Valkyrie Storm

Chapter 2447 Respective Journeys

Chapter 2447 Respective Journeys

"You don't have to worry about the Wu Commandment Book, I handled it very well." Xuanyuan Longli smiled. He has now won the deep friendship of the Wu Commandment Book, and also won the trust and favor of Wu Nong, not only the new Zhanmeng The main liaison envoy to the Holy Empire has also become the noblest guest of the Holy Empire royal family.

Xuanyuan Longli will go to the Holy Empire more in the near future to strengthen the relationship. When the book of shamanism comes out, Xuanyuan Longli plans to take Tang Yan to meet again. I believe that the relationship will basically be consolidated.

After all, there was that life-saving grace between Tang Yan and Wu Jieshu. With Tang Yan's friendship, Wu Jieshu would express his kindness to Tang Yan both emotionally and rationally.Even if they won't be like Qin Minghuang, they won't be too far apart.

Xuanyuan Longli said: "What we should worry about now is the Northern Alliance. This time we have won a big victory, but it really hurt them."

"The Northern Alliance attaches great importance to the Dagan Dynasty. Zhao Xiong's taking over of the Huanyu Empire also indicates that the Huanyu Empire will complete its integration in the shortest possible time and develop into a real empire. Don't underestimate Zhao Xiong's methods, and don't underestimate the Dagan Dynasty. The changes brought about by the injection of a large number of people and troops into the Universal Empire."

Niya briefly described the intelligence from Sky Eye, all of which were about the vigorous development of the Northern Alliance.

"I finally woke up, earlier than I expected. The real battle is about to begin."

Tang Yan felt the pressure and was even more excited.The Northern Alliance is a lion. Now...wake up and angry, but the new war alliance has experienced many fierce battles before and after, and has initially formed cohesion and self-confidence. The ancient country of Xingluo has become the most steadfast ally. Only the new Zhanmeng of the alliance can survive, which gave Tang Yan enough confidence to fight.

No matter how violent the storm is, I will stand still and wait for your attack.

Niya said: "Sky Eye sacrificed a lot of important relationships, and got the news that Xuanyuan is in charge of the Northern Alliance. It is said that an important decision-making team headed by Xuanyuan has just formed there. She knows you very well, and she also knows the best way to attack the spirit of the New Zhan League. The way is to hit you in the head, and you'd better have a preliminary plan."

Xuanyuan Longli clasped his hands and said, "Qiao Cheng, Peacock Sage King, and Water Candle Demon, the three Damanman sit in the Northern Alliance, which is a great threat. Don't forget the Sakura Demon Girl and Feruk, they are close to The existence of the emperor has the most killing intent on you. The later the two of them appear, the stronger their recovery.

In this way, five great perfections.

Xuanyuan doesn't need very subtle calculations, just throwing out all five Da Wanmans is enough for our new Zhanmeng to bleed once. "

Niya said: "There is another piece of news. During this imperial war, Tianyan received several abnormal information. It is suspected that the witch may have appeared many times. She roamed the imperial battlefield and absorbed a lot of resentment.

You know the situation of this war, the level of resentment is the strongest in Qitian Continent for tens of thousands of years.The War of the Universe Empire in the early stage, the War of the Ancient Xingluo Kingdom in the middle stage, and the War of the Daqian Dynasty in the later stage involved hundreds of millions of people in the three empires, filled with resentment and grief from all sides. If these things are compared to energy, the Sakura Demon Girl may benefit a lot . "

"A group of super think tanks, the five great perfections, the group of monsters in the Holy Spirit Hall, the formation of the Yin-Yang clan, and the new empire that is being integrated, these are all real threats we face." Xuanyuan Longli analyzed the situation in front of him. , feel oppressed, and more motivated.The battle will definitely become more and more exciting later on.

"The sanctification plan of the Holy Spirit Temple has started again?" Tang Yan suddenly remembered.

"According to our incomplete observations, not yet. They are now concentrating their efforts on assisting the Daqian Dynasty to control the Universe Empire, which has taken a lot of energy away. But after careful calculation, this should be an important task for the Northern Alliance, and the time is about the same." .

Now that there are great dynasties supporting the Northern Alliance, a brand new empire is taking shape, and the Northern Alliance has once again shown its power. The Thomas Fissen United Empire should be more willing to cooperate with them.Once the cooperation begins, the Temple of the Holy Spirit will rise, and it is not a luxury to create a large number of saints. "

Niya also said: "Falling Heaven first, then Bai Fang, the Holy Spirit Palace hated you to the bone, but they were also scared by you. Their next actions will be very cautious and careful, and they will be very vicious. Once Pei Kuang Stepping into the Great Perfection, or Pei Ming entering the pinnacle, will pose a great threat to us.

The Temple of the Holy Spirit is like a thorn, not fatal, nor imminent, but once pierced once, it is enough for us to hurt for a while. "

Tang Yan smiled: "Don't worry about the Temple of the Holy Spirit, I can handle it. Our top priority now is to develop our own alliance and form a more complete defense and offensive system, especially the think tank team. I don't think it will take long. Conspiracy and conspiracy are here."

