Valkyrie Storm

Chapter 2446

Chapter 2446 Sanyinghui

Tang Yan stood on the top floor of the new tallest tower of Yesha Pagoda, overlooking the bustling construction work below, and also looked at the vast rainforest that had been restored to life.The tower is as high as three thousand feet, with a total of nine hundred and ninety-nine floors, and each floor is three feet (nearly ten meters), which is extremely magnificent.

The number of disciples in Yesha Pagoda has reached 50, and the number will definitely double in the future. It is qualified to support such a huge and towering tower, which is also the number of floors allowed by the Xingluo royal family.

All other towers and buildings were built around this main tower and scattered around.With the joint efforts of Nalantus and warlock elders, these buildings will form a complete formation together with the main tower, which will not only gather the aura of heaven and earth, but also form defensive fortifications, and more importantly, use the power of the warlock formation It has been demonstrated, that is, the weather that affects hundreds of thousands of kilometers, ensuring the smooth weather in the controlled area of ​​​​the imperial imperial city.

"Are you ready?" Tang Yan withdrew his gaze.

Zhao Wenqing, who was behind him, nodded slightly, and his red lips parted slightly: "Thank you."

Tang Yan smiled: "If you want to thank me, thank Longli, he took care of this matter."

A public opinion campaign cleansed Zhao Wenqing's reputation and cast a halo of nobility and holiness. She won the high support of the people of the empire and the pride of her glorious return.Even non-governmental organizations that previously felt that Zhao Wenqing was unworthy of Qin Minghuang turned to praise her.

The rise of Qin Minghuang and Zhao Wenqing's dedication were all highly publicized and widely praised by the empire. With the excitement of the empire's victory, it became an enviable story.Some people also began to encourage the two of them to get married as soon as possible, and to conceive and raise children as soon as possible while Qin Minghuang had just become a saint and Zhao Wenqing had not yet become a saint.

Under the overwhelming publicity and praise from all over the empire, the royal family really couldn't refuse Zhao Wenqing anymore. Instead, there were voices requesting the two parties to get married as soon as possible. It's beautiful, slightly masking the sad voices everywhere.

Today, under the lead of Tang Yan, Zhao Wenqing is going to enter the imperial city, signal to the public, meet with the royal family, and have an interview with Qin Minghuang.

"You don't need to have psychological pressure. It's just a formality. The royal team will arrive at noon and lead you into the palace. You just need to show your face when the team enters the imperial city and wave to the people. Those royal people dare not I have already said hello to you. In the end, Qin Minghuang is waiting for you in the palace, and you two can meet briefly, and you can talk about some things yourself, so it is inconvenient for me to mix in."

Tang Yan felt that it was better to say something openly than to hide it, which would only cause a deeper estrangement. It is better to let Qin Minghuang and Zhao Wenqing talk face to face. Of course, these things can only be shared between Qin Minghuang and Zhao Wenqing. people to face.

"I understand, I will cooperate." Zhao Wenqing was not good at words, but nodded slightly.

Tang Yan looked back at Zhao Wenqing: "This is the last chance. If you are really dissatisfied with Qin Minghuang, I am not talking about status or status, I am talking about feelings. If you are very resistant, I can mention it to the royal family again. , postpone your marriage indefinitely until one day you accept Qin Minghuang."

Zhao Wenqing hesitated, and this was also the purpose of her coming to see Tang Yan alone before leaving.

Tang Yan understood, and said with a smile: "There is nothing to force, just say what you have to say. Those voices outside are their petitions, and your feelings are your own business, and you can't force yourself because of others.

You go to see Qin Minghuang first today, and come back after dark. Niya and I are still waiting here.If you really don't feel it, I would propose to the royal family to postpone the wedding until you both accept each other.What to do, we will discuss it carefully after you come back. In short, I definitely don't mean to force you. I'm just a matchmaker. Feelings are up to you. "

Tang Yan knew that Qin Minghuang was a proud man, and also a passionate man with pride and responsibility. He was worthy of entrusting him for life, otherwise he would not recommend it to Zhao Wenqing.Of course, everything depends on feelings. If Zhao Wenqing doesn't feel it now, let the wedding be postponed. If he doesn't feel it for 1000 years, then delay it for another 1000 years. There will be a day when he will feel it.

Li Xiangjun opened the door and came in: "What are you talking about? The royal family sent a notice that the team has already set off, so you should make preparations. By the way, Qin Minghuang personally led the team."

"Oh? Qin Minghuang has a heart." Tang Yan smiled, and comforted him: "You can go boldly, I am confident that I can still have something to say to the Xingluo royal family. You saved Niya, and I regard you as a friend , will not let you be wronged.

As for those old princes, you don't have to worry. The Emperor himself beheaded the four of them, and they have already suppressed them. This empire is now ruled by Qin Minghuang, and no one dares to disobey his wishes.

Today's event is a meeting and a show for the people. The ancient country of Xingluo is now facing a comprehensive reconstruction and military reorganization. The task is heavy, and you will not be forced to get married immediately. "

Tang Yan repeated the same meaning again and again, just for Zhao Wenqing to let go of the psychological pressure.

