Valkyrie Storm

Chapter 2449 Bone

Chapter 2449 Bone

The holy land of Pure Land has been moved to the Tianquan Empire shortly after the outbreak of the chaos in the Central Plains 13 years ago. Although the region has changed, the status of the Pure Land is more respected because of this relocation and protection, especially the Tianquan Empire's respect for this super holy land. Moved in with the deepest respect.

With the ever-changing battle situation in the Central Plains, the Tianquan Empire's "desire" and "retention" for the pure land became heavier and heavier.As long as the Pure Land is here, the stability of the Heavenly Power Empire will be firm, and the people will feel at ease.If one day the Pure Land separates from the Tianquan Empire, it means that the Holy Land gives up the Tianquan, and the people will fall into deep panic. The future Tianquan Empire will fall into a passive situation under the oppression of the two major military groups of the New Zhanmeng and the Northern Alliance.

For this reason, the royal family of the Tianquan Empire visited the Pure Land many times, expressing the meaning of persuasion and pleading.Tianquan Renhuangdu personally visited the Lord of the Pure Land, and made an interview unknown to outsiders.

As for the interior of the Pure Land, due to the intensification of the war and the external turmoil, the harmony of the temples in the Pure Land has been unprecedentedly strengthened. Many monks in the Chenyuan Pavilion have also abandoned the previous barriers, and there is no conflict in all aspects.

And because of the rise of the new Zhanmeng, the voices that refused Tang Yan to enter Chenyuan Pavilion in the past gradually faded away.

Today, Tang Yan's arrival did not encounter any resistance.

The latter said that there were very few monks who knew that Tang Yan had come today, and Du Jue didn't dare to say anything.In case the news got out, the Tianquan imperial family would be frightened again, thinking that the pure land was going to join the new Zhanmeng.

Under the guidance of Du Jue, Chocolate directly sent Tang Yan to the secret area of ​​Chenyuan Pavilion.

A [-]-foot-high golden Buddha sits on the peak of a thousand-meter-high mountain, towering into the clouds, with a solemn treasure, and its golden light shines brightly, dyeing the sky with layers of golden brilliance, which lasts all year round.It is like a true Buddha, overlooking thousands of miles of fertile fields, holy to thousands of monks, and the golden light fills the vast pure land, covering this holy land with layers of holy spirit and solemnity.

There is a small space inside the Baizhang Golden Buddha, which was opened up independently, and the one who retreats in it is the Lord of the Pure Land!
It is said that when the Pure Land was moved to the Tianquan Empire, the Lord of the Pure Land moved the Baizhang Golden Buddha here himself without bringing anything with him, squatting on the highest peak of this mountain range, and it became the center of Chenyuan Pavilion , has become the new core of the entire pure land.

"The pavilion master is inside, please." Du Jue raised his hand to signal, and touched the curious chocolate lightly: "Let's leave first, wait outside."

Tang Yan and Xu Yan entered the interior of the golden statue and pushed open the heavy stone door. The vision in front of them suddenly opened up. This is a basketball court-like space, empty and without any furniture.There was only one vicissitudes old man with his back facing them, kneeling and sitting on the grass.

The old people are very ordinary, and ordinary people don't get used to them when they first come in.There is no momentum, no majesty, and not even much anger. He is hunched over and looks weak.

Only the posture of kneeling and sitting is very pious.

He turned his back to Tang Yan and Xu Yan, and there was a large character engraved on the stone wall in front of him - bone!

Vigorous and powerful, majestic and tough, it occupies the entire wall.

Xu Yan stopped and looked up at the huge bone character with a strange expression on his face.

This bone character has always been there, and this old man has been facing it... Kneeling... Tang Yan and Xu Yan exchanged glances, it was strange.

How strange is the atmosphere today.

"Is Tang Yan here?" The old man's voice was hoarse, and his age seemed tired.

"Junior Tang Yan has met the pavilion master." Tang Yan bowed to the old man.

"You're welcome, thank you for everything you've done in the Lost World."

"You mean..." Tang Yan was puzzled, thank you?Where do these two words come from.

The old man coughed weakly: "Everything."

