streams of energy in the whole body are boiling, like a blazing flame, illuminating the dark world, it punches out, and the power of chaos soars, as if hitting a starry sky, and like waving a dim river tide , bombarded the giant tortoise overwhelmingly.

The giant tortoise had just moved its body out of the mountains, and before it was fully awake, a mighty force from chaos came crashing down from the sky and hit its back. The giant tortoise's huge body suddenly sank and hit the ground Crack, the deafening sound of cracking the strata exploded in an instant, and the stratum within a radius of tens of miles was covered with cracks.

The alpine rainforest on the ground shook violently, as if a terrible earthquake had set off.

Tens of thousands of monsters and birds of prey fled in all directions, running wildly like their lives, with horror on every ferocious face, not knowing what happened, and what happened to this sudden disaster.

The giant tortoise just woke up, and its consciousness is not very clear, but it was completely awakened by this blow. The hard back of the tortoise shell was covered with cracks, and all the covered rock formations were flying in all directions. A big hole was opened in the middle, and blood flowed like a river. Being hit by the violent wind and rain, the pain was even worse.

Its roar immediately turned into a scream.

Zhan Ling swooped down and plunged into the blood hole. The eyes of the man on his left shoulder were blazing, revealing an evil look. The blood line in the middle of his eyebrows suddenly opened, as if he had opened a human eye, a terrifying energy It sprayed out like light mist, like a sea of ​​air, and like dense rays of light, hitting the giant turtle's flesh and blood internal organs.

Whether it's blood, turtle meat, bones, internal organs, or the energy of the sea of ​​energy, they all wither quickly at this moment, turning into a torrent of blood energy and gathering towards the left eye.

Only in an instant!

The giant tortoise's screams stopped abruptly!

The bloody eyes on the left face of Zhan Ling are like a bottomless black hole, crazily devouring the blood and life of the giant tortoise. In just a few minutes, the giant tortoise like a giant mountain has only a shell, no flesh, no bones, no internal organs. Even the tortoise shells are shriveled.

In the blink of an eye, the fresh and huge war ghost was left with a turtle shell, lying alone in the rubble ruins.

Tang Yan was secretly horrified by the terrifying devouring ability of the war spirit. The giant tortoise had just woken up and was not ready for battle. It was understandable, but after all, it was a holy monster, so it was sucked up so cleanly?It is comparable to the power of the ghost green fire!
After the war spirit devoured the energy, his body squirmed slightly, swelled several times, and then retracted ten meters to its original appearance. The energy was pressed in the body and began to refine rapidly.It's just that in the face of the fresh holy energy, the left side of its face is slightly dissatisfied, even irritable.

Compared with the spirit source liquid, although the taste is fresher, it is very impure, and it takes time and effort to refine it. The huge holy energy needs at least three to five days to be completely refined, which makes people who are used to the spirit source liquid As far as it is liquid, it is very uncomfortable!The body is full of external power, and it is very wild, making it growl continuously, even hammering its own chest.

"It's time to come back!" Tang Yan didn't let the war spirit vent for too long, and forced him into hell, giving the war spirit a quiet environment to start refining.

There is a lot of commotion here, but the scope of the Hundred Thousand Mountains is too wide, like a mountain thrown into the ocean, causing local storms, but it cannot affect the entire sea, and it will be easily digested and calmed down.

What's more, the most indispensable thing in the mountains is fierce fighting and killing, and there is also no shortage of local weather changes.

Therefore, the purpose of Tang Yan's release of the battle spirit is only to serve as a foil, to assist the Cerberus's actions. The clothes fragments and blood from the Fallen Heaven are the key points, and they are the bait to attract the Holy Spirit Hall to hunt them down.

The bait is ready, the fishing line is torn apart, the fishing net is ready, and now we are waiting for the fish to take the bait.

But just as Tang Yan was about to lurk in the dark and wait for the fierce battle to come, he never thought that another saint's aura would suddenly sweep across the edge of his mind, as if he was here... to investigate...

(End of this chapter)

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