"I'll go first." Zhao Wenqing nodded to Tang Yan and walked out of the room.

Li Xiangjun nodded slightly to Tang Yan in front of the door, expressing his gratitude for everything he had done.

After Zhao Wenqing left, Niya and Xuanyuan Longli came out of the cubicle one after another.

Xuanyuan Longli closed the folding fan: "She is very strong, has her own ideas and ideals, and she is also obsessed with warlocks, which makes her very resistant to 'fate beyond her control', which is also one of the reasons why she decided to leave the ancient Xingluo country. In fact, I think the reason why she and Qin Minghui entered into a marriage contract at the very beginning was also for the development of Fa Lanta, this is a complete transaction, otherwise it would not be agreed that the engagement date will not be until after the promotion."

"Let her meet Qin Minghuang, maybe she will change her opinion. Qin Minghui has experienced the life and death of the Lost War Realm, and experienced this continuous turmoil in the empire. He has matured a lot and changed a lot. He is no longer a 'prince', but a The helm of the empire." Niya is very optimistic about Qin Minghuang, otherwise she would not cooperate with Tang Yan to persuade Zhao Wenqing.

"Let them meet and communicate alone, even if there is any purpose, it will be easier if you open it up." Tang Yan smiled. It was his first time as a matchmaker, and it was such a special situation.Fortunately, I have a clear conscience, and I am really optimistic about the two of them.

Xuanyuan Longli said: "Have you asked Qin Minghuang's opinion? Does he have feelings for Zhao Wenqing?"

"There is no feeling at all. Qin Minghuang and Zhao Wenqing have nothing to do with each other, and a person with his personality will not say who he admires. He has just taken control of the country and needs enough momentum. Zhao Wenqing and her current prestige , can bring great benefits to Qin Minghuang, as well as Zhao Wenqing's blood talent and Ye Shata's identity, are destined to be the best choice for Qin Minghuang to choose a mate.

Qin Minghuang said clearly that he would try his best to do the best in this matter, and promised that he would never force Zhao Wenqing. As for feelings...he said that the royal family has always been indifferent and has no feelings. "

Xuanyuan Longli shook his head and smiled: "It's like the words of the royal family."

"Qin Minghuang said that he would take good care of Zhao Wenqing. As for his future relationship, he didn't give a positive answer. Well, let's not talk about this. You just came back from the Holy Empire. How is the book of witchcraft?"

"Witch Commandment Book is more tactful and ambitious than Qin Minghuang. He made good use of this matter and made a lot of noise in the empire. After so many things, his mental state has recovered a lot, and now he is led by the Holy Emperor. Take the retreat and prepare to hit the holy land.

Wu Nong is temporarily acting as the head of the country, but according to his intentions, when the book of witch commandment is released, all the rights of the king will be transferred to the book of witch commandment, and he will support it behind the scenes. "

"I think Wu Nong is very ambitious, he will easily delegate power?"

"The current Central Plains is no longer the Central Plains of the past, and the major empires are no longer the silent empires. In the past, the Human Sovereign didn't care about the facts at all, like Wu Nong and Zhao Xiong, like the joint meeting of princes of Xingluo Ancient Kingdom. , are the supreme rulers of the empire's billion-dollar territory. But now, the great emperors appear frequently and keep interfering in the affairs of the empire, and they have to delegate power if they don't want to."

Furthermore, the pattern of the world is changing rapidly, and the empire needs new vitality and surging momentum.You are now in charge of the New Zhanmeng, and Qin Minghuang is in charge of the Xingluo Ancient Country. They are all young people, ambitious and courageous, and more energetic. Of course, their Holy Empire should consider cultivating witchcraft books. This is also a resolution passed by the National Council.In the three-legged confrontation, the three new generations are the masters, which is enough to reflect the vitality and vigor of the alliance, and it is also to encourage Wu Jieshu to compete with Qin Minghuang. "

Xuanyuan Longli appreciates this aspect very much. The current world is dominated by young people, and their alliance handed over three dazzling new stars, Tang Yan, Qin Minghuang, and Wu Jieshu, which fully reflects the vitality of the alliance and can also be very good. The impetus of 'Once the new emperor is replaced by the old emperor'.Through continuous leadership and war, it is possible to shape the new emperor in terms of military exploits and reputation, and determine the influence of the three of them in the empire, the alliance and the world.

Xuanyuan Longli, who has tasted the victory of the public opinion war, has already interviewed Victoria in private, and entrusted Tianyan to make a fuss about Tang Yan and their three new generation leaders again. This is also a way to expand their alliance's influence in the Central Plains. In order to attract more casual cultivators to join, and inspire more passionate young people to join the army and the front line.

Tang Yan said: "Has Wu Jie Shu expressed his gratitude to you?"

He attaches great importance to this point, this is an attitude, and it also symbolizes the current disposition of Wu Commandment Book.

(End of this chapter)

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