"How to deal with the Temple of the Holy Spirit?"

"Can't really deal with it, at least delay their process for a few years."

"Since you have confidence, I will not consider the Temple of the Holy Spirit. Next... Do I need to go to the Three Holy Lands again? There is actually a big gap between us and the Northern Alliance. If the Northern Alliance is really fully mobilized, We are likely to suffer the first disastrous defeat since the establishment of the new Zhanmeng. I think it is time to talk to the Three Holy Lands."

It's not that Xuanyuan Longli has no confidence in himself, it's that he has a premonition of danger in this regard, and it's also an objective evaluation.He never underestimated the power of the reincarnation clan and Beihai, he could only imagine the most dangerous.

Tang Yan was silent. In fact, he has been thinking about this issue for the past few days.Although the current Three Sacred Lands have changed a lot, they are still concerned about their own image. This is the reputation they have accumulated through tens of thousands of years and countless generations of hard work, and they have always cherished it.

Prestige seems weak, but it can play a huge role in special occasions. Tang Yan doesn't really want them to completely abandon their holy names and become bloodthirsty butchers.

"The reputation of Evilman's Valley is relatively special, not as serious as Zhulu Academy and Pure Land, and because of Zhao Zimo's relationship, they should be able to win it, so let...Zhao Zimo and Tian Si go back together."

Niya said, "There's also Du Yang."


"Since the establishment of our new war alliance, Zhao Tianyan and the others have successively retreated to the Valley of the Wicked in the Fengyun Kingdom. One is to respond to the repeated pleadings of the royal family of the Fengyun King, and the other is that they have suffered heavy casualties and need to recuperate. But don't forget the insiders in the Valley of the Wicked. In Lu Hai, there is a Naga clan living in it. Its patriarch, Medusa, has special feelings for Du Yang, if possible, let Du Yang win over."

Tang Yan nodded, and then his eyes lit up. The Naga clan can really fight for it, and it will definitely be the tyrant of the sea area. If they cooperate with the Lord of the Fiends?Absolutely!Queen Medusa might hide more petrified spirits, and her friendship with Du Yang might give Du Yang a new opportunity.

"What about the academy? Why don't you fight for it?"

"Don't make things difficult for them in the academy. It's the limit of what they can do to hand over the killer unit to us. It is well known that the Tianyan intelligence system serves us. They actually don't have any more power.

I went to the Pure Land by myself. I always wanted to go but I never went. Now that I have matured in all aspects, I should also pay homage to Master Dukong. "

"I'll accompany you there?" Xuanyuan Longli said.

"No need. You are busy with your own affairs, so you don't have to pay attention to me in the future. I am strong enough now, and Hell is mature enough to handle all kinds of things. I am going to pay my respects to Dukong, and then I will go to other places to see." Tang Yan is going to start a new adventure after visiting the Pure Land.

"Be careful yourself."

"What about you? Accompany me? Or stay?" Tang Yan looked at Niya.

"I'll stay. I've already made an appointment with Pagoda Master Li Xiangjun and Zhao Wenqing. The three of us will retreat collectively, and we also invited Qin Qingqing from Xuanguang Pagoda."

"Isn't the Xuanguang Pagoda destroyed?"

"The Xuanguang Pagoda was indeed destroyed, but some people escaped and entered the Yesha Pagoda. Qin Qingqing is the great-great-great-granddaughter of the elder of the Cangshu Pavilion in the Xuanguang Pagoda. Her strength is at the peak of Wu Zun. She took Xuanguang Pagoda away. Most of the inheritance techniques of the light tower are now the leader of the remaining department of the Xuanguang tower.

The four of us retreated together. I donated my Taizu inheritance, Zhao Wenqing contributed the Falan Tower inheritance, Li Xiangjun contributed her Yesha Tower inheritance, and Qin Qingqing contributed the Xuanguang Tower inheritance. The four of us communicated with each other and made After an in-depth discussion, I hope that everyone can grow, and I also hope that the types of spells can be screened out and distributed to disciples and elders according to their level, so as to make Yesha Tower strong as soon as possible. "

Niya took the initiative to make a proposal to Zhao Wenqing and Li Xiangjun, and personally visited Qin Qingqing, who was very vigilant. She was eager for the top inheritance of the three Warlock Towers. Unprecedented breakthroughs and progress to the top are not impossible.

Li Xiangjun longed for the inheritance of the great ancestor, and of course she also hoped for the inheritance of other warlocks. Zhao Wenqing and Qin Qingqing were no exception. Since all parties were willing to contribute and expressed their willingness to stay in Yesha Tower forever, they hit it off and made an agreement.

Li Xiangjun also promised that Qin Qingqing would serve as the third deputy pagoda master of Yesha Pagoda after being promoted to semi-sage.

(End of this chapter)

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