Tang Yan shrugged, not understanding. "I don't know if the senior invited me and Xu Yan to come over. Is there anything I want to point out?"

"Have you ever had a head-to-head confrontation with the Sakura Demoness?" The old man's hoarse, slow and slightly abrupt words made Tang Yan raise his eyebrows slightly, Sakura Demoness?Tang Yan was not curious about how the other party would know that there is a sky eye, and the information between the Holy Land is shared. The other party knew the existence of the Sakura Demon Girl for no reason, but the meaning in the words seemed to have an unusual feeling.

"There have been a few simple contacts, and there was also a rather tragic confrontation in the world of the lost battle. To be honest, the junior was completely defeated and never had an advantage. The power of the demon is a force that I can't resist at present, and it is also My biggest weakness right now. However, in recent years, I have realized a martial skill that can temporarily block emotions, but I haven't tried the specific effect yet."

Tang Yan didn't hide it from the other party, and told the truth. He was also guessing whether the old man had some special martial skills that could allow him to fight against the Sakura Banshee. If this was the case, he really came to the right place today.

"The power of inner demons belongs to the ancient power, and it is the test given by the gods to the common people. It is mainly for the tempering of warriors. The mission of the ancient cherry tree is to torture all beings in their pursuit of martial arts, and it is also a disguised form of help.

However, the ancient cherry blossom tree awakened its consciousness, and gradually saw through the weaknesses of all living beings over the years.

When the heavens abandoned the world, the ancient cherry tree no longer needed to abide by its duties and chose to control all living beings.

Your idea of ​​using martial arts to fight against the Sakura witch is indeed feasible, but it is a drop in the bucket and irrelevant, and in the end you still can't compete with her head-on.To put it simply, your method is just to use a small martial skill, which is a defensive measure, but she is a creation of the heavens, she was born and exists for the demons in her heart.

Do you think that your own whimsical defense can easily break through the inner demon power bestowed on her by God?I dare to assert that she can crack your martial arts defense in countless ways, like an ancient sharp blade that has been tempered for thousands of years, stabbing at you who is holding a paper shield.

You don't need to go to practice in person, I can tell you clearly, you will definitely fail! "

Tang Yan and Xu Yan were greatly surprised by the words of the Lord of the Pure Land.The old man knew too much in detail, and it seemed that he really had some unique insights.

"She came back with you for nearly seven years, and absorbed seven years of grievances. In the past seven years, the Central Plains has been war-torn, the common people have mourned, endless despair and fear. For her, the benefits can be imagined. I can It is clearly determined that her current strength surpasses that of the past, and also surpasses you now. If you said that you thought of using martial arts to fight against it seven years ago, it might have some effect, but now, you are bringing shame on yourself.

No matter how strong you are, you will never be the opponent of Sakura Demoness.

She is a creation of the heavens, a more unique existence than evil spirits. In front of her, all martial arts are eighty or nine points weaker. No one should try to use martial arts against her.

She has lived for countless years since ancient times. She has witnessed the ugliness of human nature, and she is also the embodiment of the evil thoughts of all beings. All plans cannot escape her detection.

I have a saying that you may not believe, if she really treats an enemy seriously and is determined to kill an enemy, she can even see through the other's thoughts at any time!Trick?Martial arts?None can kill her.If it is really immortal, she and that boy are the only ones in the two worlds. "

Tang Yan said at the right time: "May I take the liberty to ask, where did you know about her? As far as I know, there should be no records in history. She used to be a normal ancient tree, and there is a deserted sea left in the war world." , didn't recover until modern times, and didn't show up until now. It used to be a sacred tree, but now it's a magic tree. What evidence do you have for these judgments?"

"The Lost Battle Realm and the Qitian Continent are completely independent and complete worlds. They have a lot in common. There are ancient cherry trees in the Lost Battle Realm, and the Qitian Continent naturally has the same spiritual objects. I don't know. Lost in the battle world, but know everything about Qitian Continent."

"Please Pavilion Master guide this junior." Tang Yan bowed deeply.Although the old man's voice was old and weak, it seemed to have an unusual magical power, which made people deeply convinced, and also made people... inexplicably at ease.

(End of this chapter)

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