Valkyrie Storm

Chapter 2448 Pure Land Invitation

Chapter 2448 Pure Land Invitation

Qin Minghuang's wedding party arrived at the Yecha Pagoda on time at noon. The Yecha Pagoda is currently under large-scale construction and is relatively messy.But in order to welcome the royal team, they arranged a luxurious passage in advance, from the outermost to the main tower of Yesha Tower.

At noon, under the witness of hundreds of thousands of sorcerers, Qin Minghuang picked up Zhao Wenqing, who was dressed up, and left the Taizu Mountain Range under the farewell of the sorcerers from Yesha Pagoda.

From noon to evening, the ceremony of welcoming the bride went very smoothly, and the royal family personally operated the matter, which also made the scale and level reach the most luxurious and brilliant.

After Zhao Wenqing returned to the imperial city, he was naturally enthusiastically cheered by the people inside and outside the imperial city. People flocked to the streets to express their blessings to the future princess and the Yesha Pagoda that will stand outside the imperial city.

In the palace, Zhao Wenqing met all the royal relatives and received their blessings.

The royal family is full of good people. They all know the truth about Zhao Wenqing's incident, so they don't admire and appreciate it as much as the outside world, but what they value is Zhao Wenqing's current status and influence.

The first is the towering of the Yesha Pagoda. A huge organization of warlocks is about to stand in the east of the imperial city. The Yesha Pagoda is the mainstay, gathering the main force and inheritance of the Falan Pagoda and the Xuanguang Pagoda. The future growth space is bound to be very broad. Counting the special existence of Niya, if Zhao Wenqing and Qin Qingqing were promoted again, Yeshata would have four female saints in the years to come, which would be enough to create miracles in the ancient Xingluo country and even the Central Plains.

With the strong background of Yesha Pagoda, Zhao Wenqing's status and voice in the royal family are immeasurable.

Moreover, the royal family knew very well that the successful establishment of the Yesha Pagoda in the former Tianji Pavilion was actually the result of Tang Yan's secret efforts, and it could be seen that Tang Yan was very attentive to this Zhao Wenqing.

With Tang Yan's support, the royal family dared not despise Zhao Wenqing anymore.

Therefore, today's Zhao Wenqing is entering the palace for the second time, but her identity is no longer that down-and-out girl of the past, but a "noble lady" with a huge and firm backing, worthy of the highest standard of courtesy from the royal family.

In the middle of the night, after Zhao Wenqing went through all the procedures, he secretly returned to Yesha Pagoda.

"How is it? Have you talked to Qin Minghuang?" Tang Yan and Niya have been waiting here.

"Wait for me to become a saint, wait for the chaos in the Central Plains to settle, wait for him to reach the peak, and wait for the stability of the two worlds." Zhao Wenqing was much more relaxed than before, letting go of his worries, and his complexion naturally improved.

This is a four-step agreement proposed by Qin Minghuang on his own initiative. The first step is that if Zhao Wenqing is willing to get married after Jin Sheng, Qin Minghuang will marry with the highest standard.If Zhao Wenqing is not willing at that time, then continue to the second step, that is, the Northern Alliance disintegrates and the Central Plains war ends. If Zhao Wenqing is still not willing by then, wait until the third step, Qin Minghuang will advance to the peak. If not, Just wait until the Qitian Continent and the Lost Battle Realm return to their original stability.

This is the compromise that Qin Minghuang gave to Zhao Wenqing. It is a full four steps, and it is the biggest concession for him and the royal family.

If Zhao Wenqing is still unwilling after these four steps, Qin Minghuang will give Zhao Wenqing another hundred years. After a hundred years, no matter the result or not, the two parties will officially marry.

Four steps plus a hundred years, Zhao Wenqing has his own completely independent time and completely free space.

She was very satisfied with this guarantee.

Zhao Wenqing could also see Qin Minghuang's dedication, so... no regrets.

She didn't care about love at all, and she never thought that she would have love. Her character is even less suitable for romance. Such an ending can be regarded as a blessing for her.

"Bless you." Tang Yan saw Zhao Wenqing's ease, and he no longer felt any psychological burden.

"Thank you." Zhao Wenqing lost confidence in the future after Fa Lanta was destroyed early in the morning, but now... everything has turned around, a new beginning, a new life, she retested her confidence, and she had new expectations and expectations. Motivation to work hard.

She used to feel that she was lifeless, and everything was to take care of the surviving disciples of Fa Lanta, and to live for them. Now, she, Zhao Wenqing, lived by herself.

Tang Yan stayed in Falanta for a few days, accompanying Niya.

With the high frequency of wars breaking out, Tang Yan spends less and less time with Niya and the others, and really doesn't have that much energy. Fortunately, Niya and the others can be considerate and don't expect so much.Tang Yan can only accompany him as much as he can when he has spare energy.

Time is too precious for these young new generations.

Five days later, Tang Yan left alone, leaving behind a large amount of spiritual source liquid.

Xuanyuan Longli went south to visit Wu Nong again, not only to discuss matters, but also to ask the venerable and experienced lord. After all, he is young. Even if he has the inheritance of the emperor, he cannot cover everything. But it lacks the majestic wisdom and demeanor of Wu Nong.

Wu Nong is like a treasure trove with profound heritage, with too many advantages that need to be discovered and absorbed by Xuanyuan Longli.After all, this old man has ruled the empire for tens of thousands of years, making the empire prosperous and dominating the southwest of the Central Plains.

In the words of Xuanyuan Longli, if Zhao Xiong is compared to an eagle, Wu Nong is a tiger.

To be able to cooperate and communicate with Wu Nong, for Xuanyuan Longli himself, there will undoubtedly be huge gains, and it is also a good growth.

Niya stayed in the Yesha Pagoda, and after adequate preparations, she joined hands with Li Xiangjun, Zhao Wenqing, and Qin Qingqing to retreat, each contributing their own inherited secret techniques and explaining their unique cultivation methods.

The entire retreat is expected to take about several years. Li Xiangjun will be the leader. She may not be as strong as the current Niya in strength, but she is far superior to Niya in terms of warlock perception. She is the leader, so that the other three women can rest assured.

For this retreat, the four women all have their own expectations. Niya hopes to formally step into the high end of the holy realm, and Li Xiangjun also hopes to have a new breakthrough.Zhao Wenqing naturally worked hard to become a saint, to sublimate his own misery these years.They are full of confidence and full of motivation.Because this alliance is definitely the first time in the history of warlocks, and it will integrate the inheritance of the ancestors and the top mysteries of the three towers of warlocks.

Qin Qingqing's greatest hope now is to be a semi-saint, so that she can have a foothold in the gradually growing Yesha Pagoda, and also strive for more voices for the Xuanguang Pagoda disciples who follow her.

A few days later, Tang Yan returned to Xinzhanmeng first, intending to leave some spiritual source liquid.

During his stay in the ancient Xingluo country, he refined more than 700 million spirit source fluids, all of which were collected by the ancient Xingluo country, including his own, including those of the Holy Empire, and most importantly, those of the Dagan Dynasty and the Huanyu Empire.

Lingyuan liquid is still the best medicine today, which can make the scarred people recover better.

Surprisingly, he had just returned to Xinzhanmeng, and got the news that he had been waiting for the Pure Land Jujue for many days.

"Uncle Du Jue, are you here looking for me? I'm just about to go there." Tang Yan saw Du Jue who was waiting in his other courtyard.

"Waiting for you, there is still Xu Yan. She came back a few days ago, and she is waiting for you." Du Jue got up.

"Xu Yan? Do you have something to do with her?"

"It's the pavilion master's personal order, please go to Chenyuan Pavilion as soon as possible with Xu Yan."

"Oh?" Tang Yan was surprised. Isn't the owner of the Chenyuan Pavilion the owner of the Pure Land?The leader of the monks who never showed up.Even during the worst period of the Xingluo ancient country's battle and the most chaotic period of the Central Plains chaos, he had never been seen before, so why should he be summoned suddenly now.

When King Ma Yan explained to Tang Yan the peak sage of the Central Plains, he also deliberately mentioned that the Lord of the Pure Land is mysterious and unpredictable, and it is conservatively estimated that he is a peak sage.

"To be honest, the Pavilion Master has not shown his face in public for thousands of years. Even I only visited him after Du Kong disappeared. It was the only meeting I had with him in thousands of years. But ten days ago, the Pavilion Master suddenly sent a message I'll see you, entrust me to come here in person, please Xu Yan, and you too."

"Xu Yan is the main one?"

"I'm afraid so."

"Didn't say anything?"

"Your matter is very simple. There are many Buddha statues in the Pure Land, which can allow you to fuse your Ten Thousand Buddha Seals. With your current strength, you may not need the Ten Thousand Buddha Seals anymore, but if you pass, you will have unexpected gains. , This is what the Pavilion Master said personally. As for Xu Yan, the Pavilion Master meant that he would naturally understand after going there."

"You told Xu Yan, how did Xu Yan react?"

"Very peaceful."

Tang Yan suddenly whispered gossipingly: "What does Xu Yan have to do with your pavilion master?"

Du Jue shook his head with a smile: "I'm too worried."

"It's not too late, let's go there now." Tang Yan was full of curiosity.

(End of this chapter